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  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    pior said:
    @rollin : well, I wouldn't really call that "really simple" :D Even just now, following the official docs I am running into some trouble wrapping the code above into an addon that registers properly ... even though that's something I definitely did in the past :D Not giving up though.
    Compared to getting more complex stuff running it is really simple. Usually I keep on finding stuff I didn't wanted from an API version I wasn't looking for... And from time to time I find some page wanting to sell me actual blender from amazon -.-

    Btw: I had similar registering issues first as I was happily renaming stuff.
    I ended up matching the folder where my script(s) are located and the name of
    bl_info = {
    "name" : "<same-as-folder>",

    Not sure if this was just imagination but I had issues before doing so
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah, this is where I am stumbling as well, I just need to dig a little deeper and dedicate more time to that :) Thanks for the code itself though ! That's a fantastic start.
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    Great.! That folder is getting a sync with google drive then ! Thanks for fast answer.
    I suggest you though to not sync the bookmarks.txt and recent-files.txt inside the Config folder, so that you can navigate faster in each PC :) its your choice though, ofc
  • LuisCherubini
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    LuisCherubini interpolator
    A revisit on the UVpackmaster2 addon by Glukoz! Now with some neat features including "Draw Packing Box" and UDIMs:

  • wazou
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    wazou polycounter lvl 5
    Speedflow Basics - 13 - Mini Tank Part 2 is available on Youtube!

  • another caveman
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    another caveman greentooth
    @Justo also noted! thx.

    Is there a way -through some code maybe?- to fix the extra windows not being on top when the main one is?
    So far I'm plugging them on the side of the main window and extending it. But when you restart Blender it's back to being on one monitor only, so I gotta reposition it again every time.

    Also did you guys see this? Not as full as the other softwares houdini engines but it's a few first steps I guess? https://github.com/eliemichel/HoudiniEngineForBlender
    I really believe in Blendini...cant wait..
  • f1r3w4rr10r
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    f1r3w4rr10r polycounter lvl 9
    I can almost see the lawyers come running... But I guess if you paid for a license and have access to the library already, why not?
  • Filip5
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    Filip5 polycounter lvl 9
    Hey guys, I came across support loops recently and how some people use them and some dont. Someties you need them, mainly before subdividing mesh etc. But this left me with questions, why do you use them or dont, what are the cases ?
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    support loops simply define the hardness of the edge they are supporting (well, they are also used to have a consistent loop around edges, so it looks nice and has no smoothing artefacts)
    sometimes you don't need them because there`s already geometry in place that acts as a support edge, or you want the edge to be super soft
    some poeple also work with edgecrease in blender, which is basicly the same and replaces supportloops, but has some drawbacks
  • Filip5
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    Filip5 polycounter lvl 9
    support loops simply define the hardness of the edge they are supporting (well, they are also used to have a consistent loop around edges, so it looks nice and has no smoothing artefacts)
    sometimes you don't need them because there`s already geometry in place that acts as a support edge, or you want the edge to be super soft
    some poeple also work with edgecrease in blender, which is basicly the same and replaces supportloops, but has some drawbacks
    you need an edge to be super soft - I guess you speak about a ase in which you are further going to smooth mesh either by subdividing or working with it. But I also saw using support loops on a geometry that wont be touched - why ? In that case I find it useless to have it there,if topology is ok.
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    post a screenshot
  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    "Support loops" is terminology, so it might mean different things to different people.
    In the context of the Subdivision Surface modifier -- in Catmull-Clark mode, engineered by Pixar -- the position of an original vertex (one of the vertices of the mesh before it is sent to the modifier) becomes a weighted average of the positions of its surrounding vertices.

    This means that the closer together the vertices are, the more their output averaged positions are going to look like their input positions. 
    That is, the original vertices of the mesh move less in areas where they are closer together.

