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TES: Oblivion



  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Mop, I did the exact same thing yesterday, freaky :|

    Became a bit annoyed from some questing in there that I went up the teleporters and found out how fun it is to tear out the books from the shelves.

    Unfortunately the mageguild members noticed me having my fun.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    It gets on my nerves that sometimes when i have bounty on my head i cant talk to guards, i can like walk past them and they say nice things to me but once i talk to then its the "its all over lawbreaker!" time.
    I think the bounty system is bugged, like ok i break into houses to investigate and stuff but i never get caught and i never even take anything but still get the puny peon bounty on my head :/
    And like once i was in this tomb with 2 baddies but i didnt talk to them and just shot away my little lovely arrows and the guard busts in! Like OK im an assassin but to do the quest i have to let the baddies know im there so i lose all my advantages.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    you guys are seriously making me think on spending my savings to buy a new pc to play this game !
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    You can bump into items and use spells to move them all you want. Jump on tables, or just let the npc's explode the physics in the room by sitting.

    Some of the items you use 'z' to drag will not get you arrested, i'm guessing it's based on value. I moved an expensive crystal in a castle and gaurds were all over me and it charged me with theft even though i did'nt actually take it. it's amazing how every gaurd instantly knows you have a bounty on your head and can see through your clothes, and knows that that specific plate, out of the billions around is the stolen one.

    Yet, I can murder someone in public in sneak mode, just stand up, and no one notices.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    that 'stolen' items designator is a DREAM... morrowind did NOT designate which items were stolen and all the shopowners hated me because I'd steal their wares and sell them back to them. I didnt know, I just had 3 extra axes lying around from a previous visit...

    Of course, it is very...'gamey' now, but IMO it's one of the only things better about Oblivion. (sorry guys..oblivions world just isn't as....'interesting' as the politically charged alienesque world of morrowind..the games still fun though)
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah Joe, I think you're right that the design of the world isn't as fresh or intriguing as Morrowind was... ah well, still definitely enjoyable smile.gif
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    I so very much miss the crab exo's and bug huts. I want my Cepholapod (sp?) Helm, ash nomads, etc. back. It was so very nice to play in that world. Oddly enough, I also very much enjoyed the dark elves racism and their tendency to think of you as scum. It reinforced the 'you're a stranger in a strange land' feel.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yet, I can murder someone in public in sneak mode, just stand up, and no one notices.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok, curious - will the guards notice only if you loot them? I killed that annoying paranoid wood elf in Skingrad after our 2nd to final meeting (I presume) behind the chapel and then looted his body. I walked passed a guard a little later and he yelled "stop, thief" and proceeded to chase me. Would I have been ok if I had not looted his corpse? The guard did not see the murder so my only guess is he "saw" that I had "stolen" items in my inventory.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    On the subject of how you 'feel' in the world, it's interesting how I've started to dread going into Oblivion gates. It's just so opressive feeling and one feels and plays very much like another. I love roaming around the main world, visiting the different cities, but I'm definitely starting to find the Oblivion gates a real rather repetitive chore. It's interesting how a videogame environment can potentially actually affect your mood. Im far happier in the open countryside with blue skies. Probably the same reason I never finished Doom3.

    AZ: I killed and looted that annoying little shit with no ramifications.
    It seems that the circumstances around what puts you into a criminal state feel *very* vague to me. There are so many factors, and there's nothing more annoying than unknowingly commiting a crime, only to be pulled up on it ages later by a guard, by which point you've already overwritten your save from before you were labelled thieving scum!

    Yesterday I walked into the fighters guild in Anvil, only for them to announce me banned for thieving from them, and I have absolutely no idea why!
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    that happened to me too! now i need to find 20 bear pelts, like in some blizzard rpg. i need this because i need to talk to someone in the fighters guild for a mission, but they all shun me. frown.gif
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    I so very much miss the crabs exo's and bug huts. I want my Cepholapod (sp?) Helm, ash nomads, etc. back. It was so very nice to play in that world. Oddly enough, i also very much enjoyed the dark elves racism and their tendency to think of you as scum. it reinforced the 'you're a stranger in a strange land' feel.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hehe..I never got that because I always played as a dark elf.. they're the coolest looking race... it made the whole messiah thing fit nicely too..though that was just a fluke I think. However, I did notice racism from the high elfs and imperials though, which was interesting..and a little bit in oblivion too, though not much.
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    On the subject of how you 'feel' in the world, it's interesting how I've started to dread going into Oblivion gates. It's just so opressive feeling and one feels and plays very much like another.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So very true, they are the worst areas in the game. A handy trick is simply to save at the start of one and run like hell to the tower. Enemies will pursue you but not enter it. then simply fight through the boring old tower to the top and get your stone. You're missing out on the loot in the rest of the place, but the best stuff is in the tower anyway.

