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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2



  • Ark
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know what they hell they were thinking with MP, but... Ugh... Maybe its just me, maybe its just early days, I dont know... But it doesn't feel good at all. No recoil in any weapons, a cluster fuck of a UI made for a pad, confusing options, really shitty volume which is at about 18% of what it should be... Except for VOIP, which is your speakers normal, so yay to screaming twats... Oh, and awesome, no more unlocking sounds or anything, which is stupid when the "rank up" effect/text/sound is the same as "you just shot your gun" sound. I made it through about 5 rounds before I even noticed I wasn't rank 1 any more...

    This game is fucked up. I just tried SP, and its like the most shitty, hap hazard editing of anything I've ever seen.

    This is coming from a guy who LOVED BLOPS 1, and thought it was lightyears ahead of MW2/MW3...

    Christ, if only PC games had refunds...
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    So basically quite a few CoDBlops owners will get ME2 for free. That's a bit shitty for EA.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    It wouldnt be COD if Odium didnt rant even a little ;P

    Gonna give this one a pass, not funding Activisions bullshit anymore. Proud to have never bought a single map pack.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Nah, I love me some COD MP, oddly... But this ones just not pulling me as much as it should. Nearly at level 30 already, and have only used two guns... That should give you some idea, lol.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    I didn't buy it because it's more of the same, with outdated graphics and because it's a shitty port of console. This time Activision won't take my money :).

    An EA game within an Activision game is hilarious XD, incredible.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Always find the dated graphics thing laughable. Compared to other games out there. Sure BF3 looks amazing on PC but it looks horrible on console. The lighting is amazing in BF3 and that is what makes it look so good. Getting up close to each asset and they aren't mind blowing.

    Plus running at 60 fps on a console....

    But whatever... to each his own...
  • joe gracey
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    joe gracey polycounter lvl 11
    As long as they keep adding a zombie mode, I'll keep buying!
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    joe gracey wrote: »
    As long as they keep adding a zombie mode, I'll keep buying!

    Well that is the part I worked on. So I hope you enjoy it!
  • ScudzAlmighty
    Does the Zombie mode have a single player? This is the first cod I've been even a little interested in but I've got zero interest in multiplayer and since the cod's are seemingly immune to steam sales I'm really not sure if its in my budget.
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    I honestly do not get the rant about graphics either. Black Ops 2 (as well as the past few CoD games) still looks fucking beautiful. Are you expecting every new game that ships to be ahead of its time?

    I'm planning on picking it up fairly soon, but I spent a good part of today watching the whole campaign. Feel exhausted. One heck of a ride.

    @Jesse Congrats on being apart of this! Even with criticism it will be one of the best-selling games of all time.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Zombies can be played solo and we added difficulty settings as well this time around. There are smaller survival maps as well as our huge Tranzit map...

    Add live names here and we can play some zombies!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    So, what do you guys think ?

    Just had two sessions myself, and so far there seems to be plus and minuses. On the plus side I love the clarity of the lighting and how the character models look beefier than in MW2 and 3.

    However (and that comes from someone who never played BLOPS1) the gun feel is very, very light ... theres no recoil whatsoever and it makes me think that the whole thing has been tweaked too strongly towards easy gampad aiming. Point at a guy, iron sight, empty clip ... it takes a good chunk out of the experience for me.

    Added to that, the aiming feels sortof off - but maybe this is specific to the Treyarch/BLOPS titles ? It's as if the mouse mapping on the y axis is way too strong, compared to the feeling of MW2 and 3. I somehow feel like I am playing a game from the 90's on a 4/3 aspect ratio screen, strange ... Maybe I'll have to install one of these game-specific mouse driver tweaks to change that.

