Rumor has it that Epic Games was supposed to make some kind of announcement (based on some article i read a week or two ago). Anybody know anything about it? ARE WE GETTING UNREAL TOURNAMENT 4?
I was too damn tired to stay up and check out the announcements haha.
Announcements (that I caught) were:
Uncharted for PS4
Last of Us DLC
Towerfall for PS4 (yay !)
PS1-style Sold Snake skin for MGS 5 Ground Zeroes
Unique mission for Ps3/4 for MGS 5 Ground Zeroes
Destiny beta is out first for Ps3/4
Infamous Second Son release date announced as March 21 2014
And I swear I saw a brief clip of Last Guardian tucked away in there somewhere.
Well that's disappointing. Since I don't plan to pick up a next-gen console for at least another few months or even a year, I was hoping to hear about UT4
Oh well, hopefully the people who are getting a PS4 are happy with these announcements.
Well that's disappointing. Since I don't plan to pick up a next-gen console for at least another few months or even a year, I was hoping to hear about UT4
It's ok, according to this chart I've had a PS4 since 2011:
Part of me wants to believe that the next-gen consoles will have fewer exclusives and more multi-plats because of the change to x86 architecture but I have a feeling it won't happen. I just wish every game was available on every major platform so people could just focus on enjoying games rather than fighting about stupid shit. Plus it'd be awesome if I could use my PC to play anything as I'm not a huge fan of controllers in general. What do you guys think of the PS4 controller?
I thought the Dualshock 3 was really shit because of both the analog sticks and the triggers. Did they fix them to make them more accurate at all?
I managed to end up with a Blue Light of Death Amazon PS4 right out of the box. Trying to figure out what my best course of action is. Either I return it to Amazon for a refund or send it in a coffin to Sony and wait a month+ for them to fix it.
Neither is a good option. I just really want to play some Knack and Killzone!
I managed to end up with a Blue Light of Death Amazon PS4 right out of the box. Trying to figure out what my best course of action is. Either I return it to Amazon for a refund or send it in a coffin to Sony and wait a month+ for them to fix it.
Neither is a good option. I just really want to play some Knack and Killzone!
If a product is faulty whithin the first month or so I'd always send it back to the seller for a replacement or refund.
I managed to end up with a Blue Light of Death Amazon PS4 right out of the box. Trying to figure out what my best course of action is. Either I return it to Amazon for a refund or send it in a coffin to Sony and wait a month+ for them to fix it.
Neither is a good option. I just really want to play some Knack and Killzone!
Damn that is unfortunate. If it really was broken then I'd say definitely send it back to Amazon. Explain the situation to their support and you might be able to get lucky and have them replace it immediately.
Thats some major teething issues to get past ;/
I think im going to wait a while till this is all sorted, im not putting up with it like i did with the RROD on xbox! I'd rather do without for now haha.
1. We all know there will be teething issues. Sony has reported an 0.4% failure rate so far (as of yesterday) which isn't too bad for launch day.
2. Amazon don't require you to own a product to review it. you can bet your ass that there will be a lot of trolls.
3. Even if you were required to own a product to review it on Amazon, every faulty unit (or close to) would become a negative review... but how many people with working units would take the time to stop playing and write a positive review?
TLDR: Amazon review statistics should not be used as a guideline for the success or failure of a major launch. Especially one surrounded with as much "competitive spirit" as a games console.
Sony can report a 0.4% failure rate all they want. The truth is, they have no F'ing clue. There is no way for them to know which ones are going to be screwed up, or how many. and really, if its only 0.4%, then the chances of a media source (ign, multiple twitch streamers) getting one is just so frigging low, yet they did. and there are tons of reports about it online already.
If you`re at all worried about it, wait till gen2. That's my plan, at least.
Sony can report a 0.4% failure rate all they want. The truth is, they have no F'ing clue. There is no way for them to know which ones are going to be screwed up, or how many. and really, if its only 0.4%, then the chances of a media source (ign, multiple twitch streamers) getting one is just so frigging low, yet they did. and there are tons of reports about it online already.
