and what's stopping someone from putting a strict copyright and legal statement on a carbonmade/wordpress/blogger/etc site?
Nothing but it's less professional using a blog site as your portfolio unlike having a dedicated paid for personal service. It also helps your web presence.
ps: I also think free domain extensions and free hosting is in the same group as blogs are. I mean seriously, if you can afford a professional software like 3ds max you can sure as hell afford to buy your own website, so there's no reason to be a tight ass, is there?
there's nothing about having a dedicated paid site for personal service that helps your web presence. if you've got issues with a '.blogspot' that follows a domain, you can pony up a few bucks to google and you will be able to have your site hosted outside the naming umbrella.
I've only used blogspot, so I can't speak for anything else, but you get free stat tracking by region and links, all the good stuff you get from having your own domain, which I've had before. All with a much more straightforward user interface that doesnt have you copypasting IP addresses from visitors into an ip address finder to find just where in the hell they're coming from. You also benefit from Google's site security. Make a good password, and you're pretty well off.
If you're responsible with your money and don't enjoy hemorrhaging cash through various monthly fees, then there's definitely a reason to be a tight-ass. One less bill a good thing by my standards.
If you had heard of aw stats you would be eating your hat. When you buy a site, aw stats reveals all the visitor information;
Browsers, time spent, pages visited, ip, country, os, robots, spiders. All this info can be viewed daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, by individual ip and by the click of a button.
When it comes to promoting your site, lets say you have Joe Bloggs on blogname pimping his work everywhere and anywhere and then you have Joe Smith with his personal website. The personal website is more visible and attracts more attention because it's an individual name, not ending in blog like the millions of other blogs out there.
When you say hemorrhaging cash, you clearly don't know how cheap buying a site is. It costs me £100 for 2 years, domain and hosting. They handle all the security and you get free 24 hour advice.
Yeh, you can make your google password but if someone wants in they will hex their way in pretty easily. The difference is you havn't really got any cause to complain when you are getting everything for free, at least if you pay for a service you can get compensation if anything goes wrong.
imo blogs are for blogs, stuff that doesn't really matter and holds little value. I can't justify using them for anything else, it just seems like tightassery for the sake of tightassery
I have heard of, and have used AW Stats. I did not find it as straightforward and user friendly. Frankly, I got way more random visits and pings from servers in Russia and China, and the trouble of filtering those out to find the ones that counted was a waste of my time. Haven't had that yet with blogger, so I can safely say I don't miss that.
Like I already said, you can be hosted on Blogger and get a personal domain name, and you're placing far more value on a personal domain than they deserve. Nobody gives a shit. If people look at my artwork, they are going to see my URL in the corner of an image, or in my profile details, whatnot, and then either click on a link or type it in. If they can't be bothered because it has a '.blogspot' following my address, then who the fuck wants to work with someone like that anyway.
"When you say hemorrhaging cash, you clearly don't know how cheap buying a site is. It costs me £100 for 2 years, domain and hosting."
That's nice. I pay 0 for unlimited years. If I forgot or couldn't pay for whatever reason to reserve my domain name, I don't have to worry about a cybersquatter picking it up.
Oh no. I better watch out for people "hexing" into my site. That 'compensation' you talk about, where my provider screws around for a day or two while I'm missing out on opportunities isn't really that different than getting my "hexed" password reset.
It sounds to me like youre trying to justify having to pay for your own domain name and hosting. I pay nothing, and aside from not being able to wholly code the site with my own HTML, I've had nothing but good things.
You keep paying, and I'll keep not paying, and we're both happy.
Sadly, I know a number of good artists who are paranoid of someone stealing their work, but they're not told to relax and take some basic steps that some of the faculty drilled into our heads in the Graphic Design department:
1) Archive your work: thieves usually don't have access to the development of a project.
2) Keep a time sheet and other forms of work flow/time with the project.
3) When watermarking, keep the mark plain and simple so it's easy to read and indentify, but don't obscure your portfolio work. You want to show how awesome you are.
4) Don't freak if someone steals you work. An archived and documented piece and project puts you on a secure legal footing if it ever comes to legal blows (most of the time it shouldn't).
I have heard of, and have used AW Stats. I did not find it as straightforward and user friendly. Frankly, I got way more random visits and pings from servers in Russia and China, and the trouble of filtering those out to find the ones that counted was a waste of my time.
