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Dota 2 - Workshop Thread


  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    motenai wrote: »
    This doesn't reach the level of the penguin in my opinion, but it's a close second i'm afraid...i can't believe they are still adding these things through tournaments...i mean, the dota 2 scene right now is FULL of talented artist with very nice models and sets, seeing torunaments going with these things shouldn't be counter productive? And still it's the most sold in the Store... i don't know, i feel this is a bit of an insult to people that push their quality to the max to get their things in the game...but of course this is only an opinion.
    It's on the workshop and it has pretty high ratings, just as the penguin courier and some other questionable stuff. Things are not being pushed by the tournament tickets, people voted, valve considered that it looks acceptable and here we go.

    You can always excercise your voting right to show valve how you feel about the items. This doesn't change the fact that "community feedback" is broken, since you "community" is f2p-crowd, but still, it may help a bit.
  • motenai
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    motenai polycounter lvl 18
    Opening another situation about Self-made objects...
    So, apparently my Phantom Lancer made it through after it got a DMCA and Steam Support told me they were going to cancel it...that was good news.
    Apparently this set must be cursed in some way cause then i didn't ever received a self-made copy of it.
    I challenged Steam Support quality of service once more, and this is what i got for answer (after like 8 days).

    Hello Andrea,
    Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
    We apologize for the delay.
    Currently, we do not grant self-made items to contributors in Dota 2.

    I have to day they can be really synthetic at least.
    Anyway, i'd like to know from anyone who got something added in the last patch together with my Phantom Lancer set, if they received their self-made copies or it's a common problem of everyone.
    Thanks and sorry for bothering with my personal dramas! :)
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    @Motenai, I got a self-made staff from my item in the Rubiline chest so it seems pretty strange that they'd stop handing them out right after that. Maybe they're delaying handing them out until they fix the self-made particle effect that spawns red X's?
  • Blender2Dota
    "my Phantom Lancer made it through"

    look in the mirror - repeat that 5 times and forget the rest :)

    I knew that DMCA thing was a joke given your standard of work. The set is really good and getting in game is well deserved!
  • Oroboros
    motenai wrote: »
    Opening another situation about Self-made objects...
    So, apparently my Phantom Lancer made it through after it got a DMCA and Steam Support told me they were going to cancel it...that was good news.
    Apparently this set must be cursed in some way cause then i didn't ever received a self-made copy of it.
    I challenged Steam Support quality of service once more, and this is what i got for answer (after like 8 days).

    Hello Andrea,
    Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
    We apologize for the delay.
    Currently, we do not grant self-made items to contributors in Dota 2.

    I have to day they can be really synthetic at least.
    Anyway, i'd like to know from anyone who got something added in the last patch together with my Phantom Lancer set, if they received their self-made copies or it's a common problem of everyone.
    Thanks and sorry for bothering with my personal dramas! :)

    Yeah Motenai you're not alone, didn't receive self mades for the last 2 items that got accepted a few days ago either. They've forgotten to send them out before, I was going to suggest dev.dota2.com as well but I noticed you started a thread.

    Unless there's been a policy change we don't know about, I'm a little confused as well. Steam tickets have not been useful though in the past.

    Wish there was an easier way to contact them.
  • Blender2Dota
    If I can just make it past "Swag Glasses" and "Bumbox", I'll be happy.
  • Snowstorm
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    Snowstorm polycounter lvl 5
    I've already said my piece about the workshop - the result is a forum and workshop name change and a negative karma rating on reddit :) At the end of the day I just resolved not to think about it. The fact that the workshop has motivated me to work harder at art is the best thing about it.

    I submitted a new staff for KOTL.

    Great!! I like the new version much more, you have my rate!
    Farfarer wrote: »
    Finished up my Juggernaut set!

