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Riot Art Contest 2014 - Q&A



  • McSheff
    it still won't let me post a new thread......
  • Vinch
    Hello, for the illustration category, can I use elements or other champions featuring in the illustration? (i.e. Garen and Katarina as toys in DinoGnar Splash art, Gangplank in Arcade Miss Fortune splash art)

  • Kel-Shaded
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    Kel-Shaded polycounter lvl 6
    Ah i did feel the environment section had an unfair workload

    It really did. Hopefully this will help everyone spend more time on the individual assets to ensure higher quality pieces.
  • AnxoDL
    Hi, i want to know if in the animation category i need say what is the champion that i am going to animate or just show my wip and finally said it. And if the attackl animation must be about one attack or ultimate that the champions have or i can create whatever attack that i want. Thank you ^^

    We only ask that you create animations for the 2 categories in the LoL animation style and camera. You are free to make up anything new or imitate a specific champion's feel.
  • MMKH
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    MMKH polycounter lvl 11
    If we have created custom skins in the past (there are some on Leaguecraft.com), are we allowed to take our previous work as a concept to redo as a contest entry?

    If you created the concept and now want to turn that concept into 3d, that is acceptable. If you already created the 3d model and will recreate it, then we would need to see a full on new asset from scratch.
  • Rakoon
    I'm sorry if this question has already been asked, there's just so many pages in this thread!
    I'm from the LAS region/server, can I participate or is this contest exclusive to some exclusive regions?

    Worldwide contest.
  • NMFreire

    Regarding the animation contest, just want to know if its allowed to use already existing rigs?
    The general rules clearly says that all art must be made originally made for the contest but I don't know if that's applied for the rigs...

    You can use existing rigs.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    NMFreire: From the main contest FAQ
    No. Do not use any copyrighted materials especially where they were acquired illegally. You can use any rig (even something very primitive) for this contest. We are judging the animations and not the model/rig you use.

    And elsewhere in this thread, yes you can use any rig. You do not have to do the rigging yourself. The focus is on animation.

    Correct. Thanks!
  • chains16
    i made a concept for a new skin a while back and put it on the internet, can i reuse that concept for this competition?

    Yes if you are now taking that concept and turning it into a 3d model or illustration.
  • jarvin88
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    jarvin88 polycounter lvl 3

    After reading many of the FAQ questions, I cant seem to find the true answer of rules. My question is, are we required to design our animations with a specific LOL character in mind? Or can we make animations that simply feel would fit in the game using a unique rig?

    Says we don't need to base it off a specific champion, just do whatever we want.

    Says we must base it off a specific champion.

    I would love for this to be clarified as I'm sure there are many confused animation contestants out there, we just don't want to be disqualified! Thank you.

    I have corrected post #133. You can take an existing champion or create something new with the LoL animation style and camera angle.
  • MMueller
    I've read through the questions and rules. The wording is a bit vague throughout with regards to what we should animate. Do we pick a existing champion or persona of that champion? Or do we come up with our own "champion" and to a walk cycle and attack for them? Or is either of those options ok to do?
  • MMueller
    Nevermind! I just saw the most Recent question which is identical!
  • Lhightblu
    Lhightblu wrote: »
    For character art
    Can we use a 2D front and side view of the 3D shaded (without wireframe) champion model as a modelsheet and come up with our own topology ?

    I am confused about this question. Can you please explain further?

    I wish to model starting with polygons instead of sculpting directly in Zbrush.
    I'd like to be accurate with the champion shape, ratio and proportions so I was thinking about setting my scene like this : http://tinyurl.com/ont89dg (screenshots from a ripped official mesh).
    I just want to be able to use more precise references in addition to official artworks and ingame screenshots.

