GOTY 2012 contender, probably one of the best sellers this year and from a purely objective standpoint one of the most polished CoD games to date, as is the case every year.
And again I will probably get it and end up regretting doing so.
Haters gonna hate. Frell this seems to be par for the course with you.
Don't understand why people bitch about it. If you don't like it don't buy it. Pretty simple. Been saying that for years. People hate on dlc and the cost and these comments are expected from the clueless clowns on game trailers and youtube but as industry folk I would think we would understand the "business" side of things a bit more.
Is Atvi really supposed to just give free stuff away that a ton of people worked hard on? Could they give free stuff? Sure... BUT if you owned it and made money off it would you just give it away? Probably not...
I didn't say free. They were $8 until they pushed one out at $15 and realized people would still buy it, so they never made one for $8 again no matter what the content.
Haters gunna hate? Really? I loved COD4 and WaW, I will always hate any studio involved with COD for ever taking the game away from its roots.
So, the future is here. Mechs, UAVS, all that good stuff. Great opportunity to introduce new enemies. What do we get? To fight more faceless Middle Eastern people, by the looks of it. Oh, the jingoism.
Seems even the tech of the future can't outdo people with Soviet-and-earlier era equipment. =\
Haters gunna hate? Really? I loved COD4 and WaW, I will always hate any studio involved with COD for ever taking the game away from its roots.
Roots? What are the roots? You just named a WW2 based game and a Modern Combat.... The franchise has spanned from WW2 to present day. What do you mean?
So you don't want devs to make changes or try to create new story lines? Your comment really don't make much sense.
People complain devs don't take risks or make changes. When they do they get attacked. When they don't make changes, they get attacked. See my point?
Jesse, instead of being incredibly focused on the idea that maps = time = money, im sure there are a lot of extra factors to consider. Like the way it would add value to the game and potentially bring in people buying the fullprice product that way?
Lets not forget how valve toyed with TF2 for low prices/free weekends and allsorts of things like that on content releases as a means to lure in new players.
And the whole haters gunna hate shit needs to stop, at least try to encourage discussion instead of sitting on your laurels and accepting things blindly.
It did look horrible JFletch, you aren't the only one lol. None of my super COD fanboy friends expected this either and they're all made, theyre the ones who told me about it.
Jackwhat, it would be cool to release some stuff as free and do like free weekends and a community event or something. That would I think help boost more sales. I don't know. I just push polys around...
JFletcher what was it you didn't like so much? A lot of this in the trailer is the first time I have seen it too so I'm curious as to what others think on it in terms of design.
tbh im not going to form much of an opinion till it comes out, im sure there will be plenty of reviews and such, the enviros looked ok and the art looked somewhat ok but honestly i wish they would udate their engine a bit and try to get more detail in there, who knows
Gah, if Borderlands 2 and Diablo 3 and possibly the Last of Us aren't taking up my time, I may consider this... but idk its an interesting approach to COD. Looking forward to seeing some more gameplay and info.
Seems like a pretty cool direction to take, definitely different than what I expected.
And as for all the COD hate...I like to think of COD games like Michael Bay movies. People are gonna shit on it..but they'll still buy it because nobody can pass on cool explosions.
inb4 mp is one kill to unlock drones and shit and gun kills make up for 20% of total kills again.
I'm sure single will be fun, they NEED to make the story playable in CO OP. MUST. They absolutely must. Would add so much to the game. MP, sigh, I will hate it as I always do since it is going away from the direction of the games that actually made them successful, but since its COD i'll enjoy it for a few weeks anyways.
I have to be honest, I didn't play the singleplayer in and of the cod games or in blops. When it comes to shooters I only care about the multiplayer.
Which is why I'm hoping the multiplayer will be good times.
So awesoooooome! Loving the slow but steady polish this series is getting. And all at a solid 60fps I assume. Delicious!
I hope there will be some kind of campaign co-op - and with hit markers this time please!!