It's a straight forward web industry standard graphical and tabular display. Also, why would you need to filter out countries? Are you doing a study on demographics or just paranoid?
Like I already said, you can be hosted on Blogger and get a personal domain name, and you're placing far more value on a personal domain than they deserve. Nobody gives a shit.
Sure, nobody cares if you own a website, do they? I'm sure every web business and professional portfolio in the world never gain anything from having their own sites.:poly105:
"When you say hemorrhaging cash, you clearly don't know how cheap buying a site is. It costs me £100 for 2 years, domain and hosting."
That's nice. I pay 0 for unlimited years. If I forgot or couldn't pay for whatever reason to reserve my domain name, I don't have to worry about a cybersquatter picking it up.
There is this thing called auto renewal, I hear it's pretty cool, you should check it out...
Oh no. I better watch out for people "hexing" into my site. That 'compensation' you talk about, where my provider screws around for a day or two while I'm missing out on opportunities isn't really that different than getting my "hexed" password reset.
Hey, you mentioned the password, not me. Besides, if your blog server crashes and all your work goes up in a poof of smoke you won't even get an "I'm sowwy" email, let alone compensation.
youre trying to justify having to pay for your own domain name and hosting. I pay nothing, and aside from not being able to wholly code the site with my own HTML
I don't have to justify anything, it justifies itself and having to code isn't a requirement. You can get 1000's of free templates which provide much more choice than blog sites to choose a layout that actually complements your work as apposed to joining the herd of sheep and saying "baaaaaa". But as you say, presentation and individuality isn't important.
You want my Chinese and Russian visitors that visit 20 times a day and grab 28kb of data per visit? Sure, you can have them. Quality visits.
Let's look at AW stats and blogger side by side. These are pretty much all the statistics that matter to a character or environment artist, who will appropriately ignore the rest of the cluttered minutia stat readouts offer. (Unless you're living a double life as an IT tech.)
Here they are side by side.
Unseen in this image is the rest of what AW Stats offers. I'll give a few choice statistics:
"Authenticated users (Top 10)"
"Visits Duration"
"Operating Systems (Top 10)"
"Successful hits on favicon.ico" goodness
"Javascript disabled"
"Browsers with Java support"
"Browsers with Real audio playing support"
"Browsers with PDF support"
All of these statistics, for me, fall squarely into "dont know, dont care" territory.
Nobody important to career cares if you have your own domain/privately hosted content. Are you a real-estate holder of the internet cause you've rented I can register and be equally successful. Maybe even if I wanted to pony up a few bucks to grab it through google.
Character artists and environment artists largely need images, and the odd time a video to show off their work. (Pertinent to getting them a job.) please enlighten me with what your wholly rented hosting and domain name can offer that blogspot or an equivalent cannot.
Hey, you mentioned the password, not me. Besides, if your blog server crashes and all your work goes up in a poof of smoke you won't even get an "I'm sowwy" email, let alone compensation.
You've made your point. Hackers will hex my password when I'm with Google. Thanks for the warning, dude. I'll be sure to worry extra next time Google's "server" crashes.
And though your selective quoting changes the sentiment, the intention is the same, I am sure you're trying to convince yourself that you're getting value out of your domain. Is your template showing off your beautiful in unique personality? I thought your artwork was supposed to do that.
Speaking objectively, you do get more control with rented domain names and hosting. People happen to enjoy saving their money and time however. For the purposes of showing off my work to potential employers, I still have no idea what my old rented domain and hosting could have offered me that my new one does. It's also worth noting that you do not have to worry about bandwidth caps. So far I've only learned that you're kinda grumpy.
Now going way round to the original point, you argued that you could scare off would-be thieves with your big bad copyright warnings on your site. He doesn't care about your copyright, that's why he's a thief.
I can put the same, huge-ass disclaimer at the foot, center, header of my site. It won't make a lick of difference. If you want to make the original point you were trying to though, we're all still waiting to hear it.
All I've left to say is (and as far removed it was from the original point of this post) that there is absolutely nothing wrong to host your portfolio on a blog, carbonmade kind of service. I've got nothing but good things to say for it. Also, regardless of where you host your portfolio, it's good to host your images on Google's Picasa. Pretty good transfer speeds, uncompressed images, free, no bandwidth limit.
oh yeah, people who steal artwork are bad. stop it guys, stop it you big thieves.
edit: i'm done, but if you want to continue down this topic it'd prob be best brought up in the thread linked a few lines above. this shit got hijacked.
