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stylized female

I finaly got Topogun today and i started to rebuild this female bust.
I have to figure out later on how to texture it nicely.


  • nbac
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    nbac polycounter lvl 9
    the retopoversion should have less poligons... nice work so far...
  • TNO
    33 vertices are now deleted out of hte face
  • Mark Dygert
    Can we see the bust without the wireframe overlay?
    You're off to a good start but there are few things to think about.

    Stylyized isn't a free ticket to ignore anatomy, often it means you have study it that much more to really nail it.
    The boobs lack weight and unless you have a really good reason for making them look like hockey pucks vacuum sealed under a little boys shirt... I think they should be redone.

    No collar bone?

    The ear lacks a lot of detail, even on stylized characters ears are more than skin flaps.

    There isn't too much detail to capture on the high so making a low is hopefully more of an exercise in practice than actually trying to capture details.

    If you're not going to animate the face, then you can get rid of a lot of loops.
    If you're going to animate the face, then you need to detach the eyes from the head and probably work on conforming the skin around the eyes to a sphere. It's good to test the eyes rotation when building to help weed out rotation clipping issues early on.

    Even from a sculpture stand point, its often easier to sculpt around spheres. You have some kind of ugly bumpy eyelids which seem to be due to it all being one solid piece.
  • TNO
    sure you can see it :-)
    thanks for the shown mistakes.
    [I like the Polycount forum for the candid criticism you can get :-) ]

    I tried to paint the wrong or missing places and changed a little bit of the anatomy.
    The girl is for practising texturing and animation.(and some anatomy that I still make wrong)

    could you please show an example for detached eyes? (I can´t imagine yet what is meant by this)

    the collar bone and other ears will be made soon.

    (im a little bit insecure if i should change the sculpt itself ..)
  • TNO
    hair is done and more proportions will be changed
  • TNO
    after the job interview yesterday i thought i could post some progress
  • TNO
    first texture result i have to look how to add more details
  • TNO
    improved textures some gold and a ribbon
  • TNO
  • TNO
    the body is complete
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    That looks really weird. Torso is too long. Boobs too high. The boobs shouldnt be above the armpits. The belly button is probably too high. The torso lacks features like a rib cage and stomach.
  • TNO
    thanks for the comment.
    i think it is now a bit better
  • TNO
  • TNO
    some texturing progress
  • TNO
    some skin changing
  • Clintus Maximus
    Hey man i really like this. The only thing i kinda have an issue with is the hair. I would love to see more texture work on this! I think the proportions look good except the arms. They look like baby arms, there is no change from bicep to forearm or anything like that, its just a cylinder. I would like to see some clothes on her! keep at it!
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    The hair texture needs a lot of work.

    I would suggest pushing the stylization if you can, like increase the size of the hands and feet, maybe skinny up the legs and arms, but still give them definition. You also need to make the body bigger. Right now it just looks like its semi-cartoony and the huge head on the tiny body makes her look like a little person.
  • TNO
    thanks for the input

    The hair is only a placeholder I have planed to give here particle hair
    but i haven´t had time yet for playing the barber.

    she is in her puberty -not full grown.
    Before I can modify the Mesh and define the arm more i have to solve some texture problems that i have at the moment ;-/
    she will get in the future some clothes I thought about a summer dress with pumps.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    When I said little person I meant midget :) With those proportions she looks like a midget, not a pubescent teenager so I would push the stylization more like I suggested. I would forget the texture for now and work on the mesh first since I believe its a higher priority :)
  • TNO
    @ MattQ86
    uhh you want to be funny? than stop to try to humiliate people ,by missunderstanding what they have written . I only wanted to describe why expecially the arms look like they look -.-

    @ Sukotto
    It looks like i have translated it incorrect into my language. Thank you for describing it more.I will try to change the anatomy in the next days :-)
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    I'm sorry that you can't take a joke. Most of the naked-child vibes are coming from the child like proportions you've got going on here. As Vig and others above have commented anatomy is key. The calves and arms are lacking in some much needed definition. She has no ankles, which is a bit disturbing. The breasts could probably stand to be lowered a bit.

