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SOLVED: Photoshop error (0x80042260) dDo

polycounter lvl 5
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cauko polycounter lvl 5
I've been searching a solution for the photoshop error (0x80042260) with no succes.
someone could solve the photoshop bug? i see that many people have the same problem.

My case:
after load all the maps, i click the "create base" and pop out an error saying:

"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80042260):
General Photoshop error ocurred. This funtionality may not be avaliable in this version of photoshop."

I've tried a clean uninstall and reinstall but nothing =(, also tried to change the preference settings of photoshop in performance turning of an on the "use graphic processor".
I just purchased the quixel suite, but i cant integrate dDo in to my workflow.

My system settings are:

Win 7 x64
Photoshop CC
ASUS Sabertooth x58
NVidia Geforce GTX 560
Intel i7 950 3.07GHZ

Sorry for my english if its not correctly.


  • Eric Ramberg
    Hi cauko!

    A few questions, have you tried updating Java, sometimes that helps! Also do you have any non-alphanumerical characters in the path to either the suite or your project?
  • hell_d
    Looks like i'm facing same problem, Eric. Java update didn't help and I tried to reinstall Quixel in different path too, no luck.
  • cauko
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    cauko polycounter lvl 5
    Still with no succes, tried both but it did not work
  • teddybergsman
    Really sorry about this cauko. A new update was just released addressing a variety of PS connection issues -- please try it out and let us know if it has any effect on this problem.

    - Teddy
  • hell_d
    Just in case, I got same problem as cauko AFTER updating to 1.4.
  • Eric Ramberg
    @Hell_D - the path to your project, does it have any unsupported characters (non alphanumerical) or is it on a network drive?
  • aten2000
    I just made a plain material with a solid colour in the ID box, and pressed generate, when trying to assign a material to it it would give this error. The thing I was doing wrong was the image I gave it was greyscale. Dunno if it's related to your problem but maybe worth a try...?
  • hell_d
    Hi Eric, thanks for reply. No, it's on local drive and after reading prev. posts i've tried the path to project without any special characters, didn't worked.

    Eric, it might be something about compatibility with Ps. I was facing this bug using dDo with Ps CS3, I've tried trial version of Ps CC 2014 now and looks like all working fine. Not from first try though - I had to uninstall all Adobe stuff with Adobe cleaner first, and only after clean Ps CC install all worked fine again. Hope it will help you guys in the future if similar problem will pop-up.

    Forgot to mention that you guys are awesome, can't imagine my work without dDo anymore :)
  • Eric Ramberg
    @Hell_d THANK YOU so much for relaying this information, it helps a lot!! So happy it works now and super glad you like the tools :)
  • Miira
    I have same probl
  • Eric Ramberg
    Hi Miira!

    Have you tried the sample projects from the wiki? http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=ddo_samples

    Just so we can pinpoint your problems!
  • Miira
    Hi Eric,

    thanks :-) sample model working good. Maybe I have probl
  • Miira

    someone created a plugin for 3ds max to export to obj intended for QUIXEL?
  • Eric Ramberg
    Miira - we´re putting together a wiki post on the correct way to export from a 3d pakage to DDO! I´ll post the link as soon as its up!
  • nazeil
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    nazeil interpolator
    I get the same error when trying to export out my final textures:

    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80042260): General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop

    I've tried it in Photoshop CC, and CC 2014

    I have cryEngine as my Calibration Profile

    It does manage to get the Albedo and AO maps out though


    If I change the calibration profile to genericPBR it does export all my maps. The issue seems to be tied to CryEngine profile
  • Gx2
    I've had the same problem as Nazeil when exporting my final textures running CS6 x64 (Java updated after the last Quixel update, yesterday). In my case, I was using the Generic PBR (GGX) calibration profile:

    Error from Photoshop:
    "Error 8800: General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop.
    -The command "Curves" is not currently available.
    -> executeAction(id45, desc11, DialogModes.NO);"

    Error from dDo:
    "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException(0x80042260): General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop."

    When I changed the calibration profile to CryEngine, I received the same error. When I export using the other profiles, like Unity, Marmoset Toolbag 2, Generic PBR, UE4, etc, allowed me to export my textures without a problem.

    Hope this helps the devs.
  • Eric Ramberg
    I just confirmed with Teddy that there seems to be something wrong with cryengine export. We will try to sort this out as soon as possible! Sorry for the hassle guys and thank you for your reports!
  • nwopolygonshapeshifter
    I'm having the same issue with the Disney GGX Gloss export. I'm updating Java currently, and I will post an edit if the situation has improved or not. I forgot to mention that I'm running 1.4 of the Quixel Suite and using Photoshop CS5. I checked the name of my export folder and set it to "test" and still no luck.

    I forgot to mention that I'm impressed you guys plan on supporting this. It makes my exporting from DDO to Blender to some other game engine IE (Second Life or Source) a helluva lot easier.

