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Sketchbook: Assassin0323

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Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
Hey Everyone,

My names Alex aka Assassin0323, I graduated from Full Sail University July of 2011. I have a Bachelors of Science in Game Art. I am definitely an up and coming Artist, decided to do this so I can see my progress and show off my artwork.

Please enjoy and feel free to comment or critique


  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    This is a big dump of what I have been doing and what I am currently working on.
    Sorry if the renders are fuzzy they are simply screen captures cause I am away from the tower for the rest of the week.

    This is my Clank FanArt Project.
    Plans: I do plan to do another pass on the metal parts of the texture.

    This was just a quick speed model I did a while ago while waiting for a class.
    Plans: I plan to go back at some point and create a texture for it, the UV's are all set up just needs the texture.

    This was a final project for one of my classes, it is a high poly model of a Playstation 3 Controller.
    Plans: I would like to go back create a base for it and do a turn table video to really show it off.
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Here is my Full Sail Demo Reel I am going to go back and updated the first scene which I call Asylum. The plan is to use the new MLAA Anti-Aliasing in UDK August 2011 which will get rid of the weird aliasing.

    I am currently working on some modular Sci-Fi stuff really high res. Looking forward to my bake downs to the low poly models. Going to be a great project with lots of experimenting with new options in the new release of UDK when I get back home.

    Demo Reel Video Click Here




  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Trying my hand at some hand painted textures (just testing my painting skills not an actual texture) which is a big weakness for me right now. Most of my projects at school were using photo sourced textures that I would then paint over.

    Please critique the crap out of this really trying to improve my skills.

    Completed in about an hour and a half from scratch.

    This version I left the way it was.

    This version I applied a Sharpen filter to the flattened final image.
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Been busy the last couple weeks.

    This piece is based off those bug zapper lamps had the idea while sitting outside on my porch watching the bugs get zapped haha. Let me know what you think.

    This is just an AO pass currently cleaning up my Normal maps that were generated from XNormal.
  • Sandeir
    yeah i really like the house from the outside it got a nice... don't know how to discribe but it's a believeable creepy building, i like it
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Sandeir glad you like The Mill it was actually based off a Warhammer 40K Building.

    Thanks for the comment.
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    What I got done today while at the Honda Dealership waiting for my car to get fixed, no UDK or Maya :(. I still have a long way to go but I feel like it is getting a little bit closer to being finished.

  • Oranghe

    Here is some really good examples from Orb ! following his works helped me loads.

    Pay attention to his cracks and damage on his texture it looks allot more natural.
    I've recently started to learn hand painted myself and the most important thing I've learnt so far is to use lots of reference to really define what the material it is your trying to paint.
    At the moment its hard to understand if your material is metal or stone.

    But good job for giving hand painted ago! its really worth learning and your asylum scene has a nice atmosphere! :D
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7

    Thanks for the quick reference/tutorial I will study it thoroughly. Thanks for the compliment on my Asylum scene, I am currently work on all my old projects giving them a good old update.

    Thanks again! :)
  • Oranghe
    I look forward to seeing more :D
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Got a bunch of open projects actually just got FOAA Anti Aliasing working in UDK and was able to get rid of a lot of the aliasing in my scenes hope to re-post them soon to my demo reel. That light and sword I posted are my two major works right now haha hoping to whip a ton of work out next week on them.
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Sorry been busy with some stuff but I promise lots of updates will be coming soon. Here is something I threw together really quickly about 30 minutes ago. Been looking for a tutorial on how to make Caustics with no luck so I sat down and figured it out in about a day. It was a fun learning project. Enjoy!

    Water Caustics Demo Click Here
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Been busy working been working on some small stuff this weekend when I could find the time. I started on a new Hand Painted Texture exercise to help improve my skills. Here is what I have so far. I am really excited for the texturing phase, so far I have about 3 hours on this project. About 50 minutes in modeling both models playing with the polycount and then the rest of the time spent optimizing my uv space getting as tight a layout as possible with a little bit of padding between pieces.

