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Mass Effect 3 Thread(Spoilers)



  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Great game. Will get it and all of that and the MP addition is great... however! What's up with the camera and constantly holding the gun up? It feels like i'm always in super zoomed up aim-mode and aim-mode itself feels like supersnipe-a-vision.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    they killed mass effect.

    ugh, stake thru the heart, son!

    what is this option with, rpg, action and the other?


    hopefully the story is good :/
  • Noodle!
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    Noodle! polycounter lvl 8
    Is the entire game coop and action oriented then? Isn't it just the demo?
    I really liked the slow singleplayer pacing of the earlier games enough that it's one of my favorite series of games.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    dude the demo feels like a Micheal Bay film... using that "film" term loosely.:poly122:

    :poly117:I want mass effect back.

    I'm dusting off the first one.


    i may exaggerating, nips in a twist.... but so much has changed! :(
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    the 3 options give you the choice of playing it how you like

    Dialog focused = Easy combat
    RPG = same as mass effect 1 & 2
    Combat focused = automatic conversations.

    nothings gone you just get more options.
  • mLichy
    Kinect prob. hurts the game quality too. Taking up like 15% performance when in use.
  • Weirdboy
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    Weirdboy polycounter lvl 5
    Demo was kind of short, but I liked it.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Weren't a lot of the RPG elements already gone in ME2? I mean ME3 seems pretty much like a continuation of that gameplay(a third person shooter?).
    As much as I loved the first one I think what's important is the story here and how you can affect the outcome of the story by more than just a couple of choices.
    Multiplayer is much more fun when you're not playing with random strangers. Me and r_fletch_r kicked some major butt! Join us, people!
  • kaze369
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    kaze369 polycounter lvl 8
    Goraaz wrote: »
    Weren't a lot of the RPG elements already gone in ME2? I mean ME3 seems pretty much like a continuation of that gameplay(a third person shooter?).
    As much as I loved the first one I think what's important is the story here and how you can affect the outcome of the story by more than just a couple of choices.
    Multiplayer is much more fun when you're not playing with random strangers. Me and r_fletch_r kicked some major butt! Join us, people!
    They basically put in armor customization and the ability to customize your guns using different parts. Though I'm not sure about having the branching skill tree with each talent. As far as the demo goes, I liked the pacing and if this is what's in store for the whole game then ME3 will be the best of all three.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Goraaz wrote: »
    Weren't a lot of the RPG elements already gone in ME2? I mean ME3 seems pretty much like a continuation of that gameplay(a third person shooter?).
    As much as I loved the first one I think what's important is the story here and how you can affect the outcome of the story by more than just a couple of choices.
    Multiplayer is much more fun when you're not playing with random strangers. Me and r_fletch_r kicked some major butt! Join us, people!

    :D silver is pretty tough. I must admit I'm quite liking the team dynamic, the bleed out and executions really make it tense.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biZr1z5DQIg&feature=channel_video_title"]Mass Effect 3 - Captain Herbert "Viking Commentary" - YouTube[/ame]
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs7kix6_8Ks&feature=g-all-u&context=G20598b6FAAAAAAAAAAA"]Mass Effect 3: Take Earth Back Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    @Oniram : The trailer is sick! Can't wait to see more from that game!
  • kaze369
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    kaze369 polycounter lvl 8
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Watching that trailer (which was awesome btw), and then seeing Kaze's avatar, I'm suddenly wishing that Bioware does a Firefly game next...
  • Mohammatron
    This game comes out the day before my 21st... damnit I need to have a mass effect themed party. And buy an N7 hoodie. So that whole omnitool blade thing, I wonder how thats gonna work?
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    The Omni-tool Blade is a heavy melee attack. Instead of pressing the melee button to punch/pistol whip an enemy you press and hold the button to do a heavy attack. Different classes have different attacks.

    Soldiers has the standard blade from promotional images that they do a straight stab with. Engineers do a blade slash with flames. Infiltrators have a slash with a two pronged blade. Sentinels do a cross slash with blade on each hand. Adepts and Vanguard do a biotic blast.

    I don't know if some the multiplayer classes have different attacks as I've only unlocked the Quarian Engineer and Drell Vanguard.
  • Elyaradine
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    Elyaradine polycounter lvl 11
    Krogan soldier does headbutting. :P

    I'm not touching the single player demo, but multiplayer is spoiler-free and fun!

    Add me: Elyaradine
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Soooo... Its less RPG like than the already stripped down ME2...?

    Oh... Feck... :(

    I was kinda hoping that they sawthat they totally went too far with ME2. I mean, it was waaaay too action focused, and getting rid of the inventory was totally the wrong reaction. But now its even less...?


    Well, I'll still get it because I NEED to finish this story. But something tells me that they might already know that and be banking on it.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    odium wrote: »
    Soooo... Its less RPG like than the already stripped down ME2...?

    Oh... Feck... :(

    I was kinda hoping that they sawthat they totally went too far with ME2. I mean, it was waaaay too action focused, and getting rid of the inventory was totally the wrong reaction. But now its even less...?


