so yea lol i'm far from professional! i havn't gone to school to learn this program but i'd like to one day!! like sooo want to but for now i will try my best and make things but... dont get to underwhelmed lol =3 feel free to critque me cause omg i soo need it thanks in advance ^.~
I feel like these sculpts are not doing much for your learning process and if you want to improve you should approach it a different way. Try to do anatomy studies and sculpt a few perfect faces before you try to do fancy speed sculpts. Really dig into what it takes to model a human face, as well as the entire body. Anatomy is key, and you are not going to be able to learn it by doing a bunch of rushed busts.
Good luck, and keep going!
EDIT: And in taking into account what you just posted, yes! More of that. That head sculpt seems like it took more time, yes?
Dude! Those first three sculpts just come off really amateur compared to that last one you posted. I apologize for that assumption, but they just seemed to lack a lot of basic anatomy stuff.
That last one you posted is really good! Keep doing more of that.
I can't say I like your most recent stylized sculpt... I'd really like to see more realistic stuff!
haha was a little doodle but i agree just trying to remember everything cause i pretty much forgot everything haha trying to re teach myself
Ok so i've been practicing and trying a new way i saw how to make hair with zspheres i know i messed it up but there is always next time :P
Just a heads up that the work shown may not be his/hers and you may be wasting your time offering critiques:
I really think you should battle on if you REALLY want to get good at this but no one can offer relevant critiques if the work your showing is not yours, neither will they want to; its okay to not be amazing as a beginner - everyone starts somewhere.
on the previous page
@jksl - "i was using a picture i drew earlier today"
@JadeEyePanda - "Post it"
i said i was using my drawing as a reference as i stated before i only use a mouse so a drawing is pen and paper that is clearly not pen and paper...so i mean c'mon man get with it
Btw, I do not think snapping back like that to mistaken individuals will help keep relations optimal between your fellow professionals.
You're not going to be able to get away with posting something that very obvious shows lack of facial plane knowledge and anatomy, especially since so many people here are professionals, and then the next day something that looks like it's done by a veteran. If you're actually serious about becoming an artist of any kind, don't bother trying to stroke your ego with work that you haven't fully done. You're just cheating yourself out of learning and out of your chance to be a professional.
Since I'm willing to bet that your 30 minute cartoony sculpt is your only 100% legit piece, I'd suggest, as critique, that you start researching and referencing facial anatomy and facial planes. At the moment it seems like you're just drawing different facial features onto something - nothing ties in together as an entire face, it's just almost like separate objects with no coherent style floating together. There's a large anime eye but the mouth is attempting to be realistic. Teach yourself realistic facial anatomy before trying to stylize, since without intimate artistic knowledge of what faces actually LOOK like, realistically, you won't be able to understand how to stylize them well enough.
It comes off as unprofessional. I think you'll get more hits if you're straight forward about this being "jksl's Sketch Thread" or "Ninja WIP."
I've had team mates send me emails that are barely legible or easy to read because they use ellipses ("...") and say "yeaaaaaahhh" in the subject header that it takes me longer than 5 seconds to realize what the subject of the email is about.
Good punctuation saves time.
If it was just a matter of software skills, I would give you the benefit of the doubt, but it's all of the other associated skills that leave me to question you.
The black cannary sculpt shows knowledge of the planes of the head, anatomy, and other skills. The sculpts you have otherwise shown, regardless of your ability to work in zbrush, do not show any of these abilities whatsoever.
Can you reasonably say that these arts are 100% yours. That you did not use another artists base-meshes etc?
When I browse your deviant art gallery: http://witchula.deviantart.com/gallery/
And I see things like this: http://witchula.deviantart.com/art/Anyone-Want-This-Loli-283956051
it makes me wonder if these are your models too, which show a certain quality of work (although, the subject matter...), which again, I would think would show up again in any new software you are using. Unless of course, these models weren't made by you.
And then on top of this one above, here is another example of your work:
You can correct me if I am misunderstanding your post there, but it appears that just under the image you are listing off all of the models that you used, for example you credit MMDFakewings18 for the lady model.
That person deviant art page looks much more indicative of the skill to make a model like that than what you have here, so I am assuming this is where you got the model for the image.
If these are supposedly your first sculpts then why are you posting them? If you want critique, you should be posting work that is recent, or that you are currently working on. There's no point critiquing older work since you're not going to go back to refine it and nobody knows how much you've improved since then, it ends up being counter productive. The only way you're going to improve is if you post content that is 100% your own. You'll get a lot more attention and praise if you work on your own pieces - we want to see YOUR ART progress and improve, not somebody else's! Especially if you want to look at an internship or school, employers and teachers wont be impressed if you deliver something that isn't 100% yours. You won't be hired, and you'll fail assignments. Better get out of the habit now before somebody in real life notices and there are larger consequences.
haha no no the loli thing was pre made models in a program called mmd, as for the base meshes i did use base meshes the "Muppet one" was from zbroz the black canary from scratch from using image plans in maya just brought in maya for coloring the cartoon from a sphere and i use a mouse i don't own a tablet so my zbrush stuff comes out a bit wonky but i'm learning
i mostly modeleted after keira knightly and some other models i found on google and the black canary comics
The upside is that admittedly, you don't need anybodies approval, so whether or not I believe you, if you are being honest I suggest you shake me off and keep working to get better, and if you really are being honest, you have my sincere apology for my presumptions. If you are not being honest, my only advice would be that you cannot get better in that manner, and if this isn't your work, then its a waste of your own time, which is a shame.
Either way, best of luck.
as for what i was trying to do earlier with the hair with zspeheres i was trying to emulate this guy http://www.deviantart.com/art/Senkanseiki-wip-428716067
How you got such great edge flow etc. - if you could walk us through this we may be able to better judge your skill level and critique accordingly.
I haven't bought anything from ZBrushWorkshops but I'm assuming you get a copy of the model.
If the model is actually being used for an internship somewhere I suggest you definitely come clean as soon as possible. Stealing art will cause an uproar here but if this was used in a game the company is breaking all kinds of laws by using it.. You can probably be held responsible and sued for damages so you should make every effort to make them aware of the situation.
As for stealing other peoples work, don't do it. Not only is it potentially harming someone else but how do you think you will ever improve? Why even ask for critique for something you didn't make, such a huge waste of time for you and people trying to help.
Post stuff you actually made and people will try to help, everyone starts from somewhere and everyone understands that. I guarantee if you keep working hard you will improve, there are no shortcuts only hard work.
faceless accusation actually cause a bigger problem . . . i can definitely see similiarties but i've never heard of ryan kingslon before my mesh had none of the other things that really struck me for similiar .. honestly i'd very much like you to try and find this model and download it prove me wrong i'll be waiting.
So I just put the disc in and this is Ryan Kingsliens final topology on level 1. I can whap a smooth preview on if you really want to compare but you can see the poles and topology is exactly the same. I used to study this book on the train all the time so its instantly recogniseable.
[ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/047087256X/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=154F8CNVYRVNQBS2THZT&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=455344027&pf_rd_i=468294"]link to book[/ame]
use it as ref please, but dont flat out steal it please, you are better than that
the book is a really good read to, so would recommend if people havent read it.
Just be honest and post your own work and you'll get honest feedback in return. If you want blind praise and pats on the back, stick to Deviantart.