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  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    lol, I just threw $300 out there randomly. The Oculus Rift is currently set for pre-order at $350, but I honestly can't picture Sony selling their headset for a price near what they sell the console for. While it may be justified (tech-wise), consumers tend to freak out, when accessories are more than the device.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'd agree with that, I could see a PC gamer dropping $350 on VR more quickly than a console gamer. But people were spending $150+ on those Rockband sets.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 6
    Sony has struck a deal with game maker studio http://www.yoyogames.com/news/210
    Today at GDC, we're thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with Sony to offer GameMaker: Studio support for PlayStation®4, PlayStation®Vita and PlayStation®3. This makes publishing GameMaker: Studio games to PlayStation® platforms easy and free of charge for all licensed PlayStation developers.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Anyone picking up Second Son? My copy arrived this morning hope to start it later.

    Reviews aren't exactly glowing on it and heard it suffers the same problems as the previous games, but looking forward nonetheless.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Yea. had the preorder on digital, and downloaded it this morning. Looking forward to playing it when i get home later. I might do a stream with my brothers and some friends if anyone is interested.

    Game looks gorgeous. Excited to check it out. It deff has mixed reviews. i'll prbly just go in with an open mind and try to enjoy it.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    got MGS and Second Son today, both really good games but OMG am i in love with MGS!!!
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah if Ground Zeros is representative of Phantom Pain, we're in for a good time. :)
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 13
    got MGS and Second Son today, both really good games but OMG am i in love with MGS!!!

    How long is MGS? I've heard it's short (not worried about that just wondering) and any news on the full version? is it $60? or $30?
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    MGS is amazing.

    I've been playing it for around 6 hrs now. Just having fun wiht it. Just the amount of encounters and how everything plays different every single time is awesome. It might not be the biggest of maps, but the amount of content that you can interact with and play with is so much. Plus all side missions bring some new twist to gameplay which is awesome.

    Honestly... just playing as snake and moving around is so well done.

    I agree tho.. if Phantom pain is 100 times GZ. I'll prbly go nuts. haha I dunn think there is anything on the prices.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    So my feelings on MGS:

    - i love that they removed all forms of realtime radar, having to switch to the map makes it way more tactical.
    - i love that the codec is a single button now instead of its own separate menu system. seriously awesome.
    - i love the way snake moves, it feels very polished and very responsive.
    - i love the subtle voices coming from my controller for map updates and listening in on enemy radio.
    - overall i just love how the game plays, it feels very much like MGS1 in terms of "taking risks". unlike MGS2 especially and 3/4 to a point, you have to pay much more attention to your surroundings now, and play a lot smarter.

    - i'm not overly sold on Kiefer Sutherland voicing snake, i just don't think it's the right fit.

    as mentioned... if this is an indication of what the full game is going to be like, then holy hot damn.

    as for its length, i didn't play long enough to finish it yet. i'm taking my time enjoying all the pretties (omg snakes hair!).
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah I wrote a bit in the Phantom Pain thread how great the game feels and the responsiveness of the movement and combat.

    The AI is pretty good as well, doesn't feel like most stealth games were the NPC's have a set AI routine, they seem to be more dynamic and unpredictable.

    The animations are awesome as well, the way Snake moves has plenty of weight behind. The IK system works great too, he always seems planted, even over rough terrain.

    aajohnny wrote: »
    How long is MGS? I've heard it's short (not worried about that just wondering) and any news on the full version? is it $60? or $30?

    I think my first playthrough was around an hour and half. There's basically three sections to the camp, but all can be appraoched anyway and in any order you like, there's multiple path to each section as well.
    Like mentioned above, you can spend a lot longer exploring and there's side missions as well.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    I think that by getting rid of the soliton radar you are more engaged. you look at the game actually instead of the mini map all the time haha i love that. i love how you hug the geometry to hide, nad peeking to mark AI.

    Agreed on the codec... one button push for info or hints is awesome. and one button for binoculars is great too.. i use them all the time.

    I think you gotta listen to some more of Kiefers delivery. I actually like it. It does show a little more emotion, something that Hayter didn't have. As much as i liked Hayter, he sounded the same through out the game, and i feel Big Boss is a lot more emotional.

    Also.. i like how hard the game is. AI is very unforgiving when it comes to spotting you, but then engaging the enemy is so much fun. From the reflex to just run and gun.

    I love the music in the game. its so awesome. Very moody. Nothing like running in the rain, while there are flashing lights, with this bit of music and you are carrying Paz while trying to get away. So epic. haha

    yea.. i am glad i got some MGS time before SS came out.. now i can try SS without wanting to go back to MGS right away haha
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