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Treasure Hunter Thief

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tac0m polycounter lvl 6
This characters inspiration comes from characters like Lara Croft, Drake from Uncharted and Indiana Jones.

Thought i'd show the progress so far. The face is pretty much featureless right now and there are some clipping issues with the sculpt i'll take care of later.

There are a bunch of extra on her (just not in the render) backpack, flashlight, belt attachments, digging tools. Probably gonna give her some weapons like a crossbow and a dart gun.

I'm looking for c&c and need to find a name for her? Any suggestions?



  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    redid the cloth... didn't like it

  • DWalker
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    I'd recommend switching to cargo pants for more pockets, at least some of which should be full. I'd also recommend more conventional boots if she actually plans on running around - combat boots or jump boots would work, but jungle boots might be better and would let you play with both canvas and leather. Changing the belt to web gear might also be a good idea, and it'd let you have a convenient spot for hanging a canteen, small medic kit, and her flashlight.

    A coil of rope would also be a likely addition.

    And then there's her pistol... it seems to be missing. ;P
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    Hey DWalker, yeah thanks for the input. I have plans to give her a cross bow and dart gun. The rope and canteen is a good idea. I changed the boots to something less strappy and the laces still need to have the knot and loops put in. I defined the cargo pockets and will add volume to them to show they're full of stuff.

    Right now everything is still pretty WIP. Just playin with the folds and eventually when i get some time (UGHH) i'll start cranking out some details. I still haven't touched the backpack or the cloth around her neck.

  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
  • sdmitchell
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    sdmitchell polycounter lvl 6
    Looking good dude, I like the creases you've got going on, they look good. I'm glad you changed the design of the boots too, and if you finish sculpting those to the quality you've done the back pack they'll look sweet. :)
  • levigilbert
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    The silhouette is kinda bland/generic. I would suggest adding some more unique elements, maybe show some of the treasures she has found. Like a golden carved bracelet or something. Also to help with the silhouette you could billow out where the pants gather above the boots. It makes sense that more fabric would build up there and it should have different folds compared to the jacket for instance since it's probably a different material.

    Excited to see where this goes! The backpack and all the little gadgets and pockets are looking really well done.

    Silhouettes are stupidly helpful and I forgot how easily they can make a design more interesting.

    Hope you don't mind, but I did a paintover... On the left is the original and I marked some of the areas that look really nice and interesting. And then I messed around with some stuff on the right, adding some items and increasing the readability of some of the folds.

  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. I agree the silhouette does look A LOT better with the extras you've added. I did have plans to add a rope but I like your placement better than what i was thinking. I am totally going to make the pants billow out. This has gotten my blood pumping to get home and work on it :)
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    Took into account the critiques. Didn't make the pants as baggy as the paintover because they kinda reminded me of jester pants. But i did make them baggier than before.
    Made some simple additions to her boots and will add other things here and there later.

  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    Update: Boots and silhouette change again.

    The boots were too thick and made her calves look like chung-li from street fighter ;)
    So i moved the boots in tighter which made the pants looks a little puffier. I also moved the leather jacket and shirt in as well. Now the silhouette reads more feminine rather than bulky.


    zbrush render
  • FallenAngle
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    Huntrs need flours to eet for serviveing in ruff plases. You should make serviver guide as an option for tresure hunting.

    Good model why not in game yet? Textures pleese.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Is this in perspective mode? if not it would be good to check it out properly in that mode as well :)
  • JoscelinFrost
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    I really like what you have done so far, its definitely a cool idea an presents some interesting problems. In terms of overall design I would try to nail down a couple things which may help as you dig into the details of decoration. First I would decide how action oriented you want her to be. A pure archeologist would have certain tools of the trade, brushes and the like whereas an Indy/Lara style character would have something more action oriented like their signature whip and pistols respectively. The crossbow is an interesting idea, what kind of design were you thinking for that? Along those same lines, the second thing I would try to decide would be a simple history for her. What branch of archeology does she study? Maybe she used to be in the military? These things might help flesh out the details, such as perhaps she was an ex-military scout who became interested in Egyptian artifacts. Her jacket could be an old worn one from her military days with the appropriate insignia, perhaps her backpack too. For the Egyptian angle she could have perhaps a solid metal bracer and a necklace both with appropriate hieroglyphs. That sort of thing. Anyhow, sorry for the wall of text, keep cracking on it, its looking very promising already. Hope that helps!
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    @FallenAngle - hey, im not 100% sure what you are trying to say. So far it's only a sculpt and there are no textures yet because i'm not at that stage of the process.

    @chrisradsby - the silhouette is not in perspective but the shaded renders are. The front of the boots curve up a little which gives the illusion it's not in full perspective focal length.

    @joscelinfrost - i wasn't going to think about a deep back story besides stealing/finding treasure and having fun while doing it. But you do make some interesting points here. I have plans to add a necklace amulet, and a rope that was suggested in a paint over in a previous reply. I never gave it much thought as what kind of archeologist she was though. I have a friend who's an archeologist, i guess i should ask him to give me some feedback.
  • FallenAngle
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    WEre cn i get this model PLEASE It will be good fr the rocet game.
  • JoscelinFrost
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    Haha, sorry, I didn't mean to make it seem like you needed nail down some deep back story, I just tend to find it helpful when filling in some of those details and making the model cohesive, I probably tend to be over conscious of them though :). The model is looking great though, the cloth has really improved and I really like the work you have done on areas like the boots. Nice!
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    @FallenAngle - haha are you trolling me?
    @JoscelinFrost - thank you for the comments. I appreciate it ;)

    So i added the little props to her and changed the shoulder straps... the thick leather ones didn't really fit with the canvas backpack. Soon i'll start on the hair and face. right now it's very generic and i've been leaving it to the last.


    once again, C&C are welcome.
  • thepapercut
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    Looks great so far man.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Good work so far, the transition in the jacket from the cloth to elastic band parts is really nice.

