Yeah, your posts throw up some red flags for me. Typically if someone is a competent artist it transfers over to zbrush/mudbox - even skilled illustrators trying out zbrush for the first time can pull off decent work because anatomical knowledge carries over.
Totally. Watching Fightpunch pick up ZBrush and start busting out amazing looking shit right away was depressng as all hell.
Well that's a shame... If you are truly interested in pursuing this is a career and attempting to improve I suggest maybe apologising and removing the posts which display work that isn't yours.
Im sure people will still be happy to give critique on your work.
Look no one hear is trying to shame you. This is all about helping you learn. Taking a model and using it as your own is not a good way to learn. As a matter of fact you probably won't learn anything at all. I had a look at the most recent model you posted vs what crazyfool posted and the mesh is exactly the same. It is going to be far more useful for you to poly model this by hand than edit an already created mesh. There are tons of tutorials online on how to do this that are really easy to find. I would stay away from zbrush until you have some foundation with poly modeling. I would also focus more on proper anatomy than cartoons. Also please don't do speed sculpts until you know how to sculpt anatomy properly. It is really fruitless to do speed sculpts without being able to sculpt a good piece without doing it fast.
From what it looks like that Kingslein sculpt was also used as the Black Canary and the hooded woman. All have the same mouth and lower jaw.
Don't try to steal experienced artists work as your own. If you really wanted to learn just post the stuff you've made and users here can make some actual critiques and hopefully help you out. Stealing pretty much only hurts yourself in this case.
faceless accusation actually cause a bigger problem . . . i can definitely see similiarties but i've never heard of ryan kingslon before my mesh had none of the other things that really struck me for similiar .. honestly i'd very much like you to try and find this model and download it prove me wrong i'll be waiting.
Wow. So I'm glad you got caught. This is just one of the more pathetic things I've seen art wise, from anyone. It astounds me that you continued to defend yourself for so damn long. Everyone can clearly see the similarities between the models, and shots of the basemesh vs Ryan's just prove if, it is the same damn topology down to every single pole.
So I can't help but ask, why? You acknowledged earlier that you would have no reason to lie, but you were doing it anyway. So what was the point? What would you say you gained here?
I don't understand art thieves. Have you noticed that professional modelers, sculpters and artists all contribute to this forum? What makes you think that you'll be able to trick any of them into believing your wildly changing stories and skill? Especially since looking through your thread history you have done this MULTIPLE times and been called out for it every single time, so I find it hard to believe that you're just trying to troll.
If you are actually seriously saying that you want to go to school for 3d, and that you want to be a professional modeler, what do you think your teachers and potential employers will think if they find your threads where you're constantly attempting to deny that you're stealing models? What do you possibly have to gain from this? Just man up and admit to being an art thief and maybe you'll actually be able to improve your own skill instead of trying to pretend that meaningless praise for something you havent done is directed at you. Just my two cents.
I'm really happy to see people, who are trying to help and not judging right away... even though it was obvious from the start that he was lying.
I would have immediately accuse him of theft, ban, even publicly humiliate if it was up to me (or ignore him to be honest). I'm happy I decided to join this community !
You will be fine, just start a new thread with your own work in and start again. I hope you understand that it's not ok to use others models in this way, not because it's someone else's work but more that you are cheating yourself out of a good education. Everyone here pretty much started from nothing and so can empathize with wanting results fast, but you need to start from the ground up if you want to take a career in art seriously.
That model is for educational purposes only, but I think you would be ok using the head as a base mesh in zbrush aslong as you credit the artist and sculpt ontop of it enough, Ryan has a lot of meshes in the zprojects folder for people to use aswell. I would recommend you start with a sphere and dynamesh it though instead. Then when you are happy with that you can retopologise it in maya or zbrush. There's lots of tutorials on youtube if you do want to learn it. It's probably the quickest way to learn topology I think as you will have a solid foundation to work on once the sculpt is ready, as opposed to modelling it in maya with goofy proportions that are hard to edit.
I would also recommend looking up good topology, that models ok but we have moved on since that model was made, the polycount wiki has some good stuff.