    Edit: I updated Java to the newest version, and I am still getting nasty errors when I try to export with the Disney GGX Gloss settings. A temporary work around is just exporting the maps manually. This issue seems to happen only with the Disney and Generic PBR settings.

    Note I've only tried using the UE4, UE4 Calibrated, and Last Gen exporters before this.
  • Eric Ramberg
    @nwopolygonshapeshifter - I´ll have the dev team take a look at the Disney export as well! thank you very much for reporting!
  • Eric Ramberg
    @miira - here is the export guide, hope it helps, let me know if it doesn´t :)

  • jjsuperspy
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    jjsuperspy polycounter lvl 8
    im having the same issue as Miira and ive downloaded one of the sample projects and it loaded fine apart from the material ID's not showing in photoshop but showed in 3DO but anyway i have no idea what im doing wrong for my stuff also im using blender for modeling an exporting and what not
  • Eric Ramberg
  • jjsuperspy
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    jjsuperspy polycounter lvl 8
    so ive tryed to do the equivalent export obj for blender and ive put in the maps i want but soon as i put in the material ID map it still comes up with the error and just closes down
  • Eric Ramberg
    @jjsuperspy - would you mind zipping your entire project and upload it so i can take a look at it?
  • Miira
    Hi Eric, thank you.. I will try it and send report.. :-) But I need export setting for 3D Studio Max, this is for Maya..
  • Eric Ramberg
    Miira the principals are the same with Max as Maya, you should be able to find the same settings in Max as well :)
  • Miira
    Sure :-) I try export simple model "teapot" and its work, but when I try exdport some diferent model, its problem.. Looking for solution and reason why..
  • Miira
    Its awesome :-D when I right export model and loading in quixel, I cant see it in 3DO viewer.. lol
  • Eric Ramberg
    @miira - sorry just to clarify, the model works but you cant see it in 3DO?
  • MadMaximus83
    Hey ladies and gents,

    I HAD the same issue with Quixel and PHS after reinstalling my system. I received the same error message when trying to create a base material, respectively when opening the 3DO viewer. At least for my system, I found a solution. Hope this might help you people as well.

    Since I faced several issues with folder security and administrator rights, I tried to start Quixel with the flag "run as administrator" and after that it worked perfectly fine for me. So my guess is, that it might has something to do with data access and windows user rights. Maybe. ;-)
  • Miira
    Hi Eric,
    all is o.k. for now.. I dnt understand, what I do wrong before..
  • Novian
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    Novian polycounter lvl 12
    I am getting the same error and am basically unable to use dDO now :( I have tried repeatedly to create using various presets, to no avail. I am focused on the Unity preset and am seeing the issue others reported on the cryengine one.

    I get the first error during the attempt to create texture bases. The second occurs after I click OK to the first.


    System Specs:

    i5-4670 3.40 GHz
    32 RAM
    64-bit Win 7 Ultimate
    PS CS3
    Primary SSD (where all applications and OS are installed)
    Secondary HD 2TB Internal (where all user files including the textures I am attempting to create are stored)

    Hope this helps!

    Please advise.

    Thank you!
  • cauko
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    cauko polycounter lvl 5
    i open this tread cuz the damn problem of the photoshop knows as "(0x80042260)" dont let me work on Ddo, but reading all the posts i've realized that there is no common factor that solve this problem.

    In my case:
    load obj (Triangulated in the export settings from 3d max)
    load ID map (png)
    load normalmap (png)
    load AO map (png)
    load vectorspace map (png)
    click CREATE BASE


    after trying a lot of things like:
    -Updating Java... didn't work =(
    -Clean Install of Ps CS6, and even upgrade to Ps CC(2014)... didn't work =(
    -Clean Install of Quixel Suite and upgrade to v1.4... didn't work =(
    -Change the path of the inputs with no strange aplhanumerical... didn't work =(
    -Change Calibration modes... didn't work =(
    -Open quixel suite as administrator... didn't work =(
    -Change with another model and maps... didn't work =(

    Then probe the sample projects and its works with no problem. i open the project and also load the inputs and its works fine.

    I've been seen that all the tutorials and manuals of ddo, are working with maya export to obj, and with 3d max there is no much explanation about it or another 3d software. They only say that you have to triangulate, and i was using 3dmax or blender to export my mesh, so i try the maya way (menu mesh-Triangulate) and export and


    BUT... All the output maps are created in ddo, but sadly, there is no link with 3do, i only see a sphere or all the other meshes except the one i uploaded. Also i dont see any informaton of bump in the sphere.
    I cant upload my custom mesh from the menu "open 3do custom loader", and needer in the menu from the ddo "re-import mesh". I click the sync button "force refresh 3do" and nothing happens (well, photoshop seems to "think" but there is no actualization of the mesh information in 3do).