    This is the concept art I found late one night last week on Polycount by Suburbbum.


    Here are the models which are all ready for texturing when I get a chance this week.

  • Daven
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    Daven greentooth
    hey assassin, it's my concept lol. good luck on the texture.
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7

    Thank you so much I have been looking for a while, I will update you for the credit. Thank you very much for getting back to me. Your concept inspired me to make a spear concept I am hoping to get it done sometime this week. I may modify the texture a little bit, but we will see how it goes haha.

    Thanks again!!!

  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Got a little bit of time this evening been working on my hand painting skills some more. To be honest this is my first real attempt at hand painting a texture for an asset. Right now I have some base color values on the blade of the axe I am going to go back and add some more highlight and shadow values. Then move into more of the detailing phase. I am going to take this project very slow and get it right the first time. Please feel free to comment and critique what I have so far. Just as a heads up I am loosely following the concept art for colors, but they may very so don't follow the concept colors 100%.

  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Spent a couple minutes before bed just lightening up the values a little bit I am going to work on some colored light and dark values tomorrow and see where that goes. Hoping to get a base detail phase tomorrow today was too busy. Please comment and critique I know its early to critique but anything and everything is welcome.

  • Suidae
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    Suidae polycounter lvl 11
    It's pretty early, but there are a couple things I see. One is the jaggedness where the blade curves on that center line, you don't have to follow the polygons exactly there and can fake a nice smooth curve like the concept. Also, I would work on the values on the inner blade a little bit and up the contrast of values as you continue to work, just be sure to leave room for some higher/lower values for detailing if you need them. Here's a super quick paintover.

  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7

    Thank you so much for the critique and the paintover images. I understand what you are saying I am going to repaint the values of the blade and mess with the contrast levels. Then I will go back and add some color.

    Thanks again for the critique.


  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Another small update based off a critique from Suidae. The blade is getting there I know the shadows are a little too dark. I will lighten them up after dinner and then smooth out the colors. Then time for some color highlights and shadows. Then detailing it a little bit expect an update later tonight. Again feel free to comment and critique.

  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Another update, decided not to do a detail pass on the blade just going to paint a basic pass of lighting and color on the entire piece. Then go back and do a detail pass and finally a touch-up pass. Comment and Critique as you see fit.

  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    This is my High Res sculpt of some warn down/weathered bricks for what would be an (Aztec/Mayan) temple. I am testing a new workflow. And if you are wonder there are 61 bricks that I hand sculpted haha yah I went a little crazy on the number but it should tile pretty nicely with not a lot of repeating. Not to mention when I get it in UDK and do some vertex blending it should look really good. Please C&C tear this piece apart.

  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    I took a screen capture of the reference that I am trying to match with this sculpt this is what I have been following and trying to match.

  • Zeldrak
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    Zeldrak polycounter lvl 8
    Lookin' good. Would love to see how it looks tiled on UDK.
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7

    Its getting there it isn't quite matching my reference picture in style so I am going to be working a little bit more on it today. It should look really good when all is said and done. Thanks for the nice comment!


  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Made a quick update after review my reference image let me know what you think, I am trying to match my style with the reference from Ryan Smith and his floor. The reference image is above this post ^.

  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Haha well here is my failed attempt finished, with a new workflow definitely faster then my old workflow. Now I just have to make it look better. I will be doing a more realistic version of brick/stone next time which is what I usually do, cartoony is out of my usual figured I would give it a try though. Oh well haha.

    In UDK


    In Marmoset

  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Well.... I think it looks really good! haha
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Jessica Dinh,

    Well thank you, haha I am going to try it more realistic. As people said the edges of the brick are pretty uniform and I think they are to smooth. But I am getting better. Thank you for the kind comment.

