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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread


  • ColonelBD
    Chemicle Alia has done it again! Really nice to wake up to find this on the front page of Gamebanana. Personally I would like the sniper to be done next, dunno why.

    However I do find some of the quotes to be a bit wierd, "Off to visit your mother" just sounds really off. Apart from that great job :D

    I've started to texture my Knife, done the blade and the front grip, doesn't use rim lighting and Phong ATM.


    Any crits would be welcome. I'll probably make a bloody version and a bloodless version just to be safe.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    She's pretty cool. Submit her! Maybe we can get a classy female pack update for TF2.

    This is classy, the other ones I've seen are silicone boobed teenage girls mods, lol. This one fits the game perfectly.
  • Dashtoronto
    Baddcog wrote: »
    She's pretty cool. Submit her! Maybe we can get a classy female pack update for TF2.

    This is classy, the other ones I've seen are silicone boobed teenage girls mods, lol. This one fits the game perfectly.


    post gifs of this silicone boobed teenage girl mod? I want to see it.

    nice mods so far.

    my project is coming along so far very nicely. have to add some chains to make it look more badass. its only 50% done. something tells me it'll never be finished. I'll always be revising it, but whatever. wish i could show it to you guys, but it would really suck if i didn't finish it and someone ripped it off with a version of there own before i submitted it.

    i noticed how everyone posts their projects when its at least 90-95% done and not before. Sneaky. so ya. i guess ill have to wait to show it to you guys.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Glad you like my golf items Alia! From what I've gathered it seems like for the most part people don't think it fits the Demoman which I don't understand. The modern version of Golf was pretty much created in Scotland back in the 1500's. I somewhat agree that the texture doesn't have enough contrast in darks and lights, but as you've said I don't want to submit another revision. The details on the texture are much more apparent when you're closer in game and especially in first person.

    On your Spy character replacement, that's probably the best character replacement mod I've ever seen. The style fits very well and the voice is perfect for the model. I remember when you started that shortly after the Polypack competition but the thread here on PC died. A few weeks ago a friend linked me to your thread on it at Facepunch and I was glad to see that it wasn't completely dead.

    The only nitpick I have is the alpha on the spy outline when you change disguises. It looks like you just used a plain old Alpha for it. Valve uses a special alpha map called a Distance Alpha. Here's the developer wiki page on it if you're interested in it.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Ah, now I can't seem to find any of the cartoony boobie girls. lol.

    But I did come across Ali's female medic which is just as good as the spy. And saw a female heavy skin which seems to fit perfect (her name could be Big Bertha ;) )

    @Zip, yeah if someone says it doesn't fit the demo, well... Maybe he isn't a golfer personally, but it does have the strong Scottish tie-in, and the items look good on him.
  • Chemical Alia
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    Chemical Alia polycounter lvl 7
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    Glad you like my golf items Alia! From what I've gathered it seems like for the most part people don't think it fits the Demoman which I don't understand. The modern version of Golf was pretty much created in Scotland back in the 1500's. I somewhat agree that the texture doesn't have enough contrast in darks and lights, but as you've said I don't want to submit another revision. The details on the texture are much more apparent when you're closer in game and especially in first person.

    That's nuts, the first thing I thought of was "oh that totally fits, because he's Scottish lol!" I found the same problem with a decent part of the community after my Spy fez was put into the game, since a lot of people weren't aware of the connection. What can you do, though.

    The only nitpick I have is the alpha on the spy outline when you change disguises. It looks like you just used a plain old Alpha for it. Valve uses a special alpha map called a Distance Alpha. Here's the developer wiki page on it if you're interested in it.

    Awesome. I noticed that it looked different but I wasn't sure what it was. I'll get that fixed with the next version/update, thanks! I'm glad you like it!
  • Ruskeydoo
    That's nuts, the first thing I thought of was "oh that totally fits, because he's Scottish lol!" I found the same problem with a decent part of the community after my Spy fez was put into the game, since a lot of people weren't aware of the connection. What can you do, though.

    "Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults, if you succeed in doing this, tell me how."