I have to be honest, I didn't play the singleplayer in and of the cod games or in blops. When it comes to shooters I only care about the multiplayer.
Which is why I'm hoping the multiplayer will be good times.
I suggest giving SP a chance. It's better than you think. I know it can be annoying playing against smarter players in MP where you can lose a gun fight or whatever and then going into the SP, but if thats the problem, play on Veteran. It is a great experience and its way better and more epic than you'd think. Helps your MP game in the end too cuz it gives you patience and better feel for the game.
That engine is really showing its age, but it runs at 60FPS and for console FPS's thats all that matters.
Played all COD games, single and multi. Will more then likely give this one a whirl even though nothing was really impressive about the trailer. I just really hope for gameplay its not just massive edge of your seat set piece after another because that makes them all bleed together and nothing stands out as awesome.
Also, we already did a horse level, its not cool to do one now :P
The best part will be when they pay IGN reviews for a really good score but instead we all watch the gamespot review!
And then we still buy it.
I watched the interactive bit again and it's really nice how they've actually incorporated tech based on what seems feasible within the next 10-15 years, like the "Dog" mechs and mostly unarmed drones, instead of just picking things that will never be used like in 2142.
I find it really amusing, that so many people flamed the new (high-tech) bow in c3, but hardly anybody thinks that horses look totally hilarious in a future warfare.
I find it really amusing, that so many people flamed the new (high-tech) bow in c3, but hardly anybody thinks that horses look totally hilarious in a future warfare.
I find it really amusing, that so many people flamed the new (high-tech) bow in c3, but hardly anybody thinks that horses look totally hilarious in a future warfare.
I also found that far more jarring than C3's bow.
This trailer ain't interesting me much. Visually I think BLOPS is superior. Oh well, don't play a hell of a lot of CoD anyway, and MOH is also looking bland as hell. Get I'm gonna save me some money come November. Sweet!
Don't understand why people bitch about it. If you don't like it don't buy it. Pretty simple. Been saying that for years. People hate on dlc and the cost and these comments are expected from the clueless clowns on game trailers and youtube but as industry folk I would think we would understand the "business" side of things a bit more.
I understand it perfectly. Someone thinks it's acceptable to sell five levels that contain no new assets, three of which are direct ports from the previous title without modification, for an additional 1/3rd the price of the product - then do it four times in one year.
The gross revenue from Call of Duty map packs in the past three years has surpassed $1 billion. That's obscene compared to the actual development cost of the content (a handful of level designers and testers).
Those same people decided it was a good idea to strip the default multiplayer features from their game and started charging an annual subscription fee for it (on top of the already existing platform subscription fee), and people pony up for that too.
The part I don't understand is why people stand for it and pony up for it. It doesn't vaguely offer any real value for money, especially in a so-obviously "annual franchise".
It's amazing, these people are actually paying double the average retail cost of the game and the additional content, or in some cases more. Every year.
these comments are expected from the clueless clowns on game trailers and youtube but as industry folk I would think we would understand the "business" side of things a bit more.
yeah, I think it's the unfortunate side effect of the popularity of polycount
I understand it perfectly. Someone thinks it's acceptable to sell five levels that contain no new assets, three of which are direct ports from the previous title without modification, for an additional 1/3rd the price of the product - then do it four times in one year.
The gross revenue from Call of Duty map packs in the past three years has surpassed $1 billion. That's obscene compared to the actual development cost of the content (a handful of level designers and testers).
Those same people decided it was a good idea to strip the default multiplayer features from their game and started charging an annual subscription fee for it (on top of the already existing platform subscription fee), and people pony up for that too.
The part I don't understand is why people stand for it and pony up for it. It doesn't vaguely offer any real value for money, especially in a so-obviously "annual franchise".
It's amazing, these people are actually paying double the average retail cost of the game and the additional content, or in some cases more. Every year.
I think publishers/developers should charge for map content that way we get more map content, if you dont want it dont buy it.
