well. oblivion led to problem, and problems led to bitching. i was just making a joke about my obvious negativity towards game titles.
my roomate showed me the endgame stuff in oblivion, and i wont ruin anything. But am i ever glad i got rid of it. I could'nt imagine the damage i would have done chucking my keyboard across the room for that lame garbage. it's one of those 'the journey was more important' things.
I'll let you in on a secret: I never completed Morrowind.
I played that game for months. I uninstalled it, reinstalled it after a year because I missed playing it. I made loads of different character types and had fun with them all.
Every time I started a new game and played through, I found out more and more about the world - cool stuff, hidden stuff, interesting stuff, historical stuff... there was just so much to do, it almost felt like a different game every time.
So yeah, actually, I think the main quest isn't what makes these games so good, it's the amount of depth EVERYWHERE ... I have a feeling I'll do with this game what I did with Morrowind - probably never complete it, maybe not even get close ... but I will enjoy running around the whole world with a succession of different characters, trying new things and finding new quests and locations.
Or maybe that's just me, I dunno
Do you have to actually "complete" a game to feel you've got your money's worth? Me, I just enjoy the time I spend playing it.
In the context of videogames, I've never really understood the complaint that the ending was disappointing. What *exactly* were you expecting? A robotic hand to come out and wank you off? What MoP said. Surely its the game experience that matters?
A conclusion. Most video game endings leave too much open for sequals that never get created, or are just as equally open ended. Take Quake 4 for example, or Doom 3. Open endings, made no sense, answered nothing. Diablo 2, or Arcanum, psychonauts, phantasmagoria, plot twists and rewards for character choice and progress. Morrowind, being an epic RPG should'nt have this 'ending', it was far less than spectacular and highly dissapointing. I dont want to give it away, but things were reused, and the reward is *yawn*. I understand morrowind was like this as well, and I only recently completed that game, but felt morrowind had mroe to offer in the gameplay area than oblivion. I dont see the point of making a new character in oblivion, everything will be the same aside from combat. There are really NO choices in the game that affect anything on a larger scale than inside the quest. The story should also be handed over to a novel writer, as this one was rather old and busted.
I'm not looking for flash bang whizz things, modern game endings fall incredibly short of even mediocre. When you finish a game you should feel as if you accomplished something and followed the characters to the end. Oblivion does'nt really have anything like that, leaves me with a 'erm.. wha?' taste instead. personal opinion of course. but they should'nt advertise this as some epic RPG. It's an exploritive fantasy FPS. More akin to Diablo's hack and slash than RPG or social based games.
Ah, so If you're correcting my grammar thnom, I don't think you're considering regional differences there mate To us southerners, 'wank you off' is perfectly acceptable slang
In the context of videogames, I've never really understood the complaint that the ending was disappointing. What *exactly* were you expecting? A robotic hand to come out and wank you off? What MoP said. Surely its the game experience that matters?
[/ QUOTE ]
true....but morrowind did have a damn sucky ending (you're not missing much Mop). It was the equivalent of the wolfenstein 3d stillframe of the guy 'jumping' his way to freedom...or a better comparison, it's like "Congrats you're teh winner! But your princess is in another castle!"
Games are about the experience, yeah, but you should expect something worth rememebering when you get to the end/climax/resolution.
I'm curious to see how oblivion's ending measures up...but I'm in no rush to get there. The world is fun enough to explore.
Some eastern style people, from another continent, tried to invade Tamriel somewhat in the past, thats where the eastern stuff comes from.
[/ QUOTE ]
aaaah that explains the kung fu friars and the little bit of tibet at the top of the map. That was a headscratcher, every game with an inventory needs to get katanas in there somehow, its law.
Gauss : yeah the obliv levels are very derivative, but i skipped ut2k4 and i'm quite liking them all the same, some look pretty spectacular. Shame about the tower interiors though, I don wan explore satans bottom no more.
I guess I just enjoy a complete story. Gameplay is akin to the excitement of reading a book, or the mood it puts you in etc. The end of a book gives point the the time spent, as I would expect with any game of this genre. Games for gameplays sake in my head stick out as your DDR or arcade racing games.
