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Dealing with uninspired, unwilling, and untalented individuals



  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    <<< This avatar probably makes me loose all credibility, but I refuse to change it.

    When you land a job, it'll be full of mostly hard working, skillful people who know what they are doing and produce quality work.

    You see, in my school I'm in a very different situation. My classes are full of quietly frustrated people who work hard all day long and leave moderate time to dink around and watch youtube. It's impossible to install new software on any of the lab computers, so no gaming can exist.
    Good old Utah mentality has it where parents don't pay for their kid's tuition, and the highschool dropouts move out of state because they don't like the culture here. So we get people who are internally motivated to do their best. Not saying we have top performers here, but I am saying that it's maybe one of the reasons why so many game companies like EA and Chair are moving to Utah.

    But you will always have incompetent people. They will find their place, where they can be happy, but they won't end up where you do. College is a giant crossroads of people from all walks of life. It's unfortunate that you have to bump heads with them for the time being.

    And at my school, teachers will fail you if you don't produce, even if it hurts your feelings.

    In short, move to Utah. I'll come visit!
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    just a side note. around 8:30 today all of the guys playing Minecraft and LoL decided to leave because the fire alarm went off. they had been playing games about 6 hours straight, and something disturbed them for one moment, and they figured they could just go home and continue playing..

    now we are here workin without any disturbances. :D but yea we all submitted a ticket to technology asking them to block the exe files if possible.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Oniram wrote: »
    but yea we all submitted a ticket to technology asking them to block the exe files if possible.

    Unless them playing games is actively preventing you from using the lab computers, then that was a dick move.

    Live and let live. Stop worrying so much about how other people choose to spending their time and handle your own business. Life's shitty enough without you coming along and telling others how they can and can't spend their day.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    aesir wrote: »
    Unless them playing games is actively preventing you from using the lab computers, then that was a dick move.

    it is. there were only 2 available computers to work on today, and there were 6 of us who needed to work. im not saying that they shouldnt spend their time playing games, its just when it prevents us who are actually trying from working that it becomes a bother.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Oniram wrote: »
    yeah, we just got through that situation not too long ago. where our project team of 9 was cut down to 6 because 3 of them were doing nothing.. and now they are doing nothing on their own.

    generally i think the ONLY way these people can snap out of the habit of not doing anything is to fail a class. which none of them have. how is this possible? you ask. well its simple. the teacher that passes them is a guy who doesnt know his ass from his elbow when it comes to standard industry quality work, and he just decides to pass crap. it wasnt until about a year ago that we got a new instructor who actually failed about 5 students for having bad work.. causing them to stay an extra 11 weeks until they graduate. if these guys fail.. which, lets face it.. they need to, hopefully that will be a wakeup call to them

    This got a B in senior level class.

  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    i dont know how they would go about blocking exe's, and generally i think that may be kind of bad because some of us use programs like marmoset and xnormal that the school doesnt have. they implemented a proxy server about a year ago and thats kept people from doing things like patching certain games, starcraft 2 for example.

    the computers also have a program called deep freeze, which basically loads up an image of the operating system, and once the computer turns off.. it deletes anything that was not on the image that is located on the C: drive. because crashes are prone n whatnot, they have allocated a D: work drive for people to keep their work on. so deep freeze keeps all this. most of them just leave LoL on the D: drive and then let it patch n whatnot and play it from there.

    now today a friend of mine (the one who submitted the ticket to technology) deleted LOL from the computers, and when some of them came back to notice they get pretty pissed and left. hopefully the school can do something about the situation, because it is starting to get out of hand.


    @LRoy: WOW! see.. a teacher passing something like that is the sort of thing that pisses me off.

    also.. and i really dont mean to nag but it has a point. these guys, when working in a group with us, generally did crap work, stuff that we had to spend time redoing. now thats a bit unfair as well.

    there was a guy who it took him 3 weeks to do this.


    it had to be redone so 1 nite while they were all out drinking when they shouldve been in class.. i did this


    and it generally goes the same for others.
  • Ennolangus
    Thinking back a year ago when I was in college, there were many a nights I wanted to kick people for being so disruptive and annoying. But ignoring the annoyances, it was a great experience to have the 'passionate ones' sitting around you giving you feedback and more solid direction.

    As much as the annoyances were annoying (how ironic!), it was still a good experience.

    I definitely support the idea of when 'crit' time comes, ripping them a new one and critiquing solidly and harshly on the work using industry standards as a guideline. They'll complain but you can always call them out.

    Though, that may cause more headache's and make your remaining years if they stick in the course, sour, because you told them off. Best to just ignore it as best you can and keep working hard.

