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Sketchbook: LongJh



  • LongJh
    Aaand little more things.

    Perspective practice. Finally got this one done after procrastinating for like a week. Main issues here will be line weight and design I guess. Also a little scale problems here and there. I keep getting lazy and rushing myself when finishing it up.


    More sphere studies! Here mostly to practice different light directions and how it affects bounced light.


    And some messy digi studies to practice colours. The last one didn't... turn out so well. Have to work on my edges!



  • shuanDang
    Wow! Thanks for posting so much of your work. I really like the movement that you capture when drawing people performing actions. Your detailed perspective work is looking great, too. It looks like most of your paintings have been digital, and the approach is different than your linework. Have you worked with traditional paints before? The environments that you are painting are stunning, hope you improve in that regard! :)
  • LongJh
    shuanDang - Thank you! I'm glad you feel there is movement in my people ddrawings lol - whenever I draw them I always feel like I'm stiffening up! And yeah I did paint traditionally using guache and acrylics back when I was in school. But they were really silly and bad paintings that had no real meaning. So honestly, the way I learnt how to paint is really almost strictly digital.

    Sorry I'm late but here's another update!

    Two quick digi doodles I did to practice my colours. I feel like I'm sort of stuck in the way I choose my colour schemes - gotta address this asap!



    Next are a bunch of Bridgman studies. Hands! Finally made myself attack this huge weakness of mine. Will alternate between hands and feet for awhile.





    And last are my sketchbook pages. A mix of life sketching and random things.


  • LongJh
    Hi all! A few quick digi studies here, about 20-30mins each. Nothing fancy. Practicing more on moody, low-key colours and values. Starting to get the feel of painting with the hard round brush now.







    And one measly little sketchbook page. Was a pretty unmotivating week. Aaaaahh excuses!

  • LongJh
    Time for an update! First are more digi studies. City buildings! I feel that the first one has pretty weak colours, the original photo looks waay better than this I swear.



    More anatomy studies from Bridgman





    And some sketchbook pages! The hands are from memory (to the best of my abilities) while the rest are a mix of life, ref and imagination.


  • LongJh
    Hi everyone, some more pictures here. Uh, not really a very productive week. Bleh.

    Some portrait studies from photos. Still having trouble drawing the right proportions of the face. Also trying to shade and render more.



    More sketchbook! Just some random things. Working on my next few perspective drawings.



    And lastly a quick digi doodle, 20 minutes or so. I have no idea what I'm doing here. Painting is hard.

  • LongJh
    Hey all, so um, a small update here. Pretty much spent the weekend try to paint faces but they all came out really, really bad. Feeling pretty bummed out now. Why is it so hard, damn.

    Anway I did one more 1-pt perspective practice. Starting to work on interiors now. Got mixed feelings about this one, I was pretty happy cuz I managed to get this done pretty fast (well, faster than how I normally take). About 6 hours or so. On the other hand I feel that my linework was sloppier than usual. But all in all I'm feeling pretty good about this cuz I usually don't do much much sci-fi, tech stuff often.


    Next are the disasters which look like portrait paintings. I used some reference for the colours of the first portrait, which I feel had the nicest colours among the rest. But the facial features and general structure of the head seem awkward. The next few portraits were done along with Marta Dahlig's portrait painting tutoral. I tried to follow it the best I could but the beginning part always seems to go wrong for me. The features I paint always seem to be off and whenever I try to blend or add shadows, it looks like the face has been dirtied with mud or something. And as usual, the skin tones I choose always seems out of place.

    The last portrait I feel had a little improvement. But I was still struggling with how to make skin look like skin and what shadow colours should look like. Also struggled with painting the eyes - they somehow always seem to look like they're crosseyed or surprised or shocked or whatever. I dunno





  • LongJh
    Hi all. Took a little break the past week, just did some sketches here and there and did a perspective drawing. Also reading up on product design sketching - did a few freehand straight line practices and cubes and things like that too. Buut that's about it. Will be going full force practicing again right away!

    Perspective practice. A room! It's not mine, though I do have a table like that. Trying to inject some "personality" in my perspective drawings by adding random details and props, although I must admit I do get bored pretty quickly when I'm working on a drawing for long time.


    And sketches. The thumbnails are mini studies for the drawing above.