    Also - no hardcore ricochet kill confirmed ? Boo-ooo.
  • Aigik
    I was skeptical after being disappointed with MW3, but it seems that this game has revitalized the franchise for me. So much lost productivity today. So far I've played a couple hours of the campaign, and a couple hours of multiplayer. Haven't played zombies yet (I'll try that tomorrow). I've had a blast doing both. Also, I don't care what people say, the game is beautiful.
  • Orangeknight
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    Orangeknight polycounter lvl 5
    To bad I have to wait till Christmas because I'm broke :( . If only these games ever went on steam sales but it seems they never do. Looking forward to it alot! Also Jeese any plans for a art dump?
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    looks amazing to me, love the way the long grass sways in the early levels and the character models look fantastic!! that recoil thing is weird, feels like you're using a pea-shooter some times but its no game breaker. great job Treyarch peeps :)
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Must agree on the graphic being kinda bad, but thats mainly on PS3, the XBox and PC graphic is much better compared for some reason. The funniest gamemode in MP imo is Stick & stones, there is so many fun moment where people run around and keep missing shots. ;)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Gun Game is a lot of fun too.

    Art dump? Could be something in the works. We will see.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    So, I have an honest question for the masses. I've been debating about picking up this game but I have one concern in regards to it. I'd really like to get it for PC but I'm concerned about people hacking or cheating at it. Is it rampant or nothing to worry about and how would you say it might compare to XBox live?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    TA are usually on the ball when it comes to that, at least, compared to IW. I haven't seen any cheaters to be honest.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    We def take cheating very serious here. I can say that. We like to enjoy our own game and we have a lot of guys in house that play on PC so if it hurts you playing it also hurts us.

    We want everyone to have a fun experience and enjoy playing our game.
  • Rayph
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    Rayph polycounter lvl 13
    Wife surprised me with an xbox copy last night (yup she is awesome). Haven't really had a whole lot of time to game as I have other pressing priorities but what little taste I did get is so so sweet. Multiplayer is fantastic as always and zombies has been fleshed out to a wonderful degree, as a game its really amazing the amount of content offered on disk. I love the whole transit gameplay in zombies mode now, countless hours of fun to be had there.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Glad to hear you like zombies Rayph... It is def the biggest one to date and it really is amazing how much we fit on one disk... It is def not an easy feat to reach.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Might get just to fuck around on zombies with my friends

    Should have went back to a WaW simplistic style instead of going future. Hate all this action movie mega fast paced racecar track map garbage. Not sure why MW2 spawned that shit idea.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I looked over the game in a friends house, the console version, graphically speaking, really is taking massive hit when compared to the PC version, so I guess those "OMG, graphics sucks" comments are pertained to that.
    On the other hand, the PC version looks and plays great, plus, no mouse acceleration, so massive kudos to that and all that. You guys also included uncapped FPS and TXAA for nvidia cards?! Talk about generous!

    I also like the Fire/Tactical Squad mini-game, it's super fun, but the AI in some instances fell dead, I mean literally, both sides of the 'teams' stopped shooting at each other and just stood there.

    The horse mission was also very crazy fun, if you guys plan on releasing DLC, you should and MUST make more missions like those, or make an MP mode dedicated to horse riding while shooting rockets at flying robots.

    Zombie instances are also fun. Can't really say much else for it, since I didn't get to test it a whole lot, but it was fun from what I experienced.

    I don't think I bought any of the COD games in the past few years (MW1 being the only one I got), so I'm guessing this will my first one in a long run, I'll wait for a little more posting in this thread about the MP, and see if any reviews bring up any issues with, but other then that, kudos to you guys, seriously, Treyach is like the awesome brother when compared to it's other internal studios.

    PS: Also, seriously, a COG Sight on a Pistol? You guys are insane :P
  • KarlWrang
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    KarlWrang polycounter lvl 6
    Rayph wrote: »
    I love the whole transit gameplay in zombies mode now, countless hours of fun to be had there.

    And I'm sold. :poly136:
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    A bit too futuristic and unnecessary hightech gameplay for my taste.

