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TF2 CTF Decker Custom Map



  • Mark Dygert
    First Release Candidate!

    If all goes well and no one finds any bugs, lameness or if anyone has any awesome suggestions then this will be the final version of the map. Thanks for all of your help, suggestions and guidance during this project, you rock polycount!

    Install instructions:
    Download and unzip the file to your ...\tf\maps\ folder normally found in
    \Program Files\Steam\steamapps\YourSteamName\team fortress 2\tf\maps

    List of changes:
    Added sounds.
    Added a lot of new props.
    Finished detailing both bases.
    Optimized everything.
    Countless collision meshes created...








  • Muzzoid
    Online / Send Message
    Muzzoid interpolator
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    This needs to be included with the Polycount update.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Amazing work Mark! Bravo!
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Congratz Vig on the release, this was always an insane project...great details, textures, lighting...everything.
  • Mark Dygert
    Thanks guys, it's been a lot of fun. Gotta prep a bunch of models for the props pack. I'm pretty excited to see what people are going to do with the models.

    If you find any bugs or have any suggestions let me know!
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    very cool work man, I just played through it (alone tho). Besides the fact that I'm getting a bit lost at first, everything seems to be fine, and definitely looks gorgeous !!!
  • Mark Dygert
    Thanks Vahl.

    IT IS DONE...
    The maps "official*" page here: http://vigville.com/ctf_laynedecker/

    On that page you'll find:
    The map.
    The fast download version for server admins.
    and.... The Props Pack. Which contains all of the custom models and textures I created while working on this map.


    What map couldn't use a few more fish stuffed with rockets, a Blu Co. areal "recon" plane or maybe even a tug boat or a crane? They're there for you to use and enjoy, I hope you have as much fun using them in strange weird ways as I did building them.

    You'll need to email me (vig at hotmail dot com) if you want the original files I used to create the props, .max, .psd .obj ect... It's 123mb

    You can also connect directly to the ctf_laynedecker 24-7 server and automatically download the map before jumping in for a little mayhem.

    I've changed the name to ctf_laynedecker to avoid file confusion and as a nod one of my all time artistic hero's JC Leyendecker. I know what you're thinking "umm no offense pal but you spelled it wrong...that's not even how its pronounced?" It's also a nod to my daughter Layne ;)

    List O' changes:
    Heavily optimized for performance and file size.
    Larger hallways.
    New areas.
    New details and props.
    The release of the props pack (and you thought it would never happen)

    *and by official I mean in no way sanctioned by valve...
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Congratulations on the release! Looks like a great map. I'll bring it up with some of the admins on the server I play on and see if they'll put it in the rotation for a bit to test it out.
  • Nick_Halme
    Oi, awesome atmosphere! Really dig the prop plane.
  • 3D-209
    Great looking map, Vig! Can't wait to check it out.
  • nrek
    Offline / Send Message
    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Congrats Vig! That is one sweet looking map. Maybe this will be the final push needed to get the PC server going again.

    I think the cow cubes are my favorite little prop.
  • Rapante
    Offline / Send Message
    Rapante polygon
    awesome work Vig! This map will be in the top spot of my servers map rotation (once I get my lazy bum up again to get the server going anyhow ;)) Love the towboat and the submarine.
  • Mark Dygert
    Zip, thanks and that would be pretty cool.

    3D, thanks buddy, let me know what you think after you give it a spin too =)

    nrek, ha, yea I think Oxy has been running a L4D2 server, its been getting some regular action.

    Rap, thanks those where some of my favorite props to make. Now that I've released the props pack people are making requests so I might be pimping off more TF2 stuff soon.

    EDIT: Nick_Halme, I missed your comments the last time I checked this thread, sorry about that, thanks for your kind words buddy =)
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