    I wish there was a better way to weed out people like that from our lives, but until that magical device is created, headphones and not paying attention to them is the best advice :)

    Also on the playing games in the lab thing, its a place to do work, not play around. If they want to play around, they should go home. The nice thing about the College I went too is they didn't allow any gaming what so ever done in the labs, anyone caught was kicked out or lost their computer priviledges. (well installing any games anyway, there were the occasional flash game running but nothing annoying or bothersome)

    Best to let the teachers/tech office deal with them, as sadly you'll probably have to still continue school with them and they'll be even worse if you try and fight with them.

    Good luck Oniram. Hopefully the lab can be a better place to work and experience for you soon!
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    I went to Full Sail. Encountered the exact same problem. Do your thing, ignore the rest. All that matters is using what you're learning to further yourself. They'll wish they took it seriously when they're done. You'll still feel sorry for them, but what else can you do...
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Oniram wrote: »
    it is. there were only 2 available computers to work on today, and there were 6 of us who needed to work. im not saying that they shouldnt spend their time playing games, its just when it prevents us who are actually trying from working that it becomes a bother.

    oh, never mind then. Complain to your teachers and tell them that the lab is always monopolized by people who have installed games on the school's computer.
  • Elnora
    I know this too very well. But to be honest, you have about 5 other dedicated fellow students? you should be happy you got those at least :-) We're very few at the games studies at my school and this awesome course we've been having the past month we were only two who actually show up everyday and is there in time for class to start! -.- So sometimes I could just scream in craving of other people I can share with and learn from. when you're only 6 students in total you don't need a lot of slackers to suddenly be all alone! very frustrating.

    Besides that, I got a LOT of personal tutoring where I would be a lot more alone if the class was doubled and people would actually show up. So being almost alone has its peaks. (isn't it called peaks? xD)

    But in my opinion, you just need to ignore them. I felt annoyed with them and wanted to talk to them about it, but it's really none of my business. And why should I spend my energy and time wondering about the slackers? I'm trying to find others like me not making them into something they're not. If that makes sense :)

    If they make noise when I'm trying to work I just tell them to quiet down, works pretty well most of the time :)
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    this is taking it one step further but why don't you ask your university to IP block gaming websites? At the very least, things like facebook should be blocked as standard.

    I don't see why people would need anything other than google image search, wikipedia and youtube to do research anyway.
  • Slave_zero
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    Slave_zero polycounter lvl 8
    I think to me the situation is very easy. As others have suggested and you already did: Always contact the administration if a polite request from your side doesn't clear the situation and makes it bearable. Administration can enforce the lab rules and kick the guys out.

    The reason for this is not some kind of selfishness and the argument of live and let live is not qualified for this situation. Everone of you is paying shitloads of money to get access to your tutors, appropriate equipment and software. As soon as those guys are seriously disturbing the work the lab is menat for and they won't change their behaviour after talking to them it really is the best to contact administration.

    Those people are wasting their own money of they pay their fees to play games all day and jerk of in the lab. But also they make you waste your money in disturbing your progress.
    So you really did the right thing.

    @ Lroy:

    Wtf did I just watch.
    We had some students who did a modeling class part time while doing their master degree in computer science. So their time and effort really was limited. And this class was held by hobbyists them selfs. Results weren't what you call pretty but by far exceeded the quality of the video above.

    How can you let thing like this pass a class.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah I think labs are usually filled with groups of people not concentrating on work, I think it was also to accomodate people playing games together as well as work, but for me the pcs there weren't as good as mine (and mine isn't that good either) and only have single small square monitors, so I did all my work on my own pc. I've had a moan from time to time about people talking and spouting memes in lecturers, but you get over it, and you should just wear headphones in a lab or work at home.
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    Same with our University but It's more so on the computer games programming class that shares the game development labs with us (computer game arts) class. We've had to tell them to pipe down a bit, but for the most part a chunky set of headphones which block out sound really do help.

    I know people on this degree who have no intention of going into games or no clue what any of the game studios in england are called, all I can say is it'll be a good feeling come 6 months post university at graduation when you ask them what they've been doing for the last few months.
  • CrazyMatt
    Did you pay a big tuition to go to school to mock and critique others? or did you go to learn things for yourself to further educate your knowledge in areas you could not do so otherwise to get a job you love?