    I loved the last one, what was the name again? 'oh yes MW3 ... bought the game but didn't started to play it before 4 or 5 months after purchase. I liked it, but i certainly didn't manage my whole life over it.

    The new installment should include a space federation and a galactic alliance, maybe a trip to uncharted parts of space ? looks terribly shitty.

  • Orangeknight
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    Orangeknight polycounter lvl 5
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYAE-EzUwh0&feature=plcp"]? WTF Is... - Call of Duty : Black Ops II (Single Player) ? - YouTube[/ame]

    This is interesting, Totalbiscuit is also planning a WTF on Multiplayer and Zombies to.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Multiplayer impressions at level 37.

    - SMG's are terrible! People run and gun, no need for iron sights.

    - Low lag? Who knows... This insane utter shit UI choice to have 4 bars show you how good your connection is MUST go. I have full, four green bars... But that doesn't mean I have a good connection. Bring back ping or let us increase the bars.

    - LAG COMPENSATION!!! Woohoo! Congrats sir, you have good internet with the free ring dings! So people who don't are going to get more kills. WHAT?! If I have to watch my knife go INTO a fucking enemy one more time, only for him to run 10 feet away, turn and shoot me ONCE and kill me, I'll scream. Which means I'll scream in aboutm oh, five minutes? Same with weapons too... PUT PUT PUT, hit him 20 times... Turns, shoots me once, he kills me... Fuck off.

    - This UI is one of the worst I've ever used. Console much? Bring back the old one at least it made fucking sense even if it was uhly. This ones a pile of shite, things are in random places, its not easy to use, its just a mess.

    - The HUD is low res and HUGE. At least give me the option to scale it, because this is ugly as sin. Looks like it was made for sub HD... Oh wait, like the console versions...

    - This unlock system is garbage. Everything you want is unlocked right at the end, when they WANT you to prestiege? Great, ok... Well I can understand everything you want being high level, sure. But then, whats the point when its all fake, because the starting weapons are better than the later weapons anyway? Its retarded.

    - Locking BASIC emblem editor options until later? What? So you have to be level 50+ or something to use LETTERS? Why?

    - Which reminds me, all these player cards are wank, ugly as sin, far far worse than BLOPS.

    - The maps are, for the most part, ok. Except every single fucking corner has a trash can or something just large enough to stand behind... Ughhhhhhhhh...


    - Having no decent sound for rank up makes me feel like I'm not even doing anything. In contrast, having a fucking flashing ugly as shite huge logo every time I do even the most basic of things, makes everything I do seem like its worthless. Jesus fuck, who the hell designed this?

    - The spawn system... Easily the worst. I read something about the game being all smart and making sure it was decent but Christ, its awful... So many 2 second spawn/kills its unreal...


    More to come... I'm sure.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    We def take cheating very serious here. I can say that. We like to enjoy our own game and we have a lot of guys in house that play on PC so if it hurts you playing it also hurts us.

    We want everyone to have a fun experience and enjoy playing our game.

    Not to pile on/be an ass, but I saw this today:
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZiKtmqVsbo"]BLACK OPS 2 HACKERS ALREADY? [PC Hacks] - YouTube[/ame]

    If it's true that they had his video blocked, and didn't take action on the hacker, that's kind of a BS maneuver. If they are serious about it, they should welcome any videos of hackers, so they have proof of the hacker/cheater.

    Honestly, I really love the strong wording/warning of what will happen if you get caught hacking/cheating/glitching, but actions speak louder than words. They need to take action or all their words were just empty threats.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Its possible they flagged him due to it being a hacking video. They sometimes don't even check what the video is about, they just see the basics... Video? Hack? Flag.

    Getting them to admit to being wrong? Not much chance. I don't think they can?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    And that's completely possible. That's why I left it with 'if', because obviously, there are other reasons it could get blocked (including the one you mentioned).
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Played MP last night till 3am.

