I'd love it if it came out for PC. Gave up on it coming out for the 360, but I see no reason why the previous ones can't release for PC.
Because Naughty Dog is owned by Sony. Plus most games on console don't come out for PC for various reasons like piracy, controls and so forth. If you only have a PC now is a great time to pick up a PS3 with the holiday season upon us. The best gaming machine and blu ray player all rolled into one which a huge library of great games. Not to mention Uncharted 2 game of the year addition with 35 dollars of rolled in content was just released for 49.99!
Oh and if everyone wants to see 3 minutes of in game footage of Uncharted 3 make sure to check out Jimmy Falon tonight! Or Kotaku in the morning I believe both our co-presidents Evan and Christophe will be on the show tonight showing off a very cool level
With UC3, ME3, Gear3, Resistance 3 (holy shit so many 3's!) Elder Scrolls, and Batman, next Xmas is going to be so AWESOME! and so terrible on my wallet lol.
Damn I want to work at Naugty Dog, such a nice office, such happy faces, such great studio culture..
PS Autocon, I see you work at naughty dog, do you guys have any controll over your IP, if so, let them pull the plug on the current version of the movie script (Theres a family thats a force to be reckoned with in the world of international art and antiquities that deals with heads of state and heads of museums and metes out justice. .. are you kidding me?) and mark walberg, we want Nathan Fillion!
Sorry for that little rant, Had to get it out of my system.
I guess it's tradition for crappy directors to work on video game movies.
Apparently, O. Russell is going to explore the "Uncharted" mythos beyond what we've seen on the PS3. Which basically means he's going to make up shit and he's probably going to do some shitty ass story about Drake's family. Oh great, Sounds like a Uncharted + Meet the Fockers, could it get any worse. O. Russell even said, "This idea really turns me on that there's a family that's a force to be reckoned with in the world of international art and antiquities ... [a family] that deals with heads of state and heads of museums and metes out justice." What the FUCK is this dumbass director talking about.
This asshole director has probably never even played Uncharted let alone understand why it's popular. I'm willing to bet that he just read a description of the games plot on Wikipedia and saw a few screenshots of the game.
Sorry for the rant, But it really pisses me off when Hollywood treats the video game industry like a little jar of ideas that they can just pick from. I think it's completely disrespectful not only to the fans but also to the developers that made the game. As a gamer, I want people to enjoy the Uncharted content and see why it's so popular. But they can't when a retarded director fucks up the whole thing. It shows that the director has no respect for our industry nor does he respect the source material.
edit: same goes for all the other video game movies.
Love seeing the behind the scenes. The FX in the trailer were sickhouse. I love that Drake is aged (aside from the flashback) and put on a bit of weight. Really cool stuff and yeah Autocon it's gonna be a crowded holiday season next year. Not even at E3 time either! It's only gonna get worse with more awesome coming out.
This almost makes me regret selling my PS3 for a 360, almost. (because eventually I'll get a PS3 again and play all three games in one sitting, and die.)
My favorite part about being a mocap tech was working with the charismatic, funny, sometimes diva like talent. It almost made cleaning the data worth it.
what? Are they already gonna releasing this game so soon? Is Robh still the leader?
Uncharted 2 was released 2 years after 1 and 3 will be 2 years after 2. So it shouldn't be that surprising ha. And yes Robh is still leading all the awesome art direction of the project.
Also there is already a thread for thoughts on the Uncharted the movie. Uncharted 3 is not the movie so let keep it that way. That interview with the director was done while the fighter was still being filmed so things could have changed, I have no clue. I know Naughty Dog will be working with them to some degree but we are not making the movie or writing it. I personally wanted Fillion for one (as well as pretty much everyone on the art team, ha).
Also make sure you guys check out http://www.unchartedthegame.com/ to screenshots, news, trailers, forums and more! If you sign up with your email to receive updated news you will get a Uncharted 3 Dynamic Theme for your PS3, a $2.99 value absolutely free!
Remember Jimmy Falon tonight to catch 3 amazing minuets for gameplay!
haha jimmy falon sucks. Looked like this is gonna be awesome the fire looks great and it looks like theres gonna be shit tons of set pieces again which is what made the other games so epic.
Im impressed but yea I can agree it didnt show off that much.
The way they burn down this house is just ridiculous. Pay attention to the details. You can see furniture start to burn and fall apart while it burns more and more. YOU CAN SEE THE FREAKING WALLPAPER START TO BURN AND CURL UP...! Some pretty crazy stuff going on there...definitely taking all their tech to another level.
This almost makes me regret selling my PS3 for a 360, almost. (because eventually I'll get a PS3 again and play all three games in one sitting, and die.)
The multiplayer doesn't look very exciting but the single player has be interested for sure. Uncharted 2 was one of the best single player experiences I've had so I'm really looking forward to this.
this game, along with many others are going to make me completely broke. a friend lent me his ps3 and uncharted 2 because it was something that just needed to happen, and i had a hard time keeping my jaw off the floor throughout the entire game. im definitely buying a ps3 and this game when it comes out.
I really want this game. But I don't have a ps3 and I feel like for the price of uncharted 3 and a ps3... I could get a ton of good xbox games. Maybe I should just get a new roommate that has a ps3... lol
I just love the way he talks about the experience of being an artist working on something like this. Artists need to be passionate about their art and ideas, but and idea is half way there without the execution. Even tho this are things that we might hear all the time, it's true and i guess its important to hear them over and over so we don't feel overwhelmed when approaching a game, or a thought. Making awesome art just makes sense when you share and learn through peoples ideas and work. I know i get that sense of improvement. Anyways, i wish more people encouraged and talked that way in this industry, and not have something so self driven to just make the money. Revenue should be a reward, not an aim or target. At least that is the way i feel.
