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stylized female



  • TNO
    @ BeatKitano
    David, what do you exactly mean ? I can´t look into your brain.
    humorous? my comment about you was also in a humorous way.
    Maybe you are afraid to give some usefull information to another person?
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Gotta subscribe to this one. And grab some popcorn.
  • tommywomble
    I wasn't being a dick in my previous comment, but you seem to have took it the wrong way, and everyone has gave you crits is why i didn't bother giving any more.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    TNO wrote: »
    @ BeatKitano

    Maybe you are afraid to give some usefull information to another person?

    That's it, your thing scared me !
    And i'm grabing my popcorn basket too, great potential comedy show !

    Your turn !

    *munch munch*
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    TNO wrote: »
    maybe someone can make a overpaint and point me where they would change the proportions?

    Make the arms longer, make the legs longer, make the head smaller, make the lips smaller.

    the heavy eyelids look strange, the enormous freckles? look odd.
  • TNO

    thank you this is usefull and is written in my todo-list now.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
  • TNO
    now and past - head


    freckles are deleted for now (I will find a way to make more "realistic" freckles in the future-)the lips are now smaller and look more realistic than before.

    the head and the eyes are still the same but after getting a clue on how to modificate them in a intelligent way you will see a picture.
  • karera
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    karera polygon
    I think the biggest issue I have with these stuff that it all looks like clay, it's way to wobbly and uneven. You need to focus more on blocking everything out to begin with and keeping it clean.
  • TNO
    For other more realistic looking projects I probably should learn on avoiding the look but the clay feeling for this project is preferred ;-)

    next updates will come in the late afternoon
  • TNO
    working on the messy room and used a different render setting.
    please only post about the render and not on the stuff inside ;-)
    and sorry if i sounded like a dickhead in the past.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    TNO wrote: »
    please only post about the render and not on the stuff inside ;-)

    You got it wrong again. You don't post here, implicitly agreeing to the "i will be butchered with helpfull comment" to say "here's my masterwork, please only critique the paint I used". This doesn't work like that.

    At least you didn't include what was freaking out people. That's cool.
  • TNO
    then.. please teach me, How would you do it?

    ps; I guess if you would look at the picture carefully you would see her ..

  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    That picture looks kinda grainy. What's your rendering solution?
  • TNO
    hm i am searching for a time saving solution for this problem.
    here is an picture with two settings used for rendering in yafaray;

    a really little peace of the storyboard (next time I will use the 3d view pictures instead of the renderings)
  • karera
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    karera polygon
    I don't know if I wanna know where this story is going.
  • Revel
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    Revel interpolator
    My thought on this thread, your biggest mistake is to do everything in the beginning. For me i will nail the concept first, then building the character proportion in 3D, then texture, then rigging. If everything is ok (aka you get useless comments from the community, in a good way, example "looks nice", "great stuff", "i love your work" kinda stuff), then only move on to the next stage which is environment. If you don't, well, tweak it even more.

    I want you to note that what the community said about your work is the "purest" comment you can get, because it come from a fresh perspective. When you look at a wrong thing in quite a while, you will get used to the wrong and simply think it IS right..

    By all mean, listen to what people say about your work. Otherwise keep it to yourself.

  • TNO
    little environment update

    old version of her


    new version of her

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    good god... i thought it was creepy before...
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    My sig has never been more true...
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    stop spamming my inbox, or i'll report you for reporting me for posting that your work is creepy...

  • TNO
    then make an overpaint or stop posting - easy as is.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    why? so many people... in fact, literally EVERY post in this thread that's not made by you, has told you that it's creepy, and more importantly WHY it's creepy. and you just keep posting.

    the reason people keep coming back is to see if you've made progress, or made steps to make it less creepy. but you haven't, and i can't see you doing it any time soon.

    so please, for the love of god, take the hint. this is BAD.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    TNO wrote: »
    then make an overpaint or stop posting - easy as is.

    You want me to make a complete painting, cause an overpaint would be... a complete painting in your case...

    Your behaviour remind me of this guy .never taking crits into account, and always waiting for "wow cool" comments. Sad.

    EDIT: Oh god i got reported too. Damn, you really understood what taking crit is :/
  • TNO
    because an overpaint could make it a lot easier for me to change the Mesh.