    Well, I'll still get it because I NEED to finish this story. But something tells me that they might already know that and be banking on it.

    nope its more RPG than 2. each skill has a tree now. and the weapon mods are back. they're just giving folks the option to bypass the fighting/dialog if they want.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Ahh right... I dunno if I should get it, because I actually spent so long convincing myself to get it for PC after ME1/2 on 360, but all that Origin crap makes it pointless... Guess I'll buy the 360 one :(
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    ya as much as i loved the previous 2 ME games i wont be getting this, don't want to deal with origin and all the crap EA is pulling with it, and i don't own a console.

    one of my friends will prolly pick it up for 360 soon enough anyways, so i might eventually get a shitfaced play-through at someones else's place though.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    i wanna see that krogan girl thing... that part was so awesome!
  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    Is this trailer still by Digic? Anyone knows?

    This is totally sick. Do they still use renderman or did they move on to something else?
    MAN I wanna play this game now. :<
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    some epic music in the trailer.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSH-_ScN6G0&quot;]Two Steps from Hell - After the Fall - YouTube[/ame]
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
  • vargatom
    Blaken wrote: »
    Is this trailer still by Digic? Anyone knows?

    Yeah, we did it!
    Do they still use renderman or did they move on to something else?

    We've switched to Mental Ray after Warhammer: Mark of Chaos in 2006, then to Arnold in early 2010.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    I must not remember 2 as well as I thought because the opening in the demo seemed a bit underwhelming visually and epically. Maybe the demo compressed a lot of it or the build is old or something but a lot of it looked a bit meh.

    Multiplayer was quite cool and the levels there looked much better and more detailed. Probably because they're indoor-esque. Wish there was an explanation though because I jumped straight in and had to quickly adapt to what I was supposed to do.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Am I the only one extremely disappointed at how earthly the salarian homeworld looks like? It's hard to imagine another civilization evolving completely independently from humanity coming up with the same sofa designs we did.

    This was one of the planets I was looking forward to check out the most since it seemed pretty interesting and unique in the codex descriptions, but in the demo it looks like just another generic location with a different fog and skybox color. Huge opportunity lost to go crazy here if you ask me.

    I frankly don't have high hopes for this game, they seem be stepping away from everything that made the first one fun and unique in my opinion. I'll still play it, but whether I'll get it on launch will depend on how much exploration (if at all) it still has.
  • kaze369
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    kaze369 polycounter lvl 8
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    $10 day-one DLC... oh boy...
    I kinda agree with the articles main premise. At the end of the day business want to make money . If we don't vote with our dollars when it comes to DLC then things like this will continue to happen.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    vargatom wrote: »
    We've switched to Mental Ray after Warhammer: Mark of Chaos in 2006, then to Arnold in early 2010.

    Any plans to release some shot breakdowns :). I'd love to see how much comp you guys do, the shots are simply stunning.

    Day 1 DLC is a bit of a double edged sword. Im willing to bet that the DLC was produced post completion of the game and kept a few folks in work.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DSCFQcR08E&quot;]Mass Effect 3: Fight (Live-Action TV Trailer) - YouTube[/ame]
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Mass effect 3 demo made me feel like the final would feel like DLC expansion to meII rather than a new release. For those that feel the art and gameplay rendered fine...
    I suppose that is just fine. But as beautiful as some of the sculpts seem...
    UE3 can really uglify an otherwise excellent sculpt in my opinion. I suppose it is the compromise away from the target render they r comfortable with. But the animations looked dumbed down multi player compromises to me as well? ( not sure if the sliding dog ugly animations were always the case tho? )
    In general they seem to disrespect their own hard work. ( perhaps the latest Dragon age poopy represents their current state of talent? )
    But I cannot understand once again suffereing without native 3dvision happiness or native surround/eyefinity happiness? Hopefully they will not break the wsgf forums hor+ fix for the game( there is still no fov to dial in a good multi-monitor immersion )
    It puzzels me wot kinda nerd would disrespect their own game wit any thing other than HOR+?
    Very depressing.
    In general I am having a problem accepting the end result of almost every new release. Knowing how talented u guys are. The end result nowadays never seems close to being representative of wot u guys iz capable of!
    And I expect to remain the case till the lowest common console denominator iz no longer a factor.
    The sooner the better.
    The uncanny ugliness in MEIII is just misery and depression! Gnawing of the teeth and clenched fists in rebellion upwards to the heaven's

    My favorite game right now is the stone giant benchmark.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Proper respect for MEIII demo...

    The 3D-visionBlog 3dvision grumbling and community sourced "fix" for 3dvision:

    WSGF's widcreen notes for MEIII:
    and aforementioned fix for multi monitor joy! ( still no fov happiness but supposedly in the works ):

  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    the Lighting in the demo seemed a bit too harsh to me and the animation was a bit stuttery with annoying shakey cam in the cut scenes but still the game looked great to me, I cant wait :) artwork is beautiful!!!!

