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Uncharted 3



  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    So I'm finally playing through my copy of Uncharted 2 (I've had it on my shelf for a while just hadn't got around to it after beating U1), and I can't figure out why head shots never seem to work. Is there some sort of variable in U2 that I need to take into account, like maybe you can only get them from a certain distance based on each guns power?
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    finally bought my ps3. :D cant wait to pick up uncharted tomorrow night.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    woohoooo! my ps3/Uncharted 3 bundle is getting here tomorrow!!!! WOOOTS!
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    so has anyone else picked this up yet? i got it at midnight and played the first couple of chapters. the game is definitely living up to my expectations and every bit of it is just full of a wow factor so far. :D
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    glottis8 wrote: »
    woohoooo! my ps3/Uncharted 3 bundle is getting here tomorrow!!!! WOOOTS!

    Make sure you buy a HDMI cable.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    yea, i got one already. it's gonna be a drag to setup my account, update my ps3, install the game, install any other things i have for it. :Pi dunn even know anymore... are ps3 games still able to install like the 360 ones, or just certain ones? anyways... heard here at work that the game doesn't dissapoint.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I was a little surprised to find out that Gamestop didn't do a midnight release.. ah well, I'll pick up my preorder on the way home from work.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Just came back from pick it up along with BF3.. don't know which to play first!?
  • imijatov
    Picked up the game from Amazon (along with a pre-order for Super Mario 3d Land and Skyward Sword). Hope I'll like the game... ;).
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    Picking this up tommorow. Need to complete it before next friday! I have some holiday days booked for a long gaming weekend of Skyrim, must finish other games in time!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    super awesome attention to detail and phenominal lighting. good work guys :D story seems interesting so far and really feels like another great adventure.
  • gaganjain
    Uncharted 3 + pc + xbox controller = youtube Walkthrough....\O/
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    6 hours in! This game is nuts!

    Grats to the team!

    Only gripe has been, the metal in the game seems generally very 'plastic-y'.

    Small nit-pick to one of my favorite games of the year!

  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    it is amaaaazing,
    I almost cried looking at the beauty of the character and environment.
    simply the best thing I've seen so far.
    its a perfect example how technology and creativity meet in balance.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    xvampire wrote: »
    its a perfect example how technology and creativity meet in balance.

    And from the sound of things, throw in brutal work hours. Not to criticize the game, but is this kind of thing worth it if people are slavedriving away to meet launch deadlines and such? In other news, just picked up my copy. :poly121:
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    this game is mindblowing, i have never been that excited playing games for a while. lol no porno jokes plz. kudos to the team that brought such a amazing game.
  • Cheez
    Got a chance to play the first 4 chapters or so very, very, very early this morning :P
    Looks sweet, Anthony !
    Hats off to the ND team. Just beautiful stuff.
  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6

    awesome game so far, as always. liked the 2nd or so chapter!
    too much grabbing the environment though, yeah yeah it's cool that you can play an additive animation when the character is close to something, but every.fucking.time? gawd!..my eyes are getting used to ignoring it now though :poly124:
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    yea that would be my biggest gripe. every time you are near a wall, he kinda reaches for it. too often, feels a bit forced. literally that is my biggest complaint with the game, besides the normal enemies not having super telegraphed hit reations.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Just started playing today.... WOW. Amazing! I am already 75% through and have been playing for about 7hr.. Non stop! I didn't even know I was playing this long.
    I can't believe how entertaining this is.. Up there with metal gear solid for being one of my favourite story driven games,
  • Sevv
    I played for about 3 hrs last night... simple one of the most amazing games ive ever played. Stunning! The characters, acting and overall presentation to the player really is just on another level.

    Big congratulations to everyone involved!
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    Man, that Harrison Ford video had me smiling the whole time, he was genuinely having a blast playing :D

    I want to go home and play now...
  • System
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    System admin
    Played for a couple hours last night. As a huge fan of the first two, I had high expecations, I was not disappointed.

    The production values in this game are just mind-blowing, to nail every aspect of a game (story, design, art, gameplay and of course sound design and musical scoring) is such a rarity nowadays but every box is clearly checked here.

    Fantastic work to all of you guys at Naughty Dog, a genuinely stunning game.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Really glad to hear you guys are liking it :)
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Game has been mind blowingly amazing. The airplane sequence was right up there with the hotel collapsing experience from the second game and is burned in my brain as one of the coolest moments in gaming history.