    Wooohoo! Have been waiting for this one. Looks awesome.
  • Oroboros

    Somebody had to do it. :poly142:
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Oroboros wrote: »

    Somebody had to do it. :poly142:

  • Uliss
  • Nikey
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    Nikey polycounter lvl 10
    Chaotic Cleaver

  • Godzy
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    Godzy polycounter lvl 6
    did u guys check this out? http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1323412

    or am i the only one late on everything?
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Tyn wrote: »
    Tvi's sets were posted on 5 Nov @ 11:21am. So it's there you just need to browse back a little further since it's been up for about 3 days... but hidden would be my guess?

    Exactlly that. on the AM set it was a little hard to communicate with Burning due to the timezones and the really busy DK routine. so in the end of the project i preffered to add him before and sacrifice the most recent items instead of trying to find him when able to submit

    to be honest, if you guys dont have a reason to keep a submition hidden dont do that, its better to have all the files, texts and images read and keep it hidden for one hour or less while you set all the files

    Tyn wrote: »
    Hey guys, thanks for the info! I decided i'd go ahead and make some promo art mainly because I need the experience and i'll run into it sooner or later anyway.

    @Vayne4800: The horns definitely look better! I like the direction it's going.

    my 2 cents, always go for a promo pic, more is always better

    and if its not used you can use on your portfolio =]
    Drywall wrote: »
    No, you're right, it's insulting. If Valve would publicly reject one of these sets instead of greenlighting them without a second look, maybe we would get better items, and it would make me much happier with their quality assurance.

    Basically, if the workshop has a consistent level of quality, it is better for all of us in the long run.

    Dry and Motenai - i totally agree with you guys

    i know that Valve right now is trying to avoid that, they already rejected one championship courier and hud, but my bet on what happened is:

    they want to support the asian guys, they are doing a great effort to get more of them playing, you can see on the new client, all the efforts with the nexon... I think they had to accept trying to help the g1 championship. Same with the last season with the hextapod courier

    Well, if these pro teams want to go cheap with art and look like scrubs as result, that's their prerogative. It would be nice if they were held to the same standards as any other set, though. Having to go through feedback before getting in or the possibility of getting rejected outright would push them to seek out more professional work.

    Anyway, I could sure use a little help.

    I have started working on a baba yaga-inspired courier with Drywall. Any feedback on the color scheme to help me finalize the concept would be greatly appreciated. c:

    same case of Bloto, try to make it not look like a hero =]

    Bloto is realy small, could be the same case for you guys

    the biped couriers have some extra problem to get accepted in game, just get that in mind and you guys are good to go =]
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    motenai wrote: »
    Opening another situation about Self-made objects...
    So, apparently my Phantom Lancer made it through after it got a DMCA and Steam Support told me they were going to cancel it...that was good news.
    Apparently this set must be cursed in some way cause then i didn't ever received a self-made copy of it.
    I challenged Steam Support quality of service once more, and this is what i got for answer (after like 8 days).

    Hello Andrea,
    Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
    We apologize for the delay.
    Currently, we do not grant self-made items to contributors in Dota 2.

    I have to day they can be really synthetic at least.
    Anyway, i'd like to know from anyone who got something added in the last patch together with my Phantom Lancer set, if they received their self-made copies or it's a common problem of everyone.
    Thanks and sorry for bothering with my personal dramas! :)

    No selfmade for me on the ScaleHound courier

    that happened once with a ward. One or 2 weeks later i got the self made ones
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Hey guys

    continuing that idea of the presentation images, maybe i can help with some workflow

    i usually add my character to the SFM for the first renders, i know some friends does on maya and others on marmoset. just use the ones you feel comfortable with.

    this is my base render on SFM


    and on Photoshop you start layering some lights over , i decided to go for 2 contrasting colors for each side of the image.