    Not bothered with the dlc controversy as to me its just making the special edition content available and dlc/multiplayer passes are still a good way to fight piracy and the pre owned market. In app purchases on IOS games though is another story haha.
  • ScudzAlmighty
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, I saw that. That's not a complete list either; only what has been announced.
  • vargatom
    All the DLC - and a buttload of stuff, including mice, controller, keyboard, action figures and so on. Not to mention a lot of that DLC is the same multiplayer stuff that you can also find a lot of in the actual game, and he also included preordering the game like 4 times at different retailers.

    In other words,
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    So will the DLC be part of the digital deluxe version on PC? there is nothing written about it on the origin page.... even when i just preordered it. o_O
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    glottis8 wrote: »
    So will the DLC be part of the digital deluxe version on PC? there is nothing written about it on the origin page.... even when i just preordered it. o_O

    package contents/comparison is here. personally I made do without the robot dog and hoody :)
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Hah I probably should have read it more clearly cause I thought it was meant to be a real hoodie. Oh well money well spent.
  • nick2730
    i actually canceled my pre order as did my friend when we heard about this day 1 dlc crap.
  • vargatom
    Cause the game will be all of a sudden a bad game??

    Seriosuly... you don't want the DLC, don't buy it. It's not an integral part of the game, it's an extra team member and one mission that's probably like 1.5 hours long.

    You'd seriously skip one of the biggest releases of this year because of this? I really can't understand it...
  • Elyaradine
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    Elyaradine polycounter lvl 11
    People should vote with their money.

    If there were a way to pay double for a game, and have all of it go to the developer, I'd do it. That said, I'm getting the game at a standard price. I assume I'll have fun. And I probably won't get the DLC. Whoopie-twang.
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    I received a disapointing email today from GAME (UK) telling me that they can no longer send me my pre-ordered collectors edition of ME3. I thought this was an issue of them over-ordering copies till I read on gamesindustry.biz that they are having a dispute with EA over future launches. I'm a bit pissed off about this, but and I'm also feeling sorry for the people who work for GAME (UK) because the company is already in troubled waters, and this dispute, which caused their stock to drop 15% today, brings them one step closer to administration.

  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    vargatom wrote: »
    Cause the game will be all of a sudden a bad game??

    Seriosuly... you don't want the DLC, don't buy it. It's not an integral part of the game, it's an extra team member and one mission that's probably like 1.5 hours long.

    You'd seriously skip one of the biggest releases of this year because of this? I really can't understand it...

    This is purely a timing issue, If Bioware has sat on this for a month and said nothing people would be loving it.

    Also in the current environment of layoffs post launch you'd think game artists would love to see this sort production to dlc cycle. If there is content you cant get done in the main cycle this is a great opportunity to get it to gamers. Folks keep working, and publishers keep making money.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    SCB wrote: »
    I received a disapointing email today from GAME (UK) telling me that they can no longer send me my pre-ordered collectors edition of ME3. I thought this was an issue of them over-ordering copies till I read on gamesindustry.biz that they are having a dispute with EA over future launches. I'm a bit pissed off about this, but and I'm also feeling sorry for the people who work for GAME (UK) because the company is already in troubled waters, and this dispute, which caused their stock to drop 15% today, brings them one step closer to administration.


    It's because game want it on their own terms (on credit). Nintendo are also no longer distributing their upcomings through Game starting with Mario Party 9 - and let us not also forget the recent dispute with Ubisoft that left them without any stock.

    Game are done for.
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    On credit? Wow, thats a bad sign. I received a £5 voucher to buy any game online so I looked through their catalogue. They have f-all games left, it was difficult finding something I want thats actually in stock.

    I think you're right, GAME are done for. Oh well, I'll just have to buy ME3 somewhere else!
  • nick2730
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    This is purely a timing issue, If Bioware has sat on this for a month and said nothing people would be loving it.

    Also in the current environment of layoffs post launch you'd think game artists would love to see this sort production to dlc cycle. If there is content you cant get done in the main cycle this is a great opportunity to get it to gamers. Folks keep working, and publishers keep making money.

    i disagree, this was done during the games cycle cut and sold for profit. With what the character is, how can it not be part of the story? Follow the lore you will understand better.

    Its all about the future. I think EA is seeing how far they can push gamers. Whats next buy a base game then pay for every character/mission you want? When does it stop?
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    nick2730 wrote: »
    i disagree, this was done during the games cycle cut and sold for profit. With what the character is, how can it not be part of the story? Follow the lore you will understand better.

    Its all about the future. I think EA is seeing how far they can push gamers. Whats next buy a base game then pay for every character/mission you want? When does it stop?

    Bioware say otherwise. Casey Hudson said this was created post completion during the certification process.

    I dont disagree about EA, but if they abuse the dlc path don't buy it.

    also im pretty familiar with the lore. I'd sure prefer it to be part of the main package but Its not essential.
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