    BUT i do have two complaints and I feel like they valid. I always play on hard but..The enemies.. are WAY TOO ACCURATE. I remember doing the horse back sequence and I was getting shot constantly by everyone at deadly accuracy. And some of the fights start you off in REALLY unfair situations that just stop being fun and start becoming a chore.

    Those are my only complaints from one of the best games I've played all year. (after Dark Souls, of course.=P ) I think Nathan Drake has a wall fetish
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    that was my reaction when drake fell out of the plane and grabbed onto the cargo. that was seriously a top notch moment.. one of the first times i really felt concerned for the safety of a video game character.

    in addition.. i really like what was done with the sand in the game. i think i read somewhere it was derived from the snow in uncharted 2, which is really neat. super impressive how the sand reacts in different ways depending on where it is or what type it is. i.e. when stepping in the sand, the footprint left behind slides out a bit instead of just leaving an imprint. also
    when drake is lost in the desert and walking across the tops of sand dunes.. the way the sand falls as he walks looks spot on.

    im on the last chapter of the game now and i seriously dont want it to end. despite the very slightly slow beginning the game had, once i got to around chapter 8 or so it really picked up and has been a non-stop thrill ride ever since.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Stopped playing after getting frustrated last night. Definitely one of those people that doesn't like the 'tweaked, more sensitive controls'. Also, two bad design elements in a row irked me. First there's RPG guys in Syria who have better aim than you do with a friggin sniper rifle. Follow that up with a "be stealthy" section where the controls just seemed to hate me, ended up ragequitting. I'll probably play again some more tonight, see if I can work my way past that part. Game definitely feels like it's struggling to find its groove so far.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    flaagan wrote: »
    Stopped playing after getting frustrated last night. Definitely one of those people that doesn't like the 'tweaked, more sensitive controls'. Also, two bad design elements in a row irked me. First there's RPG guys in Syria who have better aim than you do with a friggin sniper rifle. Follow that up with a "be stealthy" section where the controls just seemed to hate me, ended up ragequitting. I'll probably play again some more tonight, see if I can work my way past that part. Game definitely feels like it's struggling to find its groove so far.

    yea i got blown the fuck up a bunch there too, just spam bullets into their bodies while slowly sidestepping rather than try to go for head shots, made my life easier. as for finding its groove, after that stuff it really starts to pick up speed and get super awesome.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    First hours in... this game looks amazing!

    What levels did you work on Autocon? The chateu is one of the most beautiful environments I've seen in a while.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    I am enjoying everything in the game so far. I really really loved the beginning. The brawl was just amazing. Plus everything looks so crisp and the attention to detail really pays off. I am also playing it on hard, and i thought that was the reason i was getting killed... that and i tend to try and go for the fist fight, and when i do sometimes some other baddies come and shoot at me while i am fighting... but i guess that is my fault. Still, loving this game. The story is really well set, and i have not found any quirks with the game so far.

    Once i am done i'll play MP and see whats up there. Maybe get someone to play with me some co-op.

    But yea.. congrats guys! this game is top notch so far.
  • bounchfx
    just beat it today. Holy shit at the graphics. Amazing job, guys.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Just beat it...... Amazing. I think I am going to play it again, and I almost never play games twice.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Is it fair to say I'm a little concerned that people are already saying "just beat the game"... I played the crap outta batman and it still took me a week or so...
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 12
    is it me or does everything look sort of.. miniature? the scale of the environments feel off in alot of palces, or half finished, not really that realistic or convincing. the english area reminded me of wallace and gromit.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I haven't had much chance to play sadly, but I just got up to the bit where theres as
    boat graveyard and I have to jump in the water and move over loads of wrecked boats... Found that bit quite tough on hard (still wish I was playing Crushing from the get go).

    Loving it so far. Nicolas won't believe just how many real time light shafts are being used in the game, such as that part
    when you chase Marlow underground in London, and every bloody guard has a flashlight that uses one.
    Gonna have to record him some videos, because when he thinks of consoles he still thinks of the PS2 era, lol...

    Amazing game is amazing. Away from the weekend so wont get chance to play again until Monday :(
  • kevlar jens
    Finished this last night.