    After i started using gradients to isolate the face and make it stand out

    next one was on the background, making it darker near bright edges and darker near the darker ones

    if it is needed, maybe i can organize that on a better guide on steam

    Btw, a lot of techiniques here were mentored by Cesar Sampedro, it wasnt possible without his help =]

    here is the final image
  • Snowstorm
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    Snowstorm polycounter lvl 5
    Tvidotto wrote: »
    Hey guys

    continuing that idea of the presentation images, maybe i can help with some workflow

    i usually add my character to the SFM for the first renders, i know some friends does on maya and others on marmoset. just use the ones you feel comfortable with.

    this is my base render on SFM

    and on Photoshop you start layering some lights over , i decided to go for 2 contrasting colors for each side of the image.

    After i started using gradients to isolate the face and make it stand out

    next one was on the background, making it darker near bright edges and darker near the darker ones

    if it is needed, maybe i can organize that on a better guide on steam

    Btw, a lot of techiniques here were mentored by Cesar Sampedro, it wasnt possible without his help =]

    here is the final image

    Oh! Oh! How do you get the meshes and materials working in SFM? Are there particular settings you need to set when using the ones imported into the Dota 2 importer?

    SFM was the first thing I tried when making preview images way back when, but my models always seemed to load invisible. In contrast the in-game models and items always worked properly. Have not found out what was wrong since then.
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Snowstorm wrote: »
    Oh! Oh! How do you get the meshes and materials working in SFM? Are there particular settings you need to set when using the ones imported into the Dota 2 importer?

    SFM was the first thing I tried when making preview images way back when, but my models always seemed to load invisible. In contrast the in-game models and items always worked properly. Have not found out what was wrong since then.

    ok, lets try in parts

    did you copied the files generated on dota 2 beta or dota 2 test to the folder you are using your sfm?

    you need to copy both the models and textures! and try to keep the same folder hierarchy. the models will look for the texture path you compiled
  • Tyn
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    Tyn polycounter lvl 10
    Ow, i'll definitely try that SFM workflow out tonight. I've got a quick question, I'm drawing up some concepts for a Lycanthrope set. Should I avoid bones and skulls? They're in a couple of variations now (ones that I particularly like). Somehow I recall someone (with a Witch Doctor set I think) mentioning Valve asking them to remove skulls from there set since it tends to cause problems with Chinese folks.
  • Snowstorm
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    Snowstorm polycounter lvl 5
    Tvidotto wrote: »
    ok, lets try in parts

    did you copied the files generated on dota 2 beta or dota 2 test to the folder you are using your sfm?

    you need to copy both the models and textures! and try to keep the same folder hierarchy. the models will look for the texture path you compiled

    Ooooh ok awesome! Got it working! Looks like it was the folder structure. I'd always left my items in their Dota 2 beta folder.
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    Alright, finished the mask. Concept by Hawf. I would also like to thank Stefco for his great assistance on the promo art. Hope you like it.


    Ancient Elder Mask by Vayne and Hawf

  • fx01
    Oroboros wrote: »

    Somebody had to do it. :poly142:

    lol the first courier i would buy! please do that !!! :p stuff like that works well in wow so why not in dota 2 :p ( just delete the volvo joke and its perfect )
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    motenai wrote: »
    Opening another situation about Self-made objects...
    So, apparently my Phantom Lancer made it through after it got a DMCA and Steam Support told me they were going to cancel it...that was good news.
    Apparently this set must be cursed in some way cause then i didn't ever received a self-made copy of it.
    I challenged Steam Support quality of service once more, and this is what i got for answer (after like 8 days).

    Hello Andrea,
    Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
    We apologize for the delay.
    Currently, we do not grant self-made items to contributors in Dota 2.

