Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Cooljay's Progress Thread



  • Cooljay
    True It's a good place to get crits if you're need of them. Most of crits come from them outside the website though from some polycounters. Nowadays I just post for show here.
  • Cooljay
    jmt wrote: »
    The only other question I had was regarding the purpose/story of your animation. I don't see how google or polycount could answer that. It's 6 seconds of a character moving her arms around. I don't get it.

    Tags/name of the video explain what you would search for
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    why wouldn't you just say what the video is?? she's an attorney... not that difficult. Also, if you're just posting here for show, you're going to get critiques no matter what because that's what the site is intended for. People spend their time trying to help you, and they don't no that you aren't planning on taking their advice... why don't you post on deviant art or something instead?
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Quality > Quantity

    try it.
  • Cooljay
    To be honest I couldn't really care one way or another
  • WarrenM
    You seem openly hostile towards the community that you're posting artwork for. What is it that you hope to get out of this thread?
  • Cooljay
    You seem openly hostile towards the community that you're posting artwork for. What is it that you hope to get out of this thread?

    Nothing really much for that matter.

    It's just a showcase thread I guess

    As for the hostilties. It's only against people who have certain rudeness in their tone. It's just something I don't stand for.
  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    lol, take the advice and use it, don't be an ass about it.
  • Cooljay
    lol, take the advice and use it, don't be an ass about it.

    Why should I take advice about something I already know myself when I saw it the first time I rendered it ?

    Seriously I don't have time for captain obvious statements
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Cooljay wrote: »
    Why should I take advice about something I already know myself when I saw it the first time I rendered it ?

    Seriously I don't have time for captain obvious statements

    people assume it's something you didn't see, because you don't mention the problems in your posts, and you don't fix them before posting.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    If you see the issues, why don't you fix them?
  • Cooljay
    Joopson wrote: »
    If you see the issues, why don't you fix them?

    I do, but I don't feel the need to post them here.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Should I believe you? At least tell the truth, dude.

    If you were good enough to fix the issues, you probably wouldn't have them in the first place.
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
  • Cooljay
    Joopson wrote: »
    Should I believe you? At least tell the truth, dude.

    If you were good enough to fix the issues, you probably wouldn't have them in the first place.

    Everyone makes mistakes. What makes you think I can't fix them if I see them. Don't act like you know someone in and out just from a couple posts.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Cooljay wrote: »
    Everyone makes mistakes. What makes you think I can't fix them if I see them. Don't act like you know someone in and out just from a couple posts.

    since your here though i can only assume you want to make a career around 3d or at-least a hobby, so why if you see the problems, do you not fix them?

    I would think having a interest in 3d would also give you the drive to always be always improving on your work, but you don't seem to do that, what is the point of working on a new project at all if your not going to use it to try and improve on your skills, or learn something in the process.

    The only reason i see for not trying to do that is money and time constraints, which you don't have since your no working in a production environment, so your goal should be to always improve and learn more about the craft when working on it.
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Do you have a website? Because if you wanna show your work without getting critiques just post it there. That way you can demo your work and not get critiqued. Because like others have said already, this is a community where people show their work for the sake of getting critiques and taking their work to the next level.

    Also not sure if your in school for this or not, but if you are trying to get in this industry at all you are burning a lots of bridges. Because many of the people commenting on your work are industry professionals. They are not here to attack you they are here to help, because they wanna see everyone meet their true potential.

    Enough said, I am not attacking you in anyway just commenting on what I have read over the last couple of pages.

    Best of luck to you in whatever it is you are trying to achieve.

  • Cooljay
    passerby wrote: »
    since your here though i can only assume you want to make a career around 3d or at-least a hobby, so why if you see the problems, do you not fix them?

    I would think having a interest in 3d would also give you the drive to always be always improving on your work, but you don't seem to do that, what is the point of working on a new project at all if your not going to use it to try and improve on your skills, or learn something in the process.

    The only reason i see for not trying to do that is money and time constraints, which you don't have since your no working in a production environment, so your goal should be to always improve and learn more about the craft when working on it.

  • Cooljay
    Everyone this discussion is over. No more last words from anyone.

