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I hate furrys now.... so much



  • Dragonlord
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    Dragonlord polycounter lvl 18
    i'll double what has been said here. a rework from scratch would give some new breeze to this model.
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    Go dwork so far. i has to agree that the concepts looks thousand times better then the model. Try to paint out all the details instead of using photoref.

    anyway, i has to admit I for myself really dig animals with human attributes. see the artbook "Blacksad" for refrence. An ey-Disney animator made this comicbook with animal characters (it is a detective story with some violence and stuff). Of course i would never wear a fursuit smile.gif

    h man just browsed thorugh the godhatfurries.com site and foud the link to "furbid" a ebay for furries. There are XXX pics bet at 70 bucks for now (i gonna check in hour again).
    I really toyed with the idea to scribble down some animals having sex with each other since i can draw humanized animals very well (oh my...). I could earn some bucks smile.gif

    ehrm, i am not kidding. Is it okey to use someones perversion to make money out of it? Hmm i guess.. smile.gif
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Dear god.... I didn't need to read that
  • Dragonlord
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    Dragonlord polycounter lvl 18
    erm... you really should not... j/k... in terms of the images you said... have a look at this... warning... if you really are not 18 or so, do not go there... it's... dirty... really... no joking... digusting... dirty... erm... i repeat myself ^^;
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    wow that site was great. im currently sittign here with some friends drinking beer. We ALL are rolling on the floor laughing. OH MAN!!!! How perverted can somebody be?!?! Oh jeesh...

    Still toying with the idea anyway. I gonna draw some cool animal, just to add a dick or something...I gonna try it, if it works im going for something "bigger"... muahhahaha
    thats sooo great. I hope these freaks have a lot of money i can steal from them. oh my (i am so exicted...and drunk)
  • Mr Ray
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    Mr Ray polycounter lvl 18
    I had no idea what furries were until i read this thread. I'm so scard for life.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    I had no Idea what a TRUE furry was until now... How can such people exist in this world? They're pratically a sub-human species of freaks... even lower than trekies!
  • beserkevalk209
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    beserkevalk209 polycounter lvl 18
    dear lord some germans are really big into gay /porn relationships i met a few online myself and understand them but this thread is anti-furry and we don't need poeple spoiling this thread with porn ;please, i think polluting makkons brain is waht not waht he wanted, so starting a new thread of that, should be fine but not this thread

    hye makkon if your willing you should make the concloians soon if you want of course, for hte fur ont he figures id use planer mapping and shape them liek fur---hope that helps--- cheers!!!
  • Jes
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    Jes polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I had no Idea what a TRUE furry was until now...

    [/ QUOTE ]Such doesn't exist, my young padawan.
    It's a very wide fandom, and it's got more than it's fair share of freakazoids - but that's not a reason to think all of them are.

    Now can we please move away from the furry-hatin', and over to the model/concept pimpin'/discussing? :P

    Your concept's pretty good, and that's what counts.
    It may be furry, but what the heck - stick a couple of dog ears on a girl and you've got a furry! It's as simple as that.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    I dunno, I looked around at my favorite artist's art (who are furries) and found rather disturbing images. ALL of my ust-to-be-role models do it (except for regan lodge) and it's rather killed the fandom for me. If I ever do another furry, it'll be a highly realistic and unperverted one, by all means.
  • Dragonlord
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    Dragonlord polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I had no Idea what a TRUE furry was until now... How can such people exist in this world? They're pratically a sub-human species of freaks... even lower than trekies!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    ok... for those that might have misunderstood this a bit. the link points to the work of 'one' person and is not representative to what is loosly called 'a furry'. i know a lot of those people and they are very nice and adroit persons. it's like everywhere: there are black sheep around. you just have to meet the right persons, that's all. so now back on topic.
  • beserkevalk209
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    beserkevalk209 polycounter lvl 18
    nah your right it liek peole the good and the bad come with it....