By all means, send me all the visitors you can spare. I'll eat them all up because an increase in trafiic means an increase in site value. In your case though, only blogname will profit.
Since you initiated the web stats discussion, I thought I would point out the difference between blog and aw stats. Most artists will mostly ignore stats and certainly won't be involved to the level you are, which makes little sense in your defence of the lesser system.
Employers may care whether your have your own site. Putting aside fancy designs and templates, owning a site directly relates to you only, thus removing you from the realm of blogspot or blogger which may be unsavoury in the eyes of a potential employer.
Yes, I am a real estate owner of the internet and webmaster to another site which is family owned, it's an investment strategy at the very least. Sure, you could have a blogspot called gcmax but it would be worthless and lost among all the other blogspots. You will not be able to buy though, that was my first enquiry 2 years ago and it is still owned today.
Yes, I am getting value out of my domain, owned for nearly 2 years and the value is around £500 minus £100 cost = £400 profit. Also I'm planning on using it to get work, fame, love, all that good stuff.
Back to the subject: as you say, if someone doesn't care they will steal but not all thieves are like that. The majority of them will be frightened off by a privately owned site.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with having a blogname portfolio, I was simply pointing out some of the benefits of owning your own site. It seems you are offended by this.
In conclusion, you seem to have alot of malformed and uninformed opinions for someone who has never owned their own website, as you stated previously. Maybe if you opened your eyes a little we could have a "rational" and more pleasing discussion.
At GDC in SF this year I met with a client who informed me he just met prior with a chinese outsourcing studio that had some of our artwork in their portfolio.
I've never had it happen before so I wasn't sure how I'd react but I found myself laughing my arse off. I mean really, how is that a viable business model?
@ Uly, did you customise your blogspot website yourself? If so, care to share how it works? . How much of uploading the new content is automated?
just beig curious. I've used blog spot before but always found it a pain to customise. If I could get it to work how I'd like I would consider giving up using a web hosting service. What with the likes of picasa and dropbox I could probably do without it quite easily.
Edit: Is this derailing the thread to much? :poly122:
Sorry GCMP, Uly wins. Your points just don't apply to what game artists need from a site.
Despite the obvious facts posted and that you yourself have a personal website, this was not a juvenile competition.
So ok, I don't think I will bother giving my opinion anymore (unless it's artwork) as it's clearly a waste of my time.
There's a moral to this story and that's buy yourself a domain and get hosting for your own website, I'm not talking about one of these crappy blogger sites (no offense) Put a strict copyright and legal statement on the site and make sure it is cached by google. This will definitely deter potential thieves.
Your point is invalid since he stole from a well known illustrator that is know for having an awesome website design and a pretty damn good domain name( ).
Scrawld: yeah i cobbled it together myself. i'm no expert, but the easiest way to get started is to remove as much extraneous stuff as possible through the built in tools on Blogger. Then you've got a pretty blank slate to work with.
Afterwards, for any remaining issues, (non-centered header, footer has too much empty space etc.) you just look around on the net for snippets of code to add through the tools that other, more knowledgeable people with the same problem have already posted.
This thread is adorable. We have had many in the past. They are an unfortunate positive and negative.
I'm from the old days, and, allow me to agree. It sucks when someone steals you work. I know first hand how much bullshit this can be. If you don't believe what I say. ask Kevin Johnstone. He knows what I mean. I was a retard back in the quake days. I did not get it. However, I learned. Sometimes ignorance or deadlines is the key player that can ultimately stifle someone, and I will not defend anyone. The point is, it is unfortunate when someone presents themselves in an inaccurate fashion.
To the artists that get stolen from: Boy, that sure sucks, but on the other hand, consider how fucking AMAZING you are that somebody said to themselves "HOLY SHIT! This guy is so good, the only way I can get by if I put this stuff in my portfolio."
Matroskin, the original poster of this thread WON THE FIRST UNEARTHLY CHALLENGE. If there is anyone more worth stealing from (besides Kevin and Bram Eulaers [ what a dreamy portfolio, am I right?]) then I don't know about them. For someone that doesn't understand the game industry, we must be ready to accept what we are to those looking in. This is the cross we must bare. And thank you to the honest ones of you that help us point out those thieves.
