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[GAME] We who are about to Die! (+ video inside)

polycounter lvl 11
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Highelf polycounter lvl 11
Hey Polycounters! I'm a freelance artist who has been working on a game in my free time. I've always had massive respect for polycount, I love this place and everyone in it, and I hope I can get some input from you crazy skilled people here. (also, if this is the wrong subforum, forgive me - please feel free to move it)

In short - you start as a lowly fighter or slave, meant to die in the combat pits, and fight your way through the arenas to fame, wealth and glory.
Pick your next fights, will you duel another gladiator man to man, fight multiple on your own, or take an allied team with you? Save for and purchase or loot armor and weapons, and master the directional and physics based combat system. The only thing keeping you alive are your reflexes and skill with the combat system. And be careful - because if you die, you die.

Official discord: https://discord.gg/eCdUxht
Come chat/idle & follow development!


Here's the latest (might be outdated if I suck at updating this) dev vlog:


And some older screenies - (check later in the thread for more up to date stuff)

Older screenies:

(online has been scrapped for the first version of the game though)

I'm dying for some feedback, so any question and suggestions are super welcome.


  • Highelf
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    It's not like this took an obscene amount of time or anything... heh.

    I'll make a mosaic, I said. It'll be nice, I said.
    Turns out it seems deceptively easy but is actually nightmare to "model".

    Working on the visuals of the game a bit :) needs to be purtied up if I'm going to be making videos and updating and stuff, I figure.

  • Michael Knubben
    I like that character quite a bit, and the mosaic's really nice.
    Looking forward to seeing more!
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you! I've been working on an updated naked/unarmored main character model yesterday

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Less updates on my game the last week or two because I've been freelancing (gotta pay dem bills D:) and because I have attacked the major undertaking of redoing the main character, rig, skin and ALL animations.
    It's one of those tasks that I knew was ahead of me because I was using placeholders, so its better to just go through it and do it sooner rather than later.
    So at the moment the game is pretty broken until I redo all animations!
    I actually am learning a LOT about animating - it is a weakness of mine. I'm starting to use curves and trajectories to get those smooth attack/slash animations etc :) I also researched a bit about realistic combat moves and made a makeshift shield & using my mini arsenal of weapons and recorded myself doing all the animation the game needs, which is a huge help to get realistic movement.
    Here's the final (for now) new character, the new rig, and a screenshot of an animation (one of mannnnny). The red line represents the curve the tip of the sword/axe/mace/whatever makes!

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Yay random screenshots from game :) I'll make an update video (there is plenty to cover!) probably this week.

    Is there anything you'd want as a must-have, or are looking forward to about a gladiatorial combat game like this?

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Hey all! More work on the game in between freelance :)

    I've added a LOT of stuff, but here are some of the highlights:

    -Overall graphics update, some juicy stuff like flags that flap in the wind! Remade character, etc
    -New accurate collision detection (custom made). The engines premade stuff wasn't good enough for the fast animations so I made a new system. See the pic with the blue lines! I trace the swords and see what it hits that way.
    -With improved collision comes accurate determination of whether you hit the body, shield, or sword of the enemy - no matter what they are doing. 
    -Totally new animations (way, way better), new rig, all redone.
    -Attack anims use logical shield moves (based on research I did), and the shield works at all times! Even when its lowered, or mid attack.
    -Hitting an enemy sword (eg 2 attacks at the same time cross) gives a nice clank and interrupts the attack :)
    -Had a fun sound/foley session yesterday, cracking eggshells, squeezing lemons, for that juicy gore/damage sound :D Also hitting swords, shields, all kinds of stuff. Very fun. Turns out hitting a spoon on a fork sounds more like swords clashing than 2 actual swords clashing.
    -Added the sound of crowd and "ooh, ahh"ing when you get hit and so on. (placeholder)
    -Much more stuff! The core of the game is really taking shape now, and is starting to be really fun :) 

    I'll make an update video when I find some time, and I'll probably release a demo for my Patrons. I feel bad that I haven't found much time for them lately.

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Hey everyone  Been making lots of progress on my game despite freelance work!
    Here is a look of some of the WIP/updated graphics on the "Arena" level. Thought I'd throw it out there in the middle of things. Video update coming soonish!

