Hi folks! I've been noodling about for a while now with the idea of making a fun spaceship-exploring real time roguelike. Here's the latest reboot: Pineapple Smash Crew!
so called because grenades are a big focus of the game.. (er, not yet pictured)
right now it's not really at the game stage, because I decided to tackle it from the opposite end this time and build the world I wanted to explore. So, I'd like some feedback on that for now while I add in something resembling gameplay

Thanks for taking a look!
PS, it's all randomly generated so that's why there's doors in odd places atm.. I'll work on it

"rough" *ahem* logo:

Not sure I like the way the levels switch when being generated. Just walking into a void that suddenly snaps the screen to a new position, hmmm?.... Is there a way to ghost in the next level before the character reaches it so that its half visible before the switch.
To stop the screen snapping to a new position you could have the camera centre on the character when he enters/nears the level switching corridor bit. This might help the switch look smoother.
Alternatively, could you create a proper looking airlock type thing, screen fade quickly and reappears in an airlock at the start of the next screen. You're probably trying for a more seemless approach but a quick fade out/in wouldnt slow things to much.
Keep at it. Lets see some pineapples.
I would like to see slightly more themed areas, for example a medical lab or living quaters, engineering bay, etc.. or even a single unique focal point asset that could be placed randomly in each area just to give it a bit more life.
What are you making this in btw?
I'm actually working on random levels at the moment, how did you manage to maintain the performance with so many dynamic objects? I've had to use space partitioning and a content scroller just to bring the fps up to a playable level.
Still working with Quest3d?
Razorb: yeah totally agree. The walls do differ a bit with each area with the intention of creating different looks, but within one visual theme to keep 'ship types' bunched together. One thing which will make a bigger difference is the objects in the level, all those crates are placeholders for room themed objects (apart from the storage bay which will probably be filled with crates :P) Larolaro's right its quest3d
Larolaro: cheers! big compliment coming from you, I hope you're doing something in the style of those painty robot gifs! I don't know what size levels you're working with but if you notice I'm not using huge areas for this game which helps. Also, Quest's physics engine Newton is pretty handy, it seems to do a very good job of only processing physics objects currently acted upon by force or another object. What are you using?
gilesruscoe: hehe yeah here you go, although he's really a char from ElectroBlam!, my entry for a one week game challenge ( http://www.richmakegame.com/?page_id=266 )
Ricky is pretty much correct he's like homer in a green suit. Made in extreme haste so he's basically a collection of primitives!
I don't know the limitations of quest3d, or with the randomly generated levels, but adding some mood lighting to some of the levels? Like yellow hazard or emergency lighting in some areas. I reckon as a space ship exploration and rogue like, it would add a bit to atmosphere. Always loved the clean visual style you go for, so it might not work(the mood lighting that is).
What sort of programming skill is needed for this, especially the randomization stuff?
love the look of it!
Kaptainkernals: great idea! I don't think I'll implement dynamic lighting BUT spinny warning lights would look pretty cool so that's going on the list
yeah I'm going to finish this one (bout time I did!)
programming wise- I don't consider my self a 'proper' programmer but I have been working in quest for several years now so I wouldn't say it's too easy. Quest is all visual node based programming though so it does allow you to get past the reams of text which always blocked me from making anything. If you've got a logical mind and can learn a bit of maths it's not too bad
here's a new vid and some pics of the 'collector grenade' and some bullets:
Liking the powering up grenade. I know the levels are auto generated but is there some way to bring in small prefabed puzzle areas that the dude can't get to/reach but he can use the grenade to collect the yellow things. Shooting through narrow gaps in walls, over holes in floor, thru deadly lazer beams, etc.
@Kaptainkernal - music from here I believe http://binaerpilot.no/albums/nordland/
first song on that page is it.
here's another vid, showing some wip space-zombies and new pickup gfx.. not final just trying things out
Actually. Just looking at the zombies, might be cool and a bit more original if they are robot zombies. Mindless machines stuck in an endless looping "destroy" program. Maybe they could puke battery acid but in there confused state they still crave brains for some reason.
The grenade: I'd like to see that bouncing around rather than hovering at a contrant level (think quake).
Another thing I really like about games like this....LOADS OF WEAPONS!!!...I hope you can cram a good few in.
Keep it coming man!
Perhaps you could have the place really dark, maybe with some flashy red Alert lights or red light from the enemies?
also, I wanted to ask for some volunteers
Could anyone interested in helping me with a playtest please either reply here or PM me? I really appreciate any help if you can offer it! thanks!
I'll help test.
Looks great. This new grenade/yellow ball on yellow square thing looks interesting and original. Not sure I understand the reason behind it, although any ammount of quick back story could explain it.
Gameplay looks like it's coming along real nicely. I'd definitely be up for playtesting this.
PS, i should mention I pinched the music from somewhere else :P it's by 505/checkpoint of the ymrockerz: http://www.creamhq.de/ymrockerz/ for those interested
music taken from dubmood, cover of 3dgalax by ben daglish
(feeling rusty)
was just showing it to co-workers the other day.
we all agreed if we could play this multiplayer = win
I will shove money at you until it happens!
Let me know if you need another playtester!
here's a new video and some screens
[size=-2]ps... y u no unity?[/size]
Def. love where this is heading.
keen: well, the main reason is that I've already spent a fair bit of effort learning quest, and the node-based coding style suits me extremely well. I really couldn't see myself scripting an entire game.. I am aware there are a couple of visual editors for unity in the works though, so I certainly haven't ruled out unity.. if it gets to the point where you can just use a vis editor to make a fully-featured unity game then I may consider swapping (but not mid-project)
it does worry me not many games have been published using quest. ship simulator, endless forest and audiosurf are the only few I know of. So, it's definitely a path less travelled
Really awesome, can't wait to play the next build!