Hey guys,
This morning I discovered that one fella simply copy/pasted image from my 3d portfolio into his:
Not all of those images are mine of course, but only 2 images of AT-ST walker (moreover, in horrible blurry jpeg compression)
But seen that I started having strong doubts about the rest of "his" artwork.
So u r welcome to check his page and see if you will find yours or your friend's stuff in there

I also wanted to thank to a vigilance of the community artists and to Hupie form game-artist.net in particular for this notice

Sorry to hear about this. I would be gutted if that happened to me.
Hey crazyfingers, we missed you at GDC this year
*edit- just realized how badly i changed subjects in somebody else's thread... my bad
Awe shucks, that just made my day, profchaos. I'm sure we will all meet again
Least he could have done if he was going to steal art from POE is download our mod and re-render it?
I've also contacted Deviant art...
You woulda thought after getting caught once he'd learn.... guess not. Also, people who steal artwork really should use some alias that doesn't lead to their real identity. I don't know why I am encouraging thieves to be smarter though
how can someone feel good to claim someones else art as his own ?
i just dont get it
i mean, i can understand why someone has stolen racer´s ak for a game. not that i support it or find it acceptable, but i can logically understand it
but stealing some assets for a deviantart folio ? even if they land a job with that they have to deliver at least the same quality at work
and if they get cought their reputation is trashed. it just doesnt sound very rewarding to me
(and iam not even going to talk about a moral standpoint here)
James Harris FellaUK art thief London harris@relaydb.com insight scam http://twitter.com/Insight_Game
just some fair warnings to any future employers should they choose to google him.
He turned 23 in december, so you'd think he'd be old enough to know better.
Perhaps you guys could also take a look at http://www.moddb.com/games/insight-lock-and-load to see if anything in there is stolen.
Hey, i didn't see your response here. I found my way back to you on that Hind to. You got an email about it, feel free to ignore it
This is frekking amazing. This guy is actually serious about it to. Really trying to get a job, i guess(?), with it to!
But yeah, tiny eye works sometimes. I found the HIND for example.
Look how he croped it :P
I'm still waiting for someone to come into this thread and white knighting this idiot, saying we shouldn't be harsh on him or some shit.
I also like how his "mascot" is a shite Domu-kun ripoff. No creativity with this guy, just a shitty hack.
"Wild and Vivid", indeed.
I'M SO GLAD SOMEONE ELSE SAW THAT COMMENT! Man, I was laughing so hard when I read that lol. That is one piece that I could believe actually was created by him.
Apparently his "mod" that he started (Insight) has got its forum recently and when i went there to check it out i found it being overrun by spam ad posts all over the place (like here http://www.insight-game.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2 ALL 50+ pages of it :P)
...or this "introduce yourself" section :P
so i am not sure if he still around...
Quite sad really.
why not, he's not 15, he's 23 and trying to make profit on other people's work, a lesson will serve him well before he does something even more stupid..
Good luck getting his page banned from DA dude.
I've reported him on DA, doubt it'll really do much good though but at least they'll forcefully take down the stolen work.
now i'm doubting that whole gallery, wonder what else is stolen.
I have the original David, and the Mona Lisa. I have others as well...but I can't remember the names...art history was so long ago.
I mean, can you really blame the guy? What movie had Sean Connary *sp* in it with the hot Spanish chick? Wasn't he an art thief in the movie? And who doesn't want to be Sean Connary?
I'm not sure a lady would be impressed by your copy and paste skills though, but I could be wrong...
Not copy n paste. RMB save as!
mmm, maybe you're right. Just the thought of that turned me on a little bit, too :poly136:
why? not like he gonna die from shame or something.
art theft is pretty common at DA and in general and can be funny to watch sometimes.
Vivid and Wild made my day.
I feel sorry for the kid. Look at all his comments about him putting time and effort into all the stuff he's "worked on". It's pretty sad.
With all that said I think shame would actually be good for him. Stealing other people's work is not good for anyone, he's managed to fool a few people into donating money to him but that's a very small cost to sell your whole carrier(If he's planning on having one). If people put him to shame he might stop.
I does look like money tho considering that their icon for those points looks like coins...
Its just not nice to steal other peoples work.
He also cropped the pzh2k from POE webpage..
just taking out the beauty shots! re-render it atleast!
This guys is really out there, 3 connections! Dude! Slow down!
and the creature icons are stolen from the guy that drew the original rocket: http://www.fullyillustrated.com/portfolio/illustration/
I already contacted him about the theft
It reminds me of a "Fail so big that it is almost a Win"
him too, he is such a pure blood thief that it almost turns him into an icon