I'll be starting from today a thread for study, this study is based as a progression study and each step i'll be creating a character in a month or so . Each character I create I'll try to focus on my weakness and topics I must learn and create a great piece of portfolio.
The Steps will be as follows if any anyone want to join:
Step 01: Creating based on a great concept
(Search for a concept you love and create it in full 3D, trying to be as most faithful as possible for the concept, do not change anything match the materials, poses, cameras, and everything.)
Step 02: Choose another concept
(Recreate this concept just like before, remember to focus on the your weakness, this time change something, alter the pose a bit, put a different expression, small changes)
Step 03: Another concept
(Change the pose of the character put a pose you like, an action pose for your warrior, or a sexy pose for the girl.)
Step 04: Choose a character you like
(Get a character you like and put some cool clothes in him, fell free to create a cool cloth or armor)
Step 05: Create a cool character in a striking pose in a amazing clothes/armor
(Your creation now, get crazy, try your best, see during the lasts works what you did best and focus on it, try to create your best art, take some time on this one)
At end of the process you'll have 5 characters for your portfolio, you can compare them and see your growth.
An them star over! Lets do it all Again! Studying, focusing on your weakness, and creating big pieces of portfolio.
This is the process I'll be taking, any one wanting to study with me I'll be honored. If you want to join post on the topic, but we need discipline!!
As My first step i choose Witchblade!
Tairow: Latest Update
karytsukino: Latest Update
Poloboo: Latest Update
Ok, for this work I've created 3 sheets of reference aside from the main concept work I'll be using.
Main Concept
One from 3D arts and sculpts with reference for the head and muscles I want the character to have.
3D Reference Sheet
One from reference from the comic with reference for her head, hair, expressions, body and exoskeleton.
Comic Reference Sheet
And a third one with photographic reference for the way i like her body to be, caution is NSFW. Probably this thread will be entirely NSFW.
Photo Reference Sheet
That's all for now, I'll be creating the basemesh tomorrow! (I was supposed to do it yesterday, but had to try Bioshock, today I've created the post, so tomorrow it is!!
This girl is awesome! I'm looking forward to this work!
Good luck!:)
slipgatecentral - totally agree, I have a folder on my reference folder reserved for reference sheet of artists.
Poloboo - Ok let's do it, posts your WIP on the thread, I would love to see your creation, I'll edit the first post with everyone participating on this. For the high res, reference sheets. Here it is!
And for me here it is the basemesh I'll be using for this project. I'll take my time to perfect the body proportions and gesture, this is normally the thing that I see that destroy my work on the end...
Thanks for the invitation... I decide to join you on your study \o/
I spend my last week looking for character that a I like to make, and I decided for the Qunari boss from Dragon Age: Arishok \o/
This is my the scene that I'll try to reproduce:
And here are some references that I took to help me on this project.
Game reference
Human Reference
3D Reference
So, I'll start working next week
See ya ! Let's study!
I'll update the first post with the artists working on!! And their last updates!!
Poloboo - I'll wait you post something to add you too!
Karystukino- great concept and awesome refs!
Tairow- thanks for sharing the ref sheets! I have a pretty decent base mesh i can share with you if you want... I'll post a shot of it with my first post tomorrow...
Keep up the good work guys!!
I'm doing a Turntable of the latest incarnation of Lara Croft from Tomb Raider.
At the moment i'm still working on the base that the figure will stand on which is acting as a great learning tool and preparing me for making the character herself...
once i start sculpting her i will be sure to post my ref sheets of her but for now all i have to show is a few renders of my base WIP and a progress sheet summing up what went on
Progress sheet - 1
the Low poly mentioned in the progress sheet (UBER WIP!)
a larger render of the base WIP for you
A good thing to modeling a girl... Porn can now really have a constructive use! :poly136:
Next I think you could take a step back and give an other look at some anatomy.
I'm no pro at this but overall i think she could be a little higher.
Neck is definetly too big and muscular for a female and the face could also use some more feminine traits, like bigger eyes and lips, and a smaller chin area. In the concepts she has a very triangular face with higher and smoother chickbones.
She's also bending forward too much me thinks.