I personally don't mind what the cost is, its not bad game play wise but I can see why some people are getting frustrated with repetition in the series. Its just a view point some people have, no harm in that.
Now I've never hated CoD, I understood and enjoyed it for what it was. The problem started (for me, after MW2) is that it's the *same* thing over and over - it's lost its luster. (Disclaimer: I never played CoD multiplayer, started the CoD series all the way back at 1 playing the singleplayer.)
Also, just as much as the 'enlightened' users here disparage others for "hating the CoD because its CoD", its also a bit arrogant to dismiss all criticism under "you hate it 'cause its cool/don't understand business/you're an unwashed generic internet user".
Personally, the really big issue for me is that CoD is seen as a model by the rest of the industry publishers how to run their development. And that means less innovation, more FPSes, more nickle-and-diming, etc.
It'll die off, of course, but if it keeps making only a billion less every year out of a gross of trillions, it'll still take forever.
Future COD is cool. I always enjoy the COD games because I do my best to go through them in a single sitting. When it spits me out on the other end I'm sweaty, probably confused, but overall satisfied.
I'm with Fletch on the uninspired look. I've seen this world before. Hydroplanes, drones, un-manned warfare... I've done that in games. I'm not expecting them to completely blow anyone away with original design, I think they gameplay moments will do that, but for the sake on commenting on the new theme here - it feels very safe. The developer in me is cool with that. It's a safe bet and won't alienate too many of the COD fan base, but the artist in mean would really like to see what they do once they absolutely need to think outside of their bubble - as glorious and rich a bubble that might be.
So yeah, I'll play this. I am sure it'll be a lot of fun and worth my $60 but I am not blown away by any one aspect of the trailer. I just like that its something different for the franchise.
And before I forget: 60FPS is great and all but I'd be interested in seeing what Treyarch et al could do with more modern technology. CoD is OK on the design front, they've nailed that. Let's see them focus on updating the visuals the next go around.
I think publishers/developers should charge for map content that way we get more map content, if you dont want it dont buy it.
I have no problem with charging for content. I have a problem with being expected to pay for sub-par content sold at an exuberant price. I have a problem with this as a consumer because it sets an extremely bad precedent. I have limited money, and I don't want to be spending it on a toss up between improving one game experience, and acquring another.
It isn't healthy for the consumer, who has a finite purchasing power.
There's a massive difference between prices rising because they have to, and prices rising for no justifiable reason other than 'because people will still pay for it'. Yes, as a company it does make sense to maximise your profit margins, but there is a point at which when you're just exploiting your market and that has repurcussions for the industry as a whole. In this case, $1 billion spent on overpriced content is $1 billion that isn't being spent on other products - including those that keep people in the industry in jobs. If a company can make $1 billion from a five level DLC with a development tag of $100,000 or less, why invest it in a risky project that needs more money for more staff? There's only so much you can sell to a market, so in order to maximise your profit margins, you make fewer games and more content packs with minimal content.
It isn't healthy for the developer, who is now in considerably less demand.
Future COD is cool. I always enjoy the COD games because I do my best to go through them in a single sitting. When it spits me out on the other end I'm sweaty, probably confused, but overall satisfied.
I'm with Fletch on the uninspired look. I've seen this world before. Hydroplanes, drones, un-manned warfare... I've done that in games. I'm not expecting them to completely blow anyone away with original design, I think they gameplay moments will do that, but for the sake on commenting on the new theme here - it feels very safe. The developer in me is cool with that. It's a safe bet and won't alienate too many of the COD fan base, but the artist in mean would really like to see what they do once they absolutely need to think outside of their bubble - as glorious and rich a bubble that might be.
So yeah, I'll play this. I am sure it'll be a lot of fun and worth my $60 but I am not blown away by any one aspect of the trailer. I just like that its something different for the franchise.
And before I forget: 60FPS is great and all but I'd be interested in seeing what Treyarch et al could do with more modern technology. CoD is OK on the design front, they've nailed that. Let's see them focus on updating the visuals the next go around.
