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Portfolio artwork STEALING alert :P



  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    ahh I was fairly convinced those creatures and rockets were his actual work, which is what made me feel kind of sorry for him ruining his reputation.

    Now its clear there was no potential reputation there to be ruined in the first place. This is not a guy that is going to end up in any sort of creative industry :(

    At least he tried to remake those rockets and creatures from scratch, and unfortunately in the process made them less cute overall. I don't see why he didn't just copy/crop/paste like he did with the 3d stuff.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Matroskin wrote: »
    oh, almost forgot, and here is his LinkedIn:


    James Harris's Experience



    Civic & Social Organization industry
    January 2009 – Present (2 years 3 months)
    MyDevChat Developer community



    Graphic Design industry
    August 2007 – Present (3 years 8 months)
    EvaoDesign Studio
    Only thing I can find on MyDevChat is this:

    Over the last 4 months we have been developing a new social networking website called MyDevChat for developers and designers to create groups for others to follow their progress. However, it's not just any old social networking site; it's more of a cross between Twitter and Facebook, although on average, it's quicker. For example, on average Twitter can take around 5-6 seconds to make a post, where as we take a mere 2 seconds.
    And nothing about EvaoDesign.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    art theft is pretty common at DA and in general and can be funny to watch sometimes.

    Took the words right outta my mouth. Its one of the reasons I don't put my own stuff on there.
  • Drav
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    Drav polycounter lvl 9
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Wow, now I feel bad about making fun of the rockets. Well, maybe not , they're not exactly wild and vivid. Still, he stole that too.

    Anyway, fuck this guy, what a cunt.

    Also Striker, you wouldn't have to know this guy in person would you? Maybe you could find out where he stole the PKM from :0
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Well, i'm curious if that PKM is actually his. Cause stiker renered it for him and that's the only piece he actually writes anything decent about. Who knows, maybe he actually can do something? :O Crazy thought, i know..
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    But if he can do that.. why all the thievery? Why steal the simplistic characters from that other artist? Why?
    The PKM is easily the best piece in there. Honestly if he CAN do things that well and still stole shit, he's an even bigger asshole.
  • mxdirector
    I don't get why you would do this.
    I remember years and years ago, I downloaded a tutorial that came with a model, a cartoon rhino. My father worked in, and was gob smacked, and thought I did it, the compliments were numerous to say the least. In the end I never could bring myself to tell him it wasn't mine.
    But I didn't have my ego rubbed by this, I felt like utter shit.

    In all honestly, the mental state of this person should be greatly in question. a serious case of narcissism, perhaps? But he's a complete twat, so what do I care.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Fuuuuck. I feel bad about taking full credit when I use the Arshbase on a character.

    Some people just get off on it. Stealing I mean. He may not need to, because of a lack of talent, but because it makes him feel good. There are those people who take their pleasure by harming or taking from others. Some do it through violence, some via monetary means, and some by anonymously stealing shit online. I worked with a guy like that. He would download warez for shit he didnt even want or need. When I asked him why, he said because it was "fun" and "feels good to TAKE from others".
  • Hupie
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    Hupie polycounter lvl 12
    Seems like my random memory does have it uses sometimes. I dont know when i saw Matroskin's AT ST for the first time, but i do know it was a long time ago. Somehow i remembered it though, probably because its such a good work of art ;).

    Also, who's soldier is this http://forums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=762159 ?
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Haha "Insight is a multiplayer FPS/MMO based on the Afghanistan war, being a ex solider myself I would like to commemorate the soldiers that deserve being remembered"

    He's an ex soldier!
    AND! he has 6 years experience in the games industry and a studio in London;

    "I'm James I've been working in the games industry for over 6 years, i run a game studio in central London and we are looking for our next huge project..."


    Maybe he is suffering from Delusional Disorder?
  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    pff i think he is a kid who wants to steal artwork from the tactical-assault UDK project.I think thats why he created this fake folio..Its so bad because Tactical-assault internal FTP is a treasure(including some of my works).I hope nothing is leaked :(
  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    lol, stealing for stealing :)

    Well, should we save TA guys from him?
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Sad they all get caught what a waste of time and life.
    Good catch keep making threads of these fools put all their real info in the front page.

    The admins should make a wall of fail for these guys to direct employers to so they never see the light of any possible opportunity in the industry.
    Just something I would do cause foolishness like this really has to stop.
  • dregoloth
  • nick2730
    i dont get it, i fail to see the point in why people do this. You wont develop any skill and hypothetically if you get a job what r u gonna do then?
  • JustinPunio
    Bogglin' really ...the industry is so small relatively, now that his name has be outed he will be remembered and blacklisted. Who would want this guy working for them? Basically performed career seppuku.