What you basically have with oblivion is a sandbox with no story. Nothing you do or read makes any difference, and the end certainly is'nt fit enough a reward to validate reading all the story and doing all the quests. it would be one thing if the gameplay was fun, but it's MMO quality gameplay at best at best, fetch this kill this. No character interaction aside from some in the Dark Brotherhood quests.
The intro is the best example of the complete lack of story thought. Everything is thrown at you at once, and you pretty much experience everything there is to see in about 45 mins of the game. I hav'nt found anything new since leaving Kvatch, it is litterally all the same, like randomly generated dungeons. You have caves, and the elven ruins, forts, and oblivion. Thats pretty much it.
The intro looks like a fraps recording. They bought high visibility lisences, and voice actors, and did'nt really focus on what made TES the game it was to begin with. At least in Morrowind, regardless of the shitty ending, you felt driven. They affected your character so that he had to persue the quest, because the world was being affected by it, you were being hunted down. oblivion gates spring up everywhere and no one cares, they all go about in pretty towns feeding dogs and eating. Where is the scared townsfolk, the sense of doom?
Downsizer - less talk, more action! Get the Elder Scrolls Construction Set, and get to task fixing the scripting so that the townsfolk react correctly!
I'm serious, I agree that often it feels wrong in that case, and I reckon if you feel so strongly about issues, you should get started on rectifying them instead of bitching
Again it's a reward vs effort game here. I don't get shit out of making a fix for it, and i don't have the time to build something selflessly for others to enjoy right now. Also I am very limited in what i can do. i can't change anims at all, nor can i import custom models, and i dont have time to get decent voice actors. The most you could do is change dialogue, and maybe introduce random monster spawns in towns being attacked, and have towns folk defend. But it will look pretty stupid, as pristine as most of the towns are, and as over powered as the gaurds are.
Bethsoft spent 4 years on this, and missed the boat on all the basic stuff. the lack of logic really throws you sometimes enough to not feel immersed at all.
I'd love to take a stab at a mod, but will not even bother trying until they release importers/exporters and turn object shadows back on. also free time to do this would be nice, but i dont model for a living so my time is very limitied.
You're all wrong, jerk you off is the correct way to say it. Whack off or whacking off is fine, but you wouldn't whack someone else off. Only jerk works in that context.
Downsizer: Possibly there's just a setting in the .ini you can change to turn object shadows back on. There's a LOT of settings in there that are worth tinkering with for improving the graphics. I've managed to get the Bloom effect looking fairly close to fake HDR.
if you break a quest...you can fix it (via the console) in the PC version. in the 360 version you'll only have a broken character to deal with... and no solution.
and with bethesda games...broken quests are always a possibility.
Hey, I'm doing the vampire hunter quest in Skingrad (part of the mages guild quests) and I was wondering if there was any way to get rid of the vampire hunters without killing them. My character is a scoundrel but he's no murderer!
Oh yeah, I found that conjured zombies are a snipers best friend. I usually make sure to snipe from a tight hallway or tunnel so once my victim rushes me the zombie can tie him up or tie up a wizards conjured creature.
quests tend to get you items or gold, and will put some reason behind the combat/stealing/magic. running around fighting mudcrabs with no reason why wont last very long.
The intro looks like a fraps recording. They bought high visibility lisences, and voice actors, and did'nt really focus on what made TES the game it was to begin with. At least in Morrowind, regardless of the shitty ending, you felt driven. They affected your character so that he had to persue the quest, because the world was being affected by it, you were being hunted down. oblivion gates spring up everywhere and no one cares, they all go about in pretty towns feeding dogs and eating. Where is the scared townsfolk, the sense of doom?
[/ QUOTE ] I also hate how I closed every fricking portal within three mile in Bruma and theyre still talking about 'good new from kvatch from a change, I heard they closed the obl portal'
I started a new character already. My first one got turned into a vampire. Now normally I would think that was fucking cool but I really didn't want to be a vampire so soon. I'm just starting in the game. My new toon is more bad ass anyway.
What's with the normal maps making the shadows look like ass on all the characters?
Hey, I'm doing the vampire hunter quest in Skingrad (part of the mages guild quests) and I was wondering if there was any way to get rid of the vampire hunters without killing them. My character is a scoundrel but he's no murderer!