    Baz Luhrmann [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTJ7AzBIJoI[/ame]
  • ColonelBD
    When you mean "Sillicone boobed girls" do you mean those anime character reskins? 'Cause those are plasterd over Gamebananana.

    Getting close to finishing this:

    I need crits otherwise I'm going final with this, cause I really want to wrap this up. So speak now or forever hold your peace.:\
  • Jman
    On the metal bits of the handle you have really intense edge highlights yet the curved part of the metal handle is completely uniform in texture. You could also add a chip to the curved part if you wanted, here's a quick paintover of what I mean. QNGPOl.jpg
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Not enough shape from the players perspective imo. Seems like the handle is just too thick, and the part holding the blade should be thinner than the hilt.

    Also lose the blood. Blood splatters happen when you hit something, prepainted blood just doesn't fit.

    On a different note, does anyone think those tudor textures could use a normal map for some depth? They just look so flat and blah in those screens to me.

    Reason I ask is I'm going to be doing some similar styled textures for my current map wip and I'm wondering if they should just be flat or have normals.
  • Sparkwire
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    Sparkwire polycounter lvl 9
    Noors wrote: »
    I have finally "finished" and submitted the view model. This is my last TF2 contribution, time to move on some anatomy drawing :)

    (i like that medieval buff banner)

    release it to the general public.
  • Dashtoronto
    Sparkwire wrote: »
    release it to the general public.

    Where specifically?
  • Ruskeydoo
    Baddcog wrote: »
    On a different note, does anyone think those tudor textures could use a normal map for some depth? They just look so flat and blah in those screens to me.

    They are meant to be flat ;)

  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Well, got me there. But I've seen a lot of tudor that isn't flat, the wood actually sticks out. Pics, games, etc...

    Don't know how the normal maps would really look with prebaked lighting though (does vvis account for them?)
  • Emeriastone
    They'd look better with an ssbump, as they would then tend to shadow around the beams based on the angle of the env_lighting.
  • crazy-g
    thanks for the kill icon help ColonelBD and Jman, got it to replace the equalizer

    here's what i got for the helmet:

    i was having a problem with a white outline when i tried to make the stripe paintable so i might make the bolts and/or the rim paintable instead
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I like that helm. Simple and consistent with the original helm, yet still distinctive.

    What does the painting mask actually look like? A while border might mean that you need to harden up the edge pixels.
  • blaholtzen
    crazy-g wrote: »
    thanks for the kill icon help ColonelBD and Jman, got it to replace the equalizer

    here's what i got for the helmet:

    i was having a problem with a white outline when i tried to make the stripe paintable so i might make the bolts and/or the rim paintable instead

    i got the same problem with a texture i was making. (the white border becomes more apparent the further away from the hat you are right?) try using the old paint method, as in adding a solid color on top of the texture rather then tinting a white one, if you need good tips on paint talk to daimao (the guy behind the paint update) you can find him at facepunch but think he has an account here as well
  • Emeriastone
    crazy-g wrote: »
    thanks for the kill icon help ColonelBD and Jman, got it to replace the equalizer

    here's what i got for the helmet:

    i was having a problem with a white outline when i tried to make the stripe paintable so i might make the bolts and/or the rim paintable instead

    Looks really great, the shape, the texture work--though I'd rather have it without the color stripe. Everyone is on a kick to make an item that's paintable, and even if it increases the worth of the thing as a potential item, I don't think everything needs to be paintable. Just my 2 cents. Great work on the overall pack too.
  • Cbast
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    Cbast triangle
    Hey guys, here's my last contribute model :

    (Obligatory Touhou reference again).

