In all honesty this is hands down some of the best art work I've seen in such a loooooooonnnngg time, just by looking at some of your pieces and breakdowns I've learned a bit more haha :P
It would be greedy to ask but I think we would ALL appreciate a video of you sculpting something in zbrush, maybe just doing quick examples on how you get such amazing broad forms while complimenting them with some great little details here and there.
Thanks again for showing this!!!!
Considering you're one of my heroes on this forum, its truly an honnor to please you . I'll try to make that video altough i never did that before x)
Looks great! Some of the best looking stuff I've seen out of Unity.
Some of the wireframes are a little puzzling how high they are. There's a lot of unneeded geo that could have easily just been baked down.
I love the chunky style of everything though
Its absolutly true, the real reason is simple as it was my first "next gen" game, so i'v learn to bake assets with 1 smooth group for the entire piece, wich is not the best way to make normal maps clean i agree (even its faster). So to get rid of the normal map gradients i was constrained to add some geo. Baking normals with vertex normal or splitting uvs by smoothing groups is pretty recent to me to be honest, the wooden crate is a good exemple of last assets i made with clean baking.thanks btw!
Super clean and solide stuff man ! Too bad the game got such a poor review, because the art is really good !
Can't wait to see your next piece.
Thank you, I really appreciate . Yep, the game had a poor review ..released too early, no marketing..hopefully it was an inspiring design, a chance to practice zbrush and stylized workflow.
Astounding stuff!!
Besides the gorgeous assets, is there some special lighting trick you guys are doing ? I love the beautiful unity (ha-ha!) of it all, really inspiring.
But most of the page is presented with marmoset engine, wich is more fast and sexy to present than unity. (even we pushed unity pretty far on its limits)
Fantastic!! Hands down some of the best stuff I've seen in a while, inspiring even.
I would love to hear a few tips and tricks from you, especially how you manage such clean cracks on the rocks, like this:
Thank you very much! About how i manage my cracks well I dont use crazy techniques i guess, i play a lot with the pressure of my tablet using the dam brush (or standard with brush mode set to +80) and my favorite brush is the flatten with intensity to 100 and brush mode at -100 wich makes, really cool and clean sharp edges (its very similar to Trim dynamic). I also like to add this slash i use everywhere wich is a slash i sculpted from a plane before turning it an alpha with mrgbzgrabber, it gives me that little "comics" style i like. I'll try to make that video i promised to JasonLavoie btw xd.
looks alot like the darksiders art style which is awesome!
And i was truly inspired by darksiders ^^, its one of my favourite games, have thousand of screenshots from it xd. I really appreciate your comment thank you
Sweet, Thanks for explaining how you do the cracks. You've put together some fantastic assets with a solid work flow. I'm glad I wasn't the only one wondering how you did them. Can't wait to see that video, we're gonna hold ya to it now!
Incredible work man. Probably one of the best sculpting styles I've seen. I really hope you manage to put together a video, it'd be greatly appreciated.
outstanding work , you are one of my favorite environment artist now ,
and just great scult , texture / spec shading in reel time , it s just amazing, great work !
Every stone or props it s a great scult, i am admiring thks for the picture .
I think I just spent a good hour looking over the work on your website. Beautiful stuff. All of your sculpts have this lovely stylised touch that adds so much character to each asset. I second or third the suggestion for a video. Great job!
All of your wonderful detail is lost a bit on the Unity engine, which is a shame because you really put a lot of great detail into your work that shows very well in Marmoset but not as well in Unity.
I'm disappointed that it's a vehicle based game - there is so much great detail in the environment that you don't get to appreciate because you are racing along (judging from some videos, I haven't played it myself)
Hehe, this thread got passed around the Vigil office today and there were joking accusations you had been stealing our assets because we have artists working on some props that are almost exactly the same as yours, right down to the art style =P.
Hi orb, I just browsed over the Crasher stuff on your portfolio. Very nice work! It looks like you had a lot of fun with that art direction. Nice presentation as well. Best of luck to your future endeavors!
I didnt forget about the video x), I dont have much time right now, ill try to prepare it as soon as possible.