  • Zeldrak
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    Zeldrak polycounter lvl 8
    looks great when tiled dude, but like you said, maybe roughen the edges a bit to make it more realistic.
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7

    Yah I completely agree with you, I am going to do a realistic sculpt today using the morph target workflow. We will see how it goes, should go pretty well like last time I will post tons of images. :)

    Thanks for the comment.

  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Well here is the final texture going to move onto the next version, much more realistic looking.

  • ladyknowles
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    ladyknowles polycounter lvl 7
    Man I love all your stuff! Those tiles in particular :D Keep being badass!
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7

    Thank you very much for the kind comments haha really glad you liked the tile work. I have a new layout I am working on now for a new scene, that one was just a test. :poly135: Not so sure on the being bad ass part but thank you. I have been checking out your work for the last month or two. Your stuff is the bad ass stuff, I have been trying to get into the hand painted stuff but I am really slow at it.

    Thank you again for the kind comments and for taking the time to look at my work!

  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Taking a little down time did a quick 30 minute attempt at Alchemy its a neat little program. What I was able to get out of this is a realistic version of Mr. Zurkons Dad from Ratchet and Clank. Pretty cool though I may bring it into Photoshop and take it to the next level on a rainy day.

  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Ooo, all this neat alchemy stuff going around lately! I like this one, it's very cute ^_^ haha
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Jessica Dinh,

    Glad you like it haha just started playing with it again, been a while since I last tried it. Had a lot of fun, thanks for the kind comments. I am currently trying to figure out how to apply it towards environment concepts with no success.

    Thanks again for the kind comments and for taking the time to looking at my work.

  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Going for a realistic floor tile for an old amazon style temple that has been around for a long time. Learned a lot from the last one tried to apply all of that knowledge to this sculpt. Let me know what you think, please comment and critique it as you see fit. And as always enjoy!

    Thank you for taking the time to look at my work!

  • 8-Bit
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    8-Bit polycounter lvl 6
    Excellent work Assassin! I really like how that brickwork is turning out on the floor. Building it in zbrush was definitely a smart move.

    What are your favorite tools for getting that chiseled look?
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7

    Glad somebody likes it, I got told it looked like it was "The tile looks like its new tile thats trying to have that "old warn" in look... something you would buy at home depot. If that's the point, win for you. ".


    Yah I have been trying to create some nice ground textures in ZBrush. I actually have all that chiseled parts smoothed out that was really just a rough version, to get the general forms of the rock.

    As far as favorite tools go I started out trying to use some brushes from Eat3D's Morph Target Rock tutorial. But it ended up not working the way I wanted so I resorted back to my old school training. I took the Clay Brush or Clay Tubes Brush (Doesn't really matter) and then set the Stroke to Colorized Spray and finally used the Alpha 06 Alpha. Set it to a low intensity and make sure that Zsub is on instead of Zadd. Just make sure you keep the intensity low to get a nice beat-up edge to high and the piece will start to look like coral haha. I used mine at 15 or 16 ZIntensity to start.

    I decided to help save you some time and made the brush available for you to download since I already have it. Here is the link to the brush from my site should you like to just download the brush. I just put it up there quickly at the bottom of my page, forgive the mess hahaha. My site is in major need of an update just holding it off as long as possible.

    My Site

    Anyway, thank you very much for taking the time to look at my work and for the nice comments.

    Hope you like the brush would like to see what you create with it!


  • 8-Bit
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    8-Bit polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks a lot Assassin it looks like I can get some amazing texture out of that brush.

    One of the brushes I've used in creating stone work is the mallet brush. It's very similar to what you're saying only it used the Drag Dot stroke which forces you to actually hammer away at the model like you have a mallet. I've found you can create some very interesting surface textures, from broken corners, to a layered stone effect. I don't think it's in Zbrush4R2 as a default brush but it's basically a standard brush with "alpha06" and "Drag Dot" and "subtract" enabled. It might be interesting to see what kind of textures you can make using both.

