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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2



  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    i own two call of duty games, 2 and 4

    that said i played a little black ops 2 mp on the console and it seems ok. easy, but ok.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    frell wrote: »
    What the fuck I just bought this shit and played online for 3 hours

    Every problem with COD is apparent in ~10 seconds of gameplay

    I cant believe Treyarch shipped such garbage. Zombies is ok though. PLaying with a knife only is probably the most enjoyable

    After 10 seconds huh... Was that MP? SP? Zombies?

    Why even post here then? Why post on Polycount that is a collection of us fellow artists and industry mates and literally just trash everything someone has worked their ass off on for 2 years (i haven't worked on it for the past 2 years however) and say they (Treyarch) shipped garbage. When you say things like this you sound like a spoiled little kid that didn't get exactly everything he wanted for Christmas. I read through the support forums on Activisions board and you really expect professionals to respond to "OMFG YOU GUYS SUCK DICK!! STOP MAKING GAMES! YOU SHOULD ALL BE FIRED! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FIX THIS SHIT?" Yeah, I'm gonna go out of my way to respond to people like that cause that is what is going to make a difference.

    This doesn't just go for Black Ops 2, but it so happens to be a "thing" with any COD title. I have played plenty of games that have come out in the last 2 months and I could seriously rip on them and be nit picky about the tiniest of things but I don't because in the end I still enjoy them and have fun. They aren't perfect. No game ever has been.

    I honestly don't believe this game is as bad as people seem to think it is either. MW2 had a ton of problems (akimbo 1887s, p90s, etc) and it got patched and improved. BF3 had/has a ton of issues with cheaters online and it's gotten better since the launch but I still have gripes with it a year later. I still play though because the overall picture is it is still fun.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Because we keep buying them hoping they've fixed the obvious cod flaws

    10 Seconds of mp

    "Why even post here then? Why post on Polycount that is a collection of us fellow artists and industry mates and literally just trash everything someone has worked their ass off on for 2 years"

    Did I say the game looked like shit? No. The engine is dated but the maps look good. The gameplay can suck. Were you a designer? No. It shouldn't offend you and it wasn't intended to. Just because you did art for a game doesn't mean you need to praise it. Whats with people on here not wanting to critique games or voice their opinion? Are they afraid word will get around somehow and get them fired?

    There is no spark/excitement when I play call of duty anymore. I think it can only possibly feel fun for people new to the series.

    They've ditched alot of the things that COD4 had to balance the tactic and arcade, and now theyre full blown arcade. Or maybe I was just younger and thought it was more fun than it really was. Still all this action movie and small maps and anti-sniping treyarch is pushing is getting annoying.

    I could tell cod-like mechanics rubbed off on BF3 to help make the transition easier and it totally ruined it for me. It didn't even compare to BC2.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Frell, I'm not offended and I'm not saying everything should be praised. Keep in mind a lot of stuff can be patched. There is no way a QA team can anticipate everything that can be found once a game like this is launched. Thankfully we can update things, tweak settings and try to fine tune how it operates.

    I'm also not praising it. I worked on zombies and there are at least 100 things I wanted to do that I couldn't due to a factor of reasons.

    I do hope that things get fixed so that you can continue or start to enjoy the game.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    The only thing I can say I enjoy is sprinting around with just a knife. Just got done doing that for 4 hours and I topped all the charts with my friend :D too easy

    But I still cant stand to play with a gun.

    And they wont patch things like map size or gun recoil. Its not really any specific bug that makes me hate it. Its just too crammed and fast paced in a frustrating way. COD4/WAW gave you room to breathe, and MW2 gave a little. Black ops the idea of big maps vanished.

    Come to think of it a good chunk of the cod4/waw maps were the same size, but I think they felt bigger because COD wasn't seen as a sprint shooter yet
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Frell, I honestly wouldn't mind some larger maps. Perhaps they are the same size but maybe more open areas would be nice. There were some nice maps in COD4/WAW that had some nice open areas that made them feel risky. Also I enjoyed the tanks in WAW that could be used.

    If only I could make these choices...