    You really shouldn't be texturing if you're not done modeling. It's only going to cause you more problems as you continue working.

    On a positive note I've seen a lot of improvement since this thread started. Heed the advice of myself and those who know a lot more than me and you're going to improve 10 fold by the time this thing's done.
  • TNO
    I am pleased with your answer.I can indeed stand jokes but some topics in jokes shouldn´t be taken because it could taste like someone is allowing such a bad act.

    I thank you expecially for saying where for example the anatomics are incorrect.
    I´m mainly posting because of getting help in how to improve my skills [without you guys
    it would take much longer to see advantage in getting better :-) ]
    to sum it up i hope you are not angry and post here soon ;-)
  • TNO


    cloth and some poly optimation
  • TNO
    texture update

    experiments with Particle Hairs (will be replaced by plane Hair as known in Games)

    and someone new is coming.

    latest progress of today
  • TNO
  • TNO
    some work on the rig
  • gammaslam
    She still needs a crotch. Her legs just come together, no room for genitals.
    Is her mouth suppose to be closed always?
    collarbone still needs placement correction.

    It's great to learn every stage of putting a cg character together. But it is also a LOT of work. Keep on Practicing! You can only get better.

    hope this helps
  • TNO
    does it look better now?

    the mouth should be fully functional.
    (I haven´t thought yet about how much Polygons should be inside the mouth)
  • TNO
  • LokiClock
    She needs shoulders. With baby fat, the shoulders look like a sort of indistinct lump. So giving real shoulders will probably eliminate the pedo vibe that is seriously going on here. Not ephebo, pedo.
  • TNO
    the shoulders will be flexible with an adjustable bone that is part of the rig ,I am trying to build and edit as far as i can.(I will also have to fix some texture mistakes )

  • TNO
  • tommywomble
  • TNO
    well and you are disturbing me!
    so stop writing worthless comments and play the asshole role somewhere else -.-
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    What exacly is the premis of the scene again? Like, whats going on if you havent explained already?
  • TNO
    I´m not sure yet but the scene is for an animation. ;-)
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Whats she doing in the animation?
  • TNO
    she will maybe have some magical powers (depends on my knowledge and the results i get
    of the used effects)
    and she will be writing a letter and has a dragon as a pet.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    ......I think I'm in love guys.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    <Post comment about chucky here.>
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    While I'm trying to say something worthwhile, I'm not sure you'll take it all in.

    There's almost some belias-like quality to the scene, the way its completely random, and the way you're incorporating completely unrelated objects into the render just because you feel like it.

    take a step back and rethink things.
  • TNO
    @ BeatKitano
    uh I never wanted to know how you have called your wiener o0 go to an doctor because googe images gives us horrifying pictures and please never write again to my threads unless you want to apologize or say useful stuff. (I bet you are just a troll or bot -.-)

    @ eld
    Im still working on a story and a concept on what is needed etc .
    What exactly do you mean with "belias-like" ?
    Thank you for the posting. :-)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    TNO wrote: »
    well and you are disturbing me!
    so stop writing worthless comments and play the asshole role somewhere else -.-

    That isn't a worthless comment, this image is disturbing people. Her proportions right now are similar to a midgit or maybe a 5 year old but the very large head makes her appear even younger. Her heavy lidded eyes and full lips combined with adult makeup and jewelry are conveying a "sexual" look.

    When creating kids you should avoid sexy at all costs. It's an honest mistake, video games & comics get you in the mindset were all women are sexy and all men are huge body builders - have you ever seen how some bad comic book artists draw rippling muscles even on big fat guys or scrawny nerds?

    Ano & Pepper is a great example of doing a cute stylized kid.