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Here's another update view of the arena level ! :)

  • Apocrs1980
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    Apocrs1980 polycounter lvl 4
    Great job man, keep at it :smiley:
    I know as an artist myself how important it is for feed back to feed motivation at times. So in my opinion I think it looks great. 
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks! that means a lot :) It does help very much to get some response heh.

    concept vs implementation

  • Michael Knubben
    I think the concept's chunkier edges do add a lot to the feeling. On the ingame model everything feels much more flimsy, and I doubt it reads as well from afar. Have you considered exaggerating the bevels on the highpoly?
    You could also up the roughness a bit so as to get a more diffuse reflection as in the concept.
  • Chidambhar_Swaroop
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    Chidambhar_Swaroop polycounter lvl 2
    Omg that vlog video was nice  B)B)B)
    Looks nice ... <3<3<3
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    I think the concept's chunkier edges do add a lot to the feeling. On the ingame model everything feels much more flimsy, and I doubt it reads as well from afar. Have you considered exaggerating the bevels on the highpoly?
    You could also up the roughness a bit so as to get a more diffuse reflection as in the concept.
    Thank you! That's a good point, it does miss the chunky feel. There's no high poly at all, its all done with texture and crazybump to save time (as asset creation is taking too much time in such a large project)
    I think I can play with the proportions of the mesh though to help it -- I need to go back anyway to fix some clipping issues on the skinning :) thanks for bringing it up. I'll experiment with the roughness maps too

    Omg that vlog video was nice  B)B)B)
    Looks nice ... <3<3<3
    Thank you hah! Glad someone liked it :D
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Hey all! 

    'm excited to show off a major update video! If you have 5 mins to spare check it out:

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    When you try to add in a dynamic animation that looks at the opponent 

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    I forgot to post this before, but you can also follow development here if you are a reddit user:
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    "I killed all of these, I can kill one more!"

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11

    Unbelievable, but someone actually made FAN ART for my game already Huge smile on my face.

    Be sure to check out his work at https://www.artstation.com/artist/majdf !

    I'm currently doing UI stuff (relatively boring, options menu and stuff) but I added a new shield yesterday :)

  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage
    Hey love this idea, like the better fighter gets better upgrades.. AND THROW IN SOME TIGERS ATTACKING!! dynamic action!
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you! No tigers planned but animals and monsters could be a thing some day!

    Every time I code some animation related stuff the first result is hilarious. Every. Single. Time.

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Here's the working version of the shield aim feature:

  • Poinball
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    Poinball polycounter lvl 6
    Nice Work so far ! The art look really amazing !

    The fighting animation should look more natural and maybe add some more feedback when the char it the enemy.
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you! Anims are always a point to work on :) I am not an animator at all haha, but I'm trying my best & learning!

    Small teaser for upcoming feature :) (2 handed weapons!)

    Also a nod to my past in modding under the nickname "Highelf", as it is inspired by the design from Lord of the Rings highelven swords. That sword was the first thing I ever added and wanted to add to a game (mount & blade) after seeing the movie, back when I was 14 years old.
    So I couldn't make my first game and not have it in here.

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Small combat gif from the last dev vlog for screenshot saturday :) 

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    NOT been sitting still the last week :) 2 handed, spear&shield and polearm combat added!

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    New feature: 2-handed combat :) Good thing I have god mode.

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11

    Hello all! Been hard at work and I'm happy to announce my second major milestone has been reached - I've gone from rudimentary prototype to finishing what I call the  "Core Update" which outlines the basic core combat gameplay. Pretty important stuff! And according to planning, We who are about to Die is about 1/4th the way - halfway to Alpha. 

    I've added tons of stuff such as 2 handed, spear, pole-arm combat - and weapons to go with them - shield bashes, manual and automatic directional blocking with weapons, aim assist, dynamic stamina, physics based damage... and the list goes on. 

    I'm trying to approach this somewhat professionally so before I want to wrap up the Core Update - I have a round of playtesting to do. For that, I need a handful of playtesters.

    I'm looking for both veteran gamers and inexperienced gamers. Male, female, doesn't matter. 
    I'm looking for people who are interested in really playing for a bit, and practicing the game over multiple sessions (not just giving it one go) and who are able and willing to write down all their experiences, mishaps and ideas as clearly as possible. Major bonus if you can record yourself playing (your screen) but not a must at all. I'm also interested in people who are interested in coming back and testing the other milestone versions later down the road, so they can see the evolution and see / advise where the game is headed. (But that's also not a must)

    So in short - someone who wants to take it seriously and help shape the game, instead of *just* wanting to play my game, if that makes sense!