    hey makkon we are stillgoing to do the fight scene with robot(not for dracten) for portifiolo so if you want after i get finals done ill get your character fixed and rig with new armour,havent seen you online mostly , ring a call sometime
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    Needs a tail but I like it. Alternately you could add a back plate and swap out the head with something more human.
  • Muskie
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    Muskie polycounter lvl 18
    Makkon: Finish the Vixen, and Pump her into UT2k4.
    Yeah, I Know dracten is pretty much dead, (Honestly, I feel like I'm doing some utterly useless things trying to convert Orion to a useable mesh, i'd rather him n UT2k4) but don't just throw away all of your work. Besides. UT2k4 needs more furs. and I'd play as the vixen any day. :P Well.. unless I decide to cut my losses and Put Orion in.. (I basically have Carte blanche with that model now, I have but to ask :P)
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Besides. UT2k4 needs more furs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There's like thousands of furry crap for ut2k4 at skincity already, and most new models are actually rehacks of that same furry marygold mesh frown.gif!
  • Muskie
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    Muskie polycounter lvl 18
    Hence why we need more ORIGINAL furry models.
    Like Shayna. and Glumpf (Yes, the Glumpf models' furry. so are the Gen Mo'kai to an extent.. :P). and That KICKASS Pandaren Brewmaster.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    The only furry i'll ever tolerate in my ut2k4 game is Badgerbadger and that's where I draw the line smile.gif
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    UT2k4 needs more furs.

    Yeah and my Flak needs more ammo.

    If you define any nonhuman character as "furry" you're ... weird.
  • Dragonlord
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    Dragonlord polycounter lvl 18
    any non-human with animal characteristics is an anthro/furry. any questions left?
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Eh, "non-human" and "animal characteristics" match pretty much any animal on this planet so you gotta be a bit more careful with your wording.
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    Ok take a human and add some animal-like feature, like ears or wings or a tail or claws and you're there.
    Cheap, the gargoyle as you like them is all but a furry. By the way the move is over, I'll get that girl done and out to you, if you still want it.
  • Dragonlord
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    Dragonlord polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ok take a human and add some animal-like feature, like ears or wings or a tail or claws and you're there.
    Cheap, the gargoyle as you like them is all but a furry. By the way the move is over, I'll get that girl done and out to you, if you still want it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    non-human: not a human character but possibly with humanoid traits (body, chest, asf). or otherwise said, not homo-sapiens.
    anthro/furry: non-human character with animal traits thus not a homo-sapiens but a character with humanoid traits mixed with animal traits.

    any questions left?

    and yes... garg's are furries. *hehe*
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    This is a totaly useless argument. You can call them furries if you like... I for one will not. I will just call them non-human animal people, as they will not be having sex with eacother. I have values and morals that I will not violate, and furries butcher every one of them and then some.
    Animal people are what I'm doing now. Not furries. Furries are far too currupt and perverted to be helped.

    besides, last time I checked, I was a sweadish white trash blonde that looks like a back street boy. sounds human to me.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    By the way the move is over, I'll get that girl done and out to you, if you still want it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    do it plz
  • Scott Ruggels
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    That's a excelent link, Scott. I'll be sure to add this to the collection.
  • Dragonlord
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    Dragonlord polycounter lvl 18
    :rofl: ... nice post... and at some points i really recognized certain persons that crossed my life so far ^_^.
  • beserkevalk209
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    beserkevalk209 polycounter lvl 18
    here are two ideas for the replacemnt of this character that we are working on. makkon and beserkervalk209 came up with it and need the communinities imput on making this character human or a cat, thses are not finall images and are subject to change upon communitiy request.

  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Yeah, what she and I are doing is totaly remaking this character into.... dunno what yet. We narrowed it down to cat or human.

    this was what sharon intended to show, I think.
    This be the Cat design we have (actually, it's old concept art from dracten again)and it will change if the comminity's whimsical fancy suits it.


    Well, the problem with this design is that it is practially copy and paste. What I intend to do in the future is add a few more beast like attributes (not like the quadraped leg style, I can't stand that).

    Uh, here's an edit. I did a human version of that cat chick.

  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    And there you have the Conundrum. The Female may just fade into the bnackground with the other game females, but the feline would be "furry".

    I'd say do both as it looks like it's just a head swap.

    One note on the concept though, the proportions of the legs are a little off in that lower legs should be longer, about equal to the thighs in length.

  • Reagan
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    Reagan polycounter lvl 18
    Makkon, your stuff is utterly awesome. Keep at it.

    And regarding all this stuff about Talnova, I too have known for a very long time that he is utterly insane and useless (long, LONG story. I'll just say it involves unbelievable amounts of compulsive lying and art theft), I just never felt right about saying anything about it to you since I didn't want to come off as slandering or anything.

