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TF2 CTF Decker Custom Map

I'm moving this out of my sketchbook and into a P&P thread because it totally took over and dominated my sketchbook thread.

For those of you who have been following along... No its not dead, it inches ever so close to beta week by week. There hasn't been much to report on since I posted last until now. I wrapped up a bunch of back end stuff and managed to work on a few more pops, plug some leaks and get started on the 3D sky box.

ctf_decker410003.jpgOverview. Hopefully shows some of the symmetry.

ctf_decker410007.jpgFinished off the funnel and various other props, like the windows the communications tower and various props inside the bridge. Might change the big number to be the name of the ship (USS Leyendecker). Or I might put it some place else as an overlay.

ctf_decker410011.jpgYou can see a few of the blue base props that still need to be switched out for red. The pilings don't look painterly enough, I'll have to retouch them. It's hard switching gears back to TF2 style =/

ctf_decker410014.jpg View from the topmost snipers nest.

More shots: http://www.vigville.com/wip/ctf_decker/

Whats left to do:
- Finish 3D Skybox
- Some props and texture work on the red base
- Detail blue & red spawn rooms
- Detail red intel room
- Change up the cliff displacement
- Place a few directional signs
- Go back over all the textures and props and make sure everything is optimal for download.
- Release beta, gather feedback and fix whatever people find.

I don't want to set a date, because it depends on how much I can get done in my very liquid free time but I realistically have about 20-30hrs of work left. I might take some time off work just to have a day or two to hammer out some of the more mundane, time consuming tasks.

I also mocked up a quick path(s) guide.
- Blue is the top most path. It's on level with the dock & flight deck.
- Orange is the middle level. It sits below the dock & flight deck.
- Green is the lowest level at the water line.


  • warby
    Offline / Send Message
    warby polycounter lvl 18
    totally original and totaly awsome :D

    also love that despite the different looks on both sides the layout seams to be perfectly symmetrical
  • Generalvivi
    Offline / Send Message
    Generalvivi polycounter lvl 14
    That looks totally awesome dude! the ship looks sweeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt and so do the huge guns :D
  • diZzyWalnut
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    diZzyWalnut polycounter lvl 18
    that's splendid. looks cool - let us know when it will be done.
    i like your sense of details , lol
    Offline / Send Message
    |*BILLY$CLINT*| polycounter lvl 11
    WOW....That looks great you really hit the art style of the game dead on.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    Very nice work! Inspiring :)
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome work vig. I love the broken bed with the teddy bear. I wonder who sleeps there!
  • _Gr9yFox_
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    _Gr9yFox_ polycounter lvl 10
    I love the idea behind this.
  • Lord Ned
    Looks interesting. If your looking for a place to test it, www.tf2maps.net organizes weekly Gameday's for testing.

    Can't wait to play it.
  • vahl
    Offline / Send Message
    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    awesome man, will make sure to check it out when it's released !!:D
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    super stuff, vig, it looks great :)
    hopefully it plays as well, too!
  • Mark Dygert
    Warby, thanks. I did a lot of play testing with friends and family when I was blocking it out. This is the 3rd layout I've done, its still pretty fluid and easy to change. For the most part I think it plays pretty solid,

    Genvivi, thanks. One of the guns was hidden when I did the last compile. A big gun just like on the left of this shot also goes in the back between the funnel and the crane. I still have to give the big guns another texture pass right now they are just AO and a tileable with some bad seams (or seems if your Canadian). They'' blend a lot better noce they're done.

    DiZzy, thanks, I'll post server info when it goes beta. I plan on doing a public beta release so hopefully a few servers will pick it up also. I plan on doing a custom bunk for each class. I have a few rough ideas but I'm open to suggestions from anyone!

    Billy, thanks, is easy to turn up the realism, not so easy to turn it down haha. It's easy to take it the other direction also. The first version I did of the blue plane looked like a happy meal toy!

    pior, heh, thanks.

    hobo, thanks buddy =P

    Slum, ha two guesses who sleeps in the bunk under him...

    Gr9y, thanks. I got the idea after reading an article about 2fort. It brought up the fact that its stupid (but fun) to have two bases so close. It stuck with me for a while and I had to solve it.

