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Dota 2 - Workshop Thread



  • OniLolz
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    more progress
    I felt like a lot of the existing flying couriers felt too floaty given their size so I added quite a bit of weight to this guy
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13

    In something completely unrelated to cosmetics, since valve has implemented team matchmaking I've gone ahead and created "Team Polycount". Right now its just me and T_Vidotto, but if anyone other fellow dota players are interested let me know. :)

    :o Is there space left for me? I got hoop dreams, coach! I got 'em bad!
  • zicoV

    In something completely unrelated to cosmetics, since valve has implemented team matchmaking I've gone ahead and created "Team Polycount". Right now its just me and T_Vidotto, but if anyone other fellow dota players are interested let me know. :)

    I'd like to join :) Sure i suck hard at dota but you all need a guy to blame when you lose right ? well i'm your man!
  • aivanov
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    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    Didn't get a chance to put this here since Polycount's server were going nuts last night. Criticism welcome!

  • Redheadkitten
    aivanov wrote: »
    Didn't get a chance to put this here since Polycount's server were going nuts last night. Criticism welcome!


    I checked out some of the comments on your Workshop post and I'm seeing a lot of hate for the brown hat. Personally I love it, it ties the look back to his pants and boots. Though lighting it up closer to the color of his sash would work as well.

    Great set all in all, the detail is awesome! Do you have in-game shots?

    Now a question for you guys, I'm trying to pick a hairstyle for my Death Prophet set. Again, it's based off the "creepy Japanese girl" arch-type (think the girls from The Grudge or the Ring).
    Any suggestions?
  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 14

    In something completely unrelated to cosmetics, since valve has implemented team matchmaking I've gone ahead and created "Team Polycount". Right now its just me and T_Vidotto, but if anyone other fellow dota players are interested let me know. :)

    That's pretty Legendary Andrew!
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    Lennyagony wrote: »
    That's pretty Legendary Andrew!

    haha, thanks, Im gonna make new ones tonight, I did those half asleep in five minutes. :P

    I still have two slots left.

    Current Roster:
    Bronto Thunder
  • RoqueDemon
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    RoqueDemon polycounter lvl 6
    haha, thanks, Im gonna make new ones tonight, I did those half asleep in five minutes. :P

    I still have two slots left.

    Current Roster:
    Bronto Thunder

    I think one of the slots is just for the team administrator. So you have one left.
  • System
  • Largs
    haha, thanks, Im gonna make new ones tonight, I did those half asleep in five minutes. :P

    I still have two slots left.

    Current Roster:
    Bronto Thunder

    I would Like to play on that team
    T_Vidotto knows my nick
  • I-ninja
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    I-ninja polycounter lvl 5

    In something completely unrelated to cosmetics, since valve has implemented team matchmaking I've gone ahead and created "Team Polycount". Right now its just me and T_Vidotto, but if anyone other fellow dota players are interested let me know. :)

    I wish to join. Can I play meepo?
  • Sashera
    Eleryn wrote: »


    Well I love it :D (but then again I helped design it x3; )
  • Black_Stormy
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    Black_Stormy polycounter lvl 8


    Nice to see the auto-compiling thingy in the item submission dialogue. All those years spent learning to compile manually are finally redundant.

    Also loving the hero shader. Heaps of fun trying things out.
  • motenai
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    motenai polycounter lvl 18

    In something completely unrelated to cosmetics, since valve has implemented team matchmaking I've gone ahead and created "Team Polycount". Right now its just me and T_Vidotto, but if anyone other fellow dota players are interested let me know. :)

    I'd love to join the team, but be aware that i quite suck at the game :)
  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10
    Hmm I've never had that error but ill just share my process, it's quite simple and doesn't have much room for error.
    - Get your item in the right position, ready for skinning.
    - Create reference, use the Maya file of the source model as the reference
    - Duplicate the root bone
    - Reference editor > remove reference (there should only be one thing to remove)
    - Select your item, select the root bone you duplicated, smooth bind
    - it should be ready to go

    Add me on Steam if you want, I've run in to a bunch of Maya problems and have the solutions to most of them :)

    I've been having a billion rigging issues and this solved all of them. Thanks!
    Eleryn wrote: »


    Awesome design. My only worry would be that the lotus designs might be too small to see even in the portrait view, especially with the low resolution textures.


    I've finished the Rubick set I posted a blockout of awhile back.

    I like how it turned out, but I'm a little worried I might be pushing the design too far from the original hero concept to get accepted. Hopefully if that's the case valve will contact me and let me know what needs to be changed.