For those of us in the real world, that sounds retarded, but some folks think this is OK. Keep your eye out, and always inform others!
This is my quake 2 player model originally posted on Q2PMP posted in an advertisement in Game Developer magazine.
I could tell you about myself, jon jones or brian's animation work on that player model, but some guys at a localization company from god-knows-where decided to publish it giving us far more recognition than we deserved for crapping out some player model for Quake 2.
Hey, I remember that model... It surprises me how thick some people really are, its like, do they honestly expect for nobody to notice these things...?
No, they expect to get to the 3d / gaming industry without any hard work to create profile as we do.
Though, I must remark their strength on not being embarrassed on the things they do and do not even regret it. They keep on doing it.
lol, that "they already trust us" poster is really great
Like as if "we've already lied to them, but its ok, they r fine with it, so why won't you?" :P
Regarding GCMP vs Uly thing, there is a fare share of pro artists having only blogs and its absuletly fine, nothing "non-professional" as to me. When I've got my own site it was pretty much only because i wanted my own layout and to be able to change everything if i need to :P No other reason...
I'm not sure a lady would be impressed by your copy and paste skills though, but I could be wrong...
The PKM is from our Project. He was to Texture it, but he didn't submit the finished piece. After we became aware of these stealing reports we updated our PKM.
Nothing but it's less professional using a blog site as your portfolio unlike having a dedicated paid for personal service. It also helps your web presence.
ps: I also think free domain extensions and free hosting is in the same group as blogs are. I mean seriously, if you can afford a professional software like 3ds max you can sure as hell afford to buy your own website, so there's no reason to be a tight ass, is there?
I've only used blogspot, so I can't speak for anything else, but you get free stat tracking by region and links, all the good stuff you get from having your own domain, which I've had before. All with a much more straightforward user interface that doesnt have you copypasting IP addresses from visitors into an ip address finder to find just where in the hell they're coming from. You also benefit from Google's site security. Make a good password, and you're pretty well off.
If you're responsible with your money and don't enjoy hemorrhaging cash through various monthly fees, then there's definitely a reason to be a tight-ass. One less bill a good thing by my standards.
Browsers, time spent, pages visited, ip, country, os, robots, spiders. All this info can be viewed daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, by individual ip and by the click of a button.
When it comes to promoting your site, lets say you have Joe Bloggs on blogname pimping his work everywhere and anywhere and then you have Joe Smith with his personal website. The personal website is more visible and attracts more attention because it's an individual name, not ending in blog like the millions of other blogs out there.
When you say hemorrhaging cash, you clearly don't know how cheap buying a site is. It costs me £100 for 2 years, domain and hosting. They handle all the security and you get free 24 hour advice.
Yeh, you can make your google password but if someone wants in they will hex their way in pretty easily. The difference is you havn't really got any cause to complain when you are getting everything for free, at least if you pay for a service you can get compensation if anything goes wrong.
imo blogs are for blogs, stuff that doesn't really matter and holds little value. I can't justify using them for anything else, it just seems like tightassery for the sake of tightassery
Like I already said, you can be hosted on Blogger and get a personal domain name, and you're placing far more value on a personal domain than they deserve. Nobody gives a shit. If people look at my artwork, they are going to see my URL in the corner of an image, or in my profile details, whatnot, and then either click on a link or type it in. If they can't be bothered because it has a '.blogspot' following my address, then who the fuck wants to work with someone like that anyway.
"When you say hemorrhaging cash, you clearly don't know how cheap buying a site is. It costs me £100 for 2 years, domain and hosting."
That's nice. I pay 0 for unlimited years. If I forgot or couldn't pay for whatever reason to reserve my domain name, I don't have to worry about a cybersquatter picking it up.
Oh no. I better watch out for people "hexing" into my site. That 'compensation' you talk about, where my provider screws around for a day or two while I'm missing out on opportunities isn't really that different than getting my "hexed" password reset.
It sounds to me like youre trying to justify having to pay for your own domain name and hosting. I pay nothing, and aside from not being able to wholly code the site with my own HTML, I've had nothing but good things.
You keep paying, and I'll keep not paying, and we're both happy.