GOTY 2012 contender, probably one of the best sellers this year and from a purely objective standpoint one of the most polished CoD games to date, as is the case every year.
And again I will probably get it and end up regretting doing so.
EDIT: No, seriously, 0:41
Don't understand why people bitch about it. If you don't like it don't buy it. Pretty simple. Been saying that for years. People hate on dlc and the cost and these comments are expected from the clueless clowns on game trailers and youtube but as industry folk I would think we would understand the "business" side of things a bit more.
Is Atvi really supposed to just give free stuff away that a ton of people worked hard on? Could they give free stuff? Sure... BUT if you owned it and made money off it would you just give it away? Probably not...
Haters gunna hate? Really? I loved COD4 and WaW, I will always hate any studio involved with COD for ever taking the game away from its roots.
IDK guys, it looks like another polished COD game, I'll play it for awhile, it seems pretty fun.
Besides, COD rendering is always interesting. They had Physically based lighting way back during BLOPS 1. MW3 had some cool hard surface work too.
blackops had a much better sense of style and fun than mw2/3, and i see HORSES
Seems even the tech of the future can't outdo people with Soviet-and-earlier era equipment. =\
Roots? What are the roots? You just named a WW2 based game and a Modern Combat.... The franchise has spanned from WW2 to present day. What do you mean?
So you don't want devs to make changes or try to create new story lines? Your comment really don't make much sense.
People complain devs don't take risks or make changes. When they do they get attacked. When they don't make changes, they get attacked. See my point?
The game used to be so fun. Team tactical in cod 4 was the best game mode i've ever played. Its just true that fame destroys games.
Lets not forget how valve toyed with TF2 for low prices/free weekends and allsorts of things like that on content releases as a means to lure in new players.
And the whole haters gunna hate shit needs to stop, at least try to encourage discussion instead of sitting on your laurels and accepting things blindly.
I just think the way they approached the post modern theme was very uninspired.
There's just no polish. No set pieces, nothing stood out.
Actually to be honest, the beginning with the planes landing on those pads looked quite nice. But that's about it for me.
JFletcher what was it you didn't like so much? A lot of this in the trailer is the first time I have seen it too so I'm curious as to what others think on it in terms of design.
The official link with more content for those interested. If you turn on the interactive experience you can see more footage.
Serious Deus Ex Boner.
I'm saying that as a compliment
Seems like a pretty cool direction to take, definitely different than what I expected.
And as for all the COD hate...I like to think of COD games like Michael Bay movies. People are gonna shit on it..but they'll still buy it because nobody can pass on cool explosions.
Looks pretty cool, Color me excited.
I'm sure single will be fun, they NEED to make the story playable in CO OP. MUST. They absolutely must. Would add so much to the game. MP, sigh, I will hate it as I always do since it is going away from the direction of the games that actually made them successful, but since its COD i'll enjoy it for a few weeks anyways.
Which is why I'm hoping the multiplayer will be good times.
I hope there will be some kind of campaign co-op - and with hit markers this time please!!
(Totally biased opinion is biased
I suggest giving SP a chance. It's better than you think. I know it can be annoying playing against smarter players in MP where you can lose a gun fight or whatever and then going into the SP, but if thats the problem, play on Veteran. It is a great experience and its way better and more epic than you'd think. Helps your MP game in the end too cuz it gives you patience and better feel for the game.
Played all COD games, single and multi. Will more then likely give this one a whirl even though nothing was really impressive about the trailer. I just really hope for gameplay its not just massive edge of your seat set piece after another because that makes them all bleed together and nothing stands out as awesome.
Also, we already did a horse level, its not cool to do one now :P
And then we still buy it.
I watched the interactive bit again and it's really nice how they've actually incorporated tech based on what seems feasible within the next 10-15 years, like the "Dog" mechs and mostly unarmed drones, instead of just picking things that will never be used like in 2142.
Why the long face?
I also found that far more jarring than C3's bow.
