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Connecticut School Shooting

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R3D interpolator
it's making headlines around the internet and news now but
A shooting at a Connecticut elementary school has left 27 people dead, including 18 children, according to an official with knowledge of the attack, although state police would not confirm the number of victims in what could be one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history.

In a news conference after the Friday morning shooting, Lt. Paul Vance of the state police would only say there were "several fatalities at the school, both students and staff."

He confirmed the gunman was found dead inside the school and the scene has been secured.


Crazy how things like this happen, just days after that mall shooting in oregon


  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    This world is sickening. Apparently they are saying there may be a second shooter... either way this is disgusting.
  • slipsius
    yup, and all that people and the news are talking about are the kids. It shouldnt matter that kids died. It should matter that people died. Regardless of age. 18 kids.. what about the other 9 people? or the guys parents that were found dead shortly after? Those other 9 in the school probably risked their life to save countless others.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    and this is why the second amendment only worked with muskets
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    frell wrote: »
    and this is why the second amendment only worked with muskets
    Please don't start.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    aajohnny wrote: »
    Please don't start.


    this thread is pointless mostly.

    no political discussions ever turn out well here, so stick to well wishes and mourning.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    frell wrote: »
    and this is why the second amendment only worked with muskets
    Not necessary here.

    My heart goes out to all those who lost their loved ones today. I can't even begin to imagine if I lost a son, or a wife.
  • Autarkis
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    Autarkis polycounter lvl 8
    When I saw this earlier this morning I felt terrified. My son is going to turn 2 in two weeks and I can't imagine sending him to school anymore.

    To slipsius: It matters more than kids have died than full grown up adults. We have more realization of how the world affects us and we know that life is fragile and that close ones might die. When it comes to children, it's our duty as the adult generation to protect them to ensure the survival of our species. The adults that have died did what was right to try to protect the kids in that school, and they are heroes for doing that. Children are our most precious and loved ressource. They are innocent. They are to be treasured while we can. It's a tragedy that even one person died, but it makes it much worse that children were brought into the anger and frustration of a grown up. Maybe you don't have children of your own, so you can't fully imagine why it's worse that very young kids have died?
  • nick2730
    such an uncivilized society
  • MainManiac
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    i can't even immagine...no. i don't want to. I've got 3 kids - oldest is 5. Home schooling form now on. i'm done hearing about this crap and worrying about them.
    i would be in jail shortly after they found the shooter's corpses.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    @Frell: man, that story is incredibly disheartening as well...

    My wife and I are getting ready to have our first child in March. Reading about these type of things is absolutely terrifying. So many people lost their loved one today for no reason. If you have a family, make sure to give them a hug when you go home today.
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    Can't even imagine how it must feel like. Comming from a 'quiet' country like Denmark where you might hear abut a single gun fight without any wounded every 2-3 weeks and then read how some maniac once in a while goes crazy with a gun in the US can only make me wonder why guns are so widely accepted, guess that's just the major difference in the population between our countries. Either way it's still incredibly tragic.
  • Autarkis
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    Autarkis polycounter lvl 8
    I'm totally thinking of home schooling my child now. I just can't imagine this happening to any parent. Hell, I would rip the shooter apart if I got my hands on him.
    Congratulations on the forthcoming bundle of joy. Protect him/her at all cost, that's all we can do.

    Zpanzer, it all has to do with protecting yourself. Which I guess was okay in uncivilized days, but it's so antiquated today that gun laws need to change here. With all the shootings that we see here, it's horrible to think they are still allowed. I need to move back to Europe.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    aajohnny wrote: »
    This world is sickening. Apparently they are saying there may be a second shooter... either way this is disgusting.

    Don`t start blaming the world, remember we live in a world with mostly good people who do not wish for anything like this to happen.
    If the world was sick things like this would be happening each and every day.

    It`s a sickening act of a sick minded person.

    Also homeschooling your kid because of this won`t do society any good, you`ll teach your children to grow up in fear and alienate them from others.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I can't even imagine what this guy deserves to have done to him for all fucking eternity down in hell, cause I ain't that sick in the head. But I do know he deserves it.

    Having said that these threads go south quick on PC cause if you try and tell Americans they don't have the right to do or own something they lose their shit. Probably best to lock.