  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    THis is an awesome sketchbook man :) Keep going! It such a pleasure to watch!!!
  • LongJh
    Hazardous - Wooaahh thanks! Man I'm really honoured that you'd visit my sketchbook. Huge fan of your works. I remember back then I was looking at your Kairi clay render and was like "man this is pretty damn awesome". Anyway thanks again for swinging by! I still got a long way to go so I'll definitely still keep practicing.

    Got a pretty big update today! Finished up my entry for CGhub's New World's challenge. I learnt quite a bit on this painting, mainly that I need to work on my ability to clean up and refine my paintings to a more "finished' level.

    So here's the final! The theme is Crystal Forest.


    Also, some digi portrait studies. Not so good lol. Still having trouble with proportions and painting form.





    Crystal studies, to practice for my New Worlds painting.




    Aaand sketches.


  • LongJh
    Hi all! Just the usual bunch of boring drawings here. I swear one day I'll be able create amazing, meaningful art and designs!

    A few pages of studies and notes I did along with Stan Prokopenko's video tutorials on youtube. His tutorials are really professional and highly informative - I really recommend watching it. I mainly try to write down key points and useful notes for my own reference and general practice for these.





    And more sketchbook pages. As usual - from life, reference and some terrible doodles from imagination.




  • LongJh
    Quick update!

    More boring head study notes.





    Aaand then some simple heads different angles from imagination.


    That's all for now!
  • LongJh
    Another quick update here. I bought some highlighters from the bookstore in an attempt to find a cheaper substitute to do marker drawings with. So I did some sketching to test out what they could do. Um, also trying to see if I could get more into some industrial design type stuff. It was pretty addictive doodling with them at the beginning lol.

    Sorry for the quality. I had to take photos instead of scanning them because a lot of the colours gets lost if I scan them.







    Aand getting back to the serious studies again. A few hands for today. Will definitely have to do more full body studies soon, too.


  • aaron2
    The body sketch looks interesting
    And one thing they are really neat and it makes it more attractive!
    It will be interesting to see when they will be in comlete sketch
  • LongJh
    aaron2 - Thank you very much!

    Hi all! Holidays are coming soon, so I'm hoping to make full use of the time to practice moar! Here's an update of what I've been doing. Mostly is a bunch of freehand lines and ellipses. I've been trying to get into industrial design style sketching. Here are a few pages of them, really lame lol, but I did like a ton of these (all on A3 copy paper).



    And then some portrait digis! First one is done along with an online tutorial. Uhhh, about 1 and a half hours each - that's when my stamina usually flatlines when painting portraits. Aaahh still a long way to go!



    And lastly are some more sketches. Just filled up this particular sketchbook. Time to start a new one!



  • LongJh
    Hello. Another update here.

    So my master plan of drawing a lot during the holidays was pretty much a disaster due to some intense food poisoning on my part. Buut I did do some stuff in the end!

    Finished up my last 1-pt perspective practice. Just in time for the new year! I admit I was a little sloppy on this drawing - didn't really put a lot of effort into the details, and the chandeliers, ugh. But what's done is done! Time to move on to 2-point perspective.


    Next we have more digi studies. Round brush, no opacity pressure. About 30mins each.




    A random sketch. Oh God I suck at drapery.


    And last is a quick pic of some of my ID sketching practice. For uh, documentational purposes before I threw them away. They were starting to make a mess on my desk.

  • bbob
    Loving the hand studies!
  • LongJh
    bbob - Thanks man! I feel like I might be getting a bit too comfortable with hand studies lol, the tough part is drawing them from my mind. Thanks for dropping by!

    And more stuff!

    Eye studies after Stan Prokopenko. Will probably do a series of notes and studies after his tutorials. I did notice I tend to forget to apply some of the things I learnt when doing my own drawings, though. Will have to take note of that.



    And more ID sketching. The first few drawings are my attempts to draw a low-poly beetle (kind of like those student works in FZD) and failing miserably. Drawing this way is really quite different and requires a ton of concentration to get nice, clean and accurate lines. My end goal here is to be able to sketch anything in any angle using perspective construction techniqes with good line quality/confidence.






    Aaand lastly are some sketchbook sketches. Reference used for the pose in the first drawing - because I can't draw convincing poses for nuts - and the building in the background was a quick photo study.



