Looking to finish up this guy by the 1st. Whatdaya think??
Bounch hit the nail on the head, everything except the last flop, hold his pose a bit longer, exeragate the weight shift as if he alllmost tips over, hits that moment of pause, shift weight, then plop. That final peice would make the animation really pop! Coming along great so far though! #Animation4lyfe
Also, I wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas! Cheers guys!
Ahhh awesome!! Thanks bounce and Helenek! This is perfect, exactly what I needed to hear. You guys are really picking at me in all the best ways.
And I said it before, but I"ill say it again! Have a really merry Christmas everyone, Be safe and have a great day
I also have one more thing I noticed, its not needed at all, but it could add a bit more impact. If you can add some squash, exaggerate the hell of out it, really squash him down and some spring. This is me being nitpicky, haha!
Welcome, Gaiascope. Now, go and make something already!
Ha, thanks! I actually made something before I made an account here.
It's not much, just a single item, but it was more about the learning process and going through the pipeline of going from concepting to submitting an item to the workshop. It's not very impressive, and while from a technical standpoint I'm rather happy with how everything turned out in regards to meeting the (surprisingly low) poly budget and baking textures and such, the item is just straight up boring xD
But hey, it was a learning experience, and I learned something, so it was a success. (I did submit to the workshop, so if you feel like casting a vote, you can do so here ;P)
Thanks for positive comments guys!! They really boost my motivation @Gaiascope Technically its really well made model in my opinion. I am just not sure if bouyscap first bristleback Other than that the model is really good. I am looking forward to more of your creations!!! @Reyne would upvote it definitely, however something happened to workshop, and I cant even launch it
I have made arms hipoly, and now to the part that I am most afraid of haha...
Konras That looks gorgeous:) . Can you share the technique on the little details? . Are those extracted and then trim/polish into shape , or made in a traditional 3d program?
@Konras Thanks! I'll hope to have more items to show in the future. And damn, that sculpt you're working on is looking gorgeous. I was going to comment on how I was curious on your method of meeting the poly budget, but then I checked the Technical requirements for Lina and apparently she has over 1k polys between her head and neck. I guess Bristleback just has an outrageously low budget because his bristles are so cheap to make.
Also, in general here, somewhat of a noob question. Are there any guidelines for creating a "<name>'s workshop" thread? Because that seems like a better practice than spamming this general thread with updates and asking for feedback all the time.
PS: I hope you all had a great and maybe even productive christmas!
I dont think their are any "guidelines" persay, besides general polycount etiquette. Just post work you feel happy with or need critique and we will give it love
@mihalceanu you have good eye, it was made exactly as you said. Anyway I have made a quick wip for anyone interested
1. made a line that will be the shape of sleeve end
2,3. Use drag-rect brush with 2 custom made alphas (big and small sort of flames_
4. removed the line and sharpened alpha with couple of ctrl+alt+click on mesh
5. extract from sub-tool submenu with double parameter on and thickes 0.02
6. before removing mask from extraction I have smoothed it with smooth-brush and later one more time after clearing mask
7. fast sketch of ornament detail with orbs-cracks brush
8. trim/flatten/clay brushes
9. masked the sleeve from ornament to the top
10. extract from sub-tool submenu with double parameter off and thickes -0.016
11. preview of both parts
12. added few basic strokes with selwy's vloth brushes
To be honest for dota 2 normals it would be much easier just to create alpha with height and dragirect them to sleeve geometry, however I am probably an masochist haha Hope someone will make use of this mini tut
i don't know if someone already said it but : did you know that we now got Modo Steam Edition for around 130$ ? see there : http://store.steampowered.com/app/244290/ enjoy !
Well finally after learning for months, here it is. The first 3d model I ever made, must admit very over ambitious for the first model, took more than a month to finish with continuous watching tutorials, guides, googling, getting stuck etc.. but the journey from utterly noob to making somewhat useable model was amazing..
tl:dr ... Is it good enough for dota2 standards? Should I submit it or contact someone to add it to their set or something?
Hey everyone. It's been quite some time since i last posted a work here, so here it is; an item for my new warlock set. It's basically a severed demon head that burns inside
The basic shape is pretty much done, but C&Cs are always welcome. I'll post the other parts when they are ready to be shown :poly121:
Question: Anybody know about custom rigs for summons? I want to use a different rig for the golem but i'm afraid it will be too much work for me even if it's possible (i have too little experience on character animation)
Thanks for your time, and happy new year everyone!
@Vayne4800 I am no expert with polypaint, however i feel that maybe you could add some additional color in inner mouth and around eyes, maybe bloody red would fit it well. You could try also to use very big brush and paint it delicately on top or bottom with different color to add a gradient to it, with brown, or purple-red? Just a thought @Prostomogy Hmm, the end of this weapon reminds me of mantis claw
Ahh I didn't think about its as a proper tutorial. Thing is that I have never thought that I can say anything about zbrush that others could make use of haha
Anyway I have hopefully finished the hipoly. Needed to change couple of things because I was not able to make them look cool sadly the way they were on concept Now I will move to the cave and try to retopo it. I wonder how much detail I will need to skip because of tri limits
Ahh I didn't think about its as a proper tutorial. Thing is that I have never thought that I can say anything about zbrush that others could make use of haha
Anyway I have hopefully finished the hipoly. Needed to change couple of things because I was not able to make them look cool sadly the way they were on concept Now I will move to the cave and try to retopo it. I wonder how much detail I will need to skip because of tri limits
Oh boy, this is outstanding. GG WP pre-ordering right now. valvus pls
Ahh I didn't think about its as a proper tutorial. Thing is that I have never thought that I can say anything about zbrush that others could make use of haha
Anyway I have hopefully finished the hipoly. Needed to change couple of things because I was not able to make them look cool sadly the way they were on concept Now I will move to the cave and try to retopo it. I wonder how much detail I will need to skip because of tri limits
simply amazing, hopefully the tri limit will not make you too crazy :poly142:, I see fancy card work in your future?