    Feel free to comment. .D
  • Contrails
    @crazy-g, it's mipmapping I think - not much you can do about it besides disabling mipmapping (which I wouldn't recommend doing) also visible on other hats... soldier's stash comes to mind

    pack looks great :)

    @cbast - looks great like the other blood one... textures are a bit flat though, most notably on the rim of the face

    are the gears animated or is that asking for too much?

    edit - forgot to mention... you've got some grammatical errors on the promo too, if you'd like help in fixing them, I can do it
  • crazy-g
    thanks, guys. good idea for the paint, blaholtzen; i did end up using the solid color method where the opacity of the paint is determined by the alpha channel (the viking helmet is a good reference for this) just $blendtintcoloroverbase needs to be 1 in the vmt. also the .dlls need to be copied from the tf2 bin folder to the sdk orangebox bin folder which i didn't realize and took me an hour or so to figure out why it wasn't showing up properly :poly127:

    here's the schemes i tried out:


    @Contrails: with the white diffuse, i did some testing as well and it seems more than just the mipmapping is affecting it. it's like there is a different texture filter on the paint overlay (i.e. it's rendered differently) where the edges aren't blurred as much as the diffuse. the result is a blurry white outline that the paint doesn't cover. having mipmaps certainly makes it more noticeable though.

    @Cbast: your promo piece jogged my memory - i remember seeing another "pocket watch filled with blood," as your text says, a while back. is this an updated version or did someone else make that? i really like the clockwork mechanisms! i'm guessing the edges are reflective and that's why the diffuse around the edges is flat. the cloak meter being a bit small is my only nitpick

    @Emeriastone: painted gray you can hardly tell it has a stripe! really though, when i was taking my screenshots above i did the blank one last and it didn't look as bad as i thought it would. but paintability for a large hat with a lot of empty area is inevitable and i would rather have a stripe or accent than the whole thing overdone.
  • Simski
    I think the stripe on 2 was paint enough, any more and it might look a bit excessive.
    How does the unpainted one look on Soldier by the way?

    If it looks good, perhaps you could make the stripe similar to how you paint the Tosslecap or the Scotsman's Stove Pipe.
    Meaning, it doesn't have any colored stripe when not painted, but when you use paint on it, it colors a new stripe on it.
  • Blasphemy

    I have returned after much deliberation.

    Here I present my update on the Gatling Shotgun that I had previously worked on earlier in this thread. Updates include one texture space instead of two, and fixed smoothgroups which I had not managed to figure out last time.

    I am aware that the rotating part of the barrel is currently offset, and I will make it my priority to remedy this before I start texturing tomorrow.


    @Crazy-g: I Personally like #4 as it highlights the more extraneous features of the helmet.
  • Dr.Eggman
  • Captain of The Chalk Ship
    Eggman, please tell us you will test the pack in the Saxton Hale server, like you did to the Floral Defence!
    All your work (done by you and/or assisted by you) is perfect!
  • Dr.Eggman
    I can not release the best leg and the claw as skins, because it's needs remove leg and arm from demoman. But I think i'll release Shark (skin for other hats), Cannon (for grenade launcher), and cap of the barrel (for chargin' targe).
    test the pack in the Saxton Hale server
    I have better idea.

    But primary target is contribute.
  • Rada
    so computer decided to BSOD me, i was able to back up my files but i wont be able to get to a modding computer until my recovery disks come in. 5 months, i have had this computer for 5 months and it decides to do this.

    also Eggman i would rename the cannon because big bertha is a name of a golf club type maybe something more along the line of the Jolly Lobber (play on Jolly roger), and if you were able to release the pirate hook i would name it the Kilted Claw
  • Cbast
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    Cbast triangle
    crazy-g wrote: »
    @Cbast: your promo piece jogged my memory - i remember seeing another "pocket watch filled with blood," as your text says, a while back. is this an updated version or did someone else make that? i really like the clockwork mechanisms! i'm guessing the edges are reflective and that's why the diffuse around the edges is flat. the cloak meter being a bit small is my only nitpick

    The "flat" feeling come from the HLMV render, it doesn't look that flat in-game (imo). Personnaly I'd like to delete the cloak meter coz' the HUD show it already and it doesn't fit to that kind of watch. But most of people want to have it on the watch. Thank for feedback !
    Contrails wrote: »
    @cbast - looks great like the other blood one... textures are a bit flat though, most notably on the rim of the face

    are the gears animated or is that asking for too much?

    edit - forgot to mention... you've got some grammatical errors on the promo too, if you'd like help in fixing them, I can do it

    Thanks. The gears are not animated yet, I'll try to it properly this time (last time it worked but the decompilation of the arm glitched the model).
    And for my grammatical errors I can't say no, it would be great ! Where can I contact you ? Steam ? Anyway thank.