    Well there's always the lottery...
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    nick2730 wrote: »
    i dont get it, i fail to see the point in why people do this. You wont develop any skill and hypothetically if you get a job what r u gonna do then?

    I've been in a few mods where the lead tries to do this, it's not that they even want to get a job as an artist, they try to show other people that they're competent in working on a project.

    They'll show "their" work, as soon as they start snagging people they back off a little and just do general project management.

    It's a bit odd, but it's tactical.

    I mean, you can obviously see this guy's personality from the get go, he's trying to make projects and get them off of the ground somehow.

    Just another version of the "Idea Guy".
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    He's the most interesting kid in the world!
  • [Deleted User]
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    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • polygonfreak
  • 3devo
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    3devo polycounter lvl 12
    honestly the amount of art thieving coming to light lately is atrocious.
    can we get a sub forum or section just for this not to belittle it but the amount of threads on this are getting out of hand(which shows how much of a problem it is).
  • Rico
    Hey do we have this dudes portfolio site? Besides a DA account?
  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    well, looks like his DA is his "portfolio".
    He is also posting few things here and there locally on forums.
  • Dn2
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    Dn2 polycounter lvl 11
    this is sad...i once asked him for wires from one of his pieces thinking i could learn something from it lol...(never got them :\ )

    but something did seem odd...
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    yo you guys gimme a crit on my latest promo image featurin al my owne artwork? it's p.good 4 my standerds

  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    lol, stealing for stealing

    Well, should we save TA guys from him?

    they alredy banned him because he is posted the internal work to the public(yey dickhead).just i hope he had no opportunity to steal something :S

    just ignore that kid.He made too much noise alredy..
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    Skamberin wrote: »
    I'm still waiting for someone to come into this thread and white knighting this idiot, saying we shouldn't be harsh on him or some shit.
    Hey guys we shouldn't be too harsh on him or some shit. : <
    the unfortunate few who left a similar thread with egg on their face would have hopefully noticed the underlying, and almost elementary point, to 'think before you act' and spend less time while irrelevantly crying about it in other threads, or some shit. : <

    on topic, it's pretty bad that a site as big and well-staffed as DA haven't responded by taking this fool's gallery down yet. sucks you guys had some of your art ripped. :[
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    All people whose work this guy has stolen should send him a DMCA takedown notice or something. Just to teach the douche a lesson.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Uly wrote: »
    on topic, it's pretty bad that a site as big and well-staffed as DA haven't responded by taking this fool's gallery down yet. sucks you guys had some of your art ripped. :[

    It's normal when your report queue is full of furries that accuse each other of stealing their mspaint palette fur canines and on the otaku side, accusation of stole miku edits which are also stolen. The only reports i've ever seen more immediately responded to were 'mature tag needed' ones which usually take a 5 days time.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    :( just found my stuff on a chinese message board advertising cracked versions of 3dcoat.
  • Mr_Paris
    Hey, just out of curiosity, how do you usually go about checking if your art has been ripped off? I mean is there any particular method you use? Did you just happen upon this guys account at random or is it more because he was using a commonly search-able subject model?

    All this discussion is making me nervous. Don't really think most of my stuff is "rip off" quality yet but I have no clue how I would find out if it was????
  • iconoplast
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    iconoplast polycounter lvl 13
    I usually use the TinEye plugin for Firefox (they've got one for most major browsers iirc). It doesn't catch everything, but they add more images pretty regularly.
  • Mr_Paris
    Wow cool, definitely going to check that out! Thanks.
  • Mr_Paris
    Ha, looking at his page now I think he's been properly chastised. Amazing what happens when you harness the power of polycount.
  • Mr_Paris
    ceebee wrote: »
    yo you guys gimme a crit on my latest promo image featurin al my owne artwork? it's p.good 4 my standerds


    Too funny :)
  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    Mr_Paris wrote: »
    Did you just happen upon this guys account at random or is it more because he was using a commonly search-able subject model?

    In my case there was someone who saw my images (by accidnet i guess) and let me know that they r being used by someone else. Well, and then it started it all :P
  • Mr_Paris
    Matroskin wrote: »
    In my case there was someone who saw my images (by accidnet i guess) and let me know that they r being used by someone else. Well, and then it started it all :P

    Ah ok, yeah looks like tinyeye doesn't pick up your at images. Good thing you had someone watching your back :)
  • Talbot
    Hey so I don't know if this questions needs its own thread but it sort of goes along with this thread.