If you`re at all worried about it, wait till gen2. That's my plan, at least.
And for all we know people who are reporting issues are full of it?
I'm really liking it right now, and I'm excited for it to evolve. Right now, there are many things missing, but all are already promises of future updates. We'll see. My opinion will change greatly if Sony does not follow through on these promises.
I've been chatting with Amazon and they've apparently set up a special exchange program for broken PS4s. I should be receiving one within the week. So fingers crossed that I do as it would be great to get one before thanksgiving.
I also went to my local gamestop and they are doing everything they can to get an extra one in as I spend so much money in that store.
Overall it sucks that I was one of the unlucky ones but I'm still super excited for the system as those that have a working box seem to really be enjoying it. Also Gamestop and Amazons customer service have been top notch. Shame Sony's is a bit lackluster.
Broken hardware new happens all the time. I mean read the reviews for motherboards or hard drives and a small amount of people receive dead units. Though motherboards tend to be a lot nicer and tell you what is wrong with either beeps or numbers.
Another example is my Moog Synthesizer. It is $1000 new and people get dead synths upon delivery. The worst thing about that is that you have to ship a heavy piece of equipment back to the manufacturer to get it fixed.
But really is shouldn't be acceptable and would be nice if this stuff was fully tested before shipped. Maybe it was though and the people with broken systems are just incompetent. I dunno.
Just tried the controller. Holy shit has it improved... I think I actually like it more than the xbox controller now!
yeah i think its leapfrogged xbones controller, the xbones shoulder bumpers are way too clicky, and nothing else has improved.... though ive not felt the haptic trigger vibrate maybe thats cool
I'm really enjoying Killzone: Shadowfall, i've not played any of the other Killzones (although i might, now). And it's sooo pretty! excellent job to all who worked on it!
We got 4 in the mail at work on Friday and boy are they cool! New pads have improved sooo much over the duelshock 3. Resogun is my favourite game so far, amazing visuals!
I'm still quite content with my PS3. I just picked up Disgaea D2 and The Guided Fate Paradox and both games are incredibly fun.
Same here. Late to the party but I just started The Last Of Us Yesterday.
Oh man it's a masterpiece.
As for PS4 I really like what I'm reading. Didn't have a chance to play on it yet but will try to find a demo unit somewhere. I'm also one of those that waits till revised version comes out with all the child bugs sorted. Hopefully i won't have to wait too long
Picked mine up on friday, really loving it so far; in spite of the store being slightly broken, understandably.
I've been somewhat surprised with the number of very mixed and in some cases rather harsh reviews floating around for some of the first party titles. I had a blast with killzone, although I would say the end was pretty abrupt; and knack seems to be a barrel of fun so far.
The new controllers pretty nifty too, although I do keep reaching for the start button and hitting the touchpad instead :P
Either way, it's been pretty enjoyable so far, all I need now is a damn good racing game and that'll keep me happy over Christmas and new year. If anyone fancies a game of something feel free to add me: RuzzMonkey
Haven't finished killzone yet. it's just as "rail shootery" as, well... every shooter that's been made in the last 10 years. but it's just fucking pretty... the skin is amazing on Echo and Sinclair.
Lego marvel superheroes is your typical cross-platform game, nothing special about it being on ps4... but figured why not get it on the new console, great fun for the kids, and my girlfriend and i enjoy smashing some bricks too.
War Thunder (free to play game) is incredibly good fun. the PC version was fun when i played it, but the way they've refined the controls for ps4 feels so much better.
And yeah... the new controllers are great!
probably picking up an xbone at the end of Q1 next year (or maybe wait for the next iteration of it). anyone who said the ps4 has a substandard voice command feature set is talking out of their arse btw.
Seems like everyone's enjoying the PS4 quite a bit, was thinking about this or the Wii u for a while as I don't wanna be glued to my PC all the damn time. Anyone tried Knack out yet?