  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    seeing all the analysis you are doing of your sketches is really amazing man. I hope you dont ever feel that your fighting a loosing battle - each one of those is definitely building up your understanding!!
  • LongJh
    Hazardous - Hey! Thanks so much man! Those notes are mostly reminders for me to not be lazy and attack my mistakes lol. And yeah, I admit sometimes I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle, but I'll definitely keep pushing! Thanks for the encouragement! I really appreciate it.

    Got a little update here. More ID sketching lol. I'm so sorry if it's boring! I'll do other stuff soon I swear.



    Level up! lol. Finally managed to draw a pretty decent looking insect thing after so many tries (last image).

  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Dude, this stuff isn't boring, it's awesome. It's pretty rare to see this amount of dedication and persistence posted in a thread, I love me some updates. :thumbup:
  • LongJh
    Two Listen - Haha, thanks dude. I really appreciate it. I'll keep doing my best!


    Started my 2-point perspective practice. So here we go, 2 points, middle horizon, exterior shot. Again trying to practice kinda like those FZD student works. Not as amazing though - I can see a few perspective distortion and scale mistakes, also the design is pretty weak I guess. Um, about 90% freehand lines - I only used the ruler to fix a few vertical lines. So yeah, line quality can definitely be improved. Overall I think I was rushing this and being sloppy (as usual).


    Some quick digi studies. About 20-30mins each. As usual practicing colours and brushwork. Pretty relaxing to do these lol.



    Bridgman studies again! I realised that because Bridgman's full figure examples in his life drawing book are really stylized and quite sketchy, doing these studies are more to understand the concepts that Bridgman is trying to convey - such as rhythm, balance, etc - and less to actually draw a realistic representation of a human figure. I find his specific anatomy drawings (eg. hands, legs, feet, etc) to be more useful in terms of studying how it actually looks in real life. What this mean is that I will also have to do some figure drawings from a real source instead of just studying his works.





    And some sketchbook stuff. Ugh I still need a ton more practice drawing heads.



    Whew, I guess that's about it for now.
  • LordSebbington
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    LordSebbington polycounter lvl 6
    This is excellent - no two ways about it.
  • LongJh
    LordSebbington - Haha, thank you very much! You're too kind.

    Another update here. Sorry it's a little slow - it was a pretty busy week, didn't get much time to draw much at all.

    But enough with the excuses. First is a perspective drawing practice. 2-point, bird's eye view. I did a cityscape, I always wanted to draw one. Didn't come out exactly how I wanted it (it looked way more amazing in my head), but I'd give it a pass. I must admit did get lazy with the details though, the windows all look very sketchy and wobbly.


    Next are some figure drawings using the skeletal construction method. Was inspired by Matthew Archambault's youtube podcasts. I recommend taking a look at them if you're in to drawing, he has some pretty useful information in those videos.







    And last are some more sketchbook pages. Had yet another one of those moments of fustration when I looked back at my older sketches and saw no visible improvement over the months. It still looks like I'm drawing with the same bad habits and with barely any creative imagination. Ugh.





    Hope I'll be churning out some better stuff soon. Until next time!
  • pixelb
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    pixelb greentooth
    This is very inspiring! Not much to say, other than keep up the good work!
  • W1r3d
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    W1r3d polycounter lvl 17
    Very nice. I like how you can see definite progress throughout your sketchbook.
  • Korgoth
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    Korgoth polycounter lvl 8
    Holy crap there's a ton of cool images in here. Love the construction stuff, especially on the figurative drawings.
  • LongJh
    pixelb - Thank you! I really appreciate it.

    W1r3d - Thanks! Hopefully I'll keep improving more. Praaaaactice!

    Korgoth - Whooo thanks! The construction stuff helps me a lot because I'm pretty bad when it comes to just freestyle drawing. I'm glad you liked it!


    Nose studies.



    More ID bug sketching. Starting to get the hang of this. Done in ballpoint pen.


    Digi studies. Trying to refine my painting technique. I think I'll have to start doing longer studies to improve my rendering skills.



  • LongJh
    More stuff!

    Digi studies from photos. First two paintings done with the photoshop chalk brush with opacity set to pen pressure.

    Because I'm painting using opacity pressure, I used a more "layered" method of rendering (starting dark and then adding more light/colour). While I think that this is a good, structured way to render and gives even values all around the image, I find the colours came out less vibrant than when I used an opaque brush to do a colour block-out first and then did blending later (which was the method I used for the third and fourth paintings). Hm, need to experiment around more lol.