    I really enjoyed
    the part where you play as young Drake, the part where you trip balls down Yemen's alleys and the cargo plane part (so bonkers when Drake grabs onto the crate midair)

    Things I didn't like too much were the fisticuffs, which came out rather weak compared to Batman: AC,
    and some frustrations like
    the part where u shoot peeps in a sandstorm
    and the unforgiving stealth.

    also the plot was pretty incoherent like
    what was up with those spiders??
    what was up with that card?
    why did the brits seek the hallucination-stuff when they already had those darts filled with something not too different??
    what was up with talbot and his ability to vanish around corners and take a bullet without further ado??

    all in all I enjoyed it thoroughly both on the gameplay and visual-side but not as much as the masterpiece that is Uncharted 2
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Just finished it, and honestly... meh.

    If there's a fourth one planned, I wouldn't get it after playing through #3.
  • couette

    Great game. I explored every nook and cranny of levels and also tried to play stealth whenever the opportunity came up, so my playtime was rather high.

    The puzzles are well designed. The clever use of the environment, lighting, and perspective made them more memorable than the previous games.

    The character models and facial animation are top notch as always. During dialog cutscenes, while one character is speaking, the camera will sometimes cut to the face of another character to let the viewer read his/her reaction. The subtle expression, and the movements of skin around the eyes, really makes the character's reaction believable. To hit a facial pose, and hold it without looking dead stiff or cartoony is just amazing. Like the interaction between
    Drake and Scary Poppins in Yemen
    . I know this seems like a dumb thing to froth over, but I was just blown away. :)
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    is it just me, or does the
    Chateau level when its on fire, feels like its lacking some distortion effect for the fire?
  • System
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    System admin
    Finished the story yesterday, fantastic game, on par with the previous two for sure.

    I've got a couple of nitpicky questions though;
    Is the huge dude that pops up every now and again to give you a beating the same guy all the way through? He definitely uses the same character model but I wasn't sure if it's supposed to be the same guy. I'm pretty sure if it is, he dies and then comes back to life a couple times (IIRC, possibly not).

    Anyone else find the desert bit a little too far fetched? I mean, I know this is a series with Zombies and power hungry mutants but even that seemed more believable than Drakes trek through the desert, where he seems close to death more than a few times and then he finds the settlement and BAM surge of energy!

    As I said, nitpicks, definitely doesn't detract from being one of my favourite games ever.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Ok, so i just finished the game this morning, and i have to say i didn't feel the overall greatness that i felt when finishing 2.
    First of all, whats with the pirates segment in the wreck yard and then the cruise? if you take that out of the equation the story doesn't miss anything or add anything to it. So what is the point of that? i like the action or sequence, but still... why add something that is not adding anything to a story driven game?

    Then.. whats with Monroe and Talbot? they gotta be one of the weakest villains so far in the game. They didn't bring anything to table after the 1st quarter of the game. They never go into their story, or backstory, or relationship to one another. Talbot end is pretty weak, pretty epic fight on top of a sinking city, but never the less, no satisfaction in the way you defeat him. I can see the potential there, and its just not told.

    Then... why did they get rid of Carter and Chloe? i know they are scared, but most of what made the 1st part of the game so enjoyable was the relationships that you were forging while following the story. I really enjoyed the part where you are trying to keep him going when he is drugged and freaking out.. and then he feels paranoid... and in the end doesn't really pay off.

    Overall, i think the game is beautiful. I really like the story behind Sully, Nate and Elena. But i think the game doesn't hold to its story since its jumping from site to site like a rollercoaster with no theme. In 2, i really like you arrive to the village in the mountains, you meet the people there, you feel responsible for them, and then you go on a quest, which is amazing. Only to come back and see the village being overrun, a tank that is following you, and you feel helpless and vulnerable, and somehow by chance and luck you pull off the impossible. While in 3, Nate takes the impossible and raises it by 300% so that when the cast tells him he can't do it, it seems pretty trivial after everything that he has done.

    Anyways... i enjoyed the game, but i guess i was expecting more on the narrative side and keeping a constant through the whole game. I had fun with it and i am more than impressed with the visuals...the sand with its tints of pinks, purples and oranges just looks amazing. Like in Lawrence of Arabia. Oh! which brings me to another point. Why even mention ET Lawrence at all? you get a grasp of him, and never gets mentioned again. They never go into detail of him or Drake at all. No drive there, and so much story that could've tied all of these elements together and defined Nate so much more. Oh well... oh yea, the old lady, she looks weird to me for some reason.

    Ok... i think thats it for now. Don't get me wrong. I think the game is fun, and i did enjoy it. But i think 2 was way better as an overall experience.