    I have to day they can be really synthetic at least.
    Anyway, i'd like to know from anyone who got something added in the last patch together with my Phantom Lancer set, if they received their self-made copies or it's a common problem of everyone.
    Thanks and sorry for bothering with my personal dramas! :)

    We haven't recevied our self made version of the Glacial Shard or the Sotdae ward. I remember them taking a few weeks a couple of times.
  • Prosomogy
    Made another one weapon with NFWar, for Riki :)

  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 14
    motenai wrote: »
    Opening another situation about Self-made objects...
    So, apparently my Phantom Lancer made it through after it got a DMCA and Steam Support told me they were going to cancel it...that was good news.
    Apparently this set must be cursed in some way cause then i didn't ever received a self-made copy of it.
    I challenged Steam Support quality of service once more, and this is what i got for answer (after like 8 days).

    Hello Andrea,
    Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
    We apologize for the delay.
    Currently, we do not grant self-made items to contributors in Dota 2.

    I have to day they can be really synthetic at least.
    Anyway, i'd like to know from anyone who got something added in the last patch together with my Phantom Lancer set, if they received their self-made copies or it's a common problem of everyone.
    Thanks and sorry for bothering with my personal dramas! :)

    I had a similar problem with the Rubiline chest, self made ended up arriving, but a month after it became available in game.

    The reply from steam supports a pretty big fail though :\
  • Tomus
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    Tomus polycounter lvl 5
    Hi guiz, can anyone point me to the right direction when i want to add my own bones to the model?
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Tomus wrote: »
    Hi guiz, can anyone point me to the right direction when i want to add my own bones to the model?

    As far as I know, unless you're doing a custom summon or a courier, that's not possible.
  • cottonwings
    Made this Shiva's Guard/Shiva deity-inspired set for Lich a while ago, any interesed takers?

  • foxclover
    As far as I know, unless you're doing a custom summon or a courier, that's not possible.
    I think Tvidotto added his own bones for his pa scythe set. I'm not familiar with anything animation though, so I can't really answer the question.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    foxclover wrote: »
    I think Tvidotto added his own bones for his pa scythe set. I'm not familiar with anything animation though, so I can't really answer the question.

    I can see how that would be possible, hell, I'd like to know this too then! I might just have to start experimenting again!
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
  • fx01
    @goeddy : lolmao you know ff7 "barret" ?:p

    i decided to add another sword to my riki set as unique main hand

    some zb wip
  • Tyn
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    Tyn polycounter lvl 10
    So this is the new piece i'll be working on. I'm still not all that happy with the pauldron. Any ideas/suggestions?


    I'll probably give the shoulder piece another shot tomorrow before starting on the blockout.
  • MdK
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    MdK polycounter lvl 9
    Tyn wrote: »
    So this is the new piece i'll be working on. I'm still not all that happy with the pauldron. Any ideas/suggestions?

    I'll probably give the shoulder piece another shot tomorrow before starting on the blockout.

    Man I love that concept. The claws look so awesome.

    I think you are definitely right to redo the shoulder as it feels like it doesn't fit Lycan's style. I was going to suggest a wolfskin but that doesn't seem right either. Perhaps something that incorporates teeth or some kind of metal/leather wolf head that isn't a skin. I don't think he would wear a dead wolf.

    Really looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
  • MurathIII
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    MurathIII polycounter lvl 5
    Hi,my WD set almost done :)


    I want to ask a question, I want to shift the skull bone to match my WD staff model, can you help me plz? thanx

  • hopgood
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    hopgood polycounter lvl 12
    You can't.

    The skull bones for the Witchdoctor staff are infuriating. They don't actually work on the rig given to you in the workshop page either. If you test anything rigged with those bones, when you do the Death Ward animation, the "skulls" just go completely rigid, ignoring gravity. This is supposedly fixed in house but not in the importer, something I found out while creating a set.

    The bones also rotate, I think 45 degrees, compared to what they are in your modelling application. I believe it is;


    That rotate so you need to take that into account when rigging your staff. Unfortunately given the way your's is modelled, with the "Skulls" directing infront of the staff instead of displaced like the default I don't believe you can edit it. My suggestion would be to keep the fist and relic as it is and edit the staff model to be more in line with the original. But, also take note of the changes you will have to do to have it fit with the original rig. For example, the top most bone;


    Doesn't move so it might create an odd look considering the way your relic is attached to the hand.