    Glad you liked zombies though as that is the part I worked on.

    I'll probably post up my work from it once I get time to get some decent renders, screen shots.

    A few highlights from Zombies that I did. The lava shader and textures, the Bus Driver, Tombstone and Double Tap 2.0 Perk Machines, the Turbine, Electric trap buildable devices and a bunch of signage.
  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    frell wrote: »
    Are they afraid word will get around somehow and get them fired?
    blacklisting's an unfortunately common threat, so yeah probably. on the other hand this is arguably not the best place for arguments over products that represent the careers of other members, it's just real easy to offend people in that situation
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    yeah Jesse - guard thyself and grow thick skin, sir. COD is one of the highest grossing franchises of all time - so naturally it's going to be picked apart by those who work elsewhere in the industry (as much to understand why it does so well as to complain about it's flaws).

    I would like to point out, though, that I have never heard any complaints (and from the bits i've seen, never will) about the artwork - it's all been level design, game balance and mostly PR related. Good on ye, jesse - what i've seen of the game it does at least look like the most handsom COD so far. (note: i was underwhelmed with MW3 in that regard...)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    You are being really unproffesional Jesse, both as a mod and as an employee of Treyarch. Getting pissy and trying to get personal when all Ive stated are the facts (because again, I have nothing against this title as I havent played it, I am just remarking on internet activity). So you cant argue against that so you resort to 'well you guys are trooooolls' which is juvenile to say the least. Sure we are opinionated people but come back to me when you have Odiums 'track record'; i.e. has almost single handedly developed a full FPS title and managed a team and has made the QII engine look current Gen with the visuals his team is pumping out.

    Best just call it a day Jesse you really aint helping yourself here.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    reverendK yeah I hear ya. I am very thankful to hear that the art is good though as that is my area.
  • [demonplay]
    With everyone giving such passionate feedback, I think I want to put in my 2 cents about my experience too as someone who's fairly experienced with playing FPSs

    I really enjoy the genre and have played all the cod titles on the PC since the original modern warfare. Played a lil Cod 1&2 too.

    For Black Ops 2 I wanted to play it for a while before giving my impressions and thoughts, but I have been checking in on this thread, and the general feedback of what people are saying on the nets.
    Although I always expect to see a lot of negativity with a Cod title just because it's so big and hyped, I didn't expect to see the amount of rage there is here.
    For some reason when it comes to CoD just by the way some people criticise it, you'd think the game had personally attacked them.
    Of course a lot of the criticism is valid, it's just so aggressively delivered.

    I think with CoD, just by the nature of the game, it's easy to get frustrated with it.
    Of course good criticism is needed, but in a lot of ways people need to start playing the game for what it is instead of hating it for what it isn't, and people might actually have fun.

    Things I like:

    First off I’d like to congratulate the art team for the fidelity, design, colour palette and overall art direction which has really improved since black ops 1.
    For instance on “Cargo” the use of coloured cargo containers to bring colour and divide the map up in a believable way has been executed really nicely. Almost all the maps are like this, I just feel good on the maps instead of depressed like I was in the bleak confinements of MW3.

    Map design wise I’m enjoying most of them, with the exception of Turbine which I just feel kinda confused on for some reason. Some of them are a bit odd when you first play them, like Drone, and others feel super natural to get into, like Carrier.

    When I first loaded up the game I was happy to see a well fleshed out Options menu with a FOV slider. (I hear it’s getting boosted to 90 soon? Which would be awesome.)
    The game also loads very quickly which is a big plus for me, especially coming from BF3 and it’s 2-3 min map loading times, not to mention having to launch out of battle log if you want to change server.

    As far as weapon balance goes I think it’s ok overall, maybe a bit janky in some instances, but I’d need to play more to really get a feel on all the weapons. So far I've used SMGs, ARs, Shotties, Pistols and a few Sniper Rifles.
    Shotguns feel a lot better than the ones in BO1. The KSG is a real killer at medium range, and an interesting mix up as you can't have the normal shotgun mentality when using it.
    There’s talk of SMGs being too good, but I don’t really see it. I use SMGs most of the time, as I like to move around a lot, but if I try and challenge an assault rifle or sniper at medium/long range I'll probs get pooped on, even with the SMG’s minimal recoil.

