Welcome, all! Time to get started on the second Monthly Environment & Prop Challenge for 2021!
I'm very sorry it took so long to get this thread officially going, I was away on a trip and realized too late that I would be unable to modify the thread with the needed updates. 
Remember if you don't finish in the time allotted, just keep plugging away and post when your work is finished. There's always some good progress that falls off the radar - we want to see your work! So keep going and finish those pieces!
Without further ado, here are our official options for Challenge 72:
Please read all the rules before starting:
-Try to post one critique for every post that you make. This will make for a better learning environment and help us all grow as artists.
-Try your best and finish as much as you can in the time frame provided.
-Post what you are working on in this thread so that way it's a more centralized place for advice and critique. We don't need to have 1000 disjointed threads littering the forums.
-It is recommended to use a game engine to present your work. Unreal Engine and CryEngine are very common engines that can be used but feel free to use any alternatives that you want. (Marmoset Toolbag is allowed as well)
-If you want to change up your chosen concept a bit, then feel free! Interpret these concepts to your liking, especially if your aim is to add storytelling elements.
-NEW!! If you finish your project and decide to post it to Artstation, make sure you give credit to the concept artist in the form of a link to their profile. Additionally, it is best practice to ask a concept artist for their permission to post a 3D piece based on their work, and I would recommend doing so.
And here are some recommendations:
-When you are just starting out making a scene, it can seem complicated or imposing, so take the time to break it down.
-Think about how you can re-use assets, re-use textures, break it down as simple as possible and plan it out. A lot of people will break it down in their own way when they start out their challenge. Gather some reference images as well for different parts of the scene, maybe gather some refs and make it your own.
-Take your time planning and blocking out, it will set you up for success later on.
-We strongly encourage you to go and look at other games and see how they make their assets as well as get concept art to give it your own feel.
All that matters is that you learn while being able to effectively critique others, as well as accept critiques on your own work. Remember to have fun!
Good luck!
Link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6aaz6V
Concept House by Svitlana Harkusha
Link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/4mqEY
I think these would be really neat to do.
I've updated the OP with a couple new concepts, as well as a new entry to rules section that I would recommend everyone check out. (As a side note, I don't see these as hard and fast "rules", more as guidelines.)
Best of luck!
here's most my block out for this one. I'm happy with it so far. Got to push the back mountains a bit more.
@Pinkfox I Really like it so far. I can't wait to see how you are going to set up the water. The atmosphere is looking really good. Did you just edit the sky sphere to get that effect?
Sup guys! I'm a bit late to the party but last week I also started working on the first concept. I've mostly been busy with planning, doing some block-outs, and some basic lighting. The rocks are from a previous project, If I have time left I'll update those if I think it's needed.
The main two goals are getting this to a point where it matches the concept as close as possible + adding a bunch of dynamic elements to make the whole piece come to life. Looking forward to everyone's progress. Good luck all.
I'm deciding to do the hard surface prop for this challenge. Lots of interesting shapes going on and so much room to add storytelling elements. I am a bit concerned though on how the ballista is keeping its spear secured like the way it is in the concept - I think I'll be adding my own modifications to the prop itself.
Overall here is my midpoly blockout so far - I am really excited to do the details for this prop!
Oh man the tentacles in the background and the rags hanging off the railing in the foreground would look fantastic if they were dynamic - that would add so much life to the scene!
Your blockout is looking nice so far, I'm excited to see how you'll do the windows with lights shining from them.
Hey guys, I guess I am pretty late to start this env. Hopefully, I can power through. I think I am done with my blockout. I decided to change the main building because the building in the concept just didn't make any sense.
I hope you don´t mind me participating in this challenge. I'm working on a haunted - abandoned asylum in UE4, hopefully I will make it before the end of June! I'll keep sharing my advances here ^^ I'm still blocking out and figuring out the mood and history of the environment.
I started working on the Ballista Prop , Its still WIP , But if there is something wrong with it , Point it out,
I will keep Updating until i finish it!
Besides that, I do really like where this is going. Good luck!
looking good Geoffrey! I feel like I need to follow the tutorial on how to make the cloud cards because yours is da bomb
also love the textures of the bricks are nice too, any chance we can see close-ups?
like tom said, the transition between rocks and bricks is a bit hard, you can use AO or maybe painting moss over it (like in concept)
for the water you guys could also use unreal water plugin. I haven't use it much but it could give you instant sea water and waves (hopefully)
- the ropes/strands will be made with tiling textures
- the plants/moss will use different materials
- I plan on finishing these 4 props first and moving on the the other when I have time
critiques and comments are appreciated!
@Pinkfox checkout minute 23:00 -25:00 from the video link, I think that's the effects you want. the water plugins is super easy to use I think its just drag and drop. the water material is also provided within the plugins
I'm currently focusing on texturing every object in the scene. I started with modeling, UVing, some simple sculpting, and now Texturing. However, it bored me after a while so I decided to throw in some clouds and play around with the lighting.
After texturing I want to add the tentacles and give a unique twist to the piece. I'm thinking about creating some Lovecraftian props. Adding some tentacles around the fence or an octopus-like door knocker. I'm still planning to add a lot of dynamic stuff. So far I only have some dust particles and water. I still have a lot to do but I should manage
And yea I was hoping no one would notice that seam haha. But that should be an easy fix, I'll probably start blending the textures there. Adding some extruded bricks can also be an option. Though I think I go with just doing better texture blending, extra geometry isn't really visible anyways from this POV.
There is some housekeeping I'd like to do. I've been running this Challenge since January of 2020, and it's been a real privilege to continue such a long-standing tradition here at Polycount. (Fun fact: October 2021 will mark the 9 year anniversary of what used to be known as the "Monthly Noob Environment Challenge", and has since become this Challenge.)
However, starting with Challenge #73, I will be handing off the Challenge-hosting responsibilities to @Pinkfox. We've been talking for a while now about ideas for the future of the Challenge, and I think he's a great fit for the role.
Thank you to everyone who has participated over the last year and a half, it's been a pleasure to host, and it's truly inspiring to see everyone levelling up their skillsets and cranking out quality projects. Keep up the fantastic work!
this looks great! love the lighting! I didnt realize it before but I love the contrast between the dark side and lit windows. if you can bring a hint of blue tint on the dark side maybe it will look better
another input is that the fog/dust on the floor looks too solid for me, maybe make it more transparent?
As for me, I almost finished with first props. I will move on to second props and finsihed as many as I can before the deadline.
any C & C are welcome
I do think your background doesn't do it justice though. The model looks fantastic and has great lighting on it showing interesting depth but then the background is consistently flat and fights against it. Maybe try taking it out or at least letting the model contrast against the background more than it currently does.
Nice tentacles! However, it might be nicer to make the one in the front a bit smaller. It currently seems a bit too big compared to the corner where it's coming from.
Hey all. Officially the last day of the challenge. So here is my ''final'' result. However, I still want to do some stuff here and there. Which are obviously the tentacles. I also want to add some tentacles to the fence, just some extra ornamentation. Besides that, some post-process effects (color grading) and fixing the chimney smoke. However, I'm happy with this piece already. Looking forward to seeing all your results!
Oh, and yes, the final - final gif will loop + have better quality.