    I'd like some feedback on the cloak though, I originally wanted to keep it plain so that the eyes have somewhere to rest, but it might be too much empty space, and also I'm using masks similar to Rubick's default cloak which make it look kindof heavy and slick, I might want to change it to look more cloth-like.

    Thoughts? Looks Awesome? Needs work?
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    I've been having a billion rigging issues and this solved all of them. Thanks!

    Awesome design. My only worry would be that the lotus designs might be too small to see even in the portrait view, especially with the low resolution textures.


    I've finished the Rubick set I posted a blockout of awhile back.

    I like how it turned out, but I'm a little worried I might be pushing the design too far from the original hero concept to get accepted. Hopefully if that's the case valve will contact me and let me know what needs to be changed.

    I'd like some feedback on the cloak though, I originally wanted to keep it plain so that the eyes have somewhere to rest, but it might be too much empty space, and also I'm using masks similar to Rubick's default cloak which make it look kindof heavy and slick, I might want to change it to look more cloth-like.

    Thoughts? Looks Awesome? Needs work?
    Ruins the silhouette, completely changes portrait view and lack the values scheme of the original... So i guess it will be ingame in 3 days if you submit it now.

    I love the staff though. If you move the green blobs a tad bit higher they'll look great.
  • Andyk125
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    Andyk125 polycounter lvl 4
    haha, thanks, Im gonna make new ones tonight, I did those half asleep in five minutes. :P

    I still have two slots left.

    Current Roster:
    Bronto Thunder

    Damn too late :p Not that I'm really good but its getting better..

    Did some work on my "Tree of life" for tiny. Changed the colors and the leaves so it reads better from a disctance.. Also added some flowers to make it a bit more interesting. Comments are really welcome!

  • Gamer_Alien
    Ok guys ! i've got a tiny problem here :"(

    the only models i ever make are old and ravaged stuff, so basicly after creating the actual model i go all crazy nuts in zbrush and add detail .

    now im trying to make a sword for dk , which is going to be , y'know , NOT ravaged and old. (im not gonna soften the edges or add dents in zbrush)

    the problem is the model lacks detail imo. I cant post it right now ( will definately post images later) but the problem is the old "one plain color with no detail " problem.

    any tips would be aprreciated.
  • marul
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    marul polycounter lvl 7
    aivanov wrote: »
    Didn't get a chance to put this here since Polycount's server were going nuts last night. Criticism welcome!

    First of all, I think you have done an amazing job in terms of application. It just bugs me that the lower parts are better fitting than the upper parts. I liked the feet , the belt and the cuffs a lot. I understand why you chose to try a different color with the hat but you could maybe try some other model with a blue-greenish color. Brown is really not the best choice here. The shoulders look a bit too high, making Kunkka seem like he's irritated by something.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    So many people wanted to join the polycount team, I think we might need a second one. Or just force valve into allowing as many players as we want. Lets get valve on the the phone now!
  • Andyk125
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    Andyk125 polycounter lvl 4
    Some more progress, thinking of adding some moss at the bottom of the trees..

  • Chaemirix
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    Chaemirix polycounter lvl 10
    Ok guys ! i've got a tiny problem here :"(

    the only models i ever make are old and ravaged stuff, so basicly after creating the actual model i go all crazy nuts in zbrush and add detail .

    now im trying to make a sword for dk , which is going to be , y'know , NOT ravaged and old. (im not gonna soften the edges or add dents in zbrush)

    the problem is the model lacks detail imo. I cant post it right now ( will definately post images later) but the problem is the old "one plain color with no detail " problem.

    any tips would be aprreciated.

    The community tends to go crazy over any pattern etched/inscribed in. I'd suggest thinking of a simple pattern and applying that. You'd still do some work in Zbrush but it'd only be for that specific part.
  • Nannou
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    Nannou polycounter lvl 5
    Any spot left Helenek? :)

    btw. anyone knows why Valve is so slow with handing out the cosmetics that got accepted to the creators? I hope i don't have to wait 3 weeks like i did with my WR bow, to get my kunkka sword.
  • Chaemirix
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    Chaemirix polycounter lvl 10
    Does Self-Made even have particle effects yet? Or are they still red X's?
  • oDD
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    oDD polycounter lvl 18
    BenHenry thanks man, Ive got no special secret technique for the fur :) I'm just a beginner. For the style reference Ive used the bear from the valve PDF tutorial. Brushes I'm using: clay buildup, smooth, dem standard, flatten. Hope this helps.

    small progress shot
  • Gamer_Alien
    Chaemirix wrote: »
    The community tends to go crazy over any pattern etched/inscribed in. I'd suggest thinking of a simple pattern and applying that. You'd still do some work in Zbrush but it'd only be for that specific part.

    ok. i think my stuff is generally sh**ty ( hobbyist here ) but i will post some pics up.