    There doesn't seem to be any broken guns, or a gun that EVERYONE uses if they want to do well, like the UMP from MW2 (3 shot kill from any distance!), or the Akimbo FMG-9s and MP7 from MW3 (thing was a laser).

    Bouncing betties, claymores and shock charges really annoyed me at first, they are everywhere and were almost a game breaker for me as I was dying to them all the time, that was until I discovered the wonders of the Engineer perk. THANK YOU.
    Flak jacket is also a fantastic perk, no more dying to grenade spam and the like (Remember RPGs and noobtubes with danger close in MW2?)
    With these 2 perks 90% of any frustration I was feeling while playing was suddenly gone and I was having so much more fun, actually just shooting and maneuvering and not worrying about being blown up randomly. Happy days!

    The whole Pick 10 system is very cool, and a great evolution of create a class. It almost feels like Diablo 3 when picking my skills, having a limited amount of what I can bring to the fight, taking out what I don’t need so I can have a little bit extra of what I want.

    Finally multiplayer wise, the prestige system feels good too. You don’t loose all the challenges and camos, but still get the pleasure of leveling up again. With options to permanently unlock something each time you prestige it’s even better. Plus for hardcore prestigers the option is there to reset everything.

    Zombies is a blast, it really is. Today I had a last stand on the bus on round 16 with nothing but that burst fire pistol as zombies literally poured in (because I left the door open like an idiot), it was such a great moment, even though I was promptly overrun and downed.
    The new game type Grief is fun too, especially with friends, but it takes too long for things to get interesting which prevents me from playing it more often.

    Things I don’t like, and stuff I’d like to see in the future:

    I think I’d like to see more classic zombie maps, big maps with lots of routes as the survival maps from Tranzit feel very small, and the Tranzit gametype itself feels really complicated, unforgiving, and takes a long time to get anywhere.
    I’m all for having secrets in Zombies, and I really like the idea of that, but I wish it was made clearer on what you had to do to survive rounds. We had to have a wiki open while playing to know what to do. I think there would be a much bigger Zombie player base if this were the case, imagine how many people get turned off in the first 10 minutes and never play zombies again because it’s super confusing unless you know exactly what you're doing.
    Hopefully there will be some Zombie DLC which brings back more maps like Five, Kino and Call of the Dead.

    Lag wise I’ve only had a little bit of a problem here and there. It’s been very stable for me even playing on a 3 bar when playing with my friend in ‘merica.
    After playing BF3, the lag compensation in this is hardly noticeable. In BF3 at least a couple of times a game, I would die a few seconds after going well into cover, or running around a corner, horrible and frustrating. In BO2, it’s happened twice, I don’t think its too bad, but you can feel it sometimes, and if it’s something they’re working to improve, it will make the game better for the majority of players.

    UAV radar in Gungame.
    I really enjoy gungame, but the constant radar takes something away from it for me. To win all you have to do is bait people into coming around a corner where you’ve already lined up the shot. They then respawn (probably near you) so you can expect them any second, but now you pretty much know exactly where they’re coming from. Sure it amps up the action, but it makes the gametype feel really campy.

    Player cards are pretty damn ugly for the most part. "Cool, finished a challenge, but all I got was this really ugly thing"

    The game lobby really needs a text chat system. (on the PC)
    Many times after a game do I want to type GG or talk more but I'm in the game lobby. I don't find voice comm comfortable for casual play, and I don't think I'm alone as pretty much no one talks using Voice Comm unless its someone being obnoxious and shouting.

    The only sound issues I've had is footsteps being way too quiet in general.

    Anyway now that I’ve taken time to type this out and reflect on my experience so far, I think it’s actually the most fun I’ve had in one of these games since MW1!
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I wish there were more hardcore modes. Core takes way too much ammo to kill someone
  • Rayph
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    Rayph polycounter lvl 13
    Everyone is entitled to an opinion both positive and negative but I don't know why people bother coming on polycount to trash the gameplay of a game they don't really like. The rest of the internet has plenty of avenues for that...

