shepeiro: not that naughty actually, would hardly be unreasonable on console at all. The paper is one mesh, the walls beneath it another. So the wall paper has its own shader with the rips etc and easy to change colors/wallpaper/tiling etc without havnig to redo UVs. Need to make a nice shader for the walls beneath the paper right now, and match the texture a bit better, because it really sticks out.
stromberg90: do it, modo is the best, haha : D
Heres the lowpoly and diffuse only, also visible here is the stupid seam i have to fix ^^
I wouldnt say it bakes that well, but I dont care all that much, 99% of the time its not worth it to bake it somewhere else, imho. But then im not so picky about artifacts etc either.
If you don't notice it in a game and it doesn't affect performance, then why should people spend extra time and effort fixing it?
That mirror turned out fantastic!
Is the smoothing error even a problem when the normal map is applied? As I really can't see it on the shaded, low-poly model
Low poly holds up pretty well - some slight slipping with the flower petals mid-right and mid left but nothing major. Probably could've reduced the polys on the smaller details (bottom left and right).
Is there a particular theme? I see the doorway leading off somewhere...
Wait a min.But they said me baking in modo is a big NO!.Since modo doesn't support projection cage,how you can be sure about the precision of your normals?
Because I'm using modo with an external baking solution and I really saddened when I learned that baking in modo is wrongest thing ever!Now pls explain me this I want to use modo in my baking workflow again without any hesitation.
and a last question:Is modo bake worth to use in a portfolio?Or are you using it for your actual game production too?
SirCalalot: exactly. Im too lazy fixing stuff you cant see : D Well, it sticks out to me, so i really need to do something about it ^^ Its really in your face and sticks out like a sore thumb, and it shouldnt be a hard fix either : )
daph: thanks man! Yeah, the mirror itself only has a black color and a white spec right now, the plan is to have a pretty dusty surface on it, avoiding having perfect mirrors as much as I can ^^
whw: maybe, I added polys as I saw needed, sorting out the worst offenders in terms of baking and silouette, I gave myself a 2k budget and then improved until out of triangles ^^ There is no particular theme, an abandoned baroque palace : ) I just want a very calm and serene scene.
igi: yeah, people do say that. Im baking in modo all the time though, everything in my portfolio is baked in modo, and I use modos bakingtools al the time in production, it doesnt have a projection cage (or maybe 6 has that, not sure, they added some new baking options but havent bothered looking...) but for me its good enough.
igi: yeah, people do say that. Im baking in modo all the time though, everything in my portfolio is baked in modo, and I use modos bakingtools al the time in production, it doesnt have a projection cage (or maybe 6 has that, not sure, they added some new baking options but havent bothered looking...) but for me its good enough.
It's awesome hear that! Exporting/importing stuff sometimes feels too exhausting.I try to do everything in single application app as possible.Thanks man.
really nice work overall. Love the detail in the clock and the mirror. Your scene looks good also. I'd be interested to see how you created that texture for the wall in photoshop .
ljsketch: which texture do you mean? the wallpanel or the wallpaper?
dudealan2001: ill post flats and explain when I have polished up the texture a bit : ))
Playing around a bit with the wallpaper being sunbleached around where some paintings used to hang, might work.
This is looking awesome dude! Really cool. I dont know if the placement of the mirror works though, seems strange to have 2 super detail-rich items so close together, might be better to put the mirror on the wall to the left of the doorway and then light the scene to make 1 of them the focal point. Still, looks awesome!
I know it's probably just a test but I would be careful if I were you placing the mirror somewhere else to avoid loading the same side of the picture too much.
In this screenshot my eyes go in circle between the two objects and don't even watch the rest of the picture.
Yeah agreed, that placement is a bit wonky, actually just put it there because thats where I had placed a light to see if the lightmap worked xD Im planning on making a hole in the roof there in the corner to let some light in from above, aswell as having some small debris/rubble in the room. Not sure both of those objects will be focal points either, since there will be other really detailed objects aswell, like the doorframe, the skirting for the roof, the windowframe etc. I think probably the clock will be the focal point of the light, and the rest more or less in shadow/stowed away.