    I'd also recommend checking out Figure Drawing for all it's Worth by Andrew Loomis, page 29 has proportions kids of various ages. It's out of print but you can download the while thing from fineart.sk here.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    put some clothes on. it IS a little strange to keep seeing a tiny naked person. to be honest, you probably should have just started the character with clothes. i mean...what's the point of continually seeing a small big headed chick naked? you posted the model w/clothes on....just keep it that way. it's just a little weird dude.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Hence why I was asking of what was going to be going on in the room. A pink room with toys around a naked girl who looks like she is 8. VERY questionable content imo. Fix those changes to Im not disturbed looking at this thing~~
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    TNO wrote: »
    @ BeatKitano
    uh I never wanted to know how you have called your wiener o0 go to an doctor because googe images gives us horrifying pictures and please never write again to my threads unless you want to apologize or say useful stuff. (I bet you are just a troll or bot -.-)

    @ eld
    Im still working on a story and a concept on what is needed etc .
    What exactly do you mean with "belias-like" ?
    Thank you for the posting. :-)

    How the fuck can you be in a forum if you can't take criticism?

    How can you be so fucking full of yourself?

    This scene if worthless, you can't just make a scene and then, make-up a story for it.... wtf is that>?! My suggestion is put some clothes on the model, call it done and move the fuck on. Her look is real bland, and you need some anatomy work, look at her arms and legs.

    and when people say "this is disturbing me" maybe you should pay attention.

    EDIT: and her god damn shoulders!
  • Klumpmeister
    Wow. Interesting workflow. I never seen someone start from a bust and work their way toward a full model. Cheers!
  • PoopSock
    you can't put t-posed 'stylized' naked female in very very pink room with a monkey and a duck without someone mentioning it's goddam creepy.

    because it is.

    rig looks nice, though.
  • TNO
    @ Justin_Meisse
    I was looking at the project of undoz quite a time because the eyes are too much wrong but the all-embrancing look on this project is still marvelous to me.
    the problem; I am not trying to build a kid ,I am trying to build a teenager.
    I am really glad that I haven´t seen such bad comics.(but you are right with the said cliche that you can see in much entertainment.)
    I have some books from Andrew Loomis but haven´t looked in it for this project.

    @ Alberto Rdrgz
    I can take critism, for real it depends on how it was written and what is written.
    Your posting is a mad critism but has some usefull informations.(have I made you angry in personal?? or are you mad at me because I say that people should stop writing unexact comments? or saying it looks lieke a piece of shit?) seriously these comments are worthless and these people should know it for the future) if an posting just says ; "guy the picture sucks" it isn´t good critism - How should I know what is wrong what is good?
    please give me an answer if you are for good critism.

    some people should read this thread before posting anything.
    And don´t forget on the other pc is a human being so try to be friendly.

    I don´t know if you only have build environments but I always build the figures first naked and then I give them clothes. (if it is for an animation I thing it makes sense ?)

    The reason why the female is naked (again) is because I am building a rig for the body it isn´t finished yet, and I want to have some cloth simulations but I have to wait
    to the point the rig is as good as i want it ,to put clothes on again.


    the room will get other colours. the Duck is there to honour the design of comics i have seen in my childhood and it will get some usefull function -and it is again in work.

    The Monkey is there because I also have soft toys in my room.(every toy i have has a history and i played with them a lot)
    In the story the monkey will play a little role.
    I don´t have a clue how a typical (I prefer for this planed animation clichee) room of a girl looks like (shame on me) I wanted some place for putting jewelry in it, some books clothes on the floor to make the room messy and not so clean. And the rest of environment like lamps pictures to make it a nice place to live in it.

    the rig is old and sadly wasn´t good enough for me so I am tweaking it again.

    Here is a picture form yesterday with a new item in it.
    (I won´t forget that the room color will get changed and the other changes)

    A animation is really really hard to make.
    texturing is n´t finished at all need some changes if you look at the head..

    I hope you guys can understand this and that the project is still in the early stages and will take some time please respect that.
    EDIt; front and side view of the figure,
    maybe someone can make a overpaint and point me where they would change the proportions?
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Maybe, when some people start to post humorous comments, without even bothering to give crits, it's time to actually look at your work and try to understand what they mean...

    Just sayin'
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