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polycounter lvl 14
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seth. polycounter lvl 14
so, thrown this up on the WAYWO thread once or twice but I guess that it's time to commit him to a thread of his own:

Basic Idea is a fantasy style beastman warrior - also a bit of a GW Nurgle influence thrown in with regard to a bit of disease and some badly maintained equipment.

the sculpt is about 70% done, i threw some colour on him early to help me get a handle on him, but the armour still has a long way to go.
I'm trying out a hand painted texture, pulling it from Zbrush and finalising it in PS afterward... we will see how that works out.

anyway pictures...


today I worked up his weapon, eventually the armour on him will look more like the diffuse on the sword I hope :)


I have yet to make his shield, although I like the choppa so much I might just have him dual wield.

anyway comments and crits much appriciated, and thanks for looking :)


  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 14
    Sweet! I like seeing his little ears stick out from the side of his face mask. :)

    I vote for dual-wielding his choppers. He can always block with his left shoulder. I feel like he's already got enough going on that adding a shield is unnecessary. Do you have a design for the shield? Maybe I would change my mind after seeing it...
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    hwy JMYoung, thanks man :) No shield concept yet, I was going to wing it in 3D same as the choppa. I will probably work one up and have a look but I am leaning toward two hitting sticks too.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    double post....sorry.

    HP sculpt is pretty much wrapped up then, back to the diffuse tomorrow. Hoping to have him ready for LP and bake by Wednesday, but that will depend on how long it takes me to in polypaint.


  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    looks really cool so far, the medieval style armous is very nice, i really like the helmet
  • Cooljay
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    Creative approach to this :P Can't wait to see some more texturing done on it.
  • af3d
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    af3d polycounter lvl 10
    Very nice sculpt, would be funny to add a flap on the back of his pants with a tail coming out, the back is not nearly as interesting as the front.
  • Cooljay
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    Yeah I couldn't see a flap adding much. He is a pig warrior not a country bumpkin, I would focus more on just getting the ugly appeal into him.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    thank you very much for the kind words guys, it has set me off on the right foot for texturing today :)

    af3d: aaahhhh I forgot the tail....it was something that I had in my mind at the start of this piece...kk that will be fixed today, maybe not with a flap, but certianly a tail will be added
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    rust.....so much rust. Now to pull it back with the metal again, and then throw in a couple of highlight passes......yeah I'm aproaching this hand textured thing in the same way that I would paint a miniature, it seems to make sense.

    he has a tail now too :)

  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    triple post hehehe :)

    tidied up the armour....probably looks the same but hey...
    Also ran a quick test to see what it will look like once in realtime....the normals are rough and the spec is rushed but it gets the idea across

    ta for looking and all that
  • Cooljay
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    Looks less rusty, but that helps not take away from the scene.
  • JGcount
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    Not seeing the spec I would expect - but the model and the diffuse is really cool
  • Allan-p
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    Allan-p polycounter lvl 7
    One thing that seems off to me is the skull logo on his mask, it just seems to pristine /stencil like with all the sharp edges and perfect curves around it compared to the rest of the character. I'd break the edges up and fade a few areas of that skull. And probably go for a more off-white colour rather than pure white.



    Keep it up! Really awesome character design you have going on
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Cooljay: thanks mister, I will be bringing the rust back out a bit in photoshop for the final piece, its a bit too subdued in the test I think

    JGcount: Thanks also, yeah the spec was just slapped on for the test with very little thought, I will be doing a lot more work on it for the final textures.

    Allan-p: thanks Allan, great point on the paint too, I will distress it up once I get the maps into photoshop....god that sounds like my excuse for the whole post doesn't it :D

    thanks very much once again for the comments.

    Been working on the low poly, a couple of buckles to do here and there and the kneepad still to finish, but this is the silhouette as it stands 11200 ish tri's, should come out at about 12,000 once everything is in place...oh I am so looking forward to this unwrap...can you still purchase roadkill pro from anywhere, does it involve a blood sacrifice or anything?