    I'm in a state of despair, i bought quixel suite one and a half month ago but i cant integrate to my pipeline, and i really really really really really really, like and need this software to make better proffesional works. instead of that, im stuck with "i dont know what happen if i do what i suposed to do.. but there is an error thing of who knows what" (jajaja)

    i hope this information works in someway and in return i hope there is someone to solve my problem one of this days.

    See ya.
    Again, if my english is not correct, im sorry if bothers you.
    Peace 0_0
  • Eric Ramberg
    @Novian - This is a CS3 specific error, this will be fixed in coming release but until then you could if possible update PS, you can also try to roll back to the 1.3 version of the suite for now, that should work! Really sorry this is causing you problems!
  • Eric Ramberg
    @Cauko - could i trouble you to upload your not working mesh and your partially working mesh so we can have a look at it? Really sorry that its not working as intended and hopefully we can resolve this soon!
  • cauko
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    cauko polycounter lvl 5
    @Eric Rammberg - Sure no problem. How can i do that? where do i upload it?
  • teddybergsman
    Hi everyone,

    Huge thanks on reporting this error. It has turned out to be an issue with versions of Photoshop lower than the CC edition. The project generation error has been fixed for good together with the GGX export crash. REALLY sorry about all the hassle. We're making a new release this week.

    Your help has been tremendous, thanks everyone! Hopefully 1.5 will contain a few surprises that will make it worth the wait.

    Thanks again,
    - Teddy
  • SutterCane
    hi, i have the same problem
    photoshop 2014.2.1
    i have deleted all adobe product with adobe cleaner tool and reinstall
    but nothing, when i click on create from the materials browser :

  • CJFerguson
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    CJFerguson polycounter lvl 7
    Having similar problems with Quixel today. In the patched 1.7 version I can no longer create base textures. tumblr_nf01jmGptQ1qbdjxvo1_1280.png

    Bleh. I reinstalled the older version and was able to create base textures, but then I wasn't able to get cross app mode working with toolbag 2.
  • CJFerguson
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    CJFerguson polycounter lvl 7
    I just found out that there's a 1.7c and installed it. Everything just worked properly. Yay.
  • teddybergsman
    Thanks CJ for sharing your solution! Another build of 1.7 (d) is now up if you want to give that a spin as well.

    - Teddy
  • SutterCane
    i'm sure this is a obj problem because the sample files works properly
    i'm export from 3d studio but i have found no infos for correct parameters.
    i have tested, with and without triangle and other options but no work
    or it is a option in the edit polygon modifier ? i don't know...

    and i don't want buy maya :)
  • CJFerguson
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    CJFerguson polycounter lvl 7
    With the newest release of 1.7 through the actual Quixel downloader, (I'm assuming this is newer than 1.7d but I don't know) I've gone back to having problems. This occurs right after plugging in all of my textures and my model and selecting create base. Perhaps my color ID map is bad? Here's some screens of my issue:


    Things I'm doing to attempt fixing it are:
    -Updating photoshop cs.6 (non CC)
    -running both as administrator.
    -howling to the moon
  • CJFerguson
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    CJFerguson polycounter lvl 7
    Ok, so I just successfully created the project without errors.
    Things that I did are listed above.
    So either:
    -go to the help option for your photoshop CS6 and click updates, and update.
    -run both programs as administrator
    -or howl to the moon

    One of these solved the issue.
  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    I get the same error code whenever I try to make a custom smart material. Pressing the button just gets me this:

    ...and then quixel totally locks up. Have tried pretty much every "fix" in this thread but it still does the same thing. It does this in both CS5 and CC 2014 and I tried both 1.8 and 1.7b.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Magihat - Very sorry about this, we´re currently trying to reproduce and troubleshoot this, I can understand that this is causing you big problems, but would it be possible to upload another picture of how the material looks inside the group? Also have you tried saving a material that doesnt have a mask on the main group? Last question, when does this error appear,is it directly when you press the "save" button?
  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    Magihat - Very sorry about this, we´re currently trying to reproduce and troubleshoot this, I can understand that this is causing you big problems, but would it be possible to upload another picture of how the material looks inside the group? Also have you tried saving a material that doesnt have a mask on the main group? Last question, when does this error appear,is it directly when you press the "save" button?
    First of - thanks for the reply :)

    Here is what the material looks like (just differently masked skintextures stacked on top of each other really):
    I tried clearing the mask on the group but that got the same error message. The message itself pops up right after I press "save", quixel also boots 3DO with a material preview but it's just the standard chrome-material.

    I did however get it to work with another group right now so I guess the problem is with how the masks are set up in the group itself?
  • Eric Ramberg
    From what I can see here there shouldn´t be a problem whith that, do you know what you did differently whith the one you managed to save?
  • Hopkins
    Same problem here. I just import obj, id map and when i press Create Base i get this Capture.jpg I use photshop cc
  • Eric Ramberg
    Hopkins does this happen on every project? Have you tried the sample projects from the Quixel Wiki?
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