I'm not too interested in the launch lineup for either the PS4 or the XB1 to be completely honest. Knack looks like the only game I'd enjoy at the moment on the PS4 that is an exclusive. Shadowfall looks beautiful but I remember playing Killzone 2 on the PS3 and stopping after an hour because it was so boring to me.
The same goes for the XB1, the only game that looked interesting to me was Ryse but I heard it was an awful game.
Torch Yeah, I've been playing through Knack, probably put about 2 hours into it maybe, been fun so far; although I do wish the platforming had a greater focus/ more challenge. I'm trying to think of something to compare it to, can't really.
I too would quite like a Wii U, but I know that if I bought one I'd only ever play it when a new mario or zelda comes around, just not enough 3rd part support in my opinion.
Sony has formally announced its virtual reality prototype for PlayStation 4, dubbed Project Morpheus. The head-mounted display features a white visor with a black wrap-around piece along the eye-line, and the edges of the device give off a blue LED glow. The prototype will be available for developers to begin creating games soon.
I'm a bit excited to try this, if it is done right. One thing I've read, and didn't like so far is that it is not wireless (yet). I do hope that changes for the final product, or as a future 'elite' version. I'm also curious how well it will work with a headset.
We knew that the HDCP feature would eventually get changed, but I really love the idea of saving video to a USB drive, AND having my twitch stream save. One of my irritations, with recording is, when I record, I rarely have one of those 'amazing' moments, but when I don't have my recorder on, crazy shit ensues.
That's why I was really excited about the 'share' feature, when it was first announced. Then we get the PS4, and it only shares to Facebook (with low quality). The USB save would now allow me to save of those moments
I don't think the headset needs to be wireless. While it would be a nice feature, it's not the kind of thing that I would expect to be walking around with. A VR experience is "plugged-in" by default. When you are covering your eyes and immersing yourself in a virtual experience, you better not be standing up and walking around.
I would love to hear some comparative accounts from developers attending GDC. I know the Oculus Rift is there. I don't know which is going to have the edge. Sony knows hardware, but the Oculus has some serious design and programming talent as well.
My only issue with the plugged-in thing would be if we're expected to turn in circles it could get a bit weird. And if we AREN'T expected to turn in circles, it could also get a bit weird (and break the immersion a bit), so I'm curious how they're going to resolve that. I'm definitely intrigued!
Actually, I keep my Playstation in a closet, where I hide my electronics, which is a reason a wireless version is more important for me. Plus, it would alleviate a problem in my house, where I take over the living room TV, to play games. I could easily go to a different room to play.
My only issue with the plugged-in thing would be if we're expected to turn in circles it could get a bit weird. And if we AREN'T expected to turn in circles, it could also get a bit weird (and break the immersion a bit), so I'm curious how they're going to resolve that. I'm definitely intrigued!
It really depends on the game, the Rift seems to be focusing on a seated experience and mostly games that involve you being in a cockpit.
It really depends on the game, the Rift seems to be focusing on a seated experience and mostly games that involve you being in a cockpit.
which is great for now, but I dearly hope they don't think that's enough to get people to invest in these headsets. We're gunna need a lot more than flight sims for these things to be profitable, and if we're going to get anything other than flight sims, we'll need to be able to turn our heads around.
which is great for now, but I dearly hope they don't think that's enough to get people to invest in these headsets. We're gunna need a lot more than flight sims for these things to be profitable, and if we're going to get anything other than flight sims, we'll need to be able to turn our heads around.
Actually, games have been trying to make the kinect work with turning your head, but to me, it's kind of a fail, because your eyes still need to be pointing toward the tv. These would eliminate that.
There is potential, for racing games, or FPSs, so you can view your environment better (and feel a bit more immersed). But, on that same point, how much is that experience worth? $300? I don't know what price point they expect for these, but if it's too high, sales may suffer, and in turn, kill of the peripheral before it gets a chance to take off.
which is great for now, but I dearly hope they don't think that's enough to get people to invest in these headsets. We're gunna need a lot more than flight sims for these things to be profitable, and if we're going to get anything other than flight sims, we'll need to be able to turn our heads around.
