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Bin Laden Dead?



  • BadgerBaiter
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    LMAO... thats awful glynn :p
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    :D Glynn I'm using that :P
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    just dont understand why america would capture and bring home hussein..and later murder him, surely, but still.. they captured and brought him home as any other trophy.

    but in this case, where it would obviously be beneficial to everyone, to capture bin laden..they just insta kill him?
    maybe it was a itchy trigger finger that did it, no doubt that it was. but then, you'd like to hear something that "unfortunately he was killed in a capture attempt" or similar.

    bin laden is on some secret island with 100mbit wifi and all the chinese buff
  • Brendan
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    Brendan polycounter lvl 8
    notman wrote: »
    They couldn't just walk up to him, like the Terminator, and arrest him.

    Then MAYBE it's time to invest in some terminators? Instead of those useless, far-too-expensive cannot-afford plane programs...

    Come on, Arnie's even out of office now, so he has the time to be part of the program.
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    glynnsmith wrote: »
    WAIT FOR IT.......................I didn't know they took Bins out on a bank holiday.

    My facebook status :P
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    yaaa, i doubt it. Condersidering all the times a video was released and they had no idea if it was the real guy or not. who's to say this one is the real guy. I guess we`ll find out if and when they armies come home (HA)
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    btw, gilgamesh and glynn.... BAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! well played, you two. well played
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Mathew O wrote: »
    My facebook status :P

    Me too :D
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    arshlevon wrote: »
    Obama will get reelected based on the fact that there is absolutely no one else to vote for.


    In addition, no one in the GOP wants to run because they know they will lose. Someone has to run, and Romney is the sacrificial lamb. He's already lost once, so it's no big deal to lose again.

    Is it really that hard to believe that he's dead? Bin Laden wasn't fucking Lex Luthor.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    I find this interesting:

    //edit: graphic image warning

    The buzz on this whole event has removed yet another chip from my faith in humanity. Especially in the american camp, this event has coaxed out some really ignorant statements and quite disturbing world views - it's sad when stereotypes are confirmed.

    A man is dead. Nothing is fixed.
  • Esprite
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    Esprite polycounter lvl 9
    Slash wrote: »
    I find this interesting:

    //edit: graphic image warning

    The buzz on this whole event has removed yet another chip from my faith in humanity. Especially in the american camp, this event has coaxed out some really ignorant statements and quite disturbing world views - it's sad when stereotypes are confirmed.

    A man is dead. Nothing is fixed.

    So supposedly this image was made 3 years ago and appears in a google image search for osama dead or something.
    • Someone made this pic years ago
    • Today everyone start to google image search: "Dead Osama Bin Laden" and this pic showed up.
    • Picture gone viral
    • Everyone saying how smart they are because this pic seems fake to them.
    • People are stupid.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    I dont think it was necessary to post that image.

    btw, its good that he's gone because thats an unknown number of attacks stopped against other countries.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I'm not so sure. He's down, but how many more are ready to pop up and take his place?

    is it really something to be all that happy about?
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 13
    He was shot in the side of the head... that image is so photoshopped. PEOPLE HE'S DEAD lol.
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    unknown number of attacks stopped.... even more attacks planned for retaliation...
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    the soldiers brought the corpse back to US for evidence.
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    vofff wrote: »
    the soldiers brought the corpse back to US for evidence.

    funny, i heard they did DNA testing then gave the body back to the afgan and they gave him a watery grave
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Someone from another forum posted this:
    It's amazing what Americans can do when the Playstation Network is down....

  • Mark Dygert
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    hahaha, if PSN and XBL went down, we would see cancer cured and an end to poverty...

    I think the recent peaceful youth lead upraising across the Arab world have been a pretty strong rebuff to his organizations narrow view of the future. I think those actions by so many people of varied backgrounds says a lot. They are embracing something that is very western but they don't see it that way. It just proves that people have more in common than they do apart.

    if we ever wanted a sign that people rejected his ideas... we've been given it.

    I fully support a persons right to make fun of their government. May there be a John Stewart on the airwaves in every country...

    His death doesn't change much other than the west might take its big nose out of the middle east now that it feels like it accomplished something.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    I thought we gave up on him. Most guys I know in the military don't give a shit either. He's just a trophy for the big wigs in govt. to rally everyone against. Problem is, most Americans don't give a shit about it. Its only the idiots who get their picture taken celebrating in new york or on the white house lawn that give the rest of the world the impression we care so deeply about one mans death. I live in texas, the most republican, lets shoot shit state I've even lived in and never once heard someone talk about osama and how we need to get him!!!