    10 days till Christmas... shooting up a primary school... and they're saying he was the father of a student... shot his mother... and went out of his way to kill the school councellor...I've no words or insults severe enough.
  • Mcejn
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    Mcejn polycounter lvl 12
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Mcejn wrote: »
    Hot topic.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Don`t start blaming the world, remember we live in a world with mostly good people who do not wish for anything like this to happen.
    If the world was sick things like this would be happening each and every day.

    It`s a sickening act of a sick minded person.

    Also homeschooling your kid because of this won`t do society any good, you`ll teach your children to grow up in fear and alienate them from others.

    That is true Ravenslayer, poor choice of words on my part. Apologies.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    What a sad tragedy, I wish it was possible in my country to discuss the issue of gun control that really must discussed.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    seems relevant, i wonder if the media is going to turn this guy into an anti hero and glorify this behavior like they did to James Holmes

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PezlFNTGWv4"] - YouTube[/ame]
  • R3D
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    I feel so heartbroken about this. I've worked on kids games my entire career because kids are the coolest thing ever and super rad. My own son who's 3 started pre-school a couple months ago. And crap like this really makes me feel horrible for everyone who will suffer from this horrible tragedy.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Ryswick wrote: »

    seems fox news is quick to blame video games for this...

    Here we go again
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    aajohnny:no apologies needed but just something i wanted to clarify because people tend to forget we arnt all bad :)

    arshlevon: They will, and they will continue doing so until we stop watching this garbage.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    @ravenslayer - My wife was homeschooled ans she's neither afraid nor alienated. in fact she's considerably more outgoing and secure than I am.
    There are more reasons than this that i prefer to homeschool - but this is not the thread for that discussion. My heart sank when i heard about this today - i don't think a shooting has ever effected me this much - and i've known people who were there during the highschool shootings we had here in San Diego a few years ago...this one scares me infinitely more. he wasn't a student - there was no bullying going on...no convenient excuse that one can blame the victims for if they're cold enough...(&%)I*&#ing children.

    please don't let this thread turn into another gun control debate. it was one thing after the batman shoothing - even if it got nowhere. this is so much more than that...
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    reverendK wrote: »
    @ravenslayer - My wife was homeschooled ans she's neither afraid nor alienated. in fact she's considerably more outgoing and secure than I am.
    There are more reasons than this that i prefer to homeschool - but this is not the thread for that discussion.

    thats why i added the "because of this" :), just saying fear can never be the determining factor for such a choice because you`ll teach your child to fear others as well .
  • Weirdboy
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    Weirdboy polycounter lvl 5
    @Ryswick: I wouldn't worry about that if I were you. There's always a few who blame violent events on violence in media but it never picks up much traction.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Weirdboy wrote: »
    @Ryswick: I wouldn't worry about that if I were you. There's always a few who blame violent events on violence in media but it never picks up much traction.

    Ah i'm not worried, its just a case of here-we-go-again. Seems the media is always quick to blame social media and games as of late
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage

    Say no more :( sad day
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    So, a bunch of kids just saw classmates get blown to bits. Let's interview them and ask them how they feel, that sure is great journalism there.

    How about getting the name and facebook picture of a guy with a similar name to the suspect and spreading it around, causing the mob to think that guy is the actual killer.

    Or even better, doing the exact opposite of what the video above suggested by absolutely squeezing every last drop of vile hurtful shit created by this horrible tragedy for ratings.

    I hate modern media, I absolutely fucking hate it. 1 or 2 more weeks and there will be another shooting by someone seeing all the vile glory a massacre like this can give you.

    I have a little brother aged 6 and this shit destroys me, so glad I live in a country where shit like this never really happens.

    I hope those left behind get through this.. I hope the surviving families don't end up crippled financially because of the healthcare system, this is just messed up.
  • ivanzu
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    ivanzu polycounter lvl 10
    They should put guards and teach school personal how to use guns to defend them self and other people around them it seems to be only solution since this stuff is starting to be pretty common.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    They should probably put great focus on mental healthcare before arming everyone tbh. Anyway this isn't the thread for discussing that, I just can't imagine who goes into a classroom, sees a bunch of five year olds and goes through with shooting them all, it just, doesn't work.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    ..give teachers guns? Ehhh...Like Skamberin said. More focus on mental healthcare. Violence with Violence? No thank you.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    ivanzu wrote: »
    They should put guards and teach school personal how to use guns to defend them self and other people around them it seems to be only solution since this stuff is starting to be pretty common.