    I have always been missing out on that "pro" touch. My models look like ive dipped a piece of metal inside a bucket of paint :|
  • aivanov
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    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    Nannou wrote: »
    Any spot left Helenek? :)

    btw. anyone knows why Valve is so slow with handing out the cosmetics that got accepted to the creators? I hope i don't have to wait 3 weeks like i did with my WR bow, to get my kunkka sword.

    If Valve's 'do what you want' MO really is true, then they have probably at most one guy who begrudgingly does the tedious stuff like browsing the workshop and making sure item submissions work. That one guy also probably spends most of his time mainly developing the game.

    Would explain a lot in regards to wait times on clerical stuff like that.
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    Well the latest batch of items seem to have been added to the "Accepted for Game" section of the Workshop so self-mades shouldn't be too far off.
  • TommyTehZombie
    I've redone this a few times, perhaps its still a bit too metallic?


    I have yet to update the images on the workshop as Blender seems to enjoy acting funny for me when i attempt to render. Perhaps its time to invest in Max or Maya O_o.

    Lots of amazing stuff in this thread as usual though
    Now a question for you guys, I'm trying to pick a hairstyle for my Death Prophet set. Again, it's based off the "creepy Japanese girl" arch-type (think the girls from The Grudge or the Ring).
    Any suggestions?

    Style B is my favorite among them.
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    Weird, some stuff like Glacial Tiny, Blood Mist helm and an old Kunkka sword are appearing on the "Accepted for Game" screen and only a handful of the new items.
  • ike_ike
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    ike_ike polycounter lvl 12
    tide ward is officially accepted!


    now i have to read and fill out all these tax forms ... i think i can put that off til tomorrow
  • Jalcober
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    Jalcober polycounter lvl 10
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    does anyone know what courier attachments are or how to make them?
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    @beetrootChan Hey, it looks like working with me really works! :D

    Hawt Koffee Sure, courier need just three attachments, of which you'll have to create only two. Eye_L and Eye_r, points where your unusual particles will come out out of the courier. For that just create bones, position them and link em to the head bone, and you're set. Just assign them in the importer tool and it should work. For hit location attach you better use head bone, so it's easy as that.

    aivanov You're absolutely right
  • Gamer_Alien
    Ok Guys this is the farthest i've got :


    Be sure to empty all your feelings about this !

    Negative critics please !
  • Jackson31
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    Jackson31 polygon
    I just went to upload a courier to the Dota 2 Worshop to find that the process has totally changed, instead of uploading a zip file of my model all compiled up they ask me to import the SMD files and have them imported by the dota client itself.

    My problem with this is it doesn't make my materials look anything like how I want them, also I don't have control over .qc file functions such as $scale,

    Does anyone know if there is a way to load up files to the workshop the old way? will Valve ask me to revise the item before they sell/reject it??
  • Mr. Toodles
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    Mr. Toodles polycounter lvl 11
    Woohoo! This is my first organized attempt at a model

  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    Ok Guys this is the farthest i've got :


    Be sure to empty all your feelings about this !

    Negative critics please !
    It's flat. Could you post some screenshots of your viewport with flat diffuse? Your texture has no depth and material detail, normal seems to non-exist too. Note how the shield has rich highlights and shadows while your sword is just plain? You'll have to create an edge, create some interesting shapes.
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    Great I have to prune the rig down from 84 bones to 52
    I removed 4 so far from the wings but that just causes them to clip a little more

    if I remove pretty much anything else it all goes to hell very quickly
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    @Jackson31 you'll have to reupload it with the tool anyway, so no custom materials or .qc files

    84 bones, whew. Guess you better read this before anything happens
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    I like popcorn.
  • PoPcorn
  • AndrewHelenek
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14

    Got the shaggybark courier highpoly done... Texture is gonna be fun... :<
  • krflol
    'Ronin' jug WIP. That hat gunna give me problems down the line?
  • krflol
    Ronin Jug WIP
    feedback appreciated
  • System
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    System admin
    I'm...not sure what that is, Anuxi. Do I want to ask?
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    Bout bloody time
    also animations work
    also please excuse the texture quality, dota turned my settings down to medium for some reason
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