    I can usually clear one in about 20 minutes or so that way and be done with it, thank goodness.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Hah, good tip thanks Nick!
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    I got this "you have stolen from fighters guild" crap too, yet how the hell you can steal from them? If you join them nothing in the guild will have the red hand icon.
    And i havnt actually taken anything from the guild halls because well last time i went to one everyone was cool with me but now they call me names.
    Its propably something to do with some damn quest where you kill a baddy who is in fighters guild and you loot him/her.

    BTW has anyone else noticed that when you pay the bounty you are taken to the prison/castle and there they are the fighters guild members (2 for me as 3rd got killed) from the goblin mine quest. It happens to me every time.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    You didn't happen to loot the body of a woman that was just kinda lying in the gutter outside the gate to the waterfront did you? I dunno what that was all about, but when I came across her I looted her corpse (like you do) and took all her clothes off and threw them into the lake. Granted, I didn't need to do that last act and I felt a little odd afterwards. Anyhoo, I dont know who she was, but Im thinking maybe she was in the guild? dunno.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    Nope havnt been to waterfront in the time period that they started to hate me in.
    I actually think it might be the main quest?
    OR the graverobber one as he has a bodyguard, who might be in the guild?
  • Kraftwerk
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    Kraftwerk polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yesterday I walked into the fighters guild in Anvil, only for them to announce me banned for thieving from them, and I have absolutely no idea why!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well i guess its simply a bug, since there a quite lot of them in the game. Or if you become a vampire the game messes up the settings you made for your face, why did i take an hour to make my char appealing anyway ?! still i love the game, but hopefully theres some patching love in the future.
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    if my roomate is'nt lying out of his ass, he has a save before he enters chorral and the town is rampant. he says people are attacking eachother on sight, and that two quest oriented npc's keep knocking eachother out over and over alternating.

    They need to define theft better, even murder. How is it that... i'm killing people the entire time in the arena, but the last fight counts as a murder, and you can't get out of it.

    I did'nt loot the person i killed in public, i just tested stuff. but yeah i've also been accused of stealing when i've never picked up a red handed object. in fact it says i've stolen 300 items. does it count looted items? tecnically thats theft. i've also sold the whole anvil fightersguild store to shops, it's a bare house, and no one has occused me of stealing. Though... they do frequent the town more often now, since they have no food. and i pushed the dog down teh stairs...that is all.
  • Vark
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    Vark polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    hopefully theres some patching love in the future.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ask and ye shall recieve:

    [ QUOTE ]

    We are working on a patch/update for both the PC and Xbox 360. It will address a number of issues that we have found and ones that have been reported to us and confirmed. It is our plan to first release it as a beta patch for the PC when it has cleared our initial testing cycles internally. Since it’s a beta patch you should be aware that issues may come up that we haven’t found yet and we strongly recommend you backup save games and understand it may be necessary to reinstall the game when the final patch comes out.

    We are also looking into the localization issues that have come up in Europe and are working to address some of those issues. A European Patch/Update will be available after the English versions.

    We’re doing both of these things as fast as we can and will let everyone know as soon as they are available.

    Downloadable Content
    We have been working on downloadable content since we finished the game in February, and we continue to feel this is a great avenue for us to continue to add to the Oblivion experience.

    We have already announced two of them:

    The Orrery
    The Orrery allows you to help the Mages Guild of Cyrodiil repair the Imperial Orrery, an ancient dwarven machine with mystical properties. Bandits have stolen a shipment of parts destined for the Arcane University; if you can return them, the Orrery will function once more.


    * A new, full-featured quest, including dialogue, journals, and rewards
    * Access to the Imperial Orrery in the Arcane University, an incredible mechanical marvel
    * New powers available for your character based on the phases of the moons

    The Wizards Tower
    Located high in the Jeral Mountains of Cyrodiil away from prying eyes, this Wizard's Tower, Frostcrag Spire, will become available. Packed with numerous useful enhancements, this structure will prove invaluable to magic-oriented characters.


    * A fully detailed tower for you to explore
    * A breathtaking view of Cyrodiil from the highest point in the land
    * Simple furnishings including a bed for leveling up
    * An indoor botanical garden with over 130 specimens... including Oblivion-native herbs!
    * Summon Atronach Familiars that obey your commands
    * Instant teleports to every Mages Guild in Cyrodiil
    * New Spell and Recharge vendor in the Imperial City
    * Fully upgrade the furnishings in your lair to suit your needs
    * Upgrade to a fully functional Enchanting and Spellmaking station with no need to join Mages Guild
    * Upgrade to a laboratory that buffs your Alchemy skill

    We hope to have The Orrery available for purchase next week. This plugin will cost 150pts on Xbox, and $1.89 on the PC. The Horse Armor Pack has been very popular, and exceeded what we thought it would sell. Despite that, we’re still trying to find the right spot, so we’re putting a much larger plugin out for less than the last one and we'll see what happens. Your feedback as we move forward in this is invaluable. Tell us what you want to see, how much of it, and what it might be worth to you. No, don’t say you want it free, because these plugins take a surprising amount of time to create, polish, and test (much more then Morrowind's).