  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Lp done :) he ended up coming in at nearly 15,000 tris with all the buckles and stuff but I'm not too stressed about that, I could cut back on a few places but theres nothing on him that i would consider wasteful.


    thanks for looking
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    first pass on the normal bakes....one or two areas need some attention but I think its coming along o.k....rendered in marmoset.wip18.jpg

    thanks for looking
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Very cool preview setup! Didn't know that marmoset had anything like that. Care to elaborate ?
    Loving the subtle hammering on the armor pieces too!
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17
    great work seth, this guy is super badass, could totally see him as a psycho butcher boss in a game
  • fightpunch
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    fightpunch polycounter lvl 10
    I second that, really like this guy.
  • g2000
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    Wow very cool character,bakes turned out awesome,looking forward to see the textures :)
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    pior: Thanks :)

    The set-up is embarassingly simple really, it's just a flat grey in the diffuse and specular slots, and the material uses the skin environment channel, with which I bump up both the scattering (1.0) and subdermis depth (0.9) channels and drop the smoothing to nothing. I set the spec intensity to about one third and tone it back with the fresnel slider...even the lighting is just the sunlight skylight at an intensity of about 2

    I had to brighten up the shots a little in PS but thats it.

    Ferg: Thanks man, I always thought of him as a hero type...its the mutations isn't it?...why can no one see past the hooves.... :D

    fightpunch: Thank you very much :)

    g2000: also thanks :) I have all the polypaint for the diffuse base stitched together so I'm on the textures today...thank god for Xnormal :)

    Out of interest, does anyone use the BMP files that are generated from the polypaint when you export a subtool with a texture attached? I stayed with exporting the psd cos I wasn't sure what the quality would be like but if they are any good then it would help skip a step in the map transfers.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    started working on the diffuse, mostly just working on the metal atm, so plenty to do yet...havent even got a grime layer on the armour yet...still, progress is progress :)


    thanks for looking
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Looking sexy, what are you using to render?
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    thanks Zac...marmoset :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Should of figured cause you were using that last time, but there was no textures :P For the skin tone are you going for something human like or pig like or goblin like? or a mix of the above?
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    I am thinking something between pig and human at the moment....but i'm also pretty influenced by a kind of chaos warrior look...I have been experimenting with different coloured patches on the skin too, in a kind of pig like way, but not found anything that I like yet...I guess that I'm kind of winging it till I find something that works :)
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    wow this is really good :D im lovin the dents in your armor alot. zbrush?
  • TylerFluharty
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    TylerFluharty polycounter lvl 7
    Looks awesome, what are you baking your normal/AO with?
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Jungsik: thanks very much :) yup Zbrush...modeled the armout clean in maya then beat it up with the clay and dam standard brushes, then went back over the armour with the polish brush to give the dents a slightly crisp edge

    TylerFluharty:thanks man :) just Xnormal
  • Jeremy Tabor
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    Jeremy Tabor polycounter lvl 13
    Nice one! Armor's lookin real good.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    dustinbrown: thanks man, agree on the skin....it has a long way to go yet :)

    robat: thank you :)

    sorry, casual reader...no new pictures till after GP qualifying.
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    This is coming along so well, I've so enjoyed watching this progress of this character you're doing an awesome job.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    BrontoThunder: Ta very much, I'm happy with my progress between this character and my last, I guess that is all you can ask for really.

    enough for today now, I have a curry to cook...pictures


    I have been working on the skin and a little weathering on the armour, still more to do with the skin, I never stop tweaking it really, and I find it difficult to get realistic tones into it tbh...more practice needed I guess.