    So "support loop" in this sense means that you the artist is adding extra geometry to control this averaging.
    And if you don't want the vertices to move at all you can set their edges as creased. There's some other info in the Blender manual too: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/modeling/modifiers/generate/subdivision_surface.html#edge-loops
  • Zablorg
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    Zablorg polycounter lvl 6

    Anyone know why this shader fails to compile? Line 16 has a "<=" that appears to have been incorrectly formatted as a "&lt;" in the forum's text box, but once that's been sorted out I just get reports of a syntax error at an unspecified location.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    Today a Monday material question:
    Node graphs are nice for custom or complex materials. But if I just want to setup the good old basic inputs (diffuse, normal, roughness, happiness) adding the same nodes over and over again is unnecessary time consuming. I don't want to waste time deciding where the nodes are places and if the uv data is routed correctly through. 
    What's the go-to workflow for this?

    edit: I guess what I like to do is use an existing material-node-graph and create instances from it and just change the linked textures
  • Tiles
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    Tiles greentooth
    You could enable the materials library VX addon that comes with Blender. You can also insert your own libaries and materials here. That way you can store your often used setup :)

  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    I'm lazy and want to keep add-ons to a minimum, so if it were me, I would create a node group in a blank material, then save the scene to a .blend file so it can be linked / appended as a template, where you import that blank material and have instant access to that preset node group from any material in your scene.
  • f1r3w4rr10r
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    f1r3w4rr10r polycounter lvl 9
    @RN I think you can actually link/append node groups without the material it is used in. But I would have to check again and I can't do that right now.
  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    @f1r3w4rr10r that's cool, can confirm it, you import the group itself as a node tree:

    Importing the material seems to import all node groups used by it, so you can use the material as a container of all your preset groups, as well as being able to import individual groups.
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    @Justo also noted! thx.

    Is there a way -through some code maybe?- to fix the extra windows not being on top when the main one is?
    So far I'm plugging them on the side of the main window and extending it. But when you restart Blender it's back to being on one monitor only, so I gotta reposition it again every time.

    Also did you guys see this? Not as full as the other softwares houdini engines but it's a few first steps I guess? https://github.com/eliemichel/HoudiniEngineForBlender
    I really believe in Blendini...cant wait..
    Actually this is huge. This way you can have a (very expensive) Merge modifier @wazou
    Being able to use the GameDev tools as well, sweet Jeeesus
  • tynew
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    tynew polycounter lvl 9
    Can anyone give me a quick rundown on what Blender does faster than max modeling wise? One thing I'm interested in is the fact you can work without the gizmo. It seems slightly faster than having to snipe axis clicks on the max gizmo. In max you can't rotate/scale without the gizmo tool as well. Really all I care about is how streamlined the tools are with modeling and if there is any clear advantage over max. 
  • f1r3w4rr10r
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    f1r3w4rr10r polycounter lvl 9
    @tynew most of it pretty much comes down to what you already said. Hotkeys make a lot of things faster and the fact, that you do not have to care where in your viewport your mouse is, when you activate a transform that way.
    Add to that, that most other modeling operations are also just a hotkey away, and I would say you already have a solid groundwork for being faster.

    In my experience, a lot of it comes down to learning the hotkeys and using them.
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    @tynew personally I really like how Blender breaks down the Pivot types, origins and orientation. I don't recall if Max can replicate all of them, and if it does, I think it's hidden away in a more convoluted UI. There are a lot of cool things to play with, but you will probably find Blender's spline modeling tools lacking compared to Max', in case you used those a lot (I didn't).
  • m00k
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    m00k polycounter lvl 6
    Bcon 2019 nerds get hyped! https://youtu.be/whPWKecazgM?t=671

    *edit*  11:15 brings a blenderman like me a tear to my eye
  • Zablorg
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    Zablorg polycounter lvl 6
    Can anyone tell me how Diffuse BSDF and Gloss BSDF shader nodes relate to the values one tweaks in a Principled BSDF? Diffuse and Gloss have roughness values that are handled differently, for one thing. Is the amount of glossiness instead handled by the "Specular" principled value?

    Also, has anyone had a crack at my previous post?
  • another caveman
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    another caveman greentooth
    No idea about shaders sorry.
    Any alternative for UVs right now? TexTools  works really bad on my 2.8 right now for some reasons...?

  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    No idea about shaders sorry.
    Any alternative for UVs right now? TexTools  works really bad on my 2.8 right now for some reasons...?
    It works bad because it's not being actively developed.