@synergy11: its almost that, but i exported each parts from max (the bricks of each parts are not attached together wich allows me to select them separately in zbrush). I used 3dcoat ( for the retopology, and decimation master in zbrush to lower the polycount while keeping the details (you can also lower the subdivision, before exporting; cracks and little details are not that necessary for retopo)
thats it!
This might be a noobish question but.....if you exported each piece separately from max how did you "reasemble" those pieces in zbrush to make up your wall? I thought zbrush was a pain for this kind of thing due to lack of grid snapping etc.
This might be a noobish question but.....if you exported each piece separately from max how did you "reasemble" those pieces in zbrush to make up your wall? I thought zbrush was a pain for this kind of thing due to lack of grid snapping etc.
Just export your mesh (with all the bricks) in one obj. Once in ZBrush, use the ctrl+shift click to isolate the brick you want to sculpt . ctrl+shift click to "unhide all".
I would love to hear a few tips and tricks from you, especially how you manage such clean cracks on the rocks, like this:
Love the strong shapes and crispness of all the detail without feeling overdone.
Saved to inspiration folder!
That is amazing!
Considering you're one of my heroes on this forum, its truly an honnor to please you
Its absolutly true, the real reason is simple as it was my first "next gen" game, so i'v learn to bake assets with 1 smooth group for the entire piece, wich is not the best way to make normal maps clean i agree (even its faster). So to get rid of the normal map gradients i was constrained to add some geo. Baking normals with vertex normal or splitting uvs by smoothing groups is pretty recent to me to be honest, the wooden crate is a good exemple of last assets i made with clean baking.thanks btw!
Thank you, I really appreciate
Hey thanks a lot Pior (i'm your best fan
But most of the page is presented with marmoset engine, wich is more fast and sexy to present than unity. (even we pushed unity pretty far on its limits)
Thank you very much! About how i manage my cracks well I dont use crazy techniques i guess, i play a lot with the pressure of my tablet using the dam brush (or standard with brush mode set to +80) and my favorite brush is the flatten with intensity to 100 and brush mode at -100 wich makes, really cool and clean sharp edges (its very similar to Trim dynamic). I also like to add this slash i use everywhere wich is a slash i sculpted from a plane before turning it an alpha with mrgbzgrabber, it gives me that little "comics" style i like. I'll try to make that video i promised to JasonLavoie btw xd.
And i was truly inspired by darksiders ^^, its one of my favourite games, have thousand of screenshots from it xd. I really appreciate your comment thank you
*runs to play with zbrush*
and just great scult , texture / spec shading in reel time , it s just amazing, great work !
Every stone or props it s a great scult, i am admiring thks for the picture .
All of your wonderful detail is lost a bit on the Unity engine, which is a shame because you really put a lot of great detail into your work that shows very well in Marmoset but not as well in Unity.
I'm disappointed that it's a vehicle based game - there is so much great detail in the environment that you don't get to appreciate because you are racing along (judging from some videos, I haven't played it myself)
Regardless, hats off to you on a wonderful job!
Damn nice job.
Also, your breakdown is really useful, Im totally saving it for reference, thanks!!
For the wall piece.
Did you bring into zbrush one whole model than split it into 6 subtools and than made each brick a polygroup so you can sculpt each brick?
Am I understanding this correctly?
Did you make the low rez mesh in zbrush by using the retopo tool? If not how did you import such a high poly sculpt into your 3d app to retopo?
Thanks for any guidance!
I didnt forget about the video x), I dont have much time right now, ill try to prepare it as soon as possible.
@synergy11: its almost that, but i exported each parts from max (the bricks of each parts are not attached together wich allows me to select them separately in zbrush). I used 3dcoat ( for the retopology, and decimation master in zbrush to lower the polycount while keeping the details (you can also lower the subdivision, before exporting; cracks and little details are not that necessary for retopo)
thats it!
Also best looking unity I have seen so far! They should showcase this!
This might be a noobish question but.....if you exported each piece separately from max how did you "reasemble" those pieces in zbrush to make up your wall? I thought zbrush was a pain for this kind of thing due to lack of grid snapping etc.
Thanks so much!!
This Slap !
Great work, very inspiring!
Just export your mesh (with all the bricks) in one obj. Once in ZBrush, use the ctrl+shift click to isolate the brick you want to sculpt
I have one question: did you created the levels maps under Unity with the built in terrain editor ?