    that is a terrible idea! the kids were the target, the kids should have guns.

    after all, most 3rd graders are likely to have more experience with 1st person shooter games and will most likely handle a gun better.
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    Mass Effects facebook page was under some heavy flak from people blaming it earlier

    Very sick idea... What was the point for YOUR PROMOTION? It is obvious this Sick-O was playing YOUR GAME!
    And to think there are 1.3 million people out there being drawn in by this sick idea for a video game. God help us all!!!
    thanks makers of this game..for your darkness to our world. we need more of that.
    Good job, guys. You have blood on your hands that won't wash off.
    a guy who loves this game just shot and killed 25 people based on this game, and we think these games have no effect on people? he KILLED 18 KINDERGARTEN kids in cold blood
    Ryan Lanza, the 24 yr old that has killed 18 kindergarten children, 8 adults and his own mother, was a fan of Mass Effect. What are you and other games of your ilk doing to our society? Think on it.
    Ban this game and the people who created such sickness.
    twisted mind made worse by games like this..bring back baseball and rollerskating

    Need i go on...?

    Oh wait this is my favourite
    So this guy liked this Mass Effect game? What does that say.

    Wonder what else he "liked" that had an effect? Smarties? Angry birds? Cats?

    Edit: Not to mention the guy that liked mass effect was the guy they incorrectly blamed the shooting on in the first place.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Mass Effects facebook page was under some heavy flak from people blaming it earlier


    *insane retardation*

    Need i go on...?

    Oh wait this is my favourite

    Wonder what else he "liked" that had an effect? Smarties? Angry birds? Cats?
    Guys I heard the killer inhaled a lot of Oxygen, we should ban it.
  • ivanzu
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    ivanzu polycounter lvl 10
    I'm going to blame Super Mario for every bug killed in this world. :shifty:
  • ScottP
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    ScottP polycounter lvl 10
    Doesn't stuff like this belong in the off topic thread? If people posted all the horrible events that transpire every day on this planet, this site would have nothing to do with video games..

    Can moderators do something here?

    And to anyone criticizing the 2nd Amendment over these type of things as is usually done here on Polycount, please take your retarded one sided opinions elsewhere. Thanks.
  • SuPa-
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    SuPa- polycounter lvl 11
    Well, the school and the shooter were not unlinked, so this wasn't some random psycho who decided to shoot up a random school. But actual motive? I don't know. Probably just a hopeless, angry guy with nothing to lose who wanted to feel a sick and twisted sense of empowerment. The shooter's mother was a teacher at the school, and was found dead in the shooter's home, suspected of dying that morning (I assume that she was the first victim). Oddly enough, according to the media, the mother was the one who purchased the firearms, which consisted of two pistols and a .223 Bushmaster semi-auto. I'm worried that he forced his mother to buy the firearms, and that she did nothing to resist or alert the authorities. That's speculation though.

    Also, people will always blame something. Video games, gun control, mental healthcare, etc. I guess that we should have knife control too, with all that's happening in China.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    In reality he probably realized that after he killed his mom there was no turning back, so he targeting her passion -> the children.
  • ScottP
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    ScottP polycounter lvl 10
    frell wrote: »
    In reality he probably realized that after he killed his mom there was no turning back, so he targeting her passion -> the children.

    Maybe it had something to do with the Rift layoffs, you never know.
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    The reason why mass effect is under fire is because the killer is dead, no one else to blame. That and i suspect that they are stupid fucks with cum bubbles for brains.
  • slipsius
    Autarkis wrote: »
    When I saw this earlier this morning I felt terrified. My son is going to turn 2 in two weeks and I can't imagine sending him to school anymore.

    To slipsius: It matters more than kids have died than full grown up adults. We have more realization of how the world affects us and we know that life is fragile and that close ones might die. When it comes to children, it's our duty as the adult generation to protect them to ensure the survival of our species. The adults that have died did what was right to try to protect the kids in that school, and they are heroes for doing that. Children are our most precious and loved ressource. They are innocent. They are to be treasured while we can. It's a tragedy that even one person died, but it makes it much worse that children were brought into the anger and frustration of a grown up. Maybe you don't have children of your own, so you can't fully imagine why it's worse that very young kids have died?