    These 2 addons are phenomenal:
    Texel Density Checker 2:
    UVPackmaster 2 PRO:

    If you are still missing some stuff, there is UV Toolkit

    Otherwise have a look around in:

  • wazou
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    wazou polycounter lvl 5
    Hey guys, Speedretopo has been updated for Blender 2.8!
  • tynew
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    tynew polycounter lvl 9
    Is there anything else for you that comes to mind? 99% of my modeling is already done in max with hotkey smart function scripts and stuff like keyhydra. I almost never touch the command panel or menu items for modeling already. Even have my tab and caps lock keys rebound to 50 or so functions. I'm looking in terms of unique features, such as working without a gizmo. 

    Interesting, could you elaborate more on the pivots/orientation? Specifically a use case where you can't achieve it in max?
  • Udjani
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    Udjani interpolator
    @tynew some max users complain about the bevel/chamfer in blender for not being as ''smart'' as in 3ds max, you should test a bit the bevel modifier workflow and see how it is in comparison with the smoothing groups and quad chamfer.
  • f1r3w4rr10r
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    f1r3w4rr10r polycounter lvl 9
    @tynew. I have started out my 3d modeling with Max, but that was a really long time ago. So my memory of it is a bit foggy. What @Justo meant is that it is easy in Blender to change you pivot point. You can choose among different presets like object origin, individual object origins, median point or go fully custom with the 3d cursor. Since 2.8 this one also supports orientation, not just position.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    @tynew : working without a gizmo is probably the biggest (and positive) paradigm shift indeed. There are a couple more things too : 

    • Off-hand transformation (there is no official name for that, that's just what i call it). The idea is that on top of not having to grab any onscreen gizmo, there is also no need to grab onto the active object or component(s), as your mouse cursor can be anywhere in the viewport at the time of, say, move or rotate being activated. The transformation is done according to the on-screen relationship between object and mouse cursor (with a little dashed line visualizing the link), also with shift key acting as .2 multiplier (I think ?)  reducing the effect. It is somewhat similar in concept to the Zbrush transpose line but much, much better in its implementation. It becomes second nature very quickly and once you go there all other 3D programs and level editors start feeling like outdated antiques :)

    • Pure modeling won't be much different from Max as the tools/features are similar. Skin weighting and morph target handling is an order of magnitude more powerful than Max though, as the data is stored very cleanly (vertex groups) and doesn't get destroyed when editing a model/splitting/merging parts. Huge time saver.

    • The 3D cursor, not only as a way to set custom transformation centers on the fly but also as an aid to viewport navigation - by having it snap to surfaces and then pressing a key to focus to cursor. Navigating inside nostrils has never been easier ! But more seriously this is great and completely eliminates 3D viewport motion sickness.

    • Overall (a little less true in 2.8 than 2.78/2.79, but still valid compared to Max) : the UI is way more responsive than Max/Maya (or at least the last few versions I've tried). Buttons don't have any micro stutter, UI elements are rock solid and never glitch in/out, panel resizing is butter smooth, and so on. There is just less "crap built over old crap" and it makes for a very responsive and robust experience.

    • Updates/installation management is a breeze. No need for any installer, user preferences are all stored in a folder, and so on. Meaning that testing out new features will never feel like a drag - it's a matter of minutes.

    • Now I would say that the biggest downside is scene undo, which is objectively broken (extremely slow) at this time.

    • Also, while the new viewport is extremely powerful, overall all viewports (even raw shading) tend to refresh mush slower than previous versions when working with animated skeletal meshes - which imho makes 2.8 not suitable at all for animators at this time.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    My unique real gripe with Blender 2.8 / 2.81 is the poor perfomance with subdivision modelling. 

    I miss some modifiers from Max or Maya, but i think it's a matter of changuing the modelling philosophy. I remember when i started using modo 1.0, i missed all from Max. Right now i do things in a different way.

    I'm heavy customed to press space in order to drop tools in modo, and "alt" + Ctrl or Shift to control Viewports. In modo i can do what i call poly-sculpting, i don't use a mouse with modo. I mean, using the sculpting tools, i don't need to use any gizmo or anything, just some key shortcuts and that's all. with Blender i'm still having issues to work as fast as in modo + Cintiq.