    (Some people report me a bug with the skin. I'll fix it now. You'll soon be able to download a working version).
  • Ruskeydoo
  • Simski
    Ruskeydoo wrote: »
    Misc for Heavy?

    Cool, but why?
  • Captain of The Chalk Ship
  • Ruskeydoo
    Simski wrote: »
    Cool, but why?

    Seemed like a good idea at the time ;)
  • Just a Gigolo
    Ruskeydoo wrote: »
    Misc for Heavy?


    Was the Heavy assimilated?
  • Some Jerk
    The obvious course of action now is to make an entire cyborg themed set for the heavy.
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    For Stalin's Five Year Plan. The other Five Year Plan. The one about an army of Soviet cyborgs.
  • cant speall
    Somethin' I've been working on. It's my first attempt at a hat; let me know what you think. (it's still a work in progress)


  • Ruskeydoo
    Your Spanish comb morion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morion_%28helmet%29 is very flat


    For texturing I always use an existing item as a point of reference. So for the engravings check out the Ambassador and the Frontier Justice for how Valve do the effect, then copy them.
  • GG_Underscore
    Eggman! i want that pack so bad. The shark is awesome (absolutely love the little smirk on it)
  • ColonelBD
    Really hope they get into the weaponiser:).

    Little concept art of a syringe gun im working on. I made the orginal version about 6 months back, it was good but not good enough. So this is a remake of it, I've tweaked some aspects of it and added others onto it. So what do you think, yay or nay?
    Originals on Gamebanana if your interested.
    Do you think it will be better if I did syringes in the barrel, (like on the default) or a tank system simular to the blutsauger?
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Nice demoman pack matee
  • Macgta
    Hi all :) First post on Polycount woo :poly124:

    Just thought i'd post 2 experimental TF2 weapons i've done in the past:



    First one was just a crazy idea i had called the Savoury Incendiary Launcher (launches sandviches instead of rockets :poly124:), The other was just a shotgun based on a remington.
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    That's awesome! the shotgun looks really cool!
  • Rada
    i would post any work i did on my hat, but the computer i use is under repair in a best buy somewhere because Windows 7 OS loves to spasm, and my files are on a backup hardrive at my house
  • Dashtoronto
    i would post my current work in progress but my idea would be stolen by model designers that are a hundred times far more advanced than I am, in a mere nanosecond. Not to mention, their copies would be far more better looking. I'd rather wait till mine is 99% done and just before handing it into valve so at least i get credit for my idea : P
  • ColonelBD

    I decided to go with the tank system as the tank is in a different position when compared with the default syringe system, so the spin animation would get messed up and start clipping through the tank. Its a problem I had with the last version as well.

    Any crits are welcome:)!
  • Cbast
    Offline / Send Message
    Cbast triangle
    That's cool ! It may be a bit flat on one side (upper left snapshot) on the main part of the weapon. How does it reload ? A tiny-tank of strange mixture ? .D

    Anyway great work !
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    @Dashtoronto - Like others have said, no one will steal your idea if you post it here because we will all know that YOU made it not someone else. If you're not going to post any pictures then we can't help you or anything. We will pounce on anyone who 'steals' your idea
  • Dashtoronto
    Sukotto wrote: »
    @Dashtoronto - Like others have said, no one will steal your idea if you post it here because we will all know that YOU made it not someone else. If you're not going to post any pictures then we can't help you or anything. We will pounce on anyone who 'steals' your idea

    lol ha ha

    how are you gonna 'pounce' on anyone that steals my idea? you gonna find out their home address and knock on their front door and when they answer? you gonna ask them why'd you steal Dashtoronto's idea? ha ha.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Polycount is a community of artists, as artists, we know how it feels to have someone steal an idea, so if it does happen to you, there will be people there to back you up
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