Shouldn't it be lighter everywhere but behind where pictures are? not just a halo? And just a darker more contrasted spot under them. I also wish the paper fold up by the mirror was more translucent and let more light through.
The addition of other pieces of furniture covered by dusty blankets for example could work either through the doorway in the background or even in the foreground to help tighten up the composition. This latest shot is working really well now.
ZacD: SHHH! or...well. Yes, thats right. But then I would have to desaturate/brigthen all of the wallpaper and the add it back in with the decals... I guess I just didnt want to fiddle too much with the color of the wallpaper, but yes, you are right ^^ will get around to fixing that when I can make it look good.
nathdevlin: thats a really good suggestion! Thanks!
Warren: thanks! Im glad you like it : ))
Quickel: thanks, but can you give any examples of what you feel is off?
Here are some shots from other angles, a shot of the floor-texture etc. : )) Its starting to get cozy to walk around in, getting the vibe slowly ^^ Need to fix the blockyness of the wallpaper a bit, where its torn etc, and do a second pass on that : )
This is shaping up to look great.
One small suggestion on that torn part of the wallpaper. Maybe you could do a test with that part hit by the sun to make it look a bit more washed out, like paper and photos tend to lose their color from being exposed to direct sunlight for a longer time.
Its starting to come together, if your having directional light coming through the room it might be cool to add a gloss map to your wallpaper specular, give those elements of detailing a nice sense of material. Only subtle, but might help.
I think I can maybe understand what Quickel means about the scale being off - I'm not sure it's anything you're doing. It's a small room, it's a tight fit for your camera It feels that way with your camera shots which is messing with my head comprehending the scale of your stuff.
How do you go about making the lowpoly if you dont mind me asking?
The twirly bits on the mirror seem like they would be a pain to remodel over the Highpoly. I personally wouldn't know where to start except for Topogun.
Those props are beautiful!!! Love all the attention to detail you have in here, some of the post process you have looks good, not sure what you call it (chromatic abbreation?) but it looks good on the wood and walls etc not sure about the curtains, bit distracting.
But as i said love it, all your threads are full of greatness
Money: I already have that in the shader, some desaturation etc that I paint out, but it would be a good idea to make it make more sense in terms of where it is, yes ^^ Like around the hole in the roof etc.
Ichill3D: yeah, right now there is some material separation in the specular, need to add color to it, but i don't want to overdo it either, its visible when moving around and from certain angles, but i don't want to make it so shiny that it always stands out.
Maxim: I just fought through the pain and built it by hand. Doesn't take all that long tbh. : ))
Sharvo: thanks, yeah chromatic aberration few, it gets a bit too strong towards the edges, gonna have to pull it down a bit I think.
A simple way to fix that would be to double the ceiling height and make the windows and doors a lot taller. It would make it look less cramped at least...
TeeJay,while that is true for some grand hall etc, it is not true for a majority of rooms. This is not meant to be a grand hallway or concert room etc, it is meant to be a quiet room in a corner of a palace. Large scale grandeur is not the feeling i want to convey. Baroque rooms are often quite cramped, and since you cannot see more than a corner of the room its hard to judge the scale of it, I would say ^^
this is a private room from a baroque castle for example (but redecorated in rococo)
you should stream one of these models, would love to see your workflow for all these little organic details. love the models, this piece is looking amazing as usual
Thanks for all the comments, Iwill record the next asset and put up here.
Threw a robot in there for scale ref, also put some of UDKs default foliage in there as placeholder to show what im going for a bit more. Also added some lightbeams etc : )
I'm enjoying this, and I love the light coming in. My only critiques are:
The ivy: It doesn't seem dark enough to me or the green looks a bit desaturated to me (could be my monitor though) maybe make a few of the leaves, darker then the others
The hole was my other crit but you mentioned it was quick so I'm assuming its a placeholder Do you plan on adding some debris on the floor coming from the roof? also maybe some floating pieces of debris in the lightbeams (picky)
anyways awesome stuff so far ,I shall be watching!
stromberg90: do it, modo is the best, haha : D
Heres the lowpoly and diffuse only, also visible here is the stupid seam i have to fix ^^
That mirror turned out fantastic!
