I think it's time to get a thread about this going. I'm really excited about this game and can't wait to see what happens with the end of this trilogy.
ME2 didn't suck, it improved upon the first in a lot of ways. They totally dumbed it down in others mind you, and I'm glad they ended up adding more RPG style stat trees and weapon upgrade systems to ME3. One thing they REALLY dropped the ball on in ME2 was the weapons... There was just no point to them anymore.
But ME2 was a cracking game, and I still get goosebumps everytime I see the Normandy for the first time in it...
I thought ME2 was a huge improvement, if even just for the new inventory system alone. Can't wait for ME3. ME2 was the only RPG I ever beat and then immediately restarted.
I just started playing ME2 (got the free PC version for buying Dragon Age II). So far I think I like it better than DA II in some ways. I may end up buying ME3 now.
Mass Effect 2 had some odd pacing. Recruit people. Do their personal missions (if you want), side quests, do a few story related missions, and bang, end. done. it took a while to beat but the pacing made it feel like the first half of something, to me. Probably wanted to rectify that with DLC, i suppose.
They're both the same, and they both have the same function, but one of them is going to be different then the other, and how it's different is upto debate.
The gamers are like a pair of doped up baby twins.
You know one of them is going to like one boob and the other one the other one for it own ups and downs, but this doesn't change the fact that both are wrong and both are complaining for stupid reasons instead of making the breasts better.
Will ME3 be the third boob ala Total Recall chick or the sad third nipple that no one likes to talk about?
That's the real question.
The only thing that made me mad about ME2 was the ending.... Spoiler Alert
I didn't like how the final boss was some kind of f-ing transformer, that was really cliche to me and pissed me off. It didn't fit into the universe and felt like Micheal Bay came in and had sex with the company? (I don't know how to put this in black bars )
Nemlet17: Agreed! I was expecting some badass insectoid reaper to kick in the proverbial balls. Man, was I disappointed! I didn't even like the design at all, and he was dead easy to beat, even on hardest. Sovereign, now that was an epic piece of machine! And I thought Saren was a lot harder to beat in ME1. Sound FX were fucking insancely good on the final boss of ME2 though!
Either way, I love everything Mass Effect; ME3 will be no exception. My only wish is that they stop the franchise after that before it looses it's charm. Although I doubt that will be the case...
when i got to the final boss i literally headbutted my controller, suspended the FUCK out of my disbelief, and plowed onward.
ME3 looks promising, however.
Nemlet17: Agreed! I was expecting some badass insectoid reaper to kick in the proverbial balls. Man, was I disappointed! I didn't even like the design at all, and he was dead easy to beat, even on hardest. Sovereign, now that was an epic piece of machine! And I thought Saren was a lot harder to beat in ME1. Sound FX were fucking insancely good on the final boss of ME2 though!
Either way, I love everything Mass Effect; ME3 will be no exception. My only wish is that they stop the franchise after that before it looses it's charm. Although I doubt that will be the case...
They've allready hinted at doing more stuff. I just hope the don't do a crumby MMO
Ugh, a ME MMORPGZOMGWTFBBQ would suck monkeyballs, yes.
However, if they did something completely different with the story and other lead characters but in the ME universe; I'd probably be game with that.
I loved the ME 2 boss! It freaked the hell out of me for some reason, it just.. screamed abomination in every single way and was honestly kind of uncomfortable to look at, which is what I think they were going for.
I loved ME 2, currently doing a 100% run on insanity with all the DLC installed, to get that "perfect" save
I'm playing through ME2 as I type but I find it disappointing that I'm having to "force" myself to do the player trust missions...I like at the end where it's just all, Imma f-you up.
Yeah the ME2 boss was a bit cliche "shoot this , beat swarm of minions, avoid attack" rince and repeat but then again bosses are often like that. Maybe they should have been brave and have no final boss.
I loved the concept of the final mission though, allocating people to tasks was great.
Me3 looks to be sweet, weapon customisation is back.
Cant wait to see all the companions on board, its going to be pretty crowded if they dont find a way to thin out the ranks (that would suck though.).
I've spent a lot of time thinking about ME1 and ME2 and they are both great games.
ME1 has it's own problems. Having lots of repetitive, repackaged content (levels, weapons, etc) is one of its greatest downfalls. The main story was great to play though, and the ending was perfectly executed and left me really satisfied with the story. There was a great build up and a worthwhile payoff.