    Recently I've been talking to a friend at art school who is extremely talents. She a lot of really good work and has had people already trying to recruit her. In her experience she has had a lot of her concepts and designs stolen from her and that's why she doesn't post any of her stuff online. She is even afraid to show some people her work.

    What is your opinion of posting stuff online?

    I know I have a portfolio and I don't consider my stuff good enough to get stolen so I don't worry about it.

    Is having no portfolio at all better than taking the risk of theft?
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Talbot wrote: »
    Is having no portfolio at all better than taking the risk of theft?


    Art thieves can only steal art, they can't reproduce it at the same quality. The "risk" of having it stolen is so insignificant that it isn't worth fearing at all.
  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    Agreed, it is nothing to fear cauz images of 3d renders cannot be used for much profit really.
    Who will sell a render of a bike or a set of props?
    It can be used to feed someone's ego thats it. Well, maybe someone will get a job, but for how long and what will happen after the inevitable discovery... Its better to re-born after such fail i think.
    Its not like they r obtaining source files :P
    After all its not like money - u still have it and its yours;)

    Ppl who will steal it usually will not achieve much in life so there is no fear that they will become a "star" instead of u (well, they will become the "star", but not the star one would like to be:P ).

    After all posting works online helps u integrate into community and that is important. At the same time that will make community know your works more which will reduce the use/risk of stealing your works eventually ;)

    So tell your friend to ignore all the thefts she had and carry on ;)
  • Mr_Paris
    Matroskin wrote: »
    Agreed, it is nothing to fear cauz images of 3d renders cannot be used for much profit really.
    Who will sell a render of a bike or a set of props?
    It can be used to feed someone's ego thats it. Well, maybe someone will get a job, but for how long and what will happen after the inevitable discovery... Its better to re-born after such fail i think.
    Its not like they r obtaining source files :P
    After all its not like money - u still have it and its yours;)

    Ppl who will steal it usually will not achieve much in life so there is no fear that they will become a "star" instead of u (well, they will become the "star", but not the star one would like to be:P ).

    After all posting works online helps u integrate into community and that is important. At the same time that will make community know your works more which will reduce the use/risk of stealing your works eventually ;)

    So tell your friend to ignore all the thefts she had and carry on ;)

    Two words:

    Art Test...

    I mean, really, isn't that why they have them? So you can prove you actually are capable of producing work that matches your portfolio quality.

    Seems like that would filter out most of the worst offenders.

    You almost have to have an online portfolio these days. People don't like receiving dvds.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    This happened to me a month ago. Someone posted my Sci-Fi UDK scene on DA. It actually felt quite nice... Some say that's the most honest form of compliment.

    At first I got a little bit mad, but then I found out the person who did it was actually a 14-year old kid who looked like a nice guy in real life. I asked DA to ban his account but since it was a lot of bureaucracy i just gave up. But when the kid finally noticed he had been busted, he freaked out and removed the account himself so it's all good now.

    One thing I found funny was that he took the pretending so seriously that he even posted the screenshots on different days, as if he was still working on new areas :P The description he gave to each area was actually better than what I had came up with, so kudos to him.

    Here's the dude: http://www.myspace.com/dhslone

    I would had never found out his account if it wasn't for Neolight, so thanks again man :)
  • makecg
    hah yea fuck this guy lol..

    can I say that ?
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    makecg wrote: »
    hah yea fuck this guy lol..

    can I say that ?

  • Shadowmonkey
    Hi everyone I just joined Polycount but seen this also posted over at GA.When I first started posted in forums I always used a big F off watermark going right through it.People said yeh I like your stuff pitty about the watermark.I said its me being paranoid and havn't watermarked anything for a while.Now i've seen this im all worried again,,well a little.What I find funny is no matter how vast the internet is people who lie about what they have created do get found out.I had someone steal a model and secretly was moding it while I was in college once.I thought nah that cant be it looks like mine?It was so I deleted it when he wnet to lunch along with any increments.I did feel a little flattered that the person wanted my work but not enough to let em have it.
  • Michael Knubben
    Intrusive watermarks are still a bad idea. If I can't see your work clearly, why would I ever hire you?
    Ofcourse you don't want to have someone present your work as their own, but all you can do is hope they're caught out somehow.
  • RexM
    Watermarks on the bottom right hand side of an image is a good idea though, that have your name, contact information, and area of expertise.
  • System
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    System admin
    There's a moral to this story and that's buy yourself a domain and get hosting for your own website, I'm not talking about one of these crappy blogger sites (no offense) Put a strict copyright and legal statement on the site and make sure it is cached by google. This will definitely deter potential thieves.
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    and what's stopping someone from putting a strict copyright and legal statement on a carbonmade/wordpress/blogger/etc site?
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