This trailer ain't interesting me much. Visually I think BLOPS is superior. Oh well, don't play a hell of a lot of CoD anyway, and MOH is also looking bland as hell. Get I'm gonna save me some money come November. Sweet!
I understand it perfectly. Someone thinks it's acceptable to sell five levels that contain no new assets, three of which are direct ports from the previous title without modification, for an additional 1/3rd the price of the product - then do it four times in one year.
The gross revenue from Call of Duty map packs in the past three years has surpassed $1 billion. That's obscene compared to the actual development cost of the content (a handful of level designers and testers).
Those same people decided it was a good idea to strip the default multiplayer features from their game and started charging an annual subscription fee for it (on top of the already existing platform subscription fee), and people pony up for that too.
The part I don't understand is why people stand for it and pony up for it. It doesn't vaguely offer any real value for money, especially in a so-obviously "annual franchise".
It's amazing, these people are actually paying double the average retail cost of the game and the additional content, or in some cases more. Every year.
yeah, I think it's the unfortunate side effect of the popularity of polycount
I think publishers/developers should charge for map content that way we get more map content, if you dont want it dont buy it.
I personally don't mind what the cost is, its not bad game play wise but I can see why some people are getting frustrated with repetition in the series. Its just a view point some people have, no harm in that.
Also, just as much as the 'enlightened' users here disparage others for "hating the CoD because its CoD", its also a bit arrogant to dismiss all criticism under "you hate it 'cause its cool/don't understand business/you're an unwashed generic internet user".
Personally, the really big issue for me is that CoD is seen as a model by the rest of the industry publishers how to run their development. And that means less innovation, more FPSes, more nickle-and-diming, etc.
It'll die off, of course, but if it keeps making only a billion less every year out of a gross of trillions, it'll still take forever.
I haven't been to Gamespot since Jeff Gerstmann was fired for giving Kane & Lynch a bad review.
I'm with Fletch on the uninspired look. I've seen this world before. Hydroplanes, drones, un-manned warfare... I've done that in games. I'm not expecting them to completely blow anyone away with original design, I think they gameplay moments will do that, but for the sake on commenting on the new theme here - it feels very safe. The developer in me is cool with that. It's a safe bet and won't alienate too many of the COD fan base, but the artist in mean would really like to see what they do once they absolutely need to think outside of their bubble - as glorious and rich a bubble that might be.
So yeah, I'll play this. I am sure it'll be a lot of fun and worth my $60 but I am not blown away by any one aspect of the trailer. I just like that its something different for the franchise.
And before I forget: 60FPS is great and all but I'd be interested in seeing what Treyarch et al could do with more modern technology. CoD is OK on the design front, they've nailed that. Let's see them focus on updating the visuals the next go around.
I have no problem with charging for content. I have a problem with being expected to pay for sub-par content sold at an exuberant price. I have a problem with this as a consumer because it sets an extremely bad precedent. I have limited money, and I don't want to be spending it on a toss up between improving one game experience, and acquring another.
It isn't healthy for the consumer, who has a finite purchasing power.
There's a massive difference between prices rising because they have to, and prices rising for no justifiable reason other than 'because people will still pay for it'. Yes, as a company it does make sense to maximise your profit margins, but there is a point at which when you're just exploiting your market and that has repurcussions for the industry as a whole. In this case, $1 billion spent on overpriced content is $1 billion that isn't being spent on other products - including those that keep people in the industry in jobs. If a company can make $1 billion from a five level DLC with a development tag of $100,000 or less, why invest it in a risky project that needs more money for more staff? There's only so much you can sell to a market, so in order to maximise your profit margins, you make fewer games and more content packs with minimal content.
It isn't healthy for the developer, who is now in considerably less demand.
Let's talk about the future of Call of Duty
"Sharper graphics. Branching campaign. Open-ended level design. This isn't the Call of Duty sequel you were expecting."
I'd like to mention I haven't played any of the Call of Duty games :P