I didn't mean just plane cockpits, I meant like spaceships (Eve Online Valkyrie, Star Citizen (both have support), car racing games, a mech game like Hawken, a playing card game where there's a virtual desk or playing field infront of you, and real time strategy games.
VR and the Rift don't work well for standing experiences currently, games where your characer is a bit more seated or is just looking forward and to the sides works best.
~$300 seems fine price wise, it's basically the cost of a higher end display or monitor.
VR and the Rift don't work well for standing experiences currently, games where your characer is a bit more seated or is just looking forward and to the sides works best.
Oh? I've not gotten my hands on a rift just yet, so I was taking the omni tread stuff as reference that it was working fine. I dunno, maybe I just need to get a hold of a rift and see before I start being skeptical about this part of it.
~$300 seems fine price wise, it's basically the cost of a higher end display or monitor.
agreed, $300 is reasonable. This is basically a cool monitor, and that'd be the price I'd pay for a cool monitor. If it's 1080p like they're claiming, more the better.
Naughty Dog released Last of Us: Left Behind DLC teaser and a Uncharted 4 Teaser
I was too damn tired to stay up and check out the announcements haha.
Uncharted for PS4
Last of Us DLC
Towerfall for PS4 (yay !)
PS1-style Sold Snake skin for MGS 5 Ground Zeroes
Unique mission for Ps3/4 for MGS 5 Ground Zeroes
Destiny beta is out first for Ps3/4
Infamous Second Son release date announced as March 21 2014
And I swear I saw a brief clip of Last Guardian tucked away in there somewhere.
Oh well, hopefully the people who are getting a PS4 are happy with these announcements.
It's ok, according to this chart I've had a PS4 since 2011:
Don't start this PC vs Console BS please... They are two completely different things. This is a PS4 thread not PC vs Console thread.
even if pc is master race I understand why the demand for consoles exists so its all good.
In the end everyone wins, the consoles-pc gap is alot smaller now which means we'll see more quality on both ends
I thought the Dualshock 3 was really shit because of both the analog sticks and the triggers. Did they fix them to make them more accurate at all?
Neither is a good option. I just really want to play some Knack and Killzone!
If a product is faulty whithin the first month or so I'd always send it back to the seller for a replacement or refund.
5 star: (937)
4 star: (70)
3 star: ((27)
2 star: (27)
1 star: (481)
Thats some major teething issues to get past ;/
I think im going to wait a while till this is all sorted, im not putting up with it like i did with the RROD on xbox! I'd rather do without for now haha.
1. We all know there will be teething issues. Sony has reported an 0.4% failure rate so far (as of yesterday) which isn't too bad for launch day.
2. Amazon don't require you to own a product to review it. you can bet your ass that there will be a lot of trolls.
3. Even if you were required to own a product to review it on Amazon, every faulty unit (or close to) would become a negative review... but how many people with working units would take the time to stop playing and write a positive review?
TLDR: Amazon review statistics should not be used as a guideline for the success or failure of a major launch. Especially one surrounded with as much "competitive spirit" as a games console.
If you`re at all worried about it, wait till gen2. That's my plan, at least.
And for all we know people who are reporting issues are full of it?
I also went to my local gamestop and they are doing everything they can to get an extra one in as I spend so much money in that store.
Overall it sucks that I was one of the unlucky ones but I'm still super excited for the system as those that have a working box seem to really be enjoying it. Also Gamestop and Amazons customer service have been top notch. Shame Sony's is a bit lackluster.
Another example is my Moog Synthesizer. It is $1000 new and people get dead synths upon delivery. The worst thing about that is that you have to ship a heavy piece of equipment back to the manufacturer to get it fixed.
But really is shouldn't be acceptable and would be nice if this stuff was fully tested before shipped. Maybe it was though and the people with broken systems are just incompetent. I dunno.
yeah i think its leapfrogged xbones controller, the xbones shoulder bumpers are way too clicky, and nothing else has improved.... though ive not felt the haptic trigger vibrate maybe thats cool
Lego Marvel, lots of fun too
Same here. Late to the party but I just started The Last Of Us Yesterday.
