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bullets or blades?



  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Wow Vig talk about an over-reaction. Odd. Denouncing a highly skilled ancient craft as the work of 'monkeys' suits the definition of a 'troll' post If you ask me ( that definition being an antagonistic post designed to provoke an adverse reaction ).

    How this thread can turn into a flamewar is beyond me. Both swords and big guns are cool in character design, and fun to model. Debating which is the more effective weapon is of course, utterly absurd. A sword isn't much use against a gun, and a gun isn't much use when its run out of bloody ammo.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    What Daz says is absolutely right, and anyway the thread is about "which is cooler", not what you think requires most skill or what can kill more effectively.
    "Coolness" does not have to take any of these factors into account, it is purely opinion, and obviously you can't argue about why which one is "better" than the other, they're completely different things. It's like comparing a car to a skateboard.
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    Guns. Lots of guns.
  • Mark Dygert
    I can see why someone would want to flame me, I pretty much had it coming now that I read over that post. I admit sword making takes skill, and it takes skill to use a sword effectivly. I am pretty sure actual monkeys don't make swords, and I am pretty sure they would have a hard time using them...

    MoP, I was trying to explain why I thought guns where cooler. I wasn't really trying to argue the skill factors just trying to show why I think they are cooler. It wasn't my intention to touch of a "takes more skill" war but I can see how that would happen. I was like the numb nut that leaned on a cow created a domino effect resulting in the whole heard oh thier sides. I only ment to lean on a cow not push it over, and I didn't mean for the whole heard to go down... But I see how it happened.

    The point I was trying to make in a ment to be funny not taken funny way and I think I did a poor job of it, was that I like tech bits and machined parts over a flat piece of sharp metal. Yes they are both cool as hell but when I have to say which is "coolest" I would have to say I like the gun because it is more interesting to me.

    I hope that wasn't highly offensive to anyone (or sword wielding monkies) I should have followed my own advice and posted what I like and shut it. That first post is fine if you don't read the second paragraph.

    That stuff about verm, pretty much true, sure a little mean, but for the most part an acurate obersvation. I like vanilla damn it and you can't change my taste buds! (again humor that most won't find funny)
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I vote skateboard!
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Don't get your panties in a twist!!
  • RageUnleashed
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    RageUnleashed polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I LIKE GUNS THAT SHOOT SWORDS!!! and ninjas....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree. Guns that shoot sword wielding ninjas. Or explosives that use swords as shrapnel.

    Nothing says owned like smacking your foe around with a wet trout though.
  • Univox
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    Univox polycounter lvl 18
    As far as games go (electronic or otherwise), I like when characters use both. To me, nothing is cooler than when a character is armed with some signature weapons of both varieties.

    Of course the setting needs some fiction to explain the need. Some that come to mind are: Dune - some had personal energy fields that could deflect high speed objects, but a slower object could penetrate (knives/swords); Post-Holocaust - They just don't make 'em anymore. Shooting bullets is akin to burning 10,000 dollar/euro bills; Grimjack (a comic from the 80's) - the protaganist was a private eye in a port city at the vertex of multiple dimensions, guns don't work in some dimensions, which translated as from one block to the next (the same might be said for a time-traveller); blades can be imbued with mystical properties for the bosses, bullets used against the rabble...

    I can go on & on. But yeah, give me a character that has both and my "so cool!" meter redlines everytime... much more so than just one or the other.

    (sigh. I wanted my first post to be about floating vertices)
  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    ah. the 40k type situation, bolter, plus power sword...or chain fist/power fist/chain sword/etc.

    some of the jedi in the NJO are like that, they carry blasters and lightsabres...
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