Hey there! great work everyone, Im really digging the Lina set, looking amazing. I jumped on the opportunity to create a chinese inspired set, and chose gyro! heres the wip!
@prosto Like what kite said, it doesn't look Chinese at all to me. @Konras crazy nice, dude! Great job! @kite The new color looks better! @Tommy I think the colors need some tweak and be more desaturated to better fit Pudge.
Seriously though, do you really think we should make chinese references to the china event? Later on we might end up having country themes if this is really the way forward.
Edit: nvm, it is clearly written on the announcement. ><
@Vayne: That came out really nice! I'm not 100% sure about the glowing pole it pulls the attention away from the head and edges, I would probably go with something like the swirly metal you used on the horns, maybe with some red glow coming through here and there. The glowing edges feel as if they could use a bit more saturation, mainly if you look at the horse's head gear in comparison. I don't know... I think it looks great as it is
Is there anyone who knows how to animate and is willing to co-op to make this horse-dragon ulti for Shadow Shaman for this coming Chinese New year? Thanks
Bounch hit the nail on the head, everything except the last flop, hold his pose a bit longer, exeragate the weight shift as if he alllmost tips over, hits that moment of pause, shift weight, then plop. That final peice would make the animation really pop! Coming along great so far though! #Animation4lyfe
Also, I wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas! Cheers guys!
And I said it before, but I"ill say it again! Have a really merry Christmas everyone, Be safe and have a great day
I also have one more thing I noticed, its not needed at all, but it could add a bit more impact. If you can add some squash, exaggerate the hell of out it, really squash him down and some spring. This is me being nitpicky, haha!
Ha, thanks! I actually made something before I made an account here.
It's not much, just a single item, but it was more about the learning process and going through the pipeline of going from concepting to submitting an item to the workshop. It's not very impressive, and while from a technical standpoint I'm rather happy with how everything turned out in regards to meeting the (surprisingly low) poly budget and baking textures and such, the item is just straight up boring xD
But hey, it was a learning experience, and I learned something, so it was a success. (I did submit to the workshop, so if you feel like casting a vote, you can do so here ;P)
amazing work
P.S. Marry Christmas to all
Plugging my newest item:
Would love some up/down votes depending on what you think ^_^
@Gaiascope Technically its really well made model in my opinion. I am just not sure if bouyscap first bristleback
@Reyne would upvote it definitely, however something happened to workshop, and I cant even launch it
I have made arms hipoly, and now to the part that I am most afraid of haha...
Oh noes, Steam :'C I hope it isn't down for too long.
Cheers and Merry Xmas to you all
Also, in general here, somewhat of a noob question. Are there any guidelines for creating a "<name>'s workshop" thread? Because that seems like a better practice than spamming this general thread with updates and asking for feedback all the time.
PS: I hope you all had a great and maybe even productive christmas!
Kraken Bringer
Very nice!
Mostly saved tris to add something on his back
any Comments and critisms are welcomed
1. made a line that will be the shape of sleeve end
2,3. Use drag-rect brush with 2 custom made alphas (big and small sort of flames_
4. removed the line and sharpened alpha with couple of ctrl+alt+click on mesh
5. extract from sub-tool submenu with double parameter on and thickes 0.02
6. before removing mask from extraction I have smoothed it with smooth-brush and later one more time after clearing mask
7. fast sketch of ornament detail with orbs-cracks brush
8. trim/flatten/clay brushes
9. masked the sleeve from ornament to the top
10. extract from sub-tool submenu with double parameter off and thickes -0.016
11. preview of both parts
12. added few basic strokes with selwy's vloth brushes
To be honest for dota 2 normals it would be much easier just to create alpha with height and dragirect them to sleeve geometry, however I am probably an masochist haha
Konras: Yep, magic most of it. Need to learn lookup about that more. Thanks for sharing.
I worked more on the face and horns and I feel that I reached a point where I can move on. Please feedback any comments regarding the sculpt.
Well this is going to come in extremely handy, thanks!
tl:dr ... Is it good enough for dota2 standards? Should I submit it or contact someone to add it to their set or something?
The basic shape is pretty much done, but C&Cs are always welcome. I'll post the other parts when they are ready to be shown :poly121:
Question: Anybody know about custom rigs for summons? I want to use a different rig for the golem but i'm afraid it will be too much work for me even if it's possible (i have too little experience on character animation)
Thanks for your time, and happy new year everyone!
Çok güzel sculpt yapmışsın.
Ill just leave it here
The sword is looking nice, but I do not get Chinese from this. Is there going to be a set to tie it more to a Chinese theme?
@Prostomogy Hmm, the end of this weapon reminds me of mantis claw
opinions are welcome
Anyway I have hopefully finished the hipoly. Needed to change couple of things because I was not able to make them look cool sadly the way they were on concept
Oh boy, this is outstanding. GG WP pre-ordering right now. valvus pls
simply amazing, hopefully the tri limit will not make you too crazy :poly142:, I see fancy card work in your future?
@Konras crazy nice, dude! Great job!
@kite The new color looks better!
@Tommy I think the colors need some tweak and be more desaturated to better fit Pudge.
Edit: nvm, it is clearly written on the announcement. ><
The axe is ingame with what I believe is final/semi final maps. Please feedback before I go to the marketing stage.
@Konras: That sculpt looks great! So clean...
@Kite: Gyro and the spring theme make for a neat combination. Curious as to what the rest of the set will look like.
x-post - blockout for the courier - no horse yet