    But I digress. Your stuff is dandy. I should get into this 3D modelling stuff one of these days..
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    You should.

  • CleanerWolf
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    CleanerWolf polycounter lvl 18
    Hi Makkon,

    First, please finish the vixen model, I like it alot!

    I was involved too in the Dracten mod and took a break from it, because of lack of free time. After being warned by board members and after reading this thread my decision is fixed - Dracten is history. It's a pity, because lots of interesting ideas were in this project and some really kick ass concept art was made for it.

    About furries - really Makkon, the topic title of this thread shocked me somehow. Not all furries are like Tal Nova. Why do you hate them ALL now?
    Well, I never made a secret about me being furry too. What brought me to the furry fandom was the art of Scott Ruggels at Yerf. Scott made the Female Werewolf for Quake2, is now working on an anthro wolf for UT2004 and he created the adorable Asheru character. But in his free time, instead of raping other people in fursuits, he drives around in WW2 tanks. Yes, it's really that complicated, not all people who are involved in furry stuff are crazy perverts.
    It's the same with every community or subculture - only the "bad" and "ugly" things get attention to the public and then are critized. The furry fandom has MANY facets and furry pr0n is only one of them. If you don't like it, just stay away from it. That's what I do. Yes, many furries do have "psychological problems" - as "normal" people have too. I don't have the time now to explain and sum up, what "furry lifestyle" does mean to me, but if someone really wants to know and understand what a furry is, he should first open his mind for a somehow different view at the world.

  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Scott: I'm not quite sure what a conundrum is, but it must be important. I see what you mean, though. There really is nothing special about this character, and she might as well fade away into oblivion. I think I should take some time to research what has and hasn't been done, find what people are looking for (reasonable things, of course), add a couple of my own doodads, and maybe....just maybe this chick can stand above the rest of them. Perhaps if I didn't go for such a super model look I think I'd be halfway there.

    Reagan: Is this... Reagan Lodge?.... I think I just about crapped my pantaloons! How you been?
    Well, I do know that had you told me back then, I probably would have become highly irate. I was quite immature, naive, and -in a sense- rather dull. But now I've grown up a bit, which is greatly responsible for my resignation from dracten.
    In the latter year of development I became frequently frusterated with Tal because he was making bad choices and refusing to change or remove certain details that meerly hindered dracten's capability of being half decent. I even realized that he was a blundering idiot, which took me a little too long. luckly, my freinds pulled me out of there by showing me the truth.
    But even though you knew, you encouraged me still, and that made a HUGE difference. If I had a million dollars, I'd buy you a car, like a really really nice car. Most likely not a ford... I can't thank you enough, Reagan. You've made a huge impact on my life.

    Cleanerwolf: I'll finish it... [maybe]. It just brings back bad memories is all.
    Hey, maybe we could help the other members out... you know, like a dracteholics anonomous. No living being deserves to live in such blind ignorance about the mental state of thier leader.

    Yes, I agree, though the majority of the furry fandom is perverted beyond regression, there are still a lot of individuals in the fandom who can still proudly call themselves human beings. It really is just like you said, the bad and ugly get the publicity and thusly ripped to shreads along with the good. It's happened countless times through history and will happen infinitly more in the days to come, that is... if the earth doesn't suddenly blow up and we haven't moved to Mars by then.

    Thank you for the support, Cleaner, I grealty appreciate it.

    Oh, and sorry for the title, I was still a little ticked.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    there are still a lot of individuals in the fandom who can still proudly call themselves human beings

    Except many of them refuse to do so because they believe they aren't human beings tongue.gif.
  • CleanerWolf
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    CleanerWolf polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    Cleanerwolf: I'll finish it... [maybe]. It just brings back bad memories is all.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I understand, that you are disappointed. I were involved in more than one mod project and all of them were cancelled. You put alot of time and effort into the model(s) for Dracten. All this is lost, if you don't finish your work and release it to the public. I suggest to make an UT2004 player model out of it.
    What I will do in the future is, that I won't work for any mod anymore, but if someone asks me to include one of my already fniished models in his mod, we can talk about it.

