Update! video and brush on page 5!
Hello polycounters, i recently finished working on a little game called "
Crasher". We were 2 environment artists, using the
Unity engine. Its not a triple a or something crazy, but i really enjoyed working on it.
Here is juste
few exemples of the assets i made, explaining the process i used for some of them.
more stuff I've done for crasher in my website (crasher page done, but the rest of the portfolio is still under constuction)
hope you like it!

i really like the textures
goes right into my inspiration folder :]
Great job on Crasher, some very insightful images.
In all honesty this is hands down some of the best art work I've seen in such a loooooooonnnngg time, just by looking at some of your pieces and breakdowns I've learned a bit more haha :P
It would be greedy to ask but I think we would ALL appreciate a video of you sculpting something in zbrush, maybe just doing quick examples on how you get such amazing broad forms while complimenting them with some great little details here and there.
Thanks again for showing this!!!!
Some of the wireframes are a little puzzling how high they are. There's a lot of unneeded geo that could have easily just been baked down.
I love the chunky style of everything though
Well they might just have a loose budget to push some extra geos, the end results look nice.
Great work Orb. Appreciate the breakdowns~
oh and where can we find more stuff about this 'crasher' game?
It's on Steam, you can buy or download the demo: http://store.steampowered.com/app/90800/
again, keep up the great work. im going to look more into this game and probably snag the demo for a test drive
Can't wait to see your next piece.
And to now see your process as well, im feeling pretty fucking spoilt right now
Besides the gorgeous assets, is there some special lighting trick you guys are doing ? I love the beautiful unity (ha-ha!) of it all, really inspiring.
Congratulations..... you win 3D.
Yeaaahhh good one (remmember my lil' video with the ZBrush dog