    Think about that.
  • Sean VanGorder
    We're paying a big enough tuition that we shouldn't have to deal with immature nonsense in what is supposed to be a serious work environment.
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    Sounds like my school, I have pretty much written my school off and try to do stuff on my own. Polycount, Eat3d, Gnomon, and 3Dmotive are all you need to succeed if you want to model for games. I was lucky to not have paid for a 4 year degree. I go to the first Community College in the country to have a SGD degree and we still have the same problems as any other school. I will honestly admit though, if it had not been for college I dont think modeling would of kept my interest for as long as it has. Now that I feel like I am getting decent I just want to continuously reach for the next bar. As for the League of Legends players lets just say, that sometimes when they try and open the program on the desktop, 3ds Max opens up instead lol.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    As for the League of Legends players lets just say, that sometimes when they try and open the program on the desktop, 3ds Max opens up instead lol.

    THAT IS AWESOME! yea, i really wish that my school had an associates degree so id know to get out while the gettin was good. i went into the school knowing that they would teach 3ds max and unreal.. which i had already been using for about a year or so.. funny enough tho..

    the liars at the school claimed to be using ut3 but were actually using ut2004. i emailed epic and asked if there was this mystifying "student version" that was being talked about by our administrators and they said no. the school was just waiting for the 3dbuzz books on ut3 to be released before they got the editor.. because the ut2004 teacher had no interest in learning anything else. needless to say (this was about 2 years ago).. that teacher has JUST NOW been fired, because they finally got a replacement.

    but anyway, i stuck through it, i hoped maybe something good would come out of it.. but i regretfully say that in the (almost) 3 years that i have been at the school.. i have learned absolutely NOTHING that i could not have taught myself. in some cases we were required to teach ourselves..the teacher told us to go and research methods.. make tutorials, and hand them in.. he then used those same tutorials to teach his next classes. once eat3d started releasing dvds, i was all over it.. and i now realize that i couldve saved myself near $70k in schooling by just buying a bunch of dvds.
  • sheckee
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    sheckee polycounter lvl 9
    I agree with a lot of people in here; in that you shouldn't worry what others are doing. However, from experience, when you've graduated and you get your loan bill through for thousands of pounds/dollars, you want to be able to know that you got your moneys worth. If their behaviour directly effects that, then you have every right to voice your opinion.

    Personally, I would ask them nicely to keep it down, and have some courtesy. If they give abuse, and/or don't change their behaviour, you take it to someone that can have influence over that. Don't let people take you for a mug when you're laying out a lot of money for it and are totally entitled to a decent working environment.

    Crazymatt, totally agree, but you're missing the main point here. They are directly influencing his learning and creativity, and that's not on.
  • Shaffer
    I wanna quote for truth a lot of these posts. I can't imagine getting much work done at my school and spent as little time there as possible in the labs. Scott Homer hit the nail on the head, sitting at home by yourself gets pretty old. But I of course have to do it.
  • scotthomer
    Im itching to go all out and list a huge list of horrors that I have been subjected to in terms of suffering at the hands of idiots over the past 3 years, however I wont. If anything it gives you alot of life lessons ie, ive learned never to rely on ANYONE other than yourself. OH also, When someone says "its getting there" it usually means they havent done anything.

    At least when you're working in the industry if someone doesn't pull their weight, they get shit canned.

    It hasnt been all bad, ive been helping 3 groups out, ive really enjoyed the experience of working on seperate projects and its definately shown me that the people willing to ask for help are usually the ones that are the best to get along with.

    @Shaffer, ive definately been getting cabin fever from sitting on my own all the time, I try and get out/go jogging at least once a day otherwise I end up going stir crazy. Im looking forward to working in a studio environment after so long being cooped up.

    @llroy, that video is disgraceful..
  • NuclearWarrior
    The silver lining in this is that these people are just less competition for you and anybody truly serious about getting a job in this industry.
    Sorry you gotta put up with that garbage though.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    hmmh, if this was norway, those slackers would be cashing welfare checks from YOUR tax money, while playing LOL, minecraft, etc.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    People like that won't last very long, you can try to motivate them various ways like critiquing their work and showing examples of how to fix it.... or let them drown and waste their money....
  • sneakymcfox
    The amount of bad stories in this thread is really off putting, I would have thought that if you are paying all that money people would at least try to get something out of it.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Sneaky...college is college. No matter what school you go to people will slack off. Also, without getting too heavily into class-warfare, some students don't care about the money because they're not paying for it.

    But it is good to vent about this sort of shit, or else it'll just boil in your gut. To be honest they probably mock you too as being that angry kid who does nothing but work. It's just the way things go every where.

    I personally enjoy the happy medium, of working hard while verbally goofing off. I once had a figure sculpting class where the teacher hated it when people would talk while working, it was a huge bummer. But I still tried to engage the class in a group discussion while we worked, and it seemed the only topic the teacher was okay with talking about was either really awkward sex stuff or Fellini movies...so that was cool.
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