    Anyway, thanks for looking.
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    You should add some redness and rough skin on the edges of the armour - it looks really rough and would definitely scrape his skin as it moves so the skin underneath would be really raw.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    BrontoThunder: cool Idea man, I will throw it in there tomorrow if I get a chance to work on him.

    started throwing some dirt on him, still playing with the skin, hands and legs need the most attention at the moment I think...pictures :)


    thanks for looking and stuff.
  • Jon Rush
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    The colors in the metal turned out great - nice surfacing :)

    I think the overall color in the skin is a bit too yellow. Perhaps it's that it may be a bit too punchy in the mids - maybe turn the saturation down on it a tad. That may make it feel less overly yellow?

    Looking good!


    I dig those hooves too... very nice!
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Jon: thanks man, I have studdied your skin + deformation tuts tons :) (now I just need your talent to carry them out :D) consider the tweaks done.

    itismario: thanks. I will sort some flats out for you later, they need a bit of tidying up though I warn you :D It's mostly my lighting set up i think, but I do have to even up the spec with the right side a bit too.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 13
    Think you can take a shot of your lighting in marm? Im pretty clueless with a decent setup
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    Lroy: yeah sure....but I'm only just getting my head around it myself, it might be worth asking someone with half a clue :D Heres a shot though:


    itismario: dont judge me to harshly for this mess :)

  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    haven't had much spare time but wanted to feel like I was progressing so it's early doors on his cleaver, LP and unwrap this evening,(1100 tris for a stick!!...its the bloody bolts doing it I think ) then just transfered stuff from zbrush and threw it in marmoset with a rough spec...grunge and shite next...much work to do to get it to fit in with pigface properly.


    thanks for looking
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    This is looking great!

    - BoBo
  • g2000
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    Great stuff mate,love how the metal parts turned out (btw thanks for sharing you light setup from marmo),and this cleaver looks sexy as well,keep it up :)
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Should've given him a pig-face helm instead.

  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    Looks awesome man! But I have to agree with Jon on the skin.
    Pretty fucking awesome job on the metals though! Loving your spec map.
  • Shaper
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    This is really inspiring!

    Awesome job, i have to disagree on the others on the skin point thogh. It does look a bit bland at a distance, but if you look closely, it looks exactly as a bloated swollen traumatized bruised skin should look like. If anyone havent been in a real accident before. skin gets pretty close to that.

    If you put that character in some mood lighting, i think it'll look fine.

    also the public demands a workflow breakdown on that metal.
  • Jon Rush
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    Great work on the cleaver! I'll echo the request for a breakdown on that metal! :)
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    BoBo_the_seal: Thanks man :)

    g2000: hey, no worries, and thank you....i'm not sure how helpful the setup will be but if you can find any use from it then win!

    Highelf: Thats excelent, I love the smiley mouth slit at the bottom

    Maph: thanks mister, still a lot to do on that map, and it looks so messy, I am embarrased by it a bit but it appears to be doing the trick.

    Shaper: thanks tons, he actually has varicose veins in his tummy too but they only really show up close, I think that i will have to tweak the skin though, so that it reads well from far away as well as up close...metal breakdown...kk I will get that sorted for you, probably while working through the cleaver.

    Jon Rush: Thanks Jon, still needs dirt though, its all clean looking compared to his armour....kk two requests I will get a breakdown sorted then.

    once again thanks everyone for looking and taking the time to comment, I should have some updates over the weekend rather than just long posts without pictures :)
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    I think the green bulges make it look like he is severely ill and not fit to fight. But that's just my opinion. I love the axe.

    I wonder how you made the metal texture so good.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    serp, thanks man :) ...I wanted to bring a little bit of plague into him as a kind of nurgle reference without being totally warhammer, I still need to work on them a bit though

    finished the cleaver then:


    I also did a metal breakdown, well I think thats what it is anyway, never really done one before so if this is no help whatsoever I apologise in advance.


    original size available here if anyone fancies it: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10023886/metal%20breakdown.jpg

    thanks for looking and all that :)
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    Thank you for that!

    As I look at it the tally marks seem a bit odd, what is he using to make them because it looks like chalk. It's kind of a funny juxtaposition for this huge imposing figure to pull out a little piece of chalk and delicately mark in a tally every time he makes a kill.
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