    I took the usefull advices(not the it looks shitty/creepy stuff) for the head and the proportions that have been written;
    I made the legs and the arms a bit longer.
    changed the eyelids.
    changed the nose.
    changed the shape of the head.
    the freckles have been removed a while ago..
    changed the silicon lips and replaced them with a more natural mouth.

    and you say nothing changed?
    as a reminder ; the pic you see now is the new version.
    (the old version that I have posted in the same position like in this picture was only for showing what I have changed. to make it easier to see progress.)


    @BeatKitano you really try to say my work looks like this?
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    No, it's much worse than that, in fact my paintover (which was a joke about the proportion of phil nolan character) could be called "stylised", your's could be called freaky settler:Sett3Ult_Figs.jpg.
  • TNO
    I am only reporting the ones which post only say things like "It looks creepy."
    you are not helpfull and this is why I am reporting you.

    I am really glad if people say something like this
    " it looks creepy because of.... and that is something where you could search for images and ...."

    you did only write fighting posts and say meanfull things (and nowadays post images too) because you may like to make people angry who nows but I want friendly postings where people say the reasons why it looks wrong and more important how it could be improved.
    I wouldn´t post in a forum only for showing of my pictures.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Ok. The fact is, the entire character is creepy, that's what you don't understand. many people here said that it looked kinda pedo-like. I totaly agree, she doesn't have the proportions of a midget which could have been ok, shee looks like a little girl with breasts of a grown up woman. The eyes of a betty boop and the lips of angelina jolie. For Christ sake look, it looks downright creepy.

    I can't help much than say scrap it and try again with other proportions, the small changes you've done don't change anything, it's the whole thing that need to be re thought. You admit it yourself you needed to put the before and after version right next to each other for people to see the changes. You WON'T go anywhere if you don't change drastically the proportions.

    BTW if my previous comments where on the mockery side of things it's because i think if people can't see they are that wrong it's completely useless to point them in the right direction they won't get the hint for the most part.

    I know it's bad thinking but that's what I observed so far, total beginner if they are willing to learn already see their problems but don't know how to solved them, those who don't seek improvement are totally blind.

    See right now I'm not that wrong thinking that. I could have made a few pointers, the fact is, when the starting point is that bad I don't even now where to begin. Hence the "start over".
  • xk0be
    I'll try to be as helpful as I can because you clearly mean good, you just haven't been explained exactly what is wrong and what to fix. People are frustrated because you should be able to see it, but anyways, I'll bite. This will probably offend you, but I was offended looking at the pic. I'll get over it.

    It looks extremely creepy and here's why:
    - Doll body yet human face
    - Head is disproportionate, making it look like a 10 year old girl with an old face.
    - Right now it's what I'd call a combination of a female child with doll-like proportions and adult face and boobs. It's just not right.

    Now here's what you can do:

    - Scrap the head, scrap the big boobs, make a doll. Adjust proportions accordingly.
    - Make a normal stylized girl like that girl from the bugs bunny cartoons I don't remember the name or something like that. Cover up the boobs unless its the body is an adult shape.

    Ask yourself what this can be in a game? Do barbie like dolls or naked children/dolls have a place in games? If this is your "style" adopt a new one. This has no place anywhere, and that's the truth. Either make it look like a kid all around without the hint of doll or make it a normal doll that doesn't remind me of chucky. Please work on it and either adopt a new style or keep yours suppressed, creativity and stylizing is a great thing but you are going in the right direction. When you do something crazy you're supposed to do something like make the child be as strong as superman, thats a stylization, showing its breasts is a felony.
  • lampekap
    edit: nvm u changed it
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Gotta subscribe to this one. And grab some popcorn.

    Found it.....

    Anyways to the OP

    This is polycount get used to the Huge copious amounts honesty, little friendly quips and the occasional penis jokes.

    My point is a lot of these people are veterans or indudstry employees. Hell a lot of them are just god damn good artists off the bat and of course there are a sea of newbies.

    Learn to Learn is basicly what I am saying here. Take the advice people are giving you here (not always in full) and adjust accordingly or stop posting.

    I AM SO TIRED of a lot of these new guys (not to say I'm some polycount big wig) getting their panties in a bunch over things that aren't even that big of a deal.

    Do art. Take Crits. Do more art.

    It's that simple
  • IdiotDrummerGuy
    this hole thread scares the shit out of me.
  • TNO
    @ PhattyEwok
    Im not so new in 3d I started in 2006 and back then i wasn´t even able to make a cube.I think im not anymore a total noob.

    wait what? they are working in the Industry?