    Do you guys use Blender with a cintiq/Intuos for modelling? I do, and i'm having a hard time :angry:
  • tynew
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    tynew polycounter lvl 9
    I definitely will try it out. Currently the chamfer mod in max 2020.2 is seemingly the best out of any DCC app right now. Although I don't mind moving to blender for its other features. 

    Fantastic thank you for the write-up. Handling transformation like that definitely feels more fluid for a 3D app. Anything relating to sniping clicks/elements and forcing UI popups/spinners can really break the flow when you work. For example using the mouse wheel in blender to dynamically add chamfer segments or loops. This sort of stuff should really be native in max by now.

    Yeah I saw your cool post on copying half a head and still having it animate! Very cool.

    Hopefully, the viewport performance improves, I generally deal with 4+ mil items with hard surface work. I'm definitely excited to learn blender considering how well it's supported and has a very active community. Plus having a single program that can do a majority of tasks reasonably well, eg sculpting and animating makes it a very convincing option. 
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    If I wanted free rigged models to start a sculpt in Blender, what options are there? I was looking for something that looked simple and clean, since the sculpt I was planning to do was a very minimalistic, stylized kid.
  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    Zablorg said:
    Anyone know why this shader fails to compile? Line 16 has a "<=" that appears to have been incorrectly formatted as a "&lt;"
    @Zablorg &lt; is the HTML entity for "<" (less-than), no equal. So replacing that piece with less-than and refreshing the script in the Script node makes it run (screen from 2.79):

  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    @Justo unless you're pressed for time, I personally feel that modeling and rigging your own base meshes is way too educational to skip on it.
    You should really make your own, if you can.

    Besides topology reference images, you can also have reference models such as the "build-a-bod" models (which are Blender-friendly rips of Daz3D Genesis models, anatomically complete and accurate), and those from the fork of that Manuel Bastioni Lab thing.
    But you use these just as reference: you'd make your own from scratch with box-modeling or sculpting-retopo.
  • Michael Knubben
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    rollin said:
    Today a Monday material question:
    Node graphs are nice for custom or complex materials. But if I just want to setup the good old basic inputs (diffuse, normal, roughness, happiness) adding the same nodes over and over again is unnecessary time consuming. I don't want to waste time deciding where the nodes are places and if the uv data is routed correctly through. 
    What's the go-to workflow for this?

    edit: I guess what I like to do is use an existing material-node-graph and create instances from it and just change the linked textures
    If you're using nodes at all, look into 'Node Wrangler', an official, included-by-default addon. It adds a lot, but most importantly for you: a hotkey (shift-ctrl-T) and menu-item that allow one-click setup of PBR materials.
  • Michael Knubben
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    pior said:
    Hey @rollin ! Well, I can certainly confirm that this code here totally works. Excellent, thanks !

    Now I just need to dig a bit deeper into what it takes for PME to call full on python scripts, as I find that manually creating UI panels is just too cumbersome. Totally doable mind you, but just not fluidly enough imho - as everytime I find myself doing so to neatly store useful little presets and shortcuts I always end up reverting to PME, for its ease of use and speed. Looks like it does need to be an external .py for it to call it though, so I suppose it has to be formatted like any other addon. But hey at the very least it will save me the hassle of creating a panel :)
    You'll be glad to hear that external scripts in PME don't need all of the addon boilerplate stuff, they just need the lines that do the actual work.
  • Michael Knubben
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    Going through the Blender Conference videos now (they're all up on the Youtube account!), and I was wondering if anyone could explain how this (and the next example) is done?

    I understand that the DataTransfer modifier is probably involved, but I was hoping for some more specific instructions to help me out
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    timestamp would be cool
  • Michael Knubben
    Offline / Send Message
    timestamp would be cool
    It's there, but apparently the embed strips that out! Here it is as a link
  • wilson66
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    wilson66 polycounter lvl 8
    Blaizer said:
    My unique real gripe with Blender 2.8 / 2.81 is the poor perfomance with subdivision modelling. 

    I miss some modifiers from Max or Maya, but i think it's a matter of changuing the modelling philosophy. I remember when i started using modo 1.0, i missed all from Max. Right now i do things in a different way.