    As for your tiles looking like they're from home depot, my thought about any tiled texture is that it looks like its from home depot until you break up the repetition with other assets and textures. There's just no avoiding it.

    I think someone had mentioned something about UDK. I don't know how much you've done with UDK so I apologies if what I say seems trivial; but if you did put this in UDK you could create another matching texture that has some shattered tiles and exposed earth underneath and create an alpha texture.
    What you can do with this is apply it to a decal which is basically a sticker of your texture and you can project it onto the surface of the repeating tile . There are other details you can add as well such as an actual mesh of one of the bricks coming out of the ground.

    Otherwise it's fine, and it fits the style of a lot of your characters and weapons perfectly.
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7

    Thank you so much for the info on the new brush, I will have to give it a try. I am always looking for new tools and brushes to speed up my workflow. I think I have a similar brush to yours, except it doesn't have the same stroke option selected. I am excited to try the brush out none the less.

    I know a good amount about UDK not a professional by any means but yah I actually have a similar workflow. What I usually do is create a clean version like you have seen, then I created a really damaged broken up version. With all the standard stuff cracks, chips, extreme weathering. Then I use vertex blending as the first step, if I still need to push it farther I create some decals.

    Thank you for the kind comments and help, it is always accepted.

    Should have a new version of the piece out today some time I have been really busy recently.

  • Oranghe
    Hey Assassin0323 like the direction its going in much more realistic then before!

    Good as it is but noted you said an old amazon temple and got me all exited about engravings and cracks :D be really nice to see if your going to do a scene of this theme could be fun great job though! and don't worry can see your learning and applying things really well being smart with what your learning so top notch!
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7

    Haha glad to hear that you like the new direction. Yah it seems that the realistic feel is my thing I was hoping to get more into the hand painted cartoon stuff, but I will just have to keep at it. But for now I am just keeping it at realistic. Yah I have the clean version finished right now, I am going to take that version add some more layers in ZBrush and damage the hell out of it. There are going to be a bunch of cracks and other damage. I will be using Orbs stuff from Crashers as a reference for the cracks and damage. We will see about the scene, I definitely agree it would be awesome and a ton of fun. But I have been really busy lately so it may take some time. But only time will tell right? :)

    Thank you for the kind comments and the great suggestions. It is really appreciated, been keeping an eye on your Sketchbook you got some really nice stuff going on over there!

    Thanks again for taking the time to critique and comment on my work man it is really appreciated! Hopefully you will be as impressed by the final product, I will work at it till it is right. :)

  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7
    Hey sorry it has been a while been really busy recently. I have the clean version finished and baked out, gonna go back and tweak the texture a little bit more. Finishing up a version with cracks, damage, and what not. Let me know what you think so far though all critiques and comments are welcome as always.

    Rendered in UDK

    Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag


    Texture So Far
  • 8-Bit
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    8-Bit polycounter lvl 6
    I like what you did with the corners. It's looking a lot better already. Must more realistic. Looks like your normals are functioning better as well. :thumbup:
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7

    Yah it is much better over all still have to tweak the grunge on the diffuse map a little bit more but it is way better. I plan to upload a shot of what I had as my final sculpt soon probably tomorrow some time. Been really busy lately. Currently working on a new piece to see how good the new NDo 2 is should be fun.

    Thanks again for taking the time to comment, it is much appreciated.

  • Oranghe
    Nice i like how it looks in UDK good job on improving! could see this in a game :)
  • Assassin0323
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    Assassin0323 polycounter lvl 7

    Thanks man, yah definitely learned a lot more with this version of the tiling brick. Still wanna go back and generate maps for the damaged version I created just been extremely busy lately. Only time will tell.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment man its much appreciated!

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    It looks good, and it has promise! But your revisions are too timid! Anything you've made can be made again just as fast -- so really get in there with the changes. Less little tweaks, more big revisions!
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