Btw, was that a polycount t-shirt in the beginning of the behind the scenes vid?
Wasn't the second game about Drake being deceived?
Is the game really going to start in a big crash that you play through later on, like the second game?
I'll be buying it, but shit.
Looks fantastic either way! They sure like to keep their tech artists busy with their choices of setting, heheh.
The Drakes games are unmatched, in my opinion, in platformer action.
Because Naughty Dog is owned by Sony. Plus most games on console don't come out for PC for various reasons like piracy, controls and so forth. If you only have a PC now is a great time to pick up a PS3 with the holiday season upon us. The best gaming machine and blu ray player all rolled into one which a huge library of great games. Not to mention Uncharted 2 game of the year addition with 35 dollars of rolled in content was just released for 49.99!
Oh and if everyone wants to see 3 minutes of in game footage of Uncharted 3 make sure to check out Jimmy Falon tonight! Or Kotaku in the morning
With UC3, ME3, Gear3, Resistance 3 (holy shit so many 3's!) Elder Scrolls, and Batman, next Xmas is going to be so AWESOME! and so terrible on my wallet lol.
But yea..on topic. Uncharted 3. Holy crap!
PS Autocon, I see you work at naughty dog, do you guys have any controll over your IP, if so, let them pull the plug on the current version of the movie script (Theres a family thats a force to be reckoned with in the world of international art and antiquities that deals with heads of state and heads of museums and metes out justice. .. are you kidding me?) and mark walberg, we want Nathan Fillion!
Sorry for that little rant, Had to get it out of my system.
ahum* so exited for this game!!!
Apparently, O. Russell is going to explore the "Uncharted" mythos beyond what we've seen on the PS3. Which basically means he's going to make up shit and he's probably going to do some shitty ass story about Drake's family. Oh great, Sounds like a Uncharted + Meet the Fockers, could it get any worse. O. Russell even said, "This idea really turns me on that there's a family that's a force to be reckoned with in the world of international art and antiquities ... [a family] that deals with heads of state and heads of museums and metes out justice." What the FUCK is this dumbass director talking about.
This asshole director has probably never even played Uncharted let alone understand why it's popular. I'm willing to bet that he just read a description of the games plot on Wikipedia and saw a few screenshots of the game.
Sorry for the rant, But it really pisses me off when Hollywood treats the video game industry like a little jar of ideas that they can just pick from. I think it's completely disrespectful not only to the fans but also to the developers that made the game. As a gamer, I want people to enjoy the Uncharted content and see why it's so popular. But they can't when a retarded director fucks up the whole thing. It shows that the director has no respect for our industry nor does he respect the source material.
edit: same goes for all the other video game movies.
Also just got my free UC3 theme
Uncharted 2 was released 2 years after 1 and 3 will be 2 years after 2. So it shouldn't be that surprising ha. And yes Robh is still leading all the awesome art direction of the project.
Also there is already a thread for thoughts on the Uncharted the movie. Uncharted 3 is not the movie so let keep it that way. That interview with the director was done while the fighter was still being filmed so things could have changed, I have no clue. I know Naughty Dog will be working with them to some degree but we are not making the movie or writing it. I personally wanted Fillion for one (as well as pretty much everyone on the art team, ha).
Also make sure you guys check out http://www.unchartedthegame.com/ to screenshots, news, trailers, forums and more! If you sign up with your email to receive updated news you will get a Uncharted 3 Dynamic Theme for your PS3, a $2.99 value absolutely free!
Remember Jimmy Falon tonight to catch 3 amazing minuets for gameplay!
edit: well that was a bit lame. I guess it's ok for now.
in the mean time, this is my new desktop wallpaper.
Im impressed but yea I can agree it didnt show off that much.
First, make sure to watch it in 720p.
The way they burn down this house is just ridiculous. Pay attention to the details. You can see furniture start to burn and fall apart while it burns more and more. YOU CAN SEE THE FREAKING WALLPAPER START TO BURN AND CURL UP...! Some pretty crazy stuff going on there...definitely taking all their tech to another level.
Those enemies suck though. Guys are complete muppets.
the way that fire starts to build up the wall starting at 2:22 on the first part... oh man, totally sick effect. very realistic.
New vids look sick, loving the fire effects.
Looks nice, mmm huge shadowmaps!
I dont know how to embed youtube videos, epic fail
edit: Yeah, thanks luke for embedding help!
Autocon, you guys owe me new pants.
Last time didn't they have an open beta which pretty much worked as the game's demo?
You need some real concerns
i am so excited for this game!
love that water !!!
I just love the way he talks about the experience of being an artist working on something like this. Artists need to be passionate about their art and ideas, but and idea is half way there without the execution. Even tho this are things that we might hear all the time, it's true and i guess its important to hear them over and over so we don't feel overwhelmed when approaching a game, or a thought. Making awesome art just makes sense when you share and learn through peoples ideas and work. I know i get that sense of improvement. Anyways, i wish more people encouraged and talked that way in this industry, and not have something so self driven to just make the money. Revenue should be a reward, not an aim or target. At least that is the way i feel.