1) Archive your work: thieves usually don't have access to the development of a project.
2) Keep a time sheet and other forms of work flow/time with the project.
3) When watermarking, keep the mark plain and simple so it's easy to read and indentify, but don't obscure your portfolio work. You want to show how awesome you are.
4) Don't freak if someone steals you work. An archived and documented piece and project puts you on a secure legal footing if it ever comes to legal blows (most of the time it shouldn't).
It's a straight forward web industry standard graphical and tabular display. Also, why would you need to filter out countries? Are you doing a study on demographics or just paranoid?
Sure, nobody cares if you own a website, do they? I'm sure every web business and professional portfolio in the world never gain anything from having their own sites.:poly105:
There is this thing called auto renewal, I hear it's pretty cool, you should check it out...
Hey, you mentioned the password, not me. Besides, if your blog server crashes and all your work goes up in a poof of smoke you won't even get an "I'm sowwy" email, let alone compensation.
I don't have to justify anything, it justifies itself and having to code isn't a requirement. You can get 1000's of free templates which provide much more choice than blog sites to choose a layout that actually complements your work as apposed to joining the herd of sheep and saying "baaaaaa". But as you say, presentation and individuality isn't important.
I'm not happy, I'm realistic.
Let's look at AW stats and blogger side by side. These are pretty much all the statistics that matter to a character or environment artist, who will appropriately ignore the rest of the cluttered minutia stat readouts offer. (Unless you're living a double life as an IT tech.)
Here they are side by side.
Unseen in this image is the rest of what AW Stats offers. I'll give a few choice statistics:
"Authenticated users (Top 10)"
"Visits Duration"
"Operating Systems (Top 10)"
"Successful hits on favicon.ico" goodness
"Javascript disabled"
"Browsers with Java support"
"Browsers with Real audio playing support"
"Browsers with PDF support"
All of these statistics, for me, fall squarely into "dont know, dont care" territory.
Nobody important to career cares if you have your own domain/privately hosted content. Are you a real-estate holder of the internet cause you've rented I can register and be equally successful. Maybe even if I wanted to pony up a few bucks to grab it through google.
Character artists and environment artists largely need images, and the odd time a video to show off their work. (Pertinent to getting them a job.) please enlighten me with what your wholly rented hosting and domain name can offer that blogspot or an equivalent cannot.
You've made your point. Hackers will hex my password when I'm with Google. Thanks for the warning, dude. I'll be sure to worry extra next time Google's "server" crashes.
And though your selective quoting changes the sentiment, the intention is the same, I am sure you're trying to convince yourself that you're getting value out of your domain. Is your template showing off your beautiful in unique personality? I thought your artwork was supposed to do that.
Speaking objectively, you do get more control with rented domain names and hosting. People happen to enjoy saving their money and time however. For the purposes of showing off my work to potential employers, I still have no idea what my old rented domain and hosting could have offered me that my new one does. It's also worth noting that you do not have to worry about bandwidth caps. So far I've only learned that you're kinda grumpy.
Now going way round to the original point, you argued that you could scare off would-be thieves with your big bad copyright warnings on your site. He doesn't care about your copyright, that's why he's a thief.
I can put the same, huge-ass disclaimer at the foot, center, header of my site. It won't make a lick of difference. If you want to make the original point you were trying to though, we're all still waiting to hear it.
All I've left to say is (and as far removed it was from the original point of this post) that there is absolutely nothing wrong to host your portfolio on a blog, carbonmade kind of service. I've got nothing but good things to say for it. Also, regardless of where you host your portfolio, it's good to host your images on Google's Picasa. Pretty good transfer speeds, uncompressed images, free, no bandwidth limit.
More sane, rational discussion on this topic already took place in this old thread:
oh yeah, people who steal artwork are bad. stop it guys, stop it you big thieves.
edit: i'm done, but if you want to continue down this topic it'd prob be best brought up in the thread linked a few lines above. this shit got hijacked.
Since you initiated the web stats discussion, I thought I would point out the difference between blog and aw stats. Most artists will mostly ignore stats and certainly won't be involved to the level you are, which makes little sense in your defence of the lesser system.
Employers may care whether your have your own site. Putting aside fancy designs and templates, owning a site directly relates to you only, thus removing you from the realm of blogspot or blogger which may be unsavoury in the eyes of a potential employer.