    Also something to keep in mind while looking at your model. It's very impressive but make sure that your head item doesn't clip into his right shoulder during walking animations. During his normal walk the Right shoulder clips almost into the original ear on that side and may provide some rigging issues for you.
  • bounchfx
    MurathIII..... I love it. Wow. Great job with the colors and theme. My favorite WD set so far.
  • mshadows
    MurathIII, awesome work, but it seems that textures a little bit smooth, can u make it more sharp?
    As i said your firstmoon like WD's staff is more appropriate with this set, but i guess that any of your decision will be great. OH LOOK AT IT GO!!!
  • Oroboros
    Tyn wrote: »
    So this is the new piece i'll be working on. I'm still not all that happy with the pauldron. Any ideas/suggestions?


    I'll probably give the shoulder piece another shot tomorrow before starting on the blockout.

    It's looking really cool, the claw shapes are especially unique. Two things I'd say:

    A)Just unsure what animal the shoulder is supposed to be based off of.
    B)The way it's hanging off his shoulder might look a little awkward, perhaps try tilting it a little so it's at a 30-45 degree angle?

    @Murath..That WD is looking awesome.
  • MurathIII
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    MurathIII polycounter lvl 5
    thank you guys, I appreciate your kind words :),
    @hopgood I wasted a lot of time to fix it, but, it seems you're right so @mshadows I think I'll go back to the previous version of the staff

  • mshadows
    MurathIII wrote: »
    thank you guys, I appreciate your kind words :),
    @hopgood I wasted a lot of time to fix it, but, it seems you're right so @mshadows I think I'll go back to the previous version of the staff


    already bought some keys for it :thumbup:
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    MurathIII wrote: »
    Hi,my WD set almost done :)


    I want to ask a question, I want to shift the skull bone to match my WD staff model, can you help me plz? thanx


    I think I finally found a replacement for my skrillex hair. Looking great dude! BOOMBACLAT!

    Can I also say Witch Doctor is the best character and he needs more love.
  • stevoqwerty
    Hey guys, got a question about presentation. How do you make your renders look so good? I mean the lighting and shadings of some of the PR materials are just tops. My items might look good ingame but a crappy presentation just ruins it.

    Oh and one more question, is it better to sculpt an item first or model it?
  • Gamer_Alien
    WIP for a troll hat for witch doctor.

  • Rubus
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    Rubus polycounter lvl 5
    Bah mah bones MurathIII, dat's a nice Witch Docta set!
  • Coyo.Te
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    Coyo.Te polycounter lvl 4
    WIP for a troll hat for witch doctor.


    i might be wrong but if i remember correct there is already a witchdoc head hat out there that looks similar. but i am not 100% sure.

    edit: i remembered correct:
  • fx01
    Hey guys, got a question about presentation. How do you make your renders look so good? I mean the lighting and shadings of some of the PR materials are just tops. My items might look good ingame but a crappy presentation just ruins it.

    Oh and one more question, is it better to sculpt an item first or model it?


    no idea what others use but i like that 3dsmax dota2 shader http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=110022 combined with some grab script http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/grabviewport-2-1
    the rest depends on your photoshop skills ...

    and well its safer to block it out first so you see if your idea is inside the tris budget or not ...
  • TriggerHappyPuppy
    Hi guys. Now maybe I repeat something that is already in the thread but what software do you guys use to make those lovely GIF animations many people use in their promotional purposes?
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    look up GifCam.
  • ike_ike
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    ike_ike polycounter lvl 12
    http://blog.bahraniapps.com/?page_id=21 this one's pretty neat. anuxi linked to it a few hundred pages back
  • Shooo~
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    Shooo~ polycounter lvl 7
    Crosspost from my topic:

    Weapons done.
    Void Blades
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