ME2 had 'different' combat. The gameplay was not better or worse necessarily, but was more refined/streamlined. I have some rather big problems with ME2, but I'm ignoring them in the hope that they are rectified by ME3. ME2 felt like filler. The bad guys were boring and, IMO, had a tenuous connection at best to the series' real adversaries (reapers, of course). The final boss and the explanation given was a joke (this is problem #1). Aside from that, I really like the gameplay and all of the companions were great. Bioware did a fantastic job avoiding excessive recycling of content, especially in the level design. More RPG elements would be very welcome, but I mostly I just want to go back to fighting the reapers, so surely ME3 cannot disappoint!
As much as I love the ME series, I think 1 & 2 suffer with respect to each other, sort of a Goldilocks problem. The first game had too much fiddly stuff to mess with. Huge amounts of loot and inventory to manage, time-consuming (and dull) planetside collection missions, etc. The second game over-corrected by not having enough stuff to do. Adding/upgrading weapons and items was almost non-existent, the planet collection stuff was oversimplified (and still dull), etc. I'm hoping the Mass Effect 3: baby bear edition gets it juuuuuuuust right.
ME is at its best when it has you running around awesome locations, solving problems. Like the first time you approach Omega in ME2, and then when you get into Afterlife and meet Aria, that stuff was so awesomely cinematic that it made want to keep playing.
The only thing that made me mad about ME2 was the ending.... Spoiler Alert
I didn't like how the final boss was some kind of f-ing transformer, that was really cliche to me and pissed me off. It didn't fit into the universe and felt like Micheal Bay came in and had sex with the company? (I don't know how to put this in black bars )
Go ME 3!
I agree. I wasn't thoroughly impressed with the final battle or the boss. I think it would have been more interesting if they were trying to rebuild Sovereign. Then you could divide the final battle into two parts. First, get in there and get the hostages back to the Normandy. Secondly, fight the unfinished Sovereign in the new and improved Normandy. Shpashe battlesh FTW!
i found me2 more polished but the paceing was retarded.
also weapons, i played solider threw it so im using mostly the assault rifles, and there was only one rifle per tier, so you always had to take the new one since it is so much more powerful, even when it is in accurate as fuck and doesn't fit your play style.
in ME1 i was able to make a pretty bomb rifle that was extremaly accurate low on recoil and still had enough dps for later in the game.
This is looking Awesome. I loved the way they had the balls to trim things down in 2. I think they went too far but not by much. Here's to hoping this ones 'Just Right'
I was just curious if anybody knows somebody that works for Bioware(mass effect makers)
I'm tring to get a job there because it's down the road from me.
Was gonna try out the demo, but I guess it's Origin exclusive? I really don't want to be running Origin alongside Steam. Seems like a really dumb decision to me on their part to opt out of Steam. Oh well...
im enjoying it a lot as well. its cool to be able to try out different classes for once. though i still do enjoy Adept over all others. i like the mix of waves of enemies along with the objectives.. it adds a bit to the "horde" style of play. i think though that it would have been a bit better for people not to be limited to just 3 powers, but then again to have more would mean radial menu which means time stopping which of course is a no no in multiplayer.. so 3 will do just fine.
also.. playing the demo made me really want to play through me2 again, though i dont think i will. i did buy arrival though and replay the last mission. im super excited to play the full game. already its looking like game of the year to me.
Was gonna try out the demo, but I guess it's Origin exclusive? I really don't want to be running Origin alongside Steam. Seems like a really dumb decision to me on their part to opt out of Steam. Oh well...
Isn't the whole game origin exclusive on PC?
Would anyone like to play some multiplayer with me? I'm Goraaz on origin.
I have to say when I first heard about MP making it way into ME3 it put my back up. But after giving it a go I was really surprised and its the only thing I've been playing on recently. Plus I can imagine it'll make for a nice break from the single player which in effect will extend the game a bit longer :P
Yup, Origin exclusive on PC. They actually are selling it on other sites (other than origin), albeit exclusively not Steam, but even then when you install it, it goes through Origin. Even if you buy a boxed copy.
It kinda bothers me maintaining both Steam and Origin. I don't see how/why EA thinks they should compete with Steam. And it opens up all sorts of privacy issues that annoy me.