Yes, I am a real estate owner of the internet and webmaster to another site which is family owned, it's an investment strategy at the very least. Sure, you could have a blogspot called gcmax but it would be worthless and lost among all the other blogspots. You will not be able to buy though, that was my first enquiry 2 years ago and it is still owned today.
Yes, I am getting value out of my domain, owned for nearly 2 years and the value is around £500 minus £100 cost = £400 profit. Also I'm planning on using it to get work, fame, love, all that good stuff.
Back to the subject: as you say, if someone doesn't care they will steal but not all thieves are like that. The majority of them will be frightened off by a privately owned site.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with having a blogname portfolio, I was simply pointing out some of the benefits of owning your own site. It seems you are offended by this.
In conclusion, you seem to have alot of malformed and uninformed opinions for someone who has never owned their own website, as you stated previously. Maybe if you opened your eyes a little we could have a "rational" and more pleasing discussion.
I've never had it happen before so I wasn't sure how I'd react but I found myself laughing my arse off. I mean really, how is that a viable business model?
just beig curious. I've used blog spot before but always found it a pain to customise. If I could get it to work how I'd like I would consider giving up using a web hosting service. What with the likes of picasa and dropbox I could probably do without it quite easily.
Edit: Is this derailing the thread to much? :poly122:
Despite the obvious facts posted and that you yourself have a personal website, this was not a juvenile competition.
So ok, I don't think I will bother giving my opinion anymore (unless it's artwork) as it's clearly a waste of my time.
Your point is invalid since he stole from a well known illustrator that is know for having an awesome website design and a pretty damn good domain name( ).
Afterwards, for any remaining issues, (non-centered header, footer has too much empty space etc.) you just look around on the net for snippets of code to add through the tools that other, more knowledgeable people with the same problem have already posted.
Indeed it appears he got spooked.
This thread is adorable. We have had many in the past. They are an unfortunate positive and negative.
I'm from the old days, and, allow me to agree. It sucks when someone steals you work. I know first hand how much bullshit this can be. If you don't believe what I say. ask Kevin Johnstone. He knows what I mean. I was a retard back in the quake days. I did not get it. However, I learned. Sometimes ignorance or deadlines is the key player that can ultimately stifle someone, and I will not defend anyone. The point is, it is unfortunate when someone presents themselves in an inaccurate fashion.
To the artists that get stolen from: Boy, that sure sucks, but on the other hand, consider how fucking AMAZING you are that somebody said to themselves "HOLY SHIT! This guy is so good, the only way I can get by if I put this stuff in my portfolio."
Matroskin, the original poster of this thread WON THE FIRST UNEARTHLY CHALLENGE. If there is anyone more worth stealing from (besides Kevin and Bram Eulaers [ what a dreamy portfolio, am I right?]) then I don't know about them. For someone that doesn't understand the game industry, we must be ready to accept what we are to those looking in. This is the cross we must bare. And thank you to the honest ones of you that help us point out those thieves.
For those of us in the real world, that sounds retarded, but some folks think this is OK. Keep your eye out, and always inform others!
This is my quake 2 player model originally posted on Q2PMP posted in an advertisement in Game Developer magazine.
I could tell you about myself, jon jones or brian's animation work on that player model, but some guys at a localization company from god-knows-where decided to publish it giving us far more recognition than we deserved for crapping out some player model for Quake 2.
Reality is too F'n weird.
That alone throws up many red flags, LOL!
No, they expect to get to the 3d / gaming industry without any hard work to create profile as we do.
Though, I must remark their strength on not being embarrassed on the things they do and do not even regret it. They keep on doing it.
Like as if "we've already lied to them, but its ok, they r fine with it, so why won't you?" :P
Regarding GCMP vs Uly thing, there is a fare share of pro artists having only blogs and its absuletly fine, nothing "non-professional" as to me. When I've got my own site it was pretty much only because i wanted my own layout and to be able to change everything if i need to :P No other reason...
lol more sounds like their base are belong to us
ps : i switched to blog style web because uploading images and managing gallery is much easier.
yo vlad finally you put teh Black pegassus artwork
The PKM is from our Project. He was to Texture it, but he didn't submit the finished piece. After we became aware of these stealing reports we updated our PKM.