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UV Maya Problem

I am very new to Maya 2013, and just any 3D Animation Studio. I just picked up Maya a few days ago. First, I started learning and observing as much information as my brain could hold. Everything went perfectly, until I stepped up to my 3rd model (the model was made of blocks). I was going to move the UVs to match the texture I had made in Ps in the UV Texture Editor, but when I selected the UVs, instead of having the color green, they were yellow, and UVs unselected faded out to orange > red > black depending on how close they were to the selected UVs. When I tried to move them, instead of having the UVs I selected move to where I wanted them and the rest stay put, the UVs selected moved to where I wanted them to, but the unselected UVs moved to placed I didn't want them.

If anyone knows the solution for me to move the UVs like I can with the UV Shell Tool, except with certain UVs selected, I would be very happy, and can continue with the video.

:) Thank you,

[Note]*I don't have time to check my grammar errors if there are any in this thread, so don't mind those.*[Note]


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