    Maybe I am getting older and easier to please but my experience with the xbox version of black ops 2 so far has been stellar. Yes it is the same COD experience but with new maps and new toys to play with and so far I have had a blast. I also have found the single player strike missions to actually be an amazingly pleasant surprise with offering something of a bit of a twist that actually has some meat on it.

    As a frame of reference I am mainly a pc gamer but still highly enjoy playing COD on my xbox. The combination of tight controls and 60fps with some pretty damn amazing production values make for an experience worth the 60$ I have spent on each installment so far.

    As a weird sidenote, black-ops2 has for me my favorite aircraft carrier multiplayer level in a game. The layout is fun and it looks fantastic.
  • System
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    System admin
    And to think I was done with this place...
    Rayph wrote: »
    Everyone is entitled to an opinion both positive and negative but I don't know why people bother coming on polycount to trash the gameplay of a game they don't really like. The rest of the internet has plenty of avenues for that...

    What better place to go to than where the people in the industry are?

    I've posted something along these lines before but it always falls on deaf ears.

    The sooner you people stop being content with being tools and sitting on your laurels the better, I see nothing wrong with wanting to promote more active participation in the act of making games. You see, theres a big distinction to be made for a lot of people here in that you think you're making games... you're not, you are merely making ART for games...

    This is part of the problem, you essentially make yourselves into these disposable assets as you bring no more value than your ability to use a 3d package, and we all know there are lots of people that seem to be content with that as there "in".

    But by all means condemn the "haters" and stifle criticism while you post your empty condolences in layoff threads.

    Peace out!
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    I like the people who are complaining like crazy (not on here) have already prestiged or are level 40 something. 'If you don't like it then stop playing it' haha. That's hours and hours and hours of gameplay on something they deem 'shit!!!!'

    I fudging love it still. Games gorgeous and loads of fun.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Completely agree crazy. I dont get that myself. Its very worrying and compulsive behaviour and just makes people angrier and more aggressive.
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    For those interested, here is the digital foundry comparison of the Wii U and the XBox 360 versions:


    (Summary for those too lazy to load the link :P)

    "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 on Wii U - the Digital Foundry verdict
    Speaking to a developer the other day, we heard a story that Treyarch put so much effort into optimising for console that the original Black Ops left just 1MB of free disc space on the Xbox 360 DVD. It's indicative of the ways in which studios are pushing the current hardware to its limits, and with Black Ops 2 it's clear that Treyarch has put even more effort into optimising results for the current-gen platforms to the point where the single-player campaign is a truly remarkable technical achievement and a fantastic slice of gunplay to boot.

    The Wii U version matches the look of the Xbox 360 game and thus gives it an edge visually over the PlayStation 3 release, but unfortunately it comes up well short in terms of performance - an aspect that is all-important to the playability of a COD title. The frame-rate variance is such that the PS3 game feels generally smoother, while the 360 release feels like an entirely different game in the more demanding levels. Bearing in mind the commonalities in hardware design between Wii U and Xbox 360, we can't help but feel somewhat disappointed that Black Ops 2 under-performs so noticeably.

    True, Treyarch have had years to optimise the COD engine for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and would not have had this luxury in preparing the game for Wii U. Furthermore, on a basic level, Black Ops 2 itself would have been designed with no regard for the Nintendo hardware. That said, we find it hard to blame the developer here - we have seen generational leaps in CPU, GPU and RAM technology since the launch of the Xbox 360 seven years ago, and for the Wii U hardware to under-perform to this extent on such a crucially important game doesn't look good for future prospects. Bearing in mind the specific areas that are causing the most noticeable dips in performance, once again it looks like the CPU is the main bottleneck.