Is the smoothing error even a problem when the normal map is applied? As I really can't see it on the shaded, low-poly model
Is there a particular theme? I see the doorway leading off somewhere...
Wait a min.But they said me baking in modo is a big NO!.Since modo doesn't support projection cage,how you can be sure about the precision of your normals?
Because I'm using modo with an external baking solution and I really saddened when I learned that baking in modo is wrongest thing ever!Now pls explain me this I want to use modo in my baking workflow again without any hesitation.
and a last question:Is modo bake worth to use in a portfolio?Or are you using it for your actual game production too?
daph: thanks man! Yeah, the mirror itself only has a black color and a white spec right now, the plan is to have a pretty dusty surface on it, avoiding having perfect mirrors as much as I can ^^
whw: maybe, I added polys as I saw needed, sorting out the worst offenders in terms of baking and silouette, I gave myself a 2k budget and then improved until out of triangles ^^ There is no particular theme, an abandoned baroque palace : ) I just want a very calm and serene scene.
igi: yeah, people do say that. Im baking in modo all the time though, everything in my portfolio is baked in modo, and I use modos bakingtools al the time in production, it doesnt have a projection cage (or maybe 6 has that, not sure, they added some new baking options but havent bothered looking...) but for me its good enough.
It's awesome hear that! Exporting/importing stuff sometimes feels too exhausting.I try to do everything in single application app as possible.Thanks man.
I love how your high poly has forms that translate well onto the low. I feel that is a very often overlooked aspect of making high poly objects.
ljsketch: which texture do you mean? the wallpanel or the wallpaper?
dudealan2001: ill post flats and explain when I have polished up the texture a bit : ))
Playing around a bit with the wallpaper being sunbleached around where some paintings used to hang, might work.
Great work.
In this screenshot my eyes go in circle between the two objects and don't even watch the rest of the picture.
lol, nice one Scott!
nathdevlin: thats a really good suggestion! Thanks!
Warren: thanks! Im glad you like it : ))
Here are some shots from other angles, a shot of the floor-texture etc. : )) Its starting to get cozy to walk around in, getting the vibe slowly ^^ Need to fix the blockyness of the wallpaper a bit, where its torn etc, and do a second pass on that : )
One small suggestion on that torn part of the wallpaper. Maybe you could do a test with that part hit by the sun to make it look a bit more washed out, like paper and photos tend to lose their color from being exposed to direct sunlight for a longer time.
I think I can maybe understand what Quickel means about the scale being off - I'm not sure it's anything you're doing. It's a small room, it's a tight fit for your camera It feels that way with your camera shots which is messing with my head comprehending the scale of your stuff.
Loving your textures. My brain is bleeding.
Not so sure I see a scale issue imo. Maybe the size of the mirror and it's placement in relation to the height of the doorway/ceiling...
The twirly bits on the mirror seem like they would be a pain to remodel over the Highpoly. I personally wouldn't know where to start except for Topogun.
But as i said love it, all your threads are full of greatness
Ichill3D: yeah, right now there is some material separation in the specular, need to add color to it, but i don't want to overdo it either, its visible when moving around and from certain angles, but i don't want to make it so shiny that it always stands out.
Maxim: I just fought through the pain and built it by hand. Doesn't take all that long tbh. : ))
Sharvo: thanks, yeah chromatic aberration few, it gets a bit too strong towards the edges, gonna have to pull it down a bit I think.
What other objects do you have planned then? Cupboards? Dressing tables?
this is a private room from a baroque castle for example (but redecorated in rococo)
agreed, a lot of people would like to see how you do what you do!
Absolutely beautiful work.
Threw a robot in there for scale ref, also put some of UDKs default foliage in there as placeholder to show what im going for a bit more. Also added some lightbeams etc : )
The ivy: It doesn't seem dark enough to me or the green looks a bit desaturated to me (could be my monitor though) maybe make a few of the leaves, darker then the others
The hole was my other crit but you mentioned it was quick so I'm assuming its a placeholder
anyways awesome stuff so far ,I shall be watching!