    They are hero's, yet no one is talking about them, or hardly acknowledging them.... In cases like this, it doesnt matter a persons age. Its a tragedy, and every single life is as important as another. Yes, I do not have my own kids. I`ll give you that. But I do have family... friends.. My sister is a teacher. A bunch of my good friends are teachers. Are their lives less important? Kids are "the hope of the future", yet, teachers and employees of schools are the reason they are the hope. Without them, kids would be lost. They spend more time with your kids than you do.

    The focus should not be on the kids. It should be focused on the over all crime, and ALL the lives lost. Not just the kids.
  • JonathanLambert
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    JonathanLambert polycounter lvl 6
    SuPa- wrote: »
    Also, people will always blame something. Video games, gun control, mental healthcare, etc. I guess that we should have knife control too, with all that's happening in China.

    You can't regulate bat shit crazy. Murder is already illegal.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12

    There is your answer as to why video-games are being blamed, because new outlets decided to target a college student.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Quality journalism.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    ScottPetty wrote: »
    And to anyone criticizing the 2nd Amendment over these type of things as is usually done here on Polycount, please take your retarded one sided opinions elsewhere. Thanks.
    SuPa- wrote: »
    Also, people will always blame something. Video games, gun control, mental healthcare, etc. I guess that we should have knife control too, with all that's happening in China.

    difference is the kids in china are still alive.

    it is always funny to see people get gun control mixed up with anti - 2nd amendment talks.

    you can be for 2nd amendment and still want stricter gun control. i dont want army and police to be the only people to have right to own guns. but at the end of the day, the ease of access to these guns make it super easy for such events.
  • ivanzu
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    ivanzu polycounter lvl 10
    The only problem is human brain.
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    Don`t start blaming the world, remember we live in a world with mostly good people who do not wish for anything like this to happen.
    If the world was sick things like this would be happening each and every day.

    It`s a sickening act of a sick minded person.

    Also homeschooling your kid because of this won`t do society any good, you`ll teach your children to grow up in fear and alienate them from others.

    Do you realize how prejudice your last sentence sounded? I realize you're trying to make a point about fear. Anything motivated out of fear usually doesn't have a very positive end result. But it comes across as putting down a group of people.

    Also sick things like this DO happen every day, it's really sad to think about but we rarely hear about all the sick things that happen in the world. Just because it isn't in the mainstream news doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    and lastly...
    ivanzu wrote: »
    The only problem is human brain.

  • Overlord
    Andreas wrote: »
    I can't even imagine what this guy deserves to have done to him for all fucking eternity down in hell, cause I ain't that sick in the head. But I do know he deserves it.

    Having said that these threads go south quick on PC cause if you try and tell Americans they don't have the right to do or own something they lose their shit. Probably best to lock.

    10 days till Christmas... shooting up a primary school... and they're saying he was the father of a student... shot his mother... and went out of his way to kill the school councellor...I've no words or insults severe enough.

    That's an awful thing to say about someone you don't know. Maybe he was mentally ill? Do you know? From reading the article in the OP, he first killed his mother who was a teacher at that school. No mentally healthy person does this. Potentially, he suffered some psychological trauma or even current abuse related to his mother and that school that pushed him over the edge. For all you know, his existence was his hell and this was his escape. FFS he killed himself in the end. That's a sure sign of a tortured mind. I don't hate him. I feel sorry for him as much as everyone else who died. They're all victims as far as I'm concerned.

    I find it a detestable thing that when something tragic like this happens the first thing people think about is making the person who did it suffer for their transgression. Who's to say they aren't already suffering beyond what we could do to them? People don't do shit like this because they're bad people. They often do it because they're victims themselves and they're pushed to the point that they have to do something that makes them feel they've found resolution. Certainly remove them from society so they can't do further harm, but seeking punishment to satisfy your own personal desire to see someone punished for misdeeds because you're angry does no good for society as a whole. You need to find out what caused a human being to do such a thing so that the next person can be helped before they hurt someone.

    We are all products of our social environment. If someone does wrong we need but look at the people and circumstances that helped shape that person's behavior. If only someone had paid more attention to this guy, he could have got some help and avoided all of this.
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