    Finally, thank you to everyone who has supported not just Oblivion, but Bethesda Softworks over the years. Oblivion has been a tremendous success for us, and we thank you all for making that happen. We hope we continue to earn your gaming time.

    Pete (and Todd)

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    Notice, they dont list the bugs they have confirmed and are working on, yet advertise the fuck out of the downloadable content. Though.. props for lowering the price with the larger content.

    i finally got a tech support email back. basically it was just 'this is your customer number' and thank you for the suggestions. 'All items MUST be returned to teh place of purchace.'

    They know damned well you can't return opened software. God i'm so fucking negative. can't help it. washing machien broke today, some idiot deleted a web application i had been working on for months at work, my nose bled for no reason, and it's raining so I can't go to the cherry blossom festival with my fiance... SIGH...
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Nice, that Wizard's Tower thing sounds awesome!

    Patch sounds good too, although I'm not happy that they say the full game may need to be reinstalled just to apply the patch... since when did that ever need to be done with games? Weird...
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I think the 'reinstall before applying the full patch' is because they believe their 'full patch' wont cover up all of the things that are tinkered with in their 'beta patch', so the only way to start from a clean slate after they figure out all the bugs is to reinstall, then apply the final patch.
  • Vark
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    Vark polycounter lvl 18
    The normal patch wouldn't need a reinstall. But if you install the beta patch they're not going to support patching the beta patch to the release patch. To get a clean slate off of the beta patch to the release patch will require a fresh install.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    So Microsoft allows patches for singleplayer games now?
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    hav'nt they always?
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    AFAIK the policy for patches on the Xbox was "only if it affects online multiplayer".
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    Wait, did microstof buy bethesda?
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
  • Vark
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    Vark polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    AFAIK the policy for patches on the Xbox was "only if it affects online multiplayer".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    MS didn't have a 'free' online service up until now. Imagine the backlash if they had offered patches to original Live members, essentially telling non live memebers that the only way they can get a fix for their single player game would be to pay MS $50 a year.

    Now that they have silver, anyone with an internet connection (most 360 owners) can download stuff.
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    paying for add ons? what the shit. the plug ins for morrowind were free, and i dont want to shell out two bucks and go through the hassel of borrowing a credit card from my mom, putting the number in, authorizing everything, so i can get an armored horse, or some quest. it's not the cost that turns me away, its the effort.
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    Maybe that's why the didn't release the nif importer?
  • Spoon_of_death
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    Spoon_of_death polycounter lvl 17
    Man im just so hooked on this game!!!

    My character is now a vampire, its really cool, if you dont bite and feed on peoples blood you will become this uber-badass vampire with a shitload of abilities and incredible boosts... however, nobody will talk to you and you die almost instantly when you walk in the sun, so you have to feed on more humans to become a 'sane' vampire again. Also love how everything becomes really bright and bloomy when the night turns to day as a vampire, you really get that 'Oh shit I need to find shelter ASAP'-feeling laugh.gif
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I've been running at 800x600 with textures on low, so I tried out 1280x1024 (or whatever the first widescreen option was) and high textures, runs the same, weird :P
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Justin, dunno If you've seen the Gamespot performance guide or not, but whilst there is a little technical cluelessness as is often the case with Gamespot (the movies describe how enabling shadows 'really brings out the colours' confused.gif ) there is some useful info to be gleaned in there:


    I get the *exact* same framerate at 1600x1200 as I do running it at 640x480. So basically my 6800 Ultra is coping fine, but the game is cpu bound. It's my 2.8ghz Intel cpu that aint cutting it.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Vark: Thanks for rephrasing what I said into a more coherent statement. I reread my response, and it was mind-boggling. I'll blame it on lack of sleep wink.gif
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    It's out:


    Helped me a bit, so I recommend it.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
  • kite
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    kite polycounter lvl 17
    I got it a few days ago and i'm having a ball with my wrinkly eskimo thief looking guy. I'm not sure what's happening with the art direction, it seems to be joining up all the generic fantasy stuff with bits cribbed from the lord of the rings films, the white trees and romanesque styling etc. It's a bit of a letdown after morrowinds surface oddness. I wonder if there was a tie-in at some point.
    The modular environmental art is generally very well executed though, i like the mix of normals with old school vertex lighting.
    Has anyone spent the night in the inn in Hackdirt? yarrrgh ambushed by Supergrass...
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    hackdirt... i just found that place last night. Now I'm gonna go off and stay the night!
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    To those who complain that the oblivion gates are boring, well you really only have to close 3 or 4 of them to complete the main quest.
  • Keg
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    kite: yeah, the visuals are all kinds of mishmash. imperial city is very clearly cribbed from LotR, but more vexing to me is the seemingly random conjunction of various cultures... like the Blades' mountain hideout (as well as their armor) is all eastern style... but then you go down the mountain a hundred feet into a Nord town, which is all Northern European-style stuff. a greater consistency, but also a more dynamic visual direction would have been nice... but then i think there was a lot of pressure to contrast the normal-ness of the world with the other-ness of the Oblivion realm.