[/ QUOTE ]
Try and use rage/frenzy spells repeatedly on them, or "sneak" into their inventory and not steal anything to get caught and lower their friendliness... if they attack you first then the guards will come kill them for you.
Nothing pisses me off more then a MOHAA ended (the end)
I still think one of the best endings ever is how Diablo 2 (without expanion) ended. Except twist endings only work if there are enough clues before hand that you feel like an idiot for not expecting it. Not a crappy silent hill (movie) style "fuck you" ending.
Add me to the list of people sucked into the vortex of TES: Oblivion. I can't stop playing. 42 hours in, and I swear I don't feel like I've done very much. I've come across (without entering) so many dungeons, forts, gates, etc. that I feel like I've only completed about 10% of the game.
Im pretty much over the whole 'sucked in' thing now. After completing the main quest and pretty much all of the side quests (most of which were not particularly challenging. Especially on the brain), I dont feel too compelled to go back and just raid dungeons. Really, to a certain extent If you've done one dungeon you've done 'em all and I'm not really finding much reason to play the game now. It's lonely in there. A co-op mod would be cool. Still, I got my moneys worth.
Meh, I realy didnt get into it,
Got out of that prison, walk outside, went in a cave, close the game, and never opened it since. Realy not my kinda game. Did run well tho, for a Oily Plastic game I mean.
Ultra high graphix set, No slow down, lag or weird stuff outside, Just not my kinda game. way too boring ! lol
Considering you wont have access to anything but scripts, near impossible. You would have to make a fake co-op. A 3rd party client that synched scripts. It would be a simple npc clone of the other person, no way to synch up kills or actions i'm sure, so it's pretty pointless to want it.
Considering you wont have access to anything but scripts, near impossible. You would have to make a fake co-op. A 3rd party client that synched scripts. It would be a simple npc clone of the other person, no way to synch up kills or actions i'm sure, so it's pretty pointless to want it.
my roomate showed me the endgame stuff in oblivion, and i wont ruin anything. But am i ever glad i got rid of it. I could'nt imagine the damage i would have done chucking my keyboard across the room for that lame garbage. it's one of those 'the journey was more important' things.
I'll let you in on a secret: I never completed Morrowind.
I played that game for months. I uninstalled it, reinstalled it after a year because I missed playing it. I made loads of different character types and had fun with them all.
Every time I started a new game and played through, I found out more and more about the world - cool stuff, hidden stuff, interesting stuff, historical stuff... there was just so much to do, it almost felt like a different game every time.
So yeah, actually, I think the main quest isn't what makes these games so good, it's the amount of depth EVERYWHERE ... I have a feeling I'll do with this game what I did with Morrowind - probably never complete it, maybe not even get close ... but I will enjoy running around the whole world with a succession of different characters, trying new things and finding new quests and locations.
Or maybe that's just me, I dunno
Do you have to actually "complete" a game to feel you've got your money's worth? Me, I just enjoy the time I spend playing it.
I'm not looking for flash bang whizz things, modern game endings fall incredibly short of even mediocre. When you finish a game you should feel as if you accomplished something and followed the characters to the end. Oblivion does'nt really have anything like that, leaves me with a 'erm.. wha?' taste instead. personal opinion of course. but they should'nt advertise this as some epic RPG. It's an exploritive fantasy FPS. More akin to Diablo's hack and slash than RPG or social based games.
In the context of videogames, I've never really understood the complaint that the ending was disappointing. What *exactly* were you expecting? A robotic hand to come out and wank you off? What MoP said. Surely its the game experience that matters?
[/ QUOTE ]
true....but morrowind did have a damn sucky ending (you're not missing much Mop). It was the equivalent of the wolfenstein 3d stillframe of the guy 'jumping' his way to freedom...or a better comparison, it's like "Congrats you're teh winner! But your princess is in another castle!"
Games are about the experience, yeah, but you should expect something worth rememebering when you get to the end/climax/resolution.
I'm curious to see how oblivion's ending measures up...but I'm in no rush to get there. The world is fun enough to explore.
it's one of those 'the journey was more important' things.
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't that the case with all video games?
Some eastern style people, from another continent, tried to invade Tamriel somewhat in the past, thats where the eastern stuff comes from.