Hope it helps
Fnitrox - That's exactly what I'll be doing, I'll start from the basemesh again and work better on the anatomy, gesture and proportion, I agree about her neck, about her head I didn't base it on the HQ for now since i was doing it again, I was trying to make a good head first, making a her head more feminine was not working, but your crits really help me picture what was wrong. I'm trying to do Her from athletic to muscular. I'll try to do right on the second!
If you can, try to join us!!
You can find a lot of reference on google for that kinda thing, like this one I just found.
Most of the form and anatomy is nailed and there can't be more than 10k polys in that model.
my motherboard may or may not have decided that after 3 years of faithful service to die a horrific and melodramatic death... RIP
decided to upgrade instead of just replace the board and bought a Z77 sabertooth and boosted myself from 16 - 32Gb of ram so i'm currently without my work setup for the next few days until my new parts arrive. hope everyone is making some good progress!
next upgrade will be the 7990 and maybe if i work my ass off and get a good bonus at christmas i'll most likely add a second 7990
Good luck!
I'm currently working on multiple projects atm, and damn, ZBrush remains my last stage in creating nice pieces.
I'll be working hard on this one now, until 1/1/2014 that will start GameArtisans Comicon challenge, if by then i have no finished my Witchblade, this project will pause it again to focus on the challenge! I'll be using everything I learned in this study to the Challenge.
In meantime that's what I've been doing.
For the Mixamo Adventurer Contest
For Dota 2
garriola83 - Sorry about taking so long to show the links I'll be doing it now, and post it in a few minutes.
Thanks Guys!!!
1 - Art from a great artist Eugene Folkin with impressive anatomy artoworks. - ZBrush Central
2 - This is from a Brazilian artist Cezar Brand
These are what I could find.
looks like this was old and has stopped
but itll contenu now !!
im not sure if i can do that
but hell whats a better way to practice
would love to join in ...
really thx for the invenation and the moral boost
iv been thinking about making this concept for some time
here is the link for the awesome artist http://cghub.com/images/view/405534/
will edit this post with more refs as i collect them
i really find myself having hard time getting the propotions right every time when i start from scratch .
so ....
progress :
as always C&C are more than welcome
im gonna try to make this 1 as close to the concept as possible .
This is where im at right now.
i just think she could be a little bit taller
which 1 r u guys talking about ?
update :
refined the body a little
and blocking out the clothing
should be finished with all of those leather straps soon
also im not sure how am i gonna make the chain mail
any 1 got an idea
also close up to the face .
i guess that would be mine ..
i did make the bottom part of the body a little taller and thicker to match the concept
This model will probably change much before Im satisfied with a perfect (or at least decent) female body.
my computer died 2 days ago
it was overheating for the past 2 weeks for no reason
found out i had a little shitty malware called bitcoin that burns peoples computers to process data for cash
this little piece of shit was undetected with a couple of anti malwares ....
but i managed to find it using the task manager and terminated it
but i guess it was 2 late
after i did that my computer crashed and i cant boot it anymore
i think the processor or the motherboard got burnt ...
so .... will have it checked and fix it hopefully
hazardousarts (my hero XD ) does critiques on the others forums so make sure to check those out too, i def learned a lot from these few forum pages
critiques!! take these w/ a grain of salt as i am still a student and am still learning a great big deal myself XD
should make the jaw slimmer (makes it more feminine), the head seems a bit high off the shoulders, and the arms are a bit slim
the arms are a bit more muscular in the concept art, the breasts seem a tad bit too high up on the torso, the ribcage also seems a bit thick
and for both AA3D and Tairow, in the position that your characters are in, you should be able to see the lats and teres major inserting into the arm, so make sure to show that insertion
Agree about her jaw, have to work some on it, about her arms Im try to make a decent girl before creating the more muscular girl since i tend to overdo the muscles and she appear like a man... So right now I'm creating a slimmer girl and add the musculature as a study after it. Will try to post some advances later on.
I'm getting better and better with the practice, has been a very good study so far! Still getting right her musculature. Tomorrow try to finish her chest, then, legs and head. After that will go to the micro details like wrinkles and pores before going to her armor an onward.
Yay! Nice to see a work going foward!
As for me, my last update, I think I'm pretty satisfied with the body right now, I'll put some fine details and start the armor.
What you guys think?