    I'd say get to work on the hair and face as soon as possible, those are the most important parts and will do a lot to complete the character.
  • Moonshank
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    Moonshank polycounter lvl 7
    Yeah I would agree you need to block in some ideas for the hair style, maybe something along the lines of short but still girly, or something tied up and practical...

    Really liking the progress so far :D
  • Dilkesy
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    Any advice on cloth/armour making i really like what you have done and would love to learn some cool tricks to do it
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    thanks for the advice guys.
    @Dilkesy - if you do a google search, there are plenty of tutorials out there that breakdown cloth folds and help you understand what kind goes where. it would take too much time to explain it all in a post here.


    I felt like the body was kinda short. So i made her a little taller, kinda happy with her height now. Added hair and defined some features of the face. Still more to do, just thought i'd update. Small bits here and there.

  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    WOW, i didn't realize how much i contrasted those last images...EEEEYYUUUUCCCK.

    Update: Need some feedback. Right now i'm just using a bunch of reference images for the head but not sure if i like the thinner lips (which makes her look a little older) or the thicker lips which makes her feel younger.

    Some feedback on this would be great. :)

  • tac0m
  • FallenAngle
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    Te update is good. i like the noise on his pants but the modl neads to be a man. She look good but male caracter would be btter for cloths you put on ther.

    can you fix that?
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
  • levigilbert
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    I think her face looks a little too generic still. Decide how old you want her to be and what nationality/race and commit more of that to the face. The clothes look really good. Maybe add some fun little details, things tied to her backpack, maybe a necklace or a scarf? Give her more character damnit!
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    no feedback :(



  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    oh and i changed the hairstyle. something was off with the old one
  • Pabs
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    Pabs polycounter lvl 12
    good improvements
    *thumbs up*
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Nice, the latest updates look good. Good job with the various fabric textures of the straps and elastic fabric parts.

    You might want to take another look at the scale of the pores though. You probably don't want to see pore detail as strongly from a far view. It should be pretty small and only visibly strong close up. Otherwise, keep at it.
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    Hey Frump, thanks for the feedback. The pores really poped out once i sharpened the image in photoshop. I will show a render tomorrow without the sharpen and see then. I noticed it was a little noisy in the face when i looked at it today.
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    I like it! Nice work, Tacom.
    I especially like the texture of the clothing. That is very well done. I would even love to see more wear on the pants in specific areas, as what you have going now is great, and would love to see more of it.
    However... Wouldn't a "Treasure Hunter Thief" mean, that this is someone who steals people who hunts for treasures? :D
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    So i did a little more detail work to the jacket and to make it look more worn out.
    Also a close up render of the face to show the pores aren't as crazy as the sharpened image from before.

  • TheQuietPotato
    Nice work! Is there a particular brush you used to do the seams and patches on the trousers?
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    Yeah i just used a mixture of the standard brush and the clay brush. I masked off an area i wanted the seam (made sure the mask had a sharp falloff) and using the clay brush i built up the bunched up areas. Then removed the masking and with the standard brush set to a small size i ran it along the edges of the newly created seam edges to give it some extra volume as if there was some fabric folded underneath it.

    Did her hair the style i wanna make it. Gonna try and actually use the hair created from fibermesh.

    It's been a long friggn time since i've been able to work on this and get something worth showing. Started retopologizing
    Current progress
  • Jaber
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    Nice sculpt, i like the backpack it came out looking very crisp!
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    more retopology

  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    Gonna call the sculpt final. I'm going to pose her in zbrush with her pistol and shovel and then continue on with the retopology. Comments and crits for the retopo and any ideas for texturing are greatly appreciated.

  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Nicely done. Looking forward to your textures.
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    Modelled this today
  • 3dmodels
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    3dmodels polycounter lvl 4
    The details look very cool! I see one problem with the pants, they look like there are straight cones/cylinders under them, but not legs. Even if they are baggy pants, the leg silhuette still would be slightly read under them, I think. In general, clothing folds could be better, compared to everything else. And I'm not sure if they need to be on topology. Except that, very good quality!

  • Prism
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    Really nice man, glad to see that you pulled the quality of the face up to match the clothing. i am saving this for inspiration later.
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    Posed and rendered

  • Moonshank
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    Moonshank polycounter lvl 7
    ;) nice work dude. Not much to say don't do characters :D but the detail is really great dude, can't wait to see it textured.
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    the pose felt too stiff. reposed it

  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    ugh, never get time to work on this :(
    here are the reposed renders

    and an update on the retopology
  • tac0m
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    tac0m polycounter lvl 6
    Haven't posted in awhile. Haven't been able to do much on this character.

    So she's baked down and I decided on a hair style. There are no texture details added, just solid colors and hammered out the spec and gloss.

    C&C appreciated

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