    Got to play a few of the maps that I hadn't really seen here during dev and had a lot of fun on them.

    Been rocking the mtar with red dot and grip and trying to work on my knife camos...

    Anyone playing on 360? If so add me gh0stfac3killa4 I am down for some MP or Zombies...
  • Jesse Moody
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    Played MP last night till 3am.

    Anyone playing on 360? If so add me gh0stfac3killa4 I am down for some MP or Zombies...

    Having lots of fun in MP!

    my 360 gamertag = SiDbEaSt

    I'll add ya tonight after work, Moody!
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I'm getting it tonight! Add me 360 gamertag: Jval3d
  • Noodle!
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    Noodle! polycounter lvl 8
    playing it on pc and it's fun stuff, I like it so far. I've seen no akimbo or noobtube, and I love that! Maybe people haven't just unlocked it yet, but it's refreshing.

    The only problems I have is lag compensation, where on their killcam they step around a corner and aim at you for a pretty long while before shooting you, while for you they just pop around the corner and shoot you in a millisecond. In a fast paced twitch shooter like this that is terrible.

    Also, are maps smaller? I was hoping for more Cod 4 / MW2 style maps. Feels cramped.

    But, besides those two things it feels very nice. I like the restrictions in how many items you can have selected in total when it comes to perks and weapon unlocks.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    It depends on the maps, some are quite small for a full team fight (especially the boat one and on FFA), surviving a couple of seconds before someone else spawns behind you. ;)
    Others is big enough.
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    i take back anything i said earlier in the thread. Played some zombies last night with a friend, LOVED IT! And i really dont get all this whining with the visuals, shit looks great! congrats Jesse Moody on a job well done
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Noodle! wrote: »
    Also, are maps smaller? I was hoping for more Cod 4 / MW2 style maps. Feels cramped.
    LOL I've always hoped for that but since mw2 and black ops the trend was getting smaller and smaller. Just gave up.

    I miss overgrown and crossfire
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Oh dear. I done and went and posted my thoughts online again. *hic*

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSv8YmbGuFU"]Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 - Multiplayer - Review Sorta'thang... - YouTube[/ame]
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    ^I only got 4 min in. I want those back :(

    /runs and plays BLOPS2 on the Xbawks
  • Kave
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    Kave triangle
    For someone who hates it so much you seem to have given it a lot of time and energy.

    The menu seems fine(especially considering other ports the PC has had in recent times, at least they made some effort), had no problems at all on PC and you seem to be hating for the sake of hating.

    Edit-SMG's are ridiculous though yeah i will give you that :P
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    So I give something no time before I moan, and I have no right to moan. But I try and get into something to find its flaws and get an actual reason for dislike, and... I have no right to moan? Doesn't seem right to me.

    Thing is, the "port" itself is solid. Can't fault it really, aside from some totally insane sound issues that people are getting, including myself. But if you honestly would like to argue UI semantics with me, an issue that I'm certainly not alone in my feelings with, and also have a lot of experience in creation (which I dont know how many people here would be, given the general subject matter here) then by all means, lets do this.

    Rather than getting butthurt over negative feelings towards a game, a game where, oddly, I have no major issues on the ART (The very thing this forum is for, I may add), how about you just see that everybody on this spinning globe of toss is allowed to express feelings in any way they want, and that they can range from down right hating a product, to totally sucking off its very father. I'm in the "ambivalent" camp, in that I think theres a solid game under this, but theres a fair few issues that need to be sorted first.

    You can kid yourself into thinking this is just me "hating on something" all you like, but as I said, I have put a lot of hours into COD over the years, and can really tell this ones lacking in a few ways. If you think its just me, I suggest you do a quick google search, because you may be shocked:


    Unless of course, ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY PAGES on a signle forum of people moaning about the problems of a game, not even one WEEK since it launches, is normal.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    odium your video was spot on

    I played this game at a friends house last night and its a fucking mess. I loved COD4, I loved WaW, I was o-k with mw2, black ops I got a little pissed, mw3 I didn't even buy but I played it at the same friends house.