    I noticed those blade thingies on the side of the hip of the vixen model. They look cool in the standing pose, but may look strange during walking/running... just a hint.
    [ QUOTE ]

    Yes, I agree, though the majority of the furry fandom is perverted beyond regression, there are still a lot of individuals in the fandom who can still proudly call themselves human beings.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Don't know about the fandom in the US, but here in Germany, the majority of the furries is not "perverted". And what is perversion and what's not depends on everybodys personal point of view. For some people, everything else than "standard" sex in a dark room is perversion and for some other people the limit is much wider. And then we have non-sexual types of perversion, like flying airplanes into skyscrapers... I have a quite simple rule about this: Everybody should do what he/she wants, as long as nobody gets harmed.
    Although all furries are visually human beings, I don't know any furry, who is proud to be born as a human. You know... your outer shape and what's going on in your head can be totally different things wink.gif
  • Reagan
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    Reagan polycounter lvl 18
    Haw! I'm honored to have been some kind of encouragement to you, Makkon. Your words are too kind. Oh yeah, and if you're going to buy me a car, a nice little Honda Civic would be nice right now. I need some wheels. Wah.

    As for all the talk about furry stuff, I don't really have anything special to say there. It's a largely jacked up subculture and full of bad art, and that's that. Vagrant is the closest thing to furry that I can stomach, because it's just plain cool.
  • beserkevalk209
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    beserkevalk209 polycounter lvl 18
    same here liek poepl not all furries are bad, i just ithink it better to move on to poeple for a change
    for the new character tho a cat hybrid would be good, a human cross breed, but not for the main character nessealy.
    hey makkon if you on send a messenge!:P seeyaz later
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    yeah, all I can really say at this point is that I agree with y'all. so maybe I'll finish the vixen eventually.

    Good news, everyone! I've designed the character I want to replace the vixen. I've dubbed her the name Jennox. I know she kindof looks like a jedi, but the texture will fix that. besides, she never even gets her hands on a light saber or any likes of a blade.


    You know, modelers are a dime a dozen. If I want ANY future in the game business then it's time for me to begin my animation training. Here's a skeliton that I compiled using a rather convenient plugin called AniMan. Of course, I do know how to compile my own skeliton, but this is so much better! Anyway, here it is....


    Soon some animations and a texture. possibly a game to follow.... dunno.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    great model, I love it smile.gif
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    Nice change up on the model, The hood makes for amuch more distinctive silhouette. About the only anatomica criticism now would be that her pelvis looks a little to tall vertically, and the femur and tibia shouldd be approximately the same length. But it looks good. I look forward to seeing more.

  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Ah, thanks scott. About the proportions, I'm not sure they would be wrong because I used a direct photoref. It might be just unique for the person in the photogragh, but I guess I'll fix it up if needs be. thanks again.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    It may be a direct photo ref, but of the camera, was at head height, then you would get "perspective" artifacvts, such as a foreshortening of the legs. Now unless the phot was taken at a distance greater than 60 feet (20 yeards) from the subject, those perspective artifacts will be evident, which is why, before using photos for reference, that an artist should know the proportions, metrics, and anatomy so as to be able to correct for optical errors in the photo.

  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Come to think of it, I believe it was taken at head height. Guess I'll have to fix her up a bit. Thanks, Scott.
  • Moz
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    Moz polycounter lvl 18
    I always did love happy endings.

    Though, afew months ago tal nova added me to my MSN not knowing who he was or who I was, until I recongized his name and he began to instantly harass me and threatened to spread my name around the internet as some kind of baby eating zombie. So If anyone hears that I eat babies, its absolutely true :P

    It was just to random to not mention.

    Makkon. I really like the hood, it might be worth it to try and animate the hood itself so her eyes become visible on run animations, etc. Maybe yellow eyes or some horrible disfiguring scar.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    heh, poor Tal just never quits. I remember when he called me a fascist. Good old days.

    Hey, That's a good idea. But I don't know where the bone would be for that to happen... maybe it could sprout from her head?
    I've already got a bone sprouting from her spine to compensate for the breasts. Don't get me wrong, I'm no pervert, but from my observations those things really do jiggle, even for ones as reasonably sized as her's (as in not too big, not too small, accurate for a woman her age)
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    Oh yeah, breasts and hair produce interesting secondary motion. You may want a bone per breast, and you may want to think about how to animate the hood, such as during jumps, and and runs.

  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    She look like Visas Marr.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Her? must be the hood. frown.gif
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