[/ QUOTE ]
aaaah that explains the kung fu friars and the little bit of tibet at the top of the map. That was a headscratcher, every game with an inventory needs to get katanas in there somehow, its law.
Gauss : yeah the obliv levels are very derivative, but i skipped ut2k4 and i'm quite liking them all the same, some look pretty spectacular. Shame about the tower interiors though, I don wan explore satans bottom no more.
What you basically have with oblivion is a sandbox with no story. Nothing you do or read makes any difference, and the end certainly is'nt fit enough a reward to validate reading all the story and doing all the quests. it would be one thing if the gameplay was fun, but it's MMO quality gameplay at best at best, fetch this kill this. No character interaction aside from some in the Dark Brotherhood quests.
The intro is the best example of the complete lack of story thought. Everything is thrown at you at once, and you pretty much experience everything there is to see in about 45 mins of the game. I hav'nt found anything new since leaving Kvatch, it is litterally all the same, like randomly generated dungeons. You have caves, and the elven ruins, forts, and oblivion. Thats pretty much it.
The intro looks like a fraps recording. They bought high visibility lisences, and voice actors, and did'nt really focus on what made TES the game it was to begin with. At least in Morrowind, regardless of the shitty ending, you felt driven. They affected your character so that he had to persue the quest, because the world was being affected by it, you were being hunted down. oblivion gates spring up everywhere and no one cares, they all go about in pretty towns feeding dogs and eating. Where is the scared townsfolk, the sense of doom?
I'm serious, I agree that often it feels wrong in that case, and I reckon if you feel so strongly about issues, you should get started on rectifying them instead of bitching
Bethsoft spent 4 years on this, and missed the boat on all the basic stuff. the lack of logic really throws you sometimes enough to not feel immersed at all.
I'd love to take a stab at a mod, but will not even bother trying until they release importers/exporters and turn object shadows back on. also free time to do this would be nice, but i dont model for a living so my time is very limitied.
-ps- Come on folks, it's "Beat you off!" If only all happy endings were happy endings!
This game is sooooo much fun.
and with bethesda games...broken quests are always a possibility.
Oh yeah, I found that conjured zombies are a snipers best friend. I usually make sure to snipe from a tight hallway or tunnel so once my victim rushes me the zombie can tie him up or tie up a wizards conjured creature.
having never played elder scrolls franchise, does doing quest help you level, or is it only combat leveling. I have a rental with no manual
The intro looks like a fraps recording. They bought high visibility lisences, and voice actors, and did'nt really focus on what made TES the game it was to begin with. At least in Morrowind, regardless of the shitty ending, you felt driven. They affected your character so that he had to persue the quest, because the world was being affected by it, you were being hunted down. oblivion gates spring up everywhere and no one cares, they all go about in pretty towns feeding dogs and eating. Where is the scared townsfolk, the sense of doom?
[/ QUOTE ] I also hate how I closed every fricking portal within three mile in Bruma and theyre still talking about 'good new from kvatch from a change, I heard they closed the obl portal'
Ow, that sounds just all sorts of painful...
What's with the normal maps making the shadows look like ass on all the characters?
Hey, I'm doing the vampire hunter quest in Skingrad (part of the mages guild quests) and I was wondering if there was any way to get rid of the vampire hunters without killing them. My character is a scoundrel but he's no murderer!
[/ QUOTE ]
Try and use rage/frenzy spells repeatedly on them, or "sneak" into their inventory and not steal anything to get caught and lower their friendliness... if they attack you first then the guards will come kill them for you.
I'm glad I didn't pick this up.
Nothing pisses me off more then a MOHAA ended (the end)
I still think one of the best endings ever is how Diablo 2 (without expanion) ended. Except twist endings only work if there are enough clues before hand that you feel like an idiot for not expecting it. Not a crappy silent hill (movie) style "fuck you" ending.
Got out of that prison, walk outside, went in a cave, close the game, and never opened it since.
Ultra high graphix set, No slow down, lag or weird stuff outside, Just not my kinda game. way too boring ! lol
Considering you wont have access to anything but scripts, near impossible. You would have to make a fake co-op. A 3rd party client that synched scripts. It would be a simple npc clone of the other person, no way to synch up kills or actions i'm sure, so it's pretty pointless to want it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Multi Theft Auto, need i say more?