Then it might end up being the first mass effect I get for console. Which is too bad since I liked playing the others on pc more than console (plus all my saves are on pc )
Yeah, its one of the titles I just wont be getting, because of the whole Origin issue. Ah well, I got other games I rather want to play either way, though I was interesting to play it and continue with my sex-adventure...I mean, space adventure with shepard.
But ME2 was a cracking game, and I still get goosebumps everytime I see the Normandy for the first time in it...
They're both the same, and they both have the same function, but one of them is going to be different then the other, and how it's different is upto debate.
The gamers are like a pair of doped up baby twins.
You know one of them is going to like one boob and the other one the other one for it own ups and downs, but this doesn't change the fact that both are wrong and both are complaining for stupid reasons instead of making the breasts better.
That's the real question.
The only thing that made me mad about ME2 was the ending....
Spoiler Alert
I didn't like how the final boss was some kind of f-ing transformer, that was really cliche to me and pissed me off. It didn't fit into the universe and felt like Micheal Bay came in and had sex with the company? (I don't know how to put this in black bars
Go ME 3!
Either way, I love everything Mass Effect; ME3 will be no exception. My only wish is that they stop the franchise after that before it looses it's charm. Although I doubt that will be the case...
ME3 looks promising, however.
They've allready hinted at doing more stuff. I just hope the don't do a crumby MMO
However, if they did something completely different with the story and other lead characters but in the ME universe; I'd probably be game with that.
The biggest problem with the Mass Effects is that if you play them long enough, they eventually end. An MMO will address that issue.
I loved ME 2, currently doing a 100% run on insanity with all the DLC installed, to get that "perfect" save
ME 3 will be badaaarse
I loved the concept of the final mission though, allocating people to tasks was great.
Me3 looks to be sweet, weapon customisation is back.
Cant wait to see all the companions on board, its going to be pretty crowded if they dont find a way to thin out the ranks (that would suck though.).
ME1 has it's own problems. Having lots of repetitive, repackaged content (levels, weapons, etc) is one of its greatest downfalls. The main story was great to play though, and the ending was perfectly executed and left me really satisfied with the story. There was a great build up and a worthwhile payoff.
ME2 had 'different' combat. The gameplay was not better or worse necessarily, but was more refined/streamlined. I have some rather big problems with ME2, but I'm ignoring them in the hope that they are rectified by ME3. ME2 felt like filler. The bad guys were boring and, IMO, had a tenuous connection at best to the series' real adversaries (reapers, of course). The final boss and the explanation given was a joke (this is problem #1). Aside from that, I really like the gameplay and all of the companions were great. Bioware did a fantastic job avoiding excessive recycling of content, especially in the level design. More RPG elements would be very welcome, but I mostly I just want to go back to fighting the reapers, so surely ME3 cannot disappoint!
ME is at its best when it has you running around awesome locations, solving problems. Like the first time you approach Omega in ME2, and then when you get into Afterlife and meet Aria, that stuff was so awesomely cinematic that it made want to keep playing.
I agree. I wasn't thoroughly impressed with the final battle or the boss. I think it would have been more interesting if they were trying to rebuild Sovereign. Then you could divide the final battle into two parts. First, get in there and get the hostages back to the Normandy. Secondly, fight the unfinished Sovereign in the new and improved Normandy. Shpashe battlesh FTW!
Really looking forward to ME3
also weapons, i played solider threw it so im using mostly the assault rifles, and there was only one rifle per tier, so you always had to take the new one since it is so much more powerful, even when it is in accurate as fuck and doesn't fit your play style.
in ME1 i was able to make a pretty bomb rifle that was extremaly accurate low on recoil and still had enough dps for later in the game.
I'm tring to get a job there because it's down the road from me.
Anyone wanna join me on the PS3?
Im having quite a bit of fun.
also.. playing the demo made me really want to play through me2 again, though i dont think i will. i did buy arrival though and replay the last mission. im super excited to play the full game. already its looking like game of the year to me.
Isn't the whole game origin exclusive on PC?
Would anyone like to play some multiplayer with me? I'm Goraaz on origin.
Are you sure about this? Even if you buy a physical copy? If so that makes me quite sad.
Noodle: its totally Origin exclusive indeed.
It kinda bothers me maintaining both Steam and Origin. I don't see how/why EA thinks they should compete with Steam. And it opens up all sorts of privacy issues that annoy me.