    and as i said before, the plane of Oblivion looks way too much like either Klingon-inspired stuff or a Ut2k4 "hell" level. I know skulls, pointy stuff and lava are about as common as you get in games, but their particular formulation seems to recall UT2k4 to me, rather than say Doom 3.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    gauss, yeah, the 'mishmash' bugs me too...which is a shame because that same mishmash is one of the things they did SO well in Morrowind... MW was a mix of imperial, clay-adobe-huts, nomadic tents, and tree-viney-cities...but it was all tied ingeniusly into the story and 'world' and it all 'fit' perfectly. MW was a policially charged, cultural hot-bed world--much more interesting and in depth that oblivions '13 square miles of LOTR fanart'.

    Ah well.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    they got the weather right though...when it storms in oblivion, man, that's all sorts of cool/fun/moody. You really want to run for cover and wait out the rain.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    like the Blades' mountain hideout (as well as their armor) is all eastern style...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Some eastern style people, from another continent, tried to invade Tamriel somewhat in the past, thats where the eastern stuff comes from.
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    im glad i can barely run this game with all low graphics at 640X400 with my 9600 pro and xp 2000 at 1.6ghz

    i cant see the difference in armours, they are all just a blur.
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]

    They know damned well you can't return opened software. God i'm so fucking negative. can't help it. washing machien broke today, some idiot deleted a web application i had been working on for months at work, my nose bled for no reason, and it's raining so I can't go to the cherry blossom festival with my fiance... SIGH...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You need to get laid. Thats one hell of a day. Just to be random ill tell you about mine. Had to get up at 5.30 for a breifing for a 2.35 hour flight (you do the math, i had to!) and forgot my warm socks. I had to go grab them (your feet get very cold at 20000ft) and ended up being 5 minutes late. That got me teaching the rest of the class the flightplan (thats a pain). We then got into our planes and ALAS! mine fucks up. Thank you very much techical officers, so the whole flight is delayed for 2 hours while they fix my plane. I dont know why i couldnt use another one. So finially I get in and the airtrafficer was a complete asshole, and kept fucking up my transmittions. "Viper 213, say again" I felt like saying "SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS! YOU ASS...uh...SHOVER!" Then, im all eratic and fuck up a reading on the map, well i fixed it, and the rest of the flight went well. Hey, things are looking up for me, i even managed to pass my flight. So we go to the bar for a few cold ones where again ALAS! I spill beer on my flying suit. And it looks like i pissed myself. Fuck. So then i get back into my room to play some oblivion (which i got a couple days ago) and get to that knach place thru the gate to oblivion and WTF i get all this nostlagia from the chaos sanctuary from Diablo II. HOLY SHIT!. SOOOOooooo, I head on in (the portal even looks straight out of D2) and what do I get. Nothing, thats right, im shit at the game and I die very quickly. So i reload, and then head to the main city (Minastirith) or whatever they call it and head to the arena. I like just checking out shit, so I pick up this pair of tongs i think, and they put me in jail. WTF, i would have given it back! So anyway i say "Fuck this" and head out to play some piano (it calms my rage). So im bashing away to Zac and Sara (Ben Folds) when i fucking break a nail. That shit hurts, So i kicked the piano, and that just hurt my toe. So, i decide to watch a movie and chuck on Donnie Darko. Afterwards im more depressed but now fucking confused. So i went to bed but OH NO! some of the other guys think its funny to cover you with shaving cream. I think "could this get any worse". Yes. I slip in the shower and hit my toe. My sore toe. You know, the one i kicked the piano with. Well, I get up and after 3 mins the hot water runs out. While walking back to bed (cold, wet and miserable) I stub my toe. My sore toe. You know, the one i kicked the piano with. This is the final straw. I start throwing shit. Chairs, tables, laptop. Holy shit, i just threw my laptop! Now it wont boot great. Moral of the story, being me sucks. I had a good day the next day tho. Slept in, fixed my laptop. Ah, jeeeesus.
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    YAY badluck brother number 3! Things actually turned out pretty good this weekend. We need a bad day thread.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    yesterday i was sitting on the skytrain and a guy who was next to me didn't smell really good. not that he smelled bad, but.. .... well he didn't smell GREAT..

    and you think you've got problems.
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