    I'm heavy customed to press space in order to drop tools in modo, and "alt" + Ctrl or Shift to control Viewports. In modo i can do what i call poly-sculpting, i don't use a mouse with modo. I mean, using the sculpting tools, i don't need to use any gizmo or anything, just some key shortcuts and that's all. with Blender i'm still having issues to work as fast as in modo + Cintiq.

    Do you guys use Blender with a cintiq/Intuos for modelling? I do, and i'm having a hard time :angry:
    In what way are you having a hard time? I'm too coming from Modo, and have to say I like Blender 2.8 more and more. I'm not as fast there as in Modo yet (been working with Modo over 10 years, professional modeler), just digging into Blender 2.8 for a couple of weeks now. But getting faster by the day with practice, and I must say that I really like the fresh air. There is surprisingly little functionality in Blender that I actually miss compared to what I do in Modo most of the time. One of those things certainly is the workplane, that strange 3D cursor in Blender is not an adequate replacement. If they implement a workplane into Blender, I might actually consider switching completely.

    Also the ability to place any menu entry as a button into the UI in Modo, some functionality in Blender requires too much searching in menus, or the use of a shortcut. The Blender UI does not feel flexible enough, or not flexible enough for the standard user. You can probably do a lot with scripting ect, but thats not something I'm into.

    I agree that working with a pen tablet kind of feels suboptimal in Blender in a couple of places, a couple of things/ addons are geared towards using a mouse + mouse wheel as input device. I'm using an old Intuos4 pen tablet. Trying to model with a mouse feels like trying to sculpt delicate details with a brick to me.
  • another caveman
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    another caveman greentooth
    I find it very difficult to work different meshes UVs at the same time. You got em all selected, say you want to work on your Second channel, only the last selected object will have its second channel edited, all the other selected objects will end up broken / editing UV channel 1.

    Any known work around for this?
    Thank you.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    @Blaizer : this all really comes down to setting up your inputs to replicate what you would like. I mean ... it's perfectly normal to not like any navigation/interaction scheme different from one's preferred one, so in that sense your question/approach is a bit backwards : of course it will feel odd an inefficient if you don't set it up the way you want it in the first place :D 

    Now practically speaking, my advice for that would be to first not worry at all about any of this and just using the app for about a week or so with everything default just for the sake of digging into the features, also messing around with the various settings and playing around with editing the keymap manually without worrying about breaking stuff (and you likely will). Then, starting fresh again (by wiping out the preferences folder in Roaming) and taking as long as you need to carefully set up viewport and interaction controls to be exactly the way you want them. And then keep on exploring from there.

    Here's an example on how to set this up manually (done with an older Blender version and replicating the Maya-style inputs but the concept still applies)


    As for tablet use : well, here too I would say that this is a bit of a strange question. Of course it can be used with a tablet - just the same way every other program can be :D I personally constantly switch between mouse and stylus for both 2D and 3D and it works just as well in Blender as in any other app. So I would assume that here too this is just a matter of tweaking the inputs to what you'd like them to be - but only *after* spending some time with the defaults, because you will likely be very pleasantly surprised with some of the very clever interaction paradigms that Blender offers (gizmo free editing, off-hand manipulator line, 3D cursor, and so on).
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    @wilson66 I'm very customed since year 2006 (or earlier, dunno), to work only with a tablet or digital pen (Cintiq right now), and only with the sculpting tools of modo (since they appeared). I don't use a mouse for work, nor gizmos, just the pen tablet + a few shortcuts i created (i almost model without UI, just a custom viewport with flatness 120%).

    My workflow is similar to working in Zbrush + "Zmodeler next gen" --> Modo sculpt + better polygonal tools (what i call "polysculpt modelling").

    I wish i could select faces, edges and points in Blender Sculpt mode, edit the cage mesh/subdivision model and so on. For me, using blender right now it's like going back in time, decades, to my old days of Max and Maya. My whole workflow is totally broken using Blender, as in Max or Maya.

    @Pior I ended changing the keymap and navigation to something like Maya, like i did with 2.79 but worse, needing to change more keys than expected because it ends broking a lot. Blender 2.8 changed all, it's like a slap on the face.

