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How should I resolve this geometry?

polycounter lvl 7
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Kligan polycounter lvl 7

How should I resolve this geometry to avoid pinching after smoothing?

I can't seem to figiure out where should I put additional edge loops without ruining the shape of the object.

Probably would've been just faster to dynamesh it in zbrush and boolean the hole, but I'd like to understand what to do in this situation without workarounds.


  • Kligan
    Offline / Send Message
    Kligan polycounter lvl 7

    The best I found so far is this:

    But it's not a perfect solution as there's still some pinching:

    It's probably won't even matter after texturing and stuff… but still annoying.

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master

    Avoid adding loops that break up the even spacing around a cylinder. You can try leaving an n-gon which probably is good enough or remaking the cylinder with more loops around it.

  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range

    Also, while not providing enough segments for that performation too display as expected once sub-d is enabled, shading artifacts are likely to occur because it's algorithum can only perform predictably upon what one happens to dish up.

    A good rule of thumb is firstly figure out how many cylinder control loops will support your indented primary shape, before hand atm appears to be 32 which at a glance probably 40 or 48 would've sufficed plus I'd also recommend looking into using existing geo as well, when modeling that usually mitigates distortion.

    Using existing geometry as supports

  • Kligan
    Offline / Send Message
    Kligan polycounter lvl 7

    The first link - I don't know why I didn't think of that myself… Seems obvious now that I see it. But in any case, yeah, I re-made my cylinder with more initial sub-d and that fixed the issue pretty much.

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