    Lord Ned, I posted it over there, I like their site they have a lot of useful info. I had no clue about the week play testing, thats awesome I'll see if I can get it worked into the rotation when the time comes, thanks!

    vahl, thanks =)

    MoP, Hopefully! I've gotten some good feedback and made some big changes over it's cycle so hopefully there aren't too many suprises. Even if there are they should be pretty easy to fix. Its not hard to reroute hallways and change the shape of rooms. I tried to build it with making changes in mind. But like vahl pointed out, I really have to get it out there and let the people go nuts. Because a lot of the public play testing has been "this is new lets jack around and figure things out" and not a lot of "lets try and climb on top of the skybox" so we'll see how things go. I imagine finding a lot of things I didn't even think about...

    There's one path from the water to the flag I have sealed off, I might open it back up but it really increases the traffic in the water and makes the intel room hard to guard, so it might stay sealed... have to test it in beta...
  • StJoris
    Damn Vig this is some nicely executed work. Must have took alot of time to make all that, may I ask how much time you have spent on this approx.?
  • Tumerboy
    Offline / Send Message
    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    awesome work dude.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    hah. that's cool vig. nice one.
  • sicsided
    Awesome work mate, I've been waiting for a release of this!

    Was there any interesting things that came up in your initial play testings? Such as classes being able to take advantage of one area more than another and balancing that accordingly? Would love to get into TF2 mapping myself, but my brain hurts thinking off all the class possibilities right now.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Nice work vig, looks like it'll be alot of fun when released. Now all we need is the ability to hop in the planes and have aerial dog fights :D
  • Mark Dygert

    The blue team has docked their aircraft carrier at the red cannery, hilarity and carnage ensue.
    please send bugs and requests to "VIG at VIGVILLE dot COM"

    - Blue base: 90% fini
    - Red base: 60% fini
    - Shared areas: 80% fini

    Please do not use any of the custom props or textures included with this map, in any other maps, YET!
    Many of the props and textures are still works in progress.
    I will release the props and textures as a custom pack once this map releases.

    Download: http://www.vigville.com/wip/ctf_decker/ctf_Decker_b1.rar
    Mirror 1: http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/86135
    More screenshots at: http://www.vigville.com/wip/ctf_decker/

    (Click the thumbs for larger versions)




  • MoP
    Offline / Send Message
    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    that looks super-cool vig, i will recommend it to people i know who play TF2 to try.
    i might even reinstall TF2 to have a run around this, i love it! :D
  • Rob Galanakis
    Wow that looks beautiful! I'm sure once people get playtesting it will be more fun, but it looks really nice and interesting!
  • g0th
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    g0th triangle
  • 00Zero
    MMMM. i was checking this out a while back. good to know youre still working on it. Look killer. Ive had TF2 since the day it came out and have only played for a grand total of 20 minutes. But I will give this a run around. PS, enemy docking ship at your base = funny.
  • se7ered
    i love the tugboat...but on the battleship...are those lights or bolts around the 34?...hard to tell.
  • zacko9000
    Damn dude, this looks badass. I love the TF2 art style and I think you nailed it. Can't wait to play on this map.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    Looking really good so far. From the looks of these shots and the paper map, this has potential to be really fun. Keep up the good work. Hope to see it finished some day.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    looks awesome Vig, you nailed the art style, reinstalling TF2 so i can check it out :)
  • Szark
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    Szark polycounter lvl 12
    Love it.

    The only thing I dislike is the deck of the ship, I think it would look nicer as wooden planks. Also, whats happening in that last shot? There should be something holding that cable up in the air surely. :)
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Mark, I hope you don't mind but I brought up your map with Robin tonight:
    ///MANCHiLD: How've things been
    Robin: good
    Robin: plugging away on TF2 as usual
    ///MANCHiLD: speaking of which
    ///MANCHiLD: http://www.vigville.com/wip/ctf_decker/images/ctf_DeckerWIP_0012.jpg
    Robin: wow
    ///MANCHiLD: http://www.vigville.com/wip/ctf_decker/
    Robin: that looks fantastic
    Robin: yours?
    ///MANCHiLD: http://www.vigville.com/wip/ctf_decker/images/ctf_DeckerWIP_0004.jpg
    ///MANCHiLD: my buddy mark's
    ///MANCHiLD: he's been plugging away on this for awhile
    ///MANCHiLD: finally ready to get it out there to be tested.
    Robin: looks really neat
    Robin: if he can get it to play as well as it looks, he's got a winner
  • Mark Dygert
    MoP, Thanks buddy. If you do reinstall and venture out onto servers, with all the updates its kind of changed since release. For the most part the alt weapons are fun, but not necessary to kick ass. But be ready for some, WTF moments.
    I've been having a blast lately playing Zombie Fortress its a survival mode where one team is zombies and the other team is made up of survivors. I don't know how long its been around but there are a few good maps for it already one of my favorites being "Asylum".