    The whole, lets kill america because they're evil and they're pushing their agendas onto us things is just as annoying as euro fucks who make ignorant statements that we're all war hungry assholes. yes, we're in wars that we shouldn't be. yes we always seem to be getting into issues that aren't our problem.

    BUT.. thats the US govt. Mr. and Mrs. Smith next door... your average citizen have other worries. Most wish for us to leave everyone alone and just live a happy doo dah lifestyle. The people in power in this country are the ones connected to companies who make profit off wars and oil and all the other things outsiders hate about us.

    Now I know someone will say.. , " Hey stupid, you voted them in to represent you". Its a whole other topic, but the political representation system is broken. What do you do when you have the option between 2 turds to represent your opinions and way of life? Either choose not to vote or pick an idiot. Even if you do find someone you think will represent the people, most never do because of corruption/greed and the ineffeciency of politics.

    Just look at video games for example. Work in a large company and see how hard it is just to get a simple idea across put in a game.

    Anyways,as much as the media makes Europeans look like stuck up snobs who think they're better than everyone, they make all Americans look like a blind patriotic nutjobs. Don't believe everything you see in the media :P
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Yea I dont think average joe US citizen is an asshole at all, US foreign policy however is pretty bullshit throughout history. That speech from the president kinda made me sick/roll my eyes. "he killed thousands of people" ohhhhh ok. what about the hundred thousand + civillians killed by american and canadian forces? no no, those were part of a grand crusade for oi....i mean freedom.

    I love how bin laden has been a complete afterthought over the last 10 years and suddenly, ohhh wow yea we got him! man, murdering all those civillians was totally worth it! I'm pretty ashamed of canadas roles in this cunt crusade.

    so what makes a terrorist, maybe religious extremes, but more likely than not, people whos family have been blown up and are fucking pissed at America now thanks to that and just want to kill. well awesome cause over the last 10 years or so in multiple countries there are hundreds of thousands more!

    I love how controlled and manipulated our society has become, celebrating in the streets over a dead person. here it is acceptable, but any celebration in the streets over in the arab world on sept 11 was met with anger. its like the mirror image but beacause its on this side of the world its met with "fuck yea!". god damn the human race makes me sick sometimes.
  • Sean VanGorder
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    Lol, who says they're fine?

    I haven't heard of any such celebrations anyway.
  • Mark Dygert
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    There are celebrations going on over the Osama thing? huh... weird...

    If anything people in America are as apathetic as people in Brittan... probably a little more so. All we've heard on the news is reporting on how much the British really don't care about their Royals, occasionally it dips into loathing, but the hate... from America? I'm pretty sure we care less.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    The celebrating over 1 person's death was a bit nauseating. Whats the reason behind a person commiting those atrocities?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    rooster wrote: »

    is it really something to be all that happy about?

    Don't you live in London?

    Then no :P

    Hopefully intelligence will be able to stop whatever terrorist attacks come out of this...
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Haven't really been following the news on this but is this photshoppery the picture they released of bin laden dead?

    I still however think he is dead.


    source: http://geograpcics.deviantart.com/journal/40289576/
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Tyler wrote: »
    What pisses me off is the celebrations going on are seen as fine in the US. When only a few days ago a lot of people everywhere couldn't stand the UK celebrating a Royal Wedding...

    Hey, I didn't go out into the street to throw a party. But then, I didn't do that to celebrate the Royal Wedding either.

    I object to celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden because no matter what he did, he was a fellow human being, and death is not something that should be celebrated.

    I object to celebrating the Royal Wedding in the UK because I feel that weddings are more of a private, family matter, and paying THAT much attention to it is a disservice to those most intimately involved in the event. Celebrities in Hollywood often actively seek out that kind of attention. But the royal family is generally born into this lifestyle, and never really had a choice. Let them have a little privacy from time to time, for crying out loud.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Tyler wrote: »

    Yeah, this just doesn't look right...

    Right before Obama goes for office again, burried at sea because of his religious beliefs requiring him to be burried within 24 hours of death. Who gives a shit what his religious beliefs are. Why would you want him dead? Wouldnt getting him alive be worth 1000 times more?