Oh man it's a masterpiece.
As for PS4 I really like what I'm reading. Didn't have a chance to play on it yet but will try to find a demo unit somewhere. I'm also one of those that waits till revised version comes out with all the child bugs sorted. Hopefully i won't have to wait too long
I've been somewhat surprised with the number of very mixed and in some cases rather harsh reviews floating around for some of the first party titles. I had a blast with killzone, although I would say the end was pretty abrupt; and knack seems to be a barrel of fun so far.
The new controllers pretty nifty too, although I do keep reaching for the start button and hitting the touchpad instead :P
Either way, it's been pretty enjoyable so far, all I need now is a damn good racing game and that'll keep me happy over Christmas and new year. If anyone fancies a game of something feel free to add me: RuzzMonkey
Haven't finished killzone yet. it's just as "rail shootery" as, well... every shooter that's been made in the last 10 years. but it's just fucking pretty... the skin is amazing on Echo and Sinclair.
Lego marvel superheroes is your typical cross-platform game, nothing special about it being on ps4... but figured why not get it on the new console, great fun for the kids, and my girlfriend and i enjoy smashing some bricks too.
War Thunder (free to play game) is incredibly good fun. the PC version was fun when i played it, but the way they've refined the controls for ps4 feels so much better.
And yeah... the new controllers are great!
probably picking up an xbone at the end of Q1 next year (or maybe wait for the next iteration of it). anyone who said the ps4 has a substandard voice command feature set is talking out of their arse btw.
The same goes for the XB1, the only game that looked interesting to me was Ryse but I heard it was an awful game.
I too would quite like a Wii U, but I know that if I bought one I'd only ever play it when a new mario or zelda comes around, just not enough 3rd part support in my opinion.
Love the tech behind it.
OH! also.. getting my ps4 today. So add me up!
Sony has formally announced its virtual reality prototype for PlayStation 4, dubbed Project Morpheus. The head-mounted display features a white visor with a black wrap-around piece along the eye-line, and the edges of the device give off a blue LED glow. The prototype will be available for developers to begin creating games soon.
We knew that the HDCP feature would eventually get changed, but I really love the idea of saving video to a USB drive, AND having my twitch stream save. One of my irritations, with recording is, when I record, I rarely have one of those 'amazing' moments, but when I don't have my recorder on, crazy shit ensues.
That's why I was really excited about the 'share' feature, when it was first announced. Then we get the PS4, and it only shares to Facebook (with low quality). The USB save would now allow me to save of those moments
I would love to hear some comparative accounts from developers attending GDC. I know the Oculus Rift is there. I don't know which is going to have the edge. Sony knows hardware, but the Oculus has some serious design and programming talent as well.
It really depends on the game, the Rift seems to be focusing on a seated experience and mostly games that involve you being in a cockpit.
Actually, games have been trying to make the kinect work with turning your head, but to me, it's kind of a fail, because your eyes still need to be pointing toward the tv. These would eliminate that.
There is potential, for racing games, or FPSs, so you can view your environment better (and feel a bit more immersed). But, on that same point, how much is that experience worth? $300? I don't know what price point they expect for these, but if it's too high, sales may suffer, and in turn, kill of the peripheral before it gets a chance to take off.
I didn't mean just plane cockpits, I meant like spaceships (Eve Online Valkyrie, Star Citizen (both have support), car racing games, a mech game like Hawken, a playing card game where there's a virtual desk or playing field infront of you, and real time strategy games.
VR and the Rift don't work well for standing experiences currently, games where your characer is a bit more seated or is just looking forward and to the sides works best.
~$300 seems fine price wise, it's basically the cost of a higher end display or monitor.
agreed, $300 is reasonable. This is basically a cool monitor, and that'd be the price I'd pay for a cool monitor. If it's 1080p like they're claiming, more the better.