    Rob, yea there's only so much I (and my wife) can play test, its really gotta get out there take its lumps so I can fix what I'm blind to. The good thing is that most of the pathways are very pliable so if I run into any major issues I can change things up pretty easily.

    Goth, thanks!

    00Zero, Glad to hear you're going to give it a spin, thanks! And the 2 forts being built feet away from each other is kind of what drove me to make this map.

    se7ered, thanks! Those are lights... If I do a custom sky map I'll plan on making it dusk, and at that point I would turn them on, but that would mean reworking quite a few textures on the outside props so we'll have to see. The sky box 2D & 3D is on the list of things to do.

    zacko, thanks I hope it plays well, if not well that's what this is for. So far people seem to get lost pretty easily down in the bowels of the map, I'm not sure if that's because there are too many hallways, not enough signs, or people just getting their bearings on a new map? I'm ready to make some pretty drastic changes if I have to, but hopefully the feedback I got from alpha testing will hold up.

    Nick, tanks tumor!

    A.Kincade, thanks, I will finish it! Just not before DW4 is over ha! I have a lot on my plate right now, work is kicking it up a notch, DW4 is on and I'm locked in mortal combat with my cartoon nemesis (everyone should get one), and I have another side project starting up soon too.

    Lee, wow cool, thanks! If you happen to keep it installed I'd like to know what you think of TF2 now with all the updates. If you get the itch to check out some other custom maps I know a server that runs some great ones (including this one) a really good custom map is Aerospace.

    Szark, I hear ya, I've tried cracked concrete and now the asphalt. I'll toss some uniformed wood planks in there and see how it looks, thanks for the suggestion! I had thought about doing wood to be a little historically accurate, but thought people would get confused and think its 2 docks, but its worth a try, I know I could do more with overlays and such with a less noisy texture. After the map has been around and people get used to the idea, it would be easier to pull a switcher-a-roo?

    Bromell & Brown, you're awesome! I'm up for making any changes to make it play well, so hopefully in the end it will be a winner! I built it with making changes in mind so I'm up for a lot of changes if that's what it takes. Just gotta find what I'm blind too =)
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    We need to get it into the rotation on the studio rumble server!
  • Mark Dygert

    New beta version, with totally redesigned paths. Much smaller (file size and map size), simpler and quicker to navigate, and added a bunch of optimization improvements.

    Still a lot of work left to do but its ready for play testing.


    List of changes:
    - Started a custom 2D/3D skybox.
    - Changed it from day to night.
    - Rerouted a lot of paths and simplified things.
    - Reworked a lot of the props and optimized textures.
    - Removed the lowest level from the bases.
    - Added health and ammo to various places.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Sounds like good changes. The paths were maybe a bit too complex before.

    The night change looks great too. Still has good ambient light.

    I'll have to make sure it gets up at cC.
  • Murdoc
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    Murdoc polycounter lvl 11
    Wow. If I wasn't a massive crack addict to TF2 and have to maker sure it doesn't touch my computer, I'd really want to try it. Instead I'll just stare at the picture.
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    I will give it a spin in the weekends, looks like allot of fun!

    hell, maybe we will see this map in one of the future tf2 updates!
  • Lonewolf
    Offline / Send Message
    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    thats beautiful

    awesome work man
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Gorgeous work, Vig.

    Another forum I'm on does a weekly custom TF2 map test. I'll try to get Decker added to tonights game and get you some feedback.
    wow, I love detail on the heavy doors and your airplane looks great!
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Amazing work! Love TF2 and hopefully this takes off and gets released as a community map in the next update!

    So, if I remember from the commentary on Left 4 Dead, players naturally flock toward lighted areas over darkness. This might help with your new night setting....herd those newbies toward the intel.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    hey vig.. this looks very slick man.. !!
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Looking good, Vig. I have a few crits, though:

    -When running through the bases, it's sometimes difficult to tell which one you're in since a lot of the custom models have bluish textures. Adding a second skin with a warmer tone to them, or even just neutral colors would work well to distinguish between different areas. The same goes for the world textures you're using; there's a lot of blue in the red base since it looks like you haven't yet made red versions of certain textures. Fixing these will help a lot of navigation problems.

    -The interior spaces of the bases feel pretty cramped and claustrophobic. You might be able to get around this by raising the ceilings a little.

    -Most of the corridors inside the bases feel kind of boxy and plain. Add some more material variation, put some overlays and props in strategic locations and this will change.