    Right before Obama goes for office again... in 18 months? Sure, that's a great strategy. Obama has nearly half his term left to go, so naturally he's faked this whole thing now and it's going to be the thing that gets him re-elected a year and a half from now. Way to crack Obama's master plan, dude.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    I'm pretty sure that dead Osama Bin Laden image was made years ago.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 13
    Tyler wrote: »
    What pisses me off is the celebrations going on are seen as fine in the US. When only a few days ago a lot of people everywhere couldn't stand the UK celebrating a Royal Wedding...

    Cause I think terrorism is more important then a wedding.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor

    an article from a year or so ago with one of his 11 sons, Omar. Pretty interesting read, interesting stuff about forcing nations to bankrupt themselves in battles they can't win.

    and also, lots of news Fails:

    TBH, these mistakes and errors make me more scared for our future than celebrating an assassination, that shit has happened in the past and it will happen in the future, its what we as humans do. One side can rejoice, the other will mourn, and later down the line it'll either be happy time or bad time again. For the news, misspellings of Osama as Obama, its just disgusting. For people who's only job is to report what is happening in the world/area regardless of their political agenda, to have such poor judgement in proofing text and speaking carefully is just insulting and terrible.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    That pictures is years old and is making it's way around again. Unfortunately when people google his death it's the top of the list and people who know photoshop think they're suddenly wizards for debunking a known shop. They have not released a photo of his death and are supposedly debating whether to do it or not. Not really a reason to further incense his supporters by parading a picture of his body all over the interwebs.
  • G3L
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    G3L polycounter lvl 9
    Couldn't help but think of this quote throughout last night...something to think about >< and i agree killing him doesn't really do much IMO if anything it just stirred a hornet's nest...

    "We are just ordinary people driven to revenge in the name of justice. But if revenge is called justice, then that justice breeds yet more revenge....and becomes a chain of hatred."
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    It's like what Miles O'Brien said:
    It's not you I hate, Cardassian. I hate what I became because of you.

  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14

    Watery Grave? Shot in the head? Signs all lead to Jack Bauer
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    Mark Dygert: "His death doesn't change much other than the west might take its big nose out of the middle east now that it feels like it accomplished something."

    The west will never take their big nose out of the middle east. Even though they left Iraq, they still have the world's largest military base as well as 50,000 troops strategically positioned within it's borders. They're continuing to supply the governments of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt with a ridiculous amount of military aid to assert "control" (genocide in the case of the palestinians), over the region, and with over 40 % of the world's oil reserves located there (literally control over the world), allowing anybody else to maintain control over the region isn't an option for them.
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    ya it's working out SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO well for the world right now:

    a. Nuclear proliferation is increasing everyday, and we keep supplying countries that refuse to join the Non-Proliferation treaty with the means to destroy the world (i.e. Israel, Pakistan)

    b. Observing the history of US / Canadian / French / British involvement in pretty much any country in the middle east, brings up the point that we've been completely involved in destroying the lives of millions of families over the course of the last 100 years (maybe more).

    c. US foreign policy has increased terrorism world-wide, especially since implementing a stance of "anticipatory self-defense" (i.e. our right to invade any country we want, when we want).

    I'm sure there are many more examples of the horrendous abuse of power that's been going on, I can keep going, but I think I've proved my point. Yes, maybe it might be worse if somebody else controlled the region. Maybe the world would already be blown up. What gives us the right to conquer foreign countries though? How would you feel if China invaded Canada and killed 500,000 people? I definitely wouldn't be saying, "Isn't it better if the East controls our oil rather than people like Bush or Harper?".
  • ghost-d
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    ghost-d polycounter lvl 17
    Tyler wrote: »
    Isn't it better that the West controls that oil rather than people like Gaddafi?

    Wouldn´t it be better if there were North Koreans patroling in Washington? Same question could also ask the other side. Unfortunately only one view is used in movies and games as the wicked one (that´s why I like games that allow choose sides).
    Nope, it´s not better when West STEALS the oil. The oil doesn´t belong to West. If you want it - buy it. Simple.
  • Arac
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    Arac polycounter lvl 8
    Tyler wrote: »
    The west isn't stealing anything. We're stepping in so that the oil can be evenly distributed (or bought) by countries who understand fair play.