    Do not rip the assets from the game. We want to see your take and what you would do.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Jelligeth wrote: »
    I've noticed recently that a lot of the progress threads (Illustration in particular) have become critique threads. For the sake of clarity, would this not be considered "teamwork"?Especially in regards to paint-overs and "vote for your favorite version" type threads.
    If people get to "vote" on their favorite one of 4 or 5 different versions every step of the way before an artist proceeds to the next step, it seems more like teamwork than if an artist only posted linear progress and only takes the inevitable critique that comes from this.
    Just want to know where this stands in the rules, because if it's fine, I wouldn't mind benefiting from it :P
    And if it's not fine, what participants should do if their progress thread is already this way.

    This is what polycount is all about, feedback and critique.

    That is why we partnered with Polycount for this contest.
  • Sirhaian
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    Sirhaian polycounter lvl 3
    Hello! I am participating in the VFX category and I had a question.
    Is it authorized to use sounds in the required H.264 video? If yes, is it authorized to use LoL's sounds?

    Thank you for the reply, and for this amazing contest! :D

    No sounds. We will likely mute the audio before review all the submissions. We do not want anything distracting us from the actual craft of the effect hence the no camera shake, etc.
  • blakeo
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    blakeo polycounter lvl 7
    HI, i'm sorry if this has already been answered but are there certain transforms that we need for our camera?

    This is found on the main contest page FAQ. The angle to use is around 55 degrees with the FOV being 40.
  • ericfai35

    there is nothing in that web page , and my polycount don't let my post my wip , so i don't know where i can submit my work help me please ~~~

    Everything should be good to go on the Woobox page now.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    ericfai35 wrote: »

    there is nothing in that web page , and my polycount don't let my post my wip , so i don't know where i can submit my work help me please ~~~

    I think admins manually approve people that have posted in the "Information about Polycount & New member introductions" thread, so it might take awhile before your account is approved. Give it a try now maybe it will work.
  • EdGaray
    On the Environment category, what you guys are looking for the Creeper den is rocks with trees and foliage that matches the ones in the game or can we make new samples that matches the art style? Also, no small tents, houses or any element related with the theme of the turret or inhibitor? Thanks.

    The creep den is entirely up to you on how big or small you want this to be. The only requirement is a tree or bush and a rock or rocks. Everything else is up to you.
  • DarknessNox
    Hello! I want to start a thread about progress, I want to enter in the Illustration category. I already have an idea, but I was thinking, maybe someone else has very similar idea to mine, so will I be blamed for "copying" the idea off someone else? Because I'm working on my idea and I wanted to clear that. Also I use some original Riot concepts to look at and take partial elements as ideas to modify, is that acceptable?

    One of the great things about having a WIPs section for this contest is so you can see what others are doing and try to stand out. It might be helpful for you to check out what others are doing before starting your piece. Also, just because someone has a similar idea does not mean that the execution has to be the same.
  • MattiasG
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    MattiasG polycounter lvl 8
    iNathanM wrote: »
    Same question people seem to have asked, I'm really eager to get involved in this - though what model can we animate? The only easy to access models I can imagine are Dota 2 models... though that may not look very good.

    Is there any League models we can use?

    No. We are not releasing LoL characters for this competition. You can use any free or paid rig out there for this competition. The quality of the model is not a factor in the animation judging.

    There is a rig for Rengar I found on the LoL forum. http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=4227830 I gues this rig would fit well ?
  • tekkoontan
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    tekkoontan polycounter lvl 4
    when submitting my entry, they wanted my summoner's name, i dont play LoL, and my comp is not powerful enough to run the game. is it compulsory to have a LoL account and summoner if i want to enter the contest?

    Making a summoner account is quick and free. LoL min specs are pretty low so you are likely to run the game on your current computer if you are doing any graphics work on it.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    you guys should make a what you're working on thread, there are so many threads in this contest i feel like im missing alot of them.
  • juancaratino
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    juancaratino polycounter lvl 7
    i wondered , respect to the high poly version, WHAT KIND of high poly model RIOT expect from us?, i know all this three attached model are good, but you have to be a preference right?


