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Mass Effect 3 Thread(Spoilers)



  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    BlvdNights wrote: »

    That individual player can decide what they think happened to their own Shepard. Bioware can't please everyone with a few sequences, but a choice that allows for a player's own interpretation would have been a step in the right direction in a lot of ways.

    I could have passed on the games and sat at home in the dark imagining my shepard if I'd wanted that. I guess different folks want different things from a story.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    And everyone leaves the jungle planet fine.

    Reapers and the races they were hellbent on reaping holding hands together, babies being born, the ancient and god knows how long they took to construct mass-relays being rebuilt just in time to get back to party by the very same races who still have no idea how they work if you pick the destroy-ending.

    It was a bit cheap that they went the same route as previously, the endings were supposed to be drastically different yet they are all roughly the same, except one gives people a circuit board overlay.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Karmageddon: cheers think im gonna give it a miss then.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    I could have passed on the games and sat at home in the dark imagining my shepard

    I want to hear more about this to be honest.:thumbup:
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Andreas wrote: »
    I want to hear more about this to be honest.:thumbup:
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    BlvdNights wrote: »

    That individual player can decide what they think happened to their own Shepard. Bioware can't please everyone with a few sequences, but a choice that allows for a player's own interpretation would have been a step in the right direction in a lot of ways.

    When a game is making hundreds of millions of dollars I think something's wrong if they don't have a budget for more than 4 endings. I had assumed the game would have about 20 or so. This IS by the way, the premise that THEY chose to run with when they began the ME series. That the player's actions would have consequences both large and nuanced.

    As I said before, I only take this posture on the issue, because they somehow found time and money for a day one DLC. It seems to me you could only do this if all other facets of the game had been 101% DONE.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    When a game is making hundreds of millions of dollars I think something's wrong if they don't have a budget for more than 4 endings. I had assumed the game would have about 20 or so. This IS by the way, the premise that THEY chose to run with when they began the ME series. That the player's actions would have consequences both large and nuanced.

    As I said before, I only take this posture on the issue, because they somehow found time and money for a day one DLC. It seems to me you could only do this if all other facets of the game had been 101% DONE.
    The series was way too big to get that kind of ending, it's true. Hell, the DLC is sub-par when you consider the cash involved. I'd imagine it would close with some nice cinematics at least, instead it's still shots. And we only got still shots after massive fan whining!

    I'd really love to have been a fly on the wall in the meetings that decided how this series would end. I'm guessing it was something like "Fuck it, it'll sell. Just wrap it up chop chop."

    In retrospect it all began to unravel with ME2 and the Illusive man derailing the show. He should have been a major player, but not the antagonist (and in many ways the boss) of ME3. Javik, the Prothean character from the DLC, should have appeared in ME2 as an integral story character while you fight the Collectors, and the Crucible shouldn't have featured at all, as it can either a) serve as a weapon to kill the reapers in one shot, which is rather boring, or b) do what it did in the game and provide a narrow set of options to a railroad ending. ME wasn't about BDUs, and the crucible was nothing but. The options to control or destroy the reapers should have been routed through the Illusive Man and Javik, with other options presented by the Catalyst which Shepard would confront inside the Citadel. Basically begin routing the character into an ending early (with ability to repick if necessary), so that at the end the choices feels like your own, rather than something given to you by an AI with a built-in plot-hole generator.

    "Make a choice Shepard, cause I'm only the avatar of all civilizations which ever existed, it's not like I have an educated opinion, or could use my fleet of invincible ships to nurture life rather than obliterate it over and over. In conclusion, herp derp, pick a door."
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    Well at least the last words you see when you beat the game are no longer:
    "Shepard is a legend. Now go buy DLC."
  • the_Adri
    I don't know if anyone has heard of this, but some sci-fi GOD out there made a modded ending. I may now have the strength to launch the game with this new ending.

  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    lmao that mod is hilarious. clearly the person who made it didnt get the good ending in their first playthrough. sad that people need to go to the effort of making mods to counter act their unhappiness with a choice they made.
  • GrevSev
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    GrevSev polycounter lvl 9
    I accidentally got the bad ending in my first playthrough. The dam renegade/Paragon color choice thing threw me for a ride when I was deciding. Lucky me all the choices were stupid so my time felt lest waisted :)
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