    You're joking... right?
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    Tyler wrote: »
    Thats a terrible analogy...

    The west isn't stealing anything. We're stepping in so that the oil can be evenly distributed (or bought) by countries who understand fair play. Not countries who use it as leverage. I really don't understand how anyone can see it from the east's point of view...

    evenly distributed + Capitalism don't go together

    anyway i don't know how to feel about osamas death, i do understand that it can bring relief to people but celebrating it takes us back to the darkages imo.

    On a completely practical level it probably won't change much.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Buried at sea? It all makes sense.

    Well according to Islamic law you have 24hrs to bury him and no country would take his body...
  • Mark Dygert
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    ghost-d wrote: »
    Nope, it´s not better when West STEALS the oil. The oil doesn´t belong to West. If you want it - buy it. Simple.
    Well... according to US sales reciepts the money goes to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Stealing would imply not paying for it... There wouldn't be a big hulla-ballo about all of our money going overseas to fund our addiction to oil. If anything the US is a crack addict looking for a fix, stealing money out of grandmas (China) purse.

    I think the people in those areas have their anger properly pointed at the people responsible for oppressing them. You'll notice that the revolts and protests where not to get rid of US interests, or US oppression, and they where not unsuccessfully put down by the US military. You assume the US plays a bigger role than it does which means you've been drinking a little too much anti-US kool-aid.

    The oil is paid for, if the people we buy it from aren't distributing the wealth evenly then you should take it up with them, as people have been doing in recent months.
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    ghost-d wrote: »
    Nope, it´s not better when West STEALS the oil. The oil doesn´t belong to West. If you want it - buy it. Simple.

    If we're stealing oil, I'm going to need a rebate check for my gas expenses. I'd hate to think the government is stealing all this oil, not sharing the "booty" with the rest of the country, and not even using the money gained to climb out of debt. That is a very devious accusation. We shouldn't be over there at all, and the regular American Joe Shmo has been begging to pull out for years.

    As for celebrating it, many Americans see it as closure, not a reason to get drunk and wave the flag. Most of us feel very conflicted about it. Like many other people have said here, the media does not and will not accurately portray the average American citizen.

    What I really don't like is talk of how the "political implications" of this affects either side.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    Tyler wrote: »
    Isn't it better that the West controls that oil rather than people like Gaddafi?
    Tyler wrote: »
    The west isn't stealing anything. We're stepping in so that the oil can be evenly distributed (or bought) by countries who understand fair play. Not countries who use it as leverage. I really don't understand how anyone can see it from the east's point of view...


    it must be nice to live in a fantasy world!

    dont take it personally, but the level of stupidity that makes people say shit like that is astonishing and sad at the same time.

    do some homework instead of spiting out non-sense. Gaddafi actually give out profit money from the oil sales to his citizens the Lybian people. I dont see U.S. government doing the same.
  • Mark Dygert
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    The reaction in the US seems more like relief, that maybe we can put this behind us now. Maybe we can close this horrifically ugly chapter in world history, rather than elation and celebration. I dunno maybe the reaction is different in the red-states?
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    The reaction in the US seems more like relief, that maybe we can put this behind us now. Maybe we can close this horrifically ugly chapter in world history, rather than elation and celebration. I dunno maybe the reaction is different in the red-states?

    Yep, it's a political game and you can't take anything at face value. At the end of the day you can think of this as a political move by the Obama administration rather than essential anti terrorism. Succeed with some superficial mission pandering to the right that in the end means nothing so you can focus on real reformation. Just like pandering to pro lifers, it doesn't mean a damn thing, nothing will change but you gotta play the game. Lax security is one less talking point the repubs have at this point.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Lollitics! I'm honestly just waiting for a Apollo asteroid before I'll start expecting actual change in the world.

    But seriously, how's that peace thing going in the world today. I heard someone made songs about it, has anything else been done?

    But more off topic, how does this tie in to PSN?

    Seems like things were getting out of hand with the oil discussion, thought I'd chime in with my unrelated jabber too :0

    Also heard Obama watched the entire thing live and went "We got him!" when they shot Osama, at the same time Guiles theme was playing.
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    they went to war for oil, and came back with... zero drums, and the highest gas prices to date. hmmmmmm

    not to mention, obama flat out said in his speech the troops arent coming home. lets see what their excuse for continuing this war are.
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