    -It's a little bit difficult to see where the intel room is, so adding distinctive textures and props around it should help make it more visible.

    -The second level deck seems a little useless right now as the only way up is a single staircase or a rocket/sticky jump. I'd suggest adding a second way up from far inside the bases so attack and defense up there can do more interesting things.

    Overall this looks like a really solid map and the custom content is incredible. I found myself just walking around and looking at the props, so great job. Iron out the layout and detail work and this should be pretty kickass.
  • Mark Dygert
    Thanks guys.

    Swizzle, I agree, thanks buddy =) I'll work on all of that stuff.
    - The blue props in the red base are place holder until I get the flow ironed out I put prop creation/placement on hold.

    "The second level deck seems a little useless right now as the only way up is a single staircase or a rocket/sticky jump. I'd suggest adding a second way up from far inside the bases so attack and defense up there can do more interesting things."

    There's a staircase in the intel room I hid for this release. Soldiers and demos complained that they had very few rocket jumping spots that meant anything. Engies also thought there where too many exits to guard. It took 2-3 engines previously to properly defend the intel, now its pretty reasonable for 1.

    So I thought why not allow airborn units access to the 2 top exits when escaping with the intel. I have a feeling you're right and that the stairs will need to come back for the final release.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    all in all it´s a bit confusing..

    I´d love to fight more on deck like in 2forts but normaly you´r running around in one of the bases

    like Swizzle sayed, could the corridors use some more detailing
    and there´s a part of the corridor where you have a lot of weird corners/edges.. this looks unnatural

    also you don´t "feel" where you are.. i think this is bc the corridors lack unique spots you can easily remember

    and the water texture tiles too often

    btw.. liked the day-version more, but anyway.. the indoor parts need more lights.. it should be bright inside - imo -
    to see more and to have a contrast to the outdoor ondeck part

    but nontheless it makes already fun to play the map..
    so keep going!
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome Vig! I look forward to trying it.

    (I'm more of a dayman myself)
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Wow...very nice...and yea I preferred the day shots too, but it's still awesome.
  • Mark Dygert
    Really good points guys, I think I'll be able to rework most of that in. Looks like I might be switching it back to day or more dusky with stronger lighting inside. It's popped up on a few servers and people seem to be enjoying it much more then the first release. With the first release almost universally everyone said "looks great plays horrible". Now its shot more the other way, which is cool I can take care of the visuals.

    Three groups have added it to their "lets help test custom maps" game days over the next week I'll gather up times and servers and make a post for anyone interested.

    I'm running a 24-7 server at (from home No longer running)

    You can download the map from the server, but its probably faster to download it from here first, then connect.

    Also check this out, some guy took the props and made this, I think it looks pretty cool, would have been nice if he told me instead of stumbling across it, but its cool looking.
  • Mark Dygert
    Play Test Dates:

    Host: caffeinePowered TF Tuesday
    Date: 07/07/09 Tues 6:00pm PST

    Host: CGTalk's Weekly TF2
    Date: 07/08/09 Wed 6:00pm PST
    PW: polygon

    Host: TF2Maps.net
    Date: 07/12/09 Sat 9:00am PST

  • Mark Dygert
    After some play testing on a few servers I've compiled a list of changes.

    I'll take any and all criticism you can toss my way. Don't worry about hurting my feelings. If we can't tear it down then I can't rebuild it stronger =P

    Intel Room Changes:
    - Add stairs to intel room.
    - Move sub in the intel room to out of bounds area.
    - Smooth out the clipping on the props on the 2nd floor of the intel room. (People seem to get caught when circling the floor while looking down.)
    - Add second ground floor entrance to the intel room.

    Spawn Room Changes:
    - Remove the hallway bump/cut out that has health and a hatch. (near mess hall spawn)
    - Flip and straighten out the center "mess hall" spawn room(s) so it feeds into the map in a more natural direction.
    - Turn up lighting in key areas to help guide players to doors and exits, especially in the water exit rooms.

    Lift Area and Water Area Changes:
    - Lights and signs to guide players out of the water.
    - Lift room has a doorway that looks like you can walk through, but is blocked. Either allow access or block it visually.
    - The lower bridge doesn't extend far enough to the red side, people fall through the hole.

    Misc Changes:
    - Finish off WIP props and create the new Red base canary props and textures.
    - Finish detailing both bases, props, overlays detail brushes ect...
    - Less intel signs, more resupply signs.
  • Swizzle
    Offline / Send Message
    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Vig wrote: »
    - Less intel signs, more resupply and battlements signs.

    Fixed that for ya.
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