    I found that swithching to "alt", i was broking other key bindings involving the "alt" key such as "alt + middle mouse + mouse move" (to easily rotate to top and side views without touching the wheel gizmo).

    I really need to see what i can, and what i can't change. I restored all to default, and i'm with the Blender Manual studiying all the new features, improvements and changes. But i'm seeing that i won't use it for what i'm customed to do very fast, like modelling and uv mapping. Anyways, i like a lot Eevee and its render times.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well, if anything the fact that you are comfortable with Maya-style navigation is already good info. I was under the assumption that you were attempting to recreate some kind of default Modo paradigm with a lot of things specific to that - but Maya-style is indeed 100% possible. That's what I've been using with of course a number of personal edits on top and it really is great.

    As mentioned a few times I also personally rely very heavily on the 3D cursor for navigation, to precisely set the camera orbit center exactly where I want it. This is imho a great example of of Blender-only feature that a user hoping to replicate the input paradigm of another app wouldn't think of (I certainly didn't) yet it yields great benefits. Having perfect control on the way the camera behaves has a tremendous impact on flow/staying in the zone while working, and that seems to be exactly what you are are looking for.

    So yeah my recommendation would still be to keep playing around without fear of breaking things and with no expectations of results for a little longer - and then starting fresh again after about a month or so of indepth exploring. All the grievances you mention are imho non-issues once everything is setup to your likings.

    A practical example : many users seem to rely on the so-called "Specials" menu (previously W and now right click, if I remember correctly). That's something I personally never had any need for since there are other/faster ways to access these tools, so I had to take the time to disable the new 2.8 right click menu in all contexts to make way for what I use right click for (instant cursor placement on surface). It sure took a bit of time and could be seen as annoying, but it is also very easy to do thanks to the way the keymap editing screens gives access to everything.

     TLDR : I can confirm that the fluid workflow you describe is 100% possible :)
  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    Blaizer said:

    Do you guys use Blender with a cintiq/Intuos for modelling? I do, and i'm having a hard time :angry:
    Its been fine on my end, though I use the official Industry Standard keymap option, which is basically a maya+modo like keymap. Mix it with pie menus and it works great!
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    The pie menus are good, but i still can't work like in modo. The middle mouse/wheel key for navigation makes impossible to use a cintiq in edit mode, just in sculpt mode. And it's totally different compared to modo, whereas the spacebar is "drop tool". How do i edit polygons in sculpt mode? the help Blender help is useless :(

    I want to work like i shown years ago in this video. ~30 min timelapse modelling, using the sculpt tools + modelling operations with key shortcuts.

  • tynew
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    tynew polycounter lvl 9
    I'm not sure if you can rebind the mouse stuff for Blender yet, but you could probably use a workaround. I'm pretty lazy so I just used a program called x-mouse button control and you can swap your mouse keys per program. Gave me a lot of relief changing the pan/rotate to rmb from mmb in max. 
  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    Blaizer said:
    The pie menus are good, but i still can't work like in modo. The middle mouse/wheel key for navigation makes impossible to use a cintiq in edit mode, just in sculpt mode. And it's totally different compared to modo, whereas the spacebar is "drop tool". How do i edit polygons in sculpt mode? the help Blender help is useless :(

    I want to work like i shown years ago in this video. ~30 min timelapse modelling, using the sculpt tools + modelling operations with key shortcuts.

    I came from Modo as well. I am not sure what issue you are having exactly. Middle mouse works fine for me on a pen. I use the industry standard keymap (which you have to select from the properties or splash screen), and then Alt + pen tip for left click, alt + side pen button for middle and right clicks. No issues at all with navigation.

    It is true, that once you get used to dropping tools in Modo, it becomes hard to adjust to other applications that don't use that approach. In Blender you can edit tool or active tool properties but once you "drop" the tool by clicking onto something else not related to it then you cannot edit its parameters. In the lower left you will find a tool properties associated with the active tool. GUI wise its not ideal but its more of an annoyance than it is a game breaker.

    As for sculpt mode and edit mode, they are two different modes. I often flip between them by using the 1-3 key and the 5 key depending on component or sculpt. You can also toggle proportional editing to move components around without the sculpt tool. However yes, the two modes are completely separated, where as in Modo everything is technically consolidated.
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