    Anyone played the Multiplayer and co op yet? Does the co op have split screen? i hope so.
  • System
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    System admin
    glottis8 wrote: »
    Then... why did they get rid of Carter and Chloe?
    Yeah what happened to them? One minute they're helping you do shit in Syria, then you never hear of them again. Did they really just think 'meh cba with this shiz, lets just go home'. I feel like even if they'd just dumped Chloe and Charlie at the airport in the final scene that would've been far better than just having them not mentioned again.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Im on the crazy boat bit atm, finding the heavy armoured dudes a real pain in the butt!!!!! almost a game breaker for me, I hate them that much haha. Fantastic game so far although I still prefer the 2nd game like many others. Just loved the snow sections and the story was alot better with much more character development I felt. Maybe the end will swing it back but at the moment Im not feeling the villains much and all the action is over the top and awesome, but then they keep asking him why hes doing it and I side with them, dudes a mental!!!!!!! sort of breaks the narrative for me as I cant empathise with him and he comes across as a mad man (probably what the devs are after haha).

    Games still an absolute masterpiece though, characters, environments, animation and VFX are outstanding!!!!!
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 18
    Finally checked it out. My ps3's been broken for some time, so I watched a friend beat the game (4 hours...so short).

    The game design was terrible (jumping 'puzzle', assasins creed combat sequence, wave fight - repeat for whole game). I seriously have to believe that every time someone asked "ok, so what happens here?" the response was "well first we do this sweet vista shot, then you climb up this thing, then guys rush in."

    ...but damn there was some inspiring environment art in that biznach.

    The lighting (especially the heavy use of gobos and shadows in general)...so awesome. Always a nice color balance to it, very cinematic. Nitpick OCD'd over some of the little lights having brighter omni's placed by them than the actual illumination texture...but overall the lighting was fantastic.

    Some of the art reminded me of Resident Evil 5 (in a good way, of course). That ship graveyard though, wtf. Not sure if the boats/platforms were sim'd or animated..but the whole effect + the choppy water was so bad ass.

    Could easily go on forever about how gorgeous the environments were. Super mega congrats to the environment/texture folks at Naughty Dog for being awesome.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    The boats were not animated.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    OK just finished it, thought it was absolutely fantastic :) When you look back you really do think what a crazy rollercoaster ride it was, really really good!!! especially the last few chapters, environments just got better and better. Just wish it was 1080p so it was shinier :( alot of the set pieces had my heart going aswell lol.

    character art was great too I thought, wasnt a fan of some of the faces, charlie suffered from being too similar to drake/villain from Uncharted2 in my eyes and Talbot was really plain looking, Rameres aswell when compared to the concept art. Loved the hair though and the cloth work was fantastic. Hopefully theres a ballistic publishing of Uncharted 3 (fingers crossed) in the future.

    have to say the shooting parts were my least favourite parts of the game though, found it quite fiddly to aim at times and the bullet sponge heavy enemies were really annoying and fun sapping.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    crazyfool wrote: »
    Just wish it was 1080p so it was shinier :(

    Uncharted collection in 1080p at 60fps on PS4. Believe! :p
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    [HP] wrote: »
    What levels did you work on Autocon? The chateu is one of the most beautiful environments I've seen in a while.

    Yeah the chateau is phenomenal. Adding spoiler tags to what I worked on as it will ruin things if you haven't played it.

    I created the entire
    horse chase level. From the very start of the night time Oasis cinematic where you are talking with your Bedouin buddy all the way till you get lost in the desert with sully on horse back right before you enter the Atlantis of the Sands.

    I also did the last gameplay section/cinematic of the game.
    From right after the moment after you see a major character die in the Atlantis of the Sands where you see the city crashing into the sands and you play leep frog to where you escape the city entirely.

    Dont know when I can post work from the game, then again I haven't even asked yet ha. Once I know what and when I can post some stuff and break things down for those interested I will post it up. Dont think many/if any other envio guys will post there stuff up though which is a shame which the beautiful stuff they made.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Autocon wrote: »
    Dont think many/if any other envio guys will post there stuff up though which is a shame which the beautiful stuff they made.

    Hopefully at least rooz3d (Behrooz Roozbeh) will show up again like he did over at ZBC after UC2 shipped. Learned a lot from his posts :)
  • 8-Bit
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    8-Bit polycounter lvl 6
    Autocon that's awesome! You and your team at ND did a phenomenal job!
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