    Still, on the plus side, the multiplayer component of the game has emerged unscathed - if that's your focus, and you're willing to be patient for the online audience to grow in number, Black Ops 2 on Wii U is still worthy of consideration. The game also illustrates rather nicely the application of the GamePad for a new form of split-screen gaming, while tablet mirroring really is a sweet feature that we hope more developers embrace."
  • ariofighter
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    ariofighter polycounter lvl 13
    So I have gone back and forth far too many times about whether I should post this or not. I’m pretty sure I’ll end up regretting this in the morning, but any who here it goes.

    As an environment artist on Black Ops 2, I have to say it personally kills me to hear about the people that have been reporting issues with the game. As I’m sure everyone here can relate to, we want our games to be the best they can be. After all we spend a portion of our lives giving them everything we have.

    That being said as a member of Polycount I am less than thrilled with the ‘attitude’ in this thread. Before you dismiss me as being defensive over the title please hear me out.

    It’s not the points being made that are the problem. To be honest most of the complaints posted in this thread are things I have heard on twitter and youtube. I have been following them since the release of the game the other week to see how it is being received.

    The thing that gets me is the lack of professional courtesy in this thread. I know that asking for a polite conversation on the internet is insane in this day and age, but this is Polycount. Not some random forum filled with ‘civilians.’ I came here when I started my way in this industry back in school and found it invaluable as I progressed as an artist. I will always appreciate everything that Polycount has taught me. That being said, after reading this thread I will admit I am a bit soured on the community we have here.

    When the first lines of a post are a slew of insulting profanities only then followed up by critiques hidden in rage. It’s not crazy to think that someone who has personal attachments to the game would get defensive. Perhaps it’s best if devs say out of their games threads, but then again half the fun is talking to your peers about the game you just finished. I am not trying to single anyone out in this post. So please don’t turn around and ask me to quote you, because you didn’t start your post with a profanity.

    Also, please don’t tell me it can’t be done, or toughen up because it happens to all games. I am aware that you can’t please everyone and there will always be haters in this business. Even the haters opinions were founded in some form of experience. I can click over to the AC3 thread and read a perfectly tame conversation on how some people believe that the combat system for this game is broken, or at least boring. What I won’t find is a single profanity or any mention of how the combat designers at Ubi must not care or are too lazy. Two things that I can tell you from personal experience no one working on AAA games can be. This job is too taxing and takes too much out of you to do it and not care.

    I am not trying to convince anyone that the game is the best game ever made, and I don’t expect to change anyone’s mind that has already posted. That’s not the point of this. I just want to point out that we should hold ourselves to a higher standard as a community. Polycount doesn’t need to start looking like the comment section of a youtube video.

    I want to thank everyone who has picked up this game and is enjoying it so far. To anyone who is having issues I certainly hope they get fixed asap. I can’t wait to post up some work from the game in the future.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    I played Singleplayer, I liked it, didn't pay much attention to the story the first playthrough but had a lot of fun.

    Played MP too, had a lot of fun as usual, will probably play this one more than MW 3. Didn't really notice any problems with anything really... SMG's seemed to be the gun of choice for everyone but I still got my fair share of kills with a shotgun. I guess the best way to sum it up is: Even if I were against better players, I felt like I had a chance.
    In other CoD games that hasn't really been possible due to how the unlocking and level up system works, so good on you this time.

    Didn't notice any issues with lag compensation or anything either.

    To be perfectly honest, I'm pretty sure that all the complainers screaming themselves hoarse over the things they dislike about the game: Are the 1%. It seems to be the case in pretty much every popular game, everyone who is not on twitter, or the forums or anywhere else bitching about shit, is playing the game, and those are the players that matter really, as they make out the larger demographic and hold the most purchases.

    Oh well, opinions will be opinions.
  • wasker
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    wasker polycounter lvl 7
    Skamberin wrote: »

    To be perfectly honest, I'm pretty sure that all the complainers screaming themselves hoarse over the things they dislike about the game: Are the 1%. It seems to be the case in pretty much every popular game, everyone who is not on twitter, or the forums or anywhere else bitching about shit, is playing the game, and those are the players that matter really, as they make out the larger demographic and hold the most purchases.

    Oh well, opinions will be opinions.

    Yeah totally, it's a nice game. If people didn't like the COD series any more they would simply stop buying it. Vote with your dollars and all that.