Good luck to you, and I hope you post up your work again
Look jksl, art is overwhelming. We have all been through the dregs of the beginner. We've all seen unbelievable artwork all our lives, and these artists who eat sleep and breathe art like it's their lifeblood. We have all seen the praise they receive, and felt the sickening throb of jealousy. And we've all sat alone, staring at our own work with eyes growing red, hands sweating and covered in graphite, and wished to ourselves that there was a shortcut.
But there isn't. If this stuff was easy, everyone would be doing it. You want to be an artist? YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR IT.
So jksl, I challenge you to walk down the path we've all tread. And if you promise to be teachable and humble, I promise we will all help you along the way. But if this isn't really what you want and you're not willing to change, then there is nothing we or anyone can do to help you. The choice is yours.
this thread really got to me.
Particularly because I Knew INSTANTLY when I saw the bottom lips of the first model he posted that it was Ryans head from the realistic game characters book.
You know how I knew? that book was my bible. Ive poured over every page in that book, and continue to reference it on a regular basis for my work.
the truly sad thing to me is that that book taught me so much about character modeling. It practically IS a shortcut, but only if you actually study it and learn the lessons it teaches.
o Well, pretty sure hes never going to do that again and were all beating a dead horse. but, like... REALLY?
Im sure people will still be happy to give critique on your work.
Don't try to steal experienced artists work as your own. If you really wanted to learn just post the stuff you've made and users here can make some actual critiques and hopefully help you out. Stealing pretty much only hurts yourself in this case.
Wow. So I'm glad you got caught. This is just one of the more pathetic things I've seen art wise, from anyone. It astounds me that you continued to defend yourself for so damn long. Everyone can clearly see the similarities between the models, and shots of the basemesh vs Ryan's just prove if, it is the same damn topology down to every single pole.
So I can't help but ask, why? You acknowledged earlier that you would have no reason to lie, but you were doing it anyway. So what was the point? What would you say you gained here?
If you are actually seriously saying that you want to go to school for 3d, and that you want to be a professional modeler, what do you think your teachers and potential employers will think if they find your threads where you're constantly attempting to deny that you're stealing models? What do you possibly have to gain from this? Just man up and admit to being an art thief and maybe you'll actually be able to improve your own skill instead of trying to pretend that meaningless praise for something you havent done is directed at you. Just my two cents.
I would have immediately accuse him of theft, ban, even publicly humiliate if it was up to me (or ignore him to be honest). I'm happy I decided to join this community
That model is for educational purposes only, but I think you would be ok using the head as a base mesh in zbrush aslong as you credit the artist and sculpt ontop of it enough, Ryan has a lot of meshes in the zprojects folder for people to use aswell. I would recommend you start with a sphere and dynamesh it though instead. Then when you are happy with that you can retopologise it in maya or zbrush. There's lots of tutorials on youtube if you do want to learn it. It's probably the quickest way to learn topology I think as you will have a solid foundation to work on once the sculpt is ready, as opposed to modelling it in maya with goofy proportions that are hard to edit.
I would also recommend looking up good topology, that models ok but we have moved on since that model was made, the polycount wiki has some good stuff.
Good luck to you, and I hope you post up your work again
But there isn't. If this stuff was easy, everyone would be doing it. You want to be an artist? YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR IT.
So jksl, I challenge you to walk down the path we've all tread. And if you promise to be teachable and humble, I promise we will all help you along the way. But if this isn't really what you want and you're not willing to change, then there is nothing we or anyone can do to help you. The choice is yours.
Particularly because I Knew INSTANTLY when I saw the bottom lips of the first model he posted that it was Ryans head from the realistic game characters book.
You know how I knew? that book was my bible. Ive poured over every page in that book, and continue to reference it on a regular basis for my work.
the truly sad thing to me is that that book taught me so much about character modeling. It practically IS a shortcut, but only if you actually study it and learn the lessons it teaches.
o Well, pretty sure hes never going to do that again and were all beating a dead horse. but, like... REALLY?