    Use your best judgement. What do you feel would work best from a 3/4 camera angle and is readable from a distance? We want to make sure you are keeping the camera angle in mind because that is how we will be evaluating the end results.
  • Dantert
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    Dantert polycounter lvl 10
    I think whatever you feel like to do, but also that works well with the rest of the game :)
  • juancaratino
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    juancaratino polycounter lvl 7
    Dantert wrote: »
    I think whatever you feel like to do, but also that works well with the rest of the game :)

    yes like i say, the 3 images are very well, but...WHAT is the preference for the Company?

    Someone answer me, you confuse me dude....what do you mean? it's quite obvious that they want something that works within the feel of the game......OK so? 1 / 2/ or 3? is simple question
  • JoanSantus
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    JoanSantus polycounter lvl 7
    Hello juancaratino. If you check the LoL's champions and the current art style you'll see they are heading to models similar to number 2. They are also cleaning their textures of older characters by taking highlights and noise details into a more shader-like textures.
    You can check an example here:
  • juancaratino
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    juancaratino polycounter lvl 7
    JoanSantus wrote: »
    Hello juancaratino. If you check the LoL's champions and the current art style you'll see they are heading to models similar to number 2. They are also cleaning their textures of older characters by taking highlights and noise details into a more shader-like textures.
    You can check an example here:

    of course John I think it's number 2, only asking for an official answer, but is ok :\
  • Melodie Mendes

    I'm aiming for the animation category and I would like to know if both the walkcycle and attack animation should be in loop or not.

    Thank you! :3

  • Zaina
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    Zaina polycounter lvl 10
    Looking up former and current employee's work will answer this question.
  • juancaratino
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    juancaratino polycounter lvl 7
    Zaina wrote: »
    Looking up former and current employee's work will answer this question.

    WOW excellent contribution for ALL of us, THANKS so much
  • juancaratino
  • Hekutor
    Hello and sorry if this question has been asked before.

    I'm doing an "arcade" style skin for Syndra in the character art contest and I've used some old retro pixelated silhouettes as complements, like a pacman one for a buckle or a space invader to decorate the headdress. I would like to know if its ok to use old stuff like that or it's going to violate some copyright and I have to remove or change them.

    I would use your best judgement here. You can do pixelated retro style work without directly making something that is from a past specific game.

    At the beginning I thought about it as a "fan art" which will not be used in the game, but if then its shown on Riot social media and that kind of places, it might be a problem. Also, I saw arcade Miss Fortune using duck hunt guns and some retro pixelated silhouettes on spells. Am I moving on an old enough space to violate copyrights? Thank you.

    Yes. This will be posted on our social media networks so please be mindful of copyright issues.
  • Kel-Shaded
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    Kel-Shaded polycounter lvl 6

    Cheers for sharing Juan
  • Kel-Shaded
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    Kel-Shaded polycounter lvl 6
    If, for the character art section, I chose an effects heavy champion like Xerath,
    Am I allowed to create a shader for his VFX elements like magic and lightning etc,

    Assuming this shader is unlit, uses no textures or only the same 2k diffuse as the base character, and can be realtime. Is this an acceptable approach???

    and Also... where is everyone getting their Riot/LoL contest logos from???

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    SUPAVISI polycounter lvl 7
    Hi, is it cool to use two separate maps, one for the hero and one for the weapon? Or is it required to layout both on one 2048 map.

  • MiAlx
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    MiAlx polycounter lvl 10

    In the animation category, let's say in order to use a specific model/rig from a tutorial site, I asked for permission and they told me I should give them credit at some place in the footage for their model if I wanted to use it.

    I would do something like blend in "model courtesy of xxx" at the end of each animation, or something along the lines of that. Would that be problematic on Riot's side, or can I go ahead and do that?

    Thank you! :)
  • MattiasG
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    MattiasG polycounter lvl 8
    MattiasG wrote: »
    There is a rig for Rengar I found on the LoL forum. http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=4227830 I gues this rig would fit well ?

    As it says in the rules :
    "For animations, can I use a character model that I ripped from another game?"