    You guys did a fine job, Airofighter and Jesse.
  • Noodle!
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    Noodle! polycounter lvl 8
    The thing that gets me is the lack of professional courtesy in this thread. I know that asking for a polite conversation on the internet is insane in this day and age, but this is Polycount. Not some random forum filled with ‘civilians.’
    When the first lines of a post are a slew of insulting profanities only then followed up by critiques hidden in rage. It’s not crazy to think that someone who has personal attachments to the game would get defensive.

    What exactly would professional courtesy be here? I understand it's not fun to hear your game get shit on. Heck, the first game I worked on got shat on by pretty much everyone who played it, but it's part of the territory.

    I'm sorry you feel like that but I'd be sad if Polycount would have to be a place where we keep a friendly mask and not speak our opinions. If anything, this would really be the best outlet for brutal honesty since we can all learn from it.

    As for profanities I could only find it in Frell's post, but granted I only skimmed it. And even if I don't agree with all of Odium's points (even if I didn't agree with any of them) I think he put them forth quite civilized. Comparing his and others to youtube video comments is hardly fair. Sorry to single those two people out, but they've been the most vocal in this thread.

    It's not about being haters either. People can genuinely love the game or franchise and hate it because of that. Because of the potential they see "if only". I've bought every CoD game since CoD4 since I like the franchise so much.

    That said. On a note unrelated from that: I'm going back and forth on Blops 2's gameplay. It's a roller coaster of fun and frustration and anger. Most of the anger, as I previously said, comes from lag compensation and how it rewards just running fast with smgs.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Noodle! wrote: »
    What exactly would professional courtesy be here?

    Id like to know also, if you guys want smoke blown up your butt about how amazing the game is why post at all? i think both Odium and frell brought up some good points maybe not in the best context as it might appear hostile but good non the less.

    And as people said before no ones seems to be attacking the art "as this is an art forum" so why even get frustrated about what is said about game play and network lag?

    people are entitled to there opinion even if its someone who has no clue how games are made, if they pay 60 dollars for something they should either be able to hate or praise the thing they spent money on.

    its like people that hate on the transformers movies yeah they are terrible movies but the effects and all that jazz is awesome and if i worked on that franchise as an artist i wouldn't care cause i would be able to work on some killer art ( PS. I actually don't like the robot designs in transformers :P)

    The thing i don't find professional is when the actual people that work on the game freak out and get really defensive about what people are saying, i would think that by now some people would learn to filter out all the hate and look at the constructive criticism given to the franchise.

    I think looking at nuketown which looks awesome btw and some of the other levels the art looks good! except for the bus in zombies mode that thing looks like someone only had 30 minutes to make it :S

  • ariofighter
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    ariofighter polycounter lvl 13
    You know I had been mulling that post around for a while before I posted it, and upon review (It’s amazing what sleeping on it can do) the things in this thread were not as hostile as I had taken them. I am not going to go back and edit my post because I don’t think that’s the right thing to do. I made my hasty post.

    Notice I never said please don’t say what’s wrong with the game or that if you dislike it your opinion is invalid. In fact I encourage it. I would prefer to have that conversation here because as it has already been pointed out, where better?

    I also agree with quite a few of the criticisms that have been posted here. Yes that includes points made by Frell and Odium. So I am not being defensive over points I agree with. I am not going to get into what ones, because well they have already been stated.

    AE. your right perhaps I shouldn’t get frustrated over problems with departments that have nothing to do with me. I think the thing is the game as a whole is representative of work I have done. If there are problems in other areas of the game it ultimately affects the end user experience. Then it doesn’t matter how ‘pretty’ the art may be. If the lag comp is driving people crazy, myself included, then that’s the legacy the game will have.

    To get off this topic that I’m pretty sure I derailed this thread on. I was fortunate enough to get to work on a lot of the 2025 levels. A large portion of my work was on the ‘Karma’ mission. For anyone who has played the Campaign it is the floating city mission. As soon as I can get some screenshots I’d love to share them with some breakdowns.
  • Pedro Amorim
    Just wanted to say that I like Cod BLops2. THe multiplayer is awesome and the guns/levels look awesome.