    Comparing black ops 2 to COD4 and WaW its obvious whats changed

    Maps are small and are designed to be sprinted around, they never give you a spot with too good of a view & theres always another entrance. Maps have become more saturated and bright and feel too arcade-like.



    COD 4 and WaW really captured a mood

    Remember when you would lay in the grass in the back of overgrown with a 50cal waiting for that shot across the stream? Remember laying in the rubble on crossfire hoping youd see a small outline of a player in the dust clouds up the street? Use a sniper now and you better know how to quick scope. Game lost all grounds of reality.

    Killstreaks have become action movie calls and more annoying than ever. I miss the idea of calling in a helicopter and then charging the objective rather than calling in some mega OP vehicle for you to smash everyone with. It lost its focus as a team based game and is now an all or nothing sprint and get your killstreaks.

    Guns slowly lost recoil and skill needed to use them, and became even more unbalanced. Choosing between a silencer or a red dot sight was a very big decision in cod4/waw, and both had pluses depending on your playstyle. Now everyone just plops everything on and still sprints around.

    They're making the game easier overall and easier for kids to enjoy. Long gone the days of hardcore team tactical on vacant working closely to defuse a bomb :'(

    Even though I miss COD4 and WaW the most I still powered through mw2 and bops 1 thinking that was the final 'overhaul' but the worst was yet to come
  • VelvetElvis
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    VelvetElvis polycounter lvl 12
    A supposed broken, rinse-and-repeat game makes $500 million in the first day. Welcome to the machine that is COD, the Madden of first person shooters. Love it or hate it, it will never change as long as the can make that kind of scratch in one day. It'll never change. If COD gets overhauled, people will miss the broken approach of the last 4 releases. Overhauling it would alienate the kiddies with mommy and daddy's money who blindly buy this game. That's the target demographic here.

    The game is getting rave reviews by paid pens and pummeled by users on Metacritic. Though, take user reviews with a grain of salt as many just rate it poorly just to do so.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Velvet, the problem is not that it is the same thing as before - as a matter of fact I personally would have been ok with just a new map pack and fresh weapons!

    But compared to MW2 and 3 this one really feels inferior. I guess the IW guys really do know what makes an FPS (and FPS maps) feel just right !

    Odium, very interesting video. The menus piss me off too - it's so convoluted and unclear that I have no desire whatsoever to unlock stuff. Not being able to see everything at a glance really spoils the fun of weapon progression. Like you say - overall something just doesn't seem to click.

    Simple things like that are enough to break a game for me. On the plus side I dig the boat and the mansion maps (just played them as a 3 player FFA and that was kinda neat :) )

    Also for those interested in better aiming : I have the feeling that unlike most games out there, BLOPS use the same mouse travel factor for the X and Y axis. I reduced my Y factor through the Logitech Setpoint drivers and the games feels more like it should already. Now if only there was a way to tone down the weapon bounce when running ...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    You love the boat?! Ughhh... That level on TDM is exactly what I imagine a spit roast would feel like if I was the only woman... However, Delta is it? The one with the sliding doors? I love that map, and a lot of people seem to hate it... I would KILL for some classic maps making a return though, like Summit etc, but of course, even though I actually already own them, I'll be forced to buy them :(
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well yeah I thought the yacht was nice because it had a sense of directionality, as opposed to the other maps being too circular. But yeah even tho it sure was fun as a 3 player FFA I cannot even imagine it in TDM, must be a mess :D
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, the spawns in this game are beyond insane at the best of times... So imagine a tiny loop map like that... Not much they could really do there, though. But it gets a bit hectic. Its like the new Nuketown, because Scavenger for some insane reason refils Lethals now, so people just roll with that and grenade spam or tube spam... Woo...
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