    Anybody who makes a comment will be reminded
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    [DELETED because, well, I was writing it when you posted]
  • Fred2303
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    Fred2303 polycounter lvl 7
    O.O (hope that doesnt count for a comment!)
  • SgtNasty
    Posting things like the female face you were making is good. It shows improvement and some comprehension of the medium. I would honestly say that posting that animation was very detrimental to you, especially considering you (claim) to know what's wrong with it, and don't want feedback. The point of a showcase is to show good work, or at least something you are proud of. I don't get it man.
  • Mgoblue412
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    Mgoblue412 polycounter lvl 5
    I am with everyone else in that I do not understand why you post on here if you do not want critics and stuff from people this not a forum dedicated to critics. Also most of the "hostile" or "rude" people you are talking about seem to be giving honest feedback to you and then you go off the handles and then people start giving it back to you. I see all this hostility in here to be based of your attitude towards your work
  • makecg
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Cooljay wrote: »
    To be honest I couldn't really care one way or another

    Seriously I don't have time for captain obvious statements

    ...no comment (or last word, whatever)
  • skankerzero
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Try some environment art - perhaps a bridge that's on fire.

    (see what I did here?)

    oh ok, I'll be serious: if you're making stuff for fun and don't want critiques, you can post it in the "What are you working on thread" or possibly deviant art. It's pretty much the unspoken agreement that if you take the time to make a new thread for your art it's going to be critiqued - sometimes by professionals! I saw an online drawing class where you pay about $1,000 to have a professional cartoonist and illustrator critique your assignments!

    So don't look at this like people being mean to you - you're getting thousands of dollars of critiques for free.
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Guys!

    I made this box, i'm trying to find a way to make it more box-like at the moment.

  • Spug
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    Spug polycounter lvl 12
    I think you should drag that vertex down...
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    Shut up Spug, I dont need your captain Obvious statements. This discussion is over
  • makecg
    it started as a box but then you changed it o.O
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    makecg, Please don't comment in my thread about my artwork. kthx
  • TheWildHunt
    Dear CoolJay,

    Please take this as a helpful, me to you hint.

    Many years ago, when I first started sculpting (I first began as a practical sculptor for makeup FX) I was very belligerent, I was right, I was infallible, the industry professionals who took there own personal downtime to critique my work, to try and help me improve my work, improve MY work, they weren't making any financial gain, it was simply an effort on there part to help me improve. Working in the art industry is a very competitive business, and you've got to understand, that for a professional to take time out of there lives to help you improve; this is not a competition, this is an industry where there will ALWAYS be someone better than you, maybe in one way, maybe in every way, but you can't take it personally. You're learning, you aren't being paid for your work, the only time restraints you have are the ones placed on you by yourself, and your curriculum, you aren't in a life or death situation, and to be placing yourself in this situation is literally committing social suicide. By retaliating the way you are to these professionals and amateurs alike, you are alienating yourself from the community.

    Imagine it this way. You graduate your school (maybe your work improves, maybe it doesn't. My experience with most schools is they will graduate you regardless of quality, as long as you pay your tuition and complete your assignments; Granted, I'm trying not to generalize, as I've never been to a payed institution, but i've conversed with many people who have. So you graduate, you've got a nifty portfolio going on, not fantastic, but passable, and you apply at a studio where one of these extremely gifted individuals work. Think you'll get the job after acting like a stereotypical child in front of thousands of them? You won't, simple as that.

    I did the same thing when I was younger, granted I was fourteen, but I did the same thing. You know what happened? I went from getting pages and pages of critique and reply (at least five pages on one or two updates) to nothing, there are very very few members of that site that care to reply at all, even though I've become more humble and accepting over the years. The past experiences alienate you from the community and any work opportunities you may have in the future.

    So please, I know I ramble, and I get off topic, but I hope this made some sense, so I beg you, take this to heart, take a step back, evaluate how you've acted in front of thousands of people, and take serious action to change your ways, because your not omniscient, you aren't perfect; You are an amateur, just like me, and millions of others attempting to get into this competitive industry.

    Fix yourself, and return a new man, with new work, accept critique, because your going to have to accept critiques from your boss in the work place, and not just here.

    Best wishes,
    Payton Quinn
  • zakhar2
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    zakhar2 polycounter lvl 6
    If this is going to be another Taylor Hood type situation I'm gonna be so pumped.
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 14
    yay! it's turned into one of "those" threads :D
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    zakhar2 wrote: »
    If this is going to be another Taylor Hood type situation I'm gonna be so pumped.

    Actually, that already happened. (but I think he edited most of it out)

    Never stop CoolJay, haters gonna hate.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    i wonder if the bad phoenix wright animation is a suggestion from a friend.

    i'm not seeing a knowledgable evidence of learning from poly_regions.jpg in that video
  • zakhar2
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    zakhar2 polycounter lvl 6
    Frump wrote: »
    Actually, that already happened. (but I think he edited most of it out)

    Never stop CoolJay, haters gonna hate.

    Well, he's still here and there weren't nearly enough cats last time.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Cooljay i've said enough to you through pm's and long posts about your work.