    With that said I would like to ask for a CODBLOPS2 Art DUMP!!!!
    I'm interested to see the guns!!

    Jesse pull some strings and make that happen!!!!
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Wowzers, 81% drop in sales in the UK... People are starting to finally tire of it... Never thought I would see the day. Its still number 1 though lol!
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    Odium, you might not believe me , but i honestly am saying this for your good :

    You seem like a 15 year old who is obsessed in complaining to get attention to himself in the wrong way . Usually when i see stuff you write i just roll my eyes and think "yeah who else could it be" but honestly i think you should think before you engage your fingers and write some stuff in a forum full of developers who put their heart and soul into something.

    Everybody should state their opinion without a doubt , but use some common sense mate.

    that is all , back to work !

    EDIT : forgot to mention that the game visuals look really good and i would love to see an art dumpage ( wink wink )
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    And you sound like the sort of kid you meet in the playground, who can't stand anything other than his own way. Just an observation.

    EDIT: As an additional, if you seriuously expect me to bend over and suck off the people here just for releasing media at retail, regardless of its quality, you are mistaken. Theres enough "Cock sucking" going on in the world. If a product is bad, say its bad, or flaws will never be fixed and the same tripe will come and go again and again. Notice how I haven't actually raised an attack on COD's visuals? Its got nothing to do with the forum being an artists area, more so its totally pointless to change the engine and design pipeline this late into a consoles life cycle.

    But if you REALLY think I'm going to not talk about a games huge ass, actually game breaking at times flaws, just incase I upset somebody who drew a few things in the same title... Maybe its time to think again. Games are built from dozens, hundreds of people. If somebody was to take offence for GAME PLAY related problems that, quite frankly, the entire internet is moaning about, when they are just an artist themselves in a totally different game mode that just happened to ship with the game, then I think maybe its time to find a new dummy because clearly the one that person has isn't working.

    When I start photoshoping cocks onto peoples profile pictures and actually making personal attacks against people with no evidence at all to back it up, then by all means come at me with full force and attack me all you like.

    Until then, I'll simply remind you that this is a discussion forum, not a suck me off for points forum. The very definition of a forum is that its a place open to discussion, both good and bad. If this place was just about people being "nice", lets be honest, nobody here would be even close to the level they are at professional wise.

    I, like many, come here for the truth, because I can assume people will give it and not just focus on tickling my ball sack to make sure I don't get upset. If I wanted that, trust me, I have places to go. But Polycount isnt that place.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    As stated on the last page Joao, everyone is entitled to post their opinions, irrespective of whom this forum primarily caters too. Even if I dont agree with it I much prefer to read something that thought went into, instead of pages and pages of arse-lickage like "+1111111 for art dumpz i <3<3<3 art dumpz".


    That figure is crazy. 81%?? I think thats a blip though. I wasnt taken by the premise of BLOPS2 either. Will be very interested to see MW4s figures next year. Hopefully map packs are hit even more badly, to give Activision a much needed kick in the arse.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Art dumps are good though...
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    They are awesome :) but arse kissing is not.

    And thats not to say posting to express a desire to see them is arse licking, but it can be.

    My point is, dont slag off somebody for posting constructive thoughts just cause you dont.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Worth re-mentioning that 81% drop is in the UK, dunno about world wide... But its crazy still, this is a nation that loves itself some COD, so that sort of drop year on year is... Mad.

  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Would be interesting to see what explanations analysts come up with. I guess it could be a combination of factors. Even then 81% is dramatic; 60 would be extreme enough. Werent pre-order numbers even bigger than MW3? I wonder if there was a similar drop in AC3 numbers. Also, were there notable drops in the US market. Which format felt the 81% drop the most?
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    They've already made something like 600 million USD. Treyarch is doing fine.
  • Pedro Amorim
    *rolls eyes at this thread*
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    CordellC wrote: »
    They've already made something like 600 million USD. Treyarch is doing fine.