    The last painting is done partially from imagination.






    Aand more sketchbook pages. Yeah I'm getting messier and messier.


  • LongJh
    Hello! Just got a quick one here. Just some digi head studies, did a line drawing before painting this time. Trying to come up with a proper painting workflow. Yeah... still got 10000 things to improve on. The original pictures look waaay better than these.



  • LongJh
    Hey all! Got some drawings here.

    Digi environment painting. Partially reffed from photos. Trying out the chalk brush more and trying to paint with more muted "realistic" colours.


    More facial feature anatomy studies after Stan Prokopenko. After this I'll probably be concentrating on more rendered studies.





    And some head sketches form my sketchbook. Trying to sketch from memory and then from reference and then identifying my common mistakes/bad habits in order to (hopefully) fix them in my future imagination drawings. One glaring issue for me is I often place the facial features at incorrect places and proportions in relation to the whole head. Ugh, will have to tackle that.

    Also I probably have to focus on doing more rendered portrait studies as well, instead of doing just lines.

  • Callesw
    You rock man :) really inspirational stuff! Makes me want to study stuff like this even harder haha. Nice progress.
  • LongJh
    Callesw - Hey man, thanks so much! Your sketchbook is super hardcore, it's also a reminder for me to work hard lol.

    Anyways! I'll going abroad for 3 weeks, so I probably won't have any updates for awhile. Buuut in the meantime, here's some paintings and sketches.

    Some digi environments. All paintings partially reffed except the first one. Last painting inspired by Dylan Cole. Oh and starting get into the soft brushes now.





    Aaand sketches! More heads from imagination and ref, random things, and a couple of Mayan architecture studies for my next perspective practice drawing. Yeah definitely have to get to the figures again soon.



  • LongJh
    Hey all! Sorry for being away for awhile. Time to get back to drawing!

    A quick one here - first up is another perspective practice drawing of mayan (or at least, attempted mayan) city. Followed by some sketches and a bunch of collaged doodles that I had done during my free time overseas.




    That's all for now. I'll be definitely be pumping out more stuff asap!
  • LongJh
    Another quick update here! I've been trying to plan out my practice schedule abit better, but for now, here's some portrait studies! Done a bit more rushed than I should have, they've got tons of proportion errors. Linework needs improvement too lol.





    Aand some more figure studies. Proportion, proportion, proportion.



    And line quality.
  • LongJh
    Hello again! Got some drawings here.

    Some figure drawings from photos. Still using a skeletal construction method (you can see hints of it underneath the darker linework). Still have some problems eyeballing the right proportions, though.




    And some ID style studies of insects. Borrowed an insect book from the library, gonna study the heck out of it!



  • LongJh
    Got an update here. More ID style studies of bugs!






    Plus some sketches! The last two pages are part of a little portfolio project I'm doing right now.




    Aaand that's all for now. More stuff on its way!
  • Black_Stormy
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    Black_Stormy polycounter lvl 8
    Your early perspective work really shines through to the anatomical studies you're doing now. Those bugs are fantastic and I think it's particularly because you have the perspective absolutely spot on. I was going to suggest Stan Prokopenko but then I saw your proko studies. You can see how much easier it becomes to plot the features on the head when you use that approach. Are you applying it to your life studies?

    On a side note, I watched the Proko videos a few weeks ago and started drawing heads, I was going to wait for a while till I posted them in a sketchbook but seeing your progression convinced me to post them up as I go. You really have improved so much in such a short time. Don't worry about being 'boring', these studies are some of the most interesting things I have seen in sketchbooks. It's great to see someone really commit to the groundwork. You're going to be world class in no time.
  • Mischievous
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    Mischievous polycounter lvl 6
    Same as above, I loved your study drawings, especially those perspective ones...they just look cool and appeal to an inventor's heart. It's inspiring to some one who's just 4 months in his own drawing routine to see how far some one starting the same way can go.
    Keep drawing, I know I will :D
  • LongJh
    Black_Stormy - Hey, thanks a bunch man! Yeah those proko tutorials really helped improve my understanding of facial anatomy a lot. But now that you mention it, I haven't really applied it heavily into my portrait studies much. I'm still bumming around trying to draw it kinda "my own way" (which isn't really very sophisticated in terms of technique and understanding). Definitely gonna bear that in mind the next time I draw and try to absorb his methods a bit more, like his way of shading light and shadow in layers and his ability to draw the big shapes into details. Basically working more with light and form as opposed to more linework like I'm stuck with now. Thanks again man, and all the best on your own progress as well, I'm sure it's gonna be terrific too!