    What. The. Hell. Caused you to go from probably your best model ever (that female head) to the same lumpy unorganized models you're making now? What about the process arent you understanding?

    You are showing an abnormal line of art progression, and im beginning to question your common sense as a whole. This is the kind of stuff kids 5-6 do because they aren't fully self aware and they don't understand the process or how to pay attention to detail, but you're what, 19 now? :s

    Id suggest reading my post again:
    Originally Posted by frell
    I really feel sorry for you cooljay. The motivation and determination is there but your work falls far below even the most basic lines, yet you're still confident.

    Start asking questions please, if you see something you like and wonder how they did that don't try and recreate it (and cut corners) and say what it is, make it right and if you can't ask the creator how they did so and so. Im really concerned as to why someone like you can't do decent stuff with your ability to usually listen to criticism and actually take advice from people. You absorb knowledge very fast and never give up, which is great, but you really need to try and apply and push yourself.

    When I first came here my work was pretty much a joke, and I always saw others' work and I would say "I wish I could do that", and then one day I got the balls to ask some of these amazing artists how they do stuff, and I was surprised they answered. Ever since I ask everyone all about stuff to try and grow and develop my workflow more!

    A good example is with your characters, you're so determined and you try and bring out every detail and get the character done, which is good, but Im baffled by your ability to proceed in a project when your wireframes are far from basic.

    You seem very hopeful of the future and you're starting your portfolio and I would like to stop you before you go too far and tell you to get your act together before you get crushed by employers.

    Im really not trying to be harsh, but no one else will say it, but your work is very poor. To put it blatantly its the quality I see when people try 3d and have never done it, and then usually go back to their usual hobby.

    Its really something with you, most people will have problems with criticism, attention to detail, motivation, or confidence and it will reflect in their work. But you have all of these! Theres no reason for this Cooljay!

    Keep going and try to recreate things from games/other (good) artists, and don't settle for anything that doesnt look decent, if you have a question PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ASK US, don't let a problem throw the quality of your work in the ground. You've built a hefty reputation here as the guy that when you post we sigh, any progression from you will be noticed greatly. So keep going, make it your soul goal to impress us!

    Listen to aces suggestion, I think watching other artists will really help you (how did the blender character tut on cgtuts not though?)

    I've talked to you a bit here and there and I've helped you, but I had to say this
  • Cooljay
    wtf do you guys not know what end of discussion means ? When I said it I meant it.

    I'm not playing this "game" with you guys again.

    Don't bother with your long winded speeches, I am not going to reply with anything but a reminder
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Problem with this game is that your not a good player.
    I find it very funny that you think you can say end of discussion and that's it :P
    That's not how it works in real life or on the internet :)
  • Cooljay
    Problem with this game is that your not a good player.
    I find it very funny that you think you can say end of discussion and that's it :P
    That's not how it works in real life or on the internet :)

    Oh I know how it works all right. I wouldn't be acting so smug like you are
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Cool I have never been a smug before :D
  • ES_139
    I knew it, I could feel the gifs queuing up to get into this thread.
  • Cooljay
  • Cooljay
    ES_139 wrote: »
    I knew it, I could feel the gifs queuing up to get into this thread.

    Why do you think I am telling people to pipe down ?
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    I wish the best for you Cooljay. People only tried to help you here!

    My advice is to make a new username and start fresh, with a new attitude. Listen carefully to all the advice, apply it, and believe in your own ability to improve a little more. As it is, people only think bad things now when they see the name 'Cooljay'.

    Good art requires tons of sweat and blood, but I think you can do it! :) Do consider.
  • ES_139
    Its just a shame that you don't realise that by telling people to 'pipe down' that you are actually encouraging them to post troll gifs.
  • Cooljay
    I wish the best for you Cooljay. People only tried to help you here!

    My advice is to make a new username and start fresh, with a new attitude. Listen carefully to all the advice, apply it, and believe in your own ability to improve a little more. As it is, people only think bad things now when they see the name 'Cooljay'.

    Good art requires tons of sweat and blood, but I think you can do it! :) Do consider.

    I'm not going to leave

    anyways art is art
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    I wish the best for you Cooljay. People only tried to help you here!

    My advice is to make a new username and start fresh, with a new attitude. Listen carefully to all the advice, apply it, and believe in your own ability to improve a little more. As it is, people only think bad things now when they see the name 'Cooljay'.

    Good art requires tons of sweat and blood, but I think you can do it! :) Do consider.
    You shouldn't tell trolls to create new usernames, it's baad.
This discussion has been closed.