    So I take it that percentage was not reflected in the american market.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I just bought it for the PC as well, I am having a lot of fun actually! good work again Jesse and Treyarch.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 16
    Read that article again :P Its 81% drop from first to second week sales, which is pretty normal for anticipated titles with tons of preorders. Most titles7sequels have a huge dropoff from first to second week.

    "Despite the sharp decline, second week Call of Duty sales are up by 15% on last year's Modern Warfare 3. "

    so.. they are actually not selling that much less.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    So worst case scenario, lets say they lost 81% of sales in the 2nd week worldwide. That would mean they sold almost 2.1 million units still. That's more than most titles muster in their first year of sales.

    It's as much to be expected in its second week and is still an amazing number of sales in the right context.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s17Sw9m8H6s&amp;feature=context-vrec&quot;]ZOMBIE BUS (Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies) - YouTube[/ame]

    You can see the Bus Driver that I did here pretty well and a good portion of the Zombies gameplay. I also did a lot of work on the modular stuff in the power station, the diner signage and various other pieces.

    A proper art dump may be in the future...
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    hahaha nice job on the bus driver, reminded me of the johnny cab from total recal
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    I just played it, and i like it a lot, the artwork is totally badass, the environment are 10x better than MW3 (take a closer look at the map "Carrier"). My investment was totally worth it, its nice to see a game now and then that brings back that edgy, fun playing good old time.

    There is just one more thing i would want to see in the future, more interactive objects, the ability to open/close doors, this was what made HL / HL2 popular, when setting-up a booby-trap (that are part of the map display) and looking at your opponent getting caught in it was hilarious. The only time there's a door involved was in the map "Drone". I would like to see you guys enable more of that. It takes a little time to get used to the new weapon menu, but other than thats a good game folks. Killstreak ? (can't remember what they are called now) its sometime hard for me to kill 3 guys in a row, and now the killstreak curvature was raised and its nearly impossible to get above 1000 points in some games.

    I'm surprised that i liked it, well done Treyarch.
  • Talbot
    If anyone wants to team up for zombies on xbox my gt is:

    Deluxe Walrus
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Talbot wrote: »
    If anyone wants to team up for zombies on xbox my gt is:

    Deluxe Walrus

    I'm down to play some tonight. I haven't played much zombies since release cause I've been in MP or SP but I'll shoot some dirty zombies
  • Talbot
    I'm down to play some tonight. I haven't played much zombies since release cause I've been in MP or SP but I'll shoot some dirty zombies

    Just text me if you go on.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Call of Duty Reaches $1 Billion Faster Than ‘Avatar’



    Played a few epic rounds of zombies a few nights ago with a few friends.

    I will say that the grenade launcher SUCKS in zombies unless it is pack a punched. During dev we called it the tshirt tuber cause it is more useful at a stadium launching tshirts into the crowd. My god I hate pulling that from a mystery box, but it is nice pack a punched.
  • Rayph
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    Rayph polycounter lvl 13
    Yea Jesse I gotta say having more time spent with the game I love it top to bottom. Congrats on being a part of this awesome-sauce.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Rayph wrote: »
    Yea Jesse I gotta say having more time spent with the game I love it top to bottom. Congrats on being a part of this awesome-sauce.

    Awesome man! Glad to hear that and thanks again. It really is crazy working on something like this and even more so after the last few years I have had.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17

    Interesting perspective from someone that stopped playing and then came back and his thoughts.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah, he's kinda right when he mentions to slowdown on a certain level. When i get into a gunfight with people lets say on the cruse ship i always throw a betty in the middle of the map just to make sure i get a kill even if im a poor shooter.

    I went from a complete 3 kills a game nono to a super whooper 15 kills a game with using my brain more, using frags and stickies helped me lot or simply learning to use them properly made a huge difference. i now can go all the way up my streaksheet and use that damn AGR (thats the little robot on threads)

    I also camp a little and playing the mode "hardpoint" helped me a lot since it showed me how to push myself more and not being lazy ( im talking about eye and hand coordination, which sometimes can be lowered by fatigue, rage or stonerdom.)

    ect, ect, ect ...
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