    Is this rig okey as an entry ?
  • azabyaza121
    So sorry about asking this. I couldnt find anything on this, but im extremely new to forum type stuff. But i wanted to ask, if i just create a new thread in the illustration section for my wip- does the title have to say specifically that its a wip for the contest?
    reason why ive just asked the most dumbest question is because i look at other threads put up by people and all titles say [RIOT CONTEST]. i look at mine and it doesnt have that title. Is the [RIOT ART CONTEST] title just automatically placed there to show wat the thread is apart of? or does something else have to be done. Also is there a way to delete a thread i just made? also any attatchment i try to upload will just have an error. Is there something im doin wrong.

    So sorry to ask these really stupid questions but i really have no idea. Thanks
  • Kel-Shaded
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    Kel-Shaded polycounter lvl 6
    So sorry about asking this. I couldnt find anything on this, but im extremely new to forum type stuff. But i wanted to ask, if i just create a new thread in the illustration section for my wip- does the title have to say specifically that its a wip for the contest?
    reason why ive just asked the most dumbest question is because i look at other threads put up by people and all titles say [RIOT CONTEST]. i look at mine and it doesnt have that title. Is the [RIOT ART CONTEST] title just automatically placed there to show wat the thread is apart of? or does something else have to be done.

    The thread title is exactly what you type in there (or copy and paste, which is why everyones is in the same format), there is no auto prefixing or anything.
    Also when you enter for final submission you send a link to your WIP so don't worry too much dude.
  • Phat Hunter
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    Phat Hunter vertex
    Hello ! I have some questions for the animation category :

    1. For the run cycle, can we add random animations ? Because I added a jump in my run cycle to my character and I don't know if it's allowed. Will I be disqualified for this ?

    2. If I want to make a second entry on the WIP thread of a category, do I have to post a hole new thread for that second entry or can I post it on my first entry thread ?

    3. For the playblast in quicktime, is it one view per video or all views in one video ? Is it necessary to put my name and a description which mention the Riot Contest on the playblast ?

    4. Can we add animated FX in our animations ? Does animated FX improve the animation in matter of judgement ?

    Thanks :).
  • azabyaza121
  • azabyaza121
    Kel-Shaded wrote: »
    The thread title is exactly what you type in there (or copy and paste, which is why everyones is in the same format), there is no auto prefixing or anything.
    Also when you enter for final submission you send a link to your WIP so don't worry too much dude.

    Thanks Kel SHaded. I appreciate the help hahah:)
  • WorldMaker
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    WorldMaker greentooth
    so, from rules..
    I'm entering Environment. And i have to create Inhibitor and CreepDen.
    I cant create only Turret or only Inhibitor?

    No. We want to see your take on some organic elements as well.
  • THendersonVFX
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    THendersonVFX polycounter lvl 6
    VFX question: I was thinking of adding the appropriate skillshot/ability range marker under each sphere before the effect is executed. Should I leave these out, or would that be a welcome addition?

    They would be unique to each effect (like Diana's Crescent Strike skill marker) but have the same style.

    It is up to you.
  • MattiasG
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    MattiasG polycounter lvl 8
    No more questions being answered anymore :( ?

    I apologize. I am here to answer more questions as we head towards the finish line.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Mattias, I'm sure they're just busy.

    As far as the Rengar rig goes, it wasn't officially released but ripped by someone so I wouldn't use it. The rules state the model/rig doesn't matter so don't get hung up on using in-game models.
  • Dhairyasheel
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    Dhairyasheel polycounter lvl 6
    i tryed inserting image but its not cumming
  • Dhairyasheel
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    Dhairyasheel polycounter lvl 6
    hay can some one help with with images ? i tried uploading but its not working when i am trying to post my WIP'S
  • SteVAI
    Hi, Can I ask you about "environment art"? I don't understand something... )
    "Mission: Create two (2) different fully textured environment assets..."
    So, if I want to participate in the competition I must create 2 different turret models?

    P.S. Thnx!

    See 1st line of the rules under Environment Art.
This discussion has been closed.