    Since the project has a budget of €0, I can't offer anything in return except being able to play/see the progress of a game and - of course, a free key to the full game when/if it comes out and access to all updates in between now and then. So the bottom line is it has to seem fun to you to do this!

    If you're interested, please write me a small motivation, and summary of yourself/your gaming experience to lakierejordy @ g mail . com  (remove spaces)
    If you're not interested, don't hesitate to show this post to someone  you know who might be!
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    I have been hard at work :) Haven't posted a lot because it takes so much time so here is a bit of a dump:

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Optimus said:
    wow it looks really good! whats your polycount on the low poly model? is it free or paid? i might buy it :)
    Thank you so much! :)
    Which model do you mean?

    And it will be a steam game, about $10 or so, but I'm not sure
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    MAATT polycounter lvl 5
    I must say, nice character design. I love the low poly/painterly look - especially his bearded face -  and exaggerated proportions.. It would be great to see wireframes. ;)
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you! I'll see if I can post a wireframe of my char next time. Meanwhile:

    Starting onto the next level  Part 1 - very rough blockout of the main walls.
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Computer crashed twice in a week but I'm reinstalled and no data loss so here is part 2 of the new level :) 

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    New level part 3! The style/inspiration should be starting to be visible now :) Thoughts welcome!

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    New level part 4! Starting to take shape :) Lots to do still though

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11

    Another update, the last pic was still very early, the ground is supposed to be grass.
    Also note (as was said) the light isn't built so it looks kinda shit :)

    New level part 5

  • ChristenLA
    Really loving this so far, with a special place in my heart for the mosaic <3
    The brightness gives it a nice cartoony upbeat feel, but often it's blowing out all texture detail on lighter materials and hurting the sense of contrast by blending everything together.
    Exmaple: http://i.imgur.com/FWV9lST.jpg
    You may want to slightly turn down your ambient/skylight. I'd also suggest looking at your screenshots on someone else's monitor. (I have two monitors myself, one way too dark and one way too bright, and this looks too bright on both!)
    Looking forward to seeing more!
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Interesting, thanks for the feedback! You may be right, I'll have to check out my game on a few other monitors as well.

    Here's a little murder-storyboard to showcase the grass I worked 2 days on to get right.
    It was surprisingly technically challenging, but I'm really happy with how it turned out 


  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Needs more assets, variation, textures and lighting need to be updated; but the overall shape is there. Thoughts?

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    New level: part 6! Time for polish and finalizing. Next post will be final :)

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Arena update 7!

    Final (For now) 

    The last few days I've been shifting into some high level gameplay coding; after like a year focusing on combat mechanics and art it's actualy AMAZING to finally get into this stuff.
    In just two days I have a gameplay loop; you can enter the game, pick a weapon, pick a map, pick a gamemode (!!) and jump into a battle; when you win you are sent back and you can pick the next. I know it doesn't sound like much but it's extremely exciting for me!

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    One last peek at the finished arena level. Today, yesterday and the day before I have spent level designing some FFA levels! (up to 8 teams) I'll show them off soon :D

    One last peek at the finished arena level.
    Today, yesterday and the day before I have spent level designing some FFA levels! (up to 8 teams) I'll show them off soon :D

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    When you add spinning death blades to your game but haven't informed your AI yet.

  • Olingova
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    Olingova interpolator
    Hahaha what a slaughter!!

    Reaaally nice camera travelling you got there, like it!! The new arena looks great, maybe just that lill piece of grass on the outside of the main court that kinda triggers me, ldont know why but it looks a bit weird, empty. But nice job tho keep it up!
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Haha fair point! I tried to get all the clipping away but missed that one :D will fix it.

    Here's a new short dev vlog of all the progress from the last months:


  • Olingova
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    Olingova interpolator
    Reaaaally nice work!! The two first arenas are really on point!! Maybe the 3d one still need to get some stuff fixed but the overall quality is good i like it, look forward to see more!! :D
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you so much for the input :D I'll definitely give it another pass of polish later.


    Procedural animations on hit:

  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Making great progress the last weeks :)

    Added a camera assist, and team colours, weapon hit animation & sparks, more blood, a lot of behind-the-scenes work on item infrastructure, a slow motion feature (that costs lots of stamina), HP and stamina bar, arena progression on victory & gold reward on victory, dynamic prices for all items... etc etc etc... the list goes on!

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    This looks fantastic. The style. The humor. The classic arena battle gameplay.
    Everything. And all a single persons work. Impressive. Motivational.


    ps: please, let there be tigers!
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