    Mischievous - Thank you! If you like, I'd recommend you to take a look at some of FZD's student works. They have a ton of study images of those perspective drawings that are 10000 times more powerful than mine. I'm actually taking them one of the examples of how to study. All the best to you man, hope you become awesome soon as well!

    Okay! Got a small little update here. First is a really quick study of a town in bird's eye view. Really quick and sloppy with this because I had like only 20mins to paint before I had to rush off. But I think I managed to capture the colours proportion pretty ok, it looks way better zoomed out! Might do a couple more of these.


    Aand more bug studies. Again, using an insect book for reference. It's called Insects of the World by Anthony Wootton. Pretty cool. I'll be attempted to translate these isometric drawings into 3D perspective the next time.



    And last are a couple of sketchbook pages. More visdev sketching and studies for my portfolio project - a redesign of Guardian's Crusade, an old PS1 game. (I'll be posting my progress on this thead!) The last page I was trying to draw some baby animals in order to learn how to capture "cuteness" lol. Trying to figure out how to redesign that little creature on the top left hand corner of the page.


  • bounchfx
    Wow, great stuff man! I love your anatomy studies and environment paintings. Your bug stuff is wonderful too.
  • LongJh
    bounchfx - Thank you very much!

    Got another small update here. Sorry for being so slow, been pretty busy on my side lately and working on some other stuff. I'll definitely keep as consistent with my practice as much as I can!

    Just some quick studies of modern architecture. Sloppy, and weak colours. Architecture like these needs a different approach to painting and brushwork that I still haven't seem to grasp properly yet. Gonna have to practice them more.





  • ponjarphy
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    ponjarphy polycounter lvl 5
    I normally don't post a lot in here.
    But I gotta give you a big thumbs up man. this is really good. and the amount of improvement is Truly inspiring.
  • OXGears
    keeping you on a bookmark, i like persistent dudes like you Lol.
  • LongJh
    ponjarphy - Yay, thank you so much! I'll keep doing my best.

    OXGears - Thank you lol. I'll definitely be persistent as long as possible!
    Getting slower with the updates, but I got some more drawings and paintingsnow.

    First is more digi studies of modern architecture. All of these are done pretty quick. I think I'll need to spend much more time and do some proper, patient studies instead of these quick speedies. It's a little too sloppy for my liking to be honest - still struggling with brushwork and colour for these.






    And more ID bug studies. Had to return the reference book I loaned from the library, soo in the meantime I'll be brushing up on my perspective construction and line confidence (which were severely lacking in these studies).



  • LongJh
    Hi hi!

    Got some stuff here. A couple of studies done along with Scott Robertson's tutorials. First is just some value studies and second is me learning how to plot simple cast shadows.



    Plus some more sketching! It's a character for my portfolio project.



    Also I've been working on these two characters for awhile now.



    Aaand that's all for now. See you guys soon!
  • 80musashi80
    wow, that is an epic sketchbook, you really have a great work ethic....better than me!
  • LongJh
    80musashi80 - Thank you very much! I'm sure you're working hard as well lol.


    More value practicing. Hm, going a bit too slow with these. Still struggling a little with brush control and blending.





  • OXGears
    slow and steady wins the race they say.
  • LongJh
    OXGears - Haha yeah, absolutely! Thanks for dropping by man.

    Hey guys, did some studies here.

    Black and white portrait studies (from colour photos off the net). The first two are done quite randomly, meaning I started off with just blobs of paint and just slowly painting the forms without using any construction or measuring method.

    The last four paintings however, I used the Reilly method (or at least, my half-assed variation of the Reilly method) of painting which I learned by following some portrait tutorials on youtube.







    Some thoughts: I find that doing these studies doesn't really help me much in painting from memory/imagination (maybe it's because I'm not doing enough or not concentrating enough). What they train me in is more of measurement accuracy, brushwork and training the eye to spot values. Also painting in purely black and white is definitely easier than doing it with colour for me.

    Oh and I also saved the WIPs of the last three paintings, if anyone's interested.



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