    Ifen if you work in the industry you should act human and friendly or you can loose your job really fast.(and tha tis for sure)

    They can´t see a harmless female breast but like to see human like creatures (or nearly perfect modelled humans) get killed in games? sounds funny? isn´t it?

    In the written postings some persons sound also like they are frustrated young guys in the early puperty- too much hate and anger.
    Im 19 years old and I am not acting like them.
    I´m more Mature in compasion to their written comments because I try to help others with giving people tips and crits instead of making others angry at saying that their art suck and they are pedos. o0

    that my art could suck in their eyes isn´t making me angry but saying that I´m an Pedo only because some proportions are still wrong is more than inaceptable and normaly is worth a ban out of any forum.

    In Bioshock for example you are able to kill little girls so stop acting so shitty to me.
    just the option to kill them so called in the game "little sisters" is more than dubiously.


    you can clearly see the differences but I tryed to make it easy for the people to see the after/Now picture in one posting that they don´t have to search the old pictures.
    you work on enviromentals for some games am I right?
    If it is right I wont buy a game where you are involved because I don´t want to support anyone which is acting more than unfriendly to me.
    If it looks so creepy then put a link to a page where there is anything usefull to give the people a try to let them improve themselves otherwises just stop writing and think hard about the fact that you lost a potentional buyer of any game you made.

    this thread scares me too I have never read as much angry and hatefull comments in any other 3d Art Forum about my works before.

    @ xk0be
    thanks for the posting you say it could offend me but it isn´t because ther are helpfull things written ,pointers where it is wrong.
    The Mesh isn´t finished yet, she has clothes but they are also way too wrong if I take your critism right.
    Im still fixing the proportions on here.
    I will search for that female in the bugs bunny movie. (only found the bunny girl yet)

    I can show an early verion of some new cloth.
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Okay Never said you were a noob was merely defining the kinds of people your gonna find here..

    I read the whole thread no one really said you were a pedophile either. Many people were saying that the model is coming off as a child set in provocative and burlesque tone, but that hardly counts as accusations of pedophilia....

    You are reading way too much into these things and taking this forum and its people as if every post must be upheld to correct PR and Politically Correct standards. Relax a bit don't take everything so seriously and cont to practice and get better

    nough said
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    TNO wrote: »
    @ PhattyEwok
    Im not so new in 3d I started in 2006 and back then i wasn´t even able to make a cube.I think im not anymore a total noob.

    The fact is, you, I, everyone in these forums will be noobs all their life, thinking otherwise is just autosatisfaction and the guarantee to have your personal shitfall at the end of the road.
    TNO wrote: »
    wait what? they are working in the Industry?

    Ifen if you work in the industry you should act human and friendly or you can loose your job really fast.(and tha tis for sure)

    Working in the industry also means that you have proven to have certain abilities... abilities that can be of help of anyone willing to learn...

    TNO wrote: »
    They can´t see a harmless female breast but like to see human like creatures (or nearly perfect modelled humans) get killed in games? sounds funny? isn´t it?

    In the written postings some persons sound also like they are frustrated young guys in the early puperty- too much hate and anger.
    Im 19 years old and I am not acting like them.
    I´m more Mature in compasion to their written comments because I try to help others with giving people tips and crits instead of making others angry at saying that their art suck and they are pedos. o0

    I don't think people giving you crits here are teenagers, for the most part, but you're right, when too much people are telling the same thing it ALWAYS means they are ALL WRONG.
    TNO wrote: »
    that my art could suck in their eyes isn´t making me angry but saying that I´m an Pedo only because some proportions are still wrong is more than inaceptable and normaly is worth a ban out of any forum.

    That's the thing, if polycount has a good reputation among the cg community, it's because people don't lose themselves in back patting, they get straight to the point without detour. If you don't like it, don't post or at least try to understand why your work is criticised...

    TNO wrote: »
    In Bioshock for example you are able to kill little girls so stop acting so shitty to me.
    just the option to kill them so called in the game "little sisters" is more than dubiously.

    Unfortunately for you in Bioshock you have the choice, in this forum we must endure... And by the way in the occidental culture death is more easily accepted than pedophilia or edgy pictures with nude children...

    TNO wrote: »
    you can clearly see the differences but I tryed to make it easy for the people to see the after/Now picture in one posting that they don´t have to search the old pictures.
    you work on enviromentals for some games am I right?
    If it is right I wont buy a game where you are involved because I don´t want to support anyone which is acting more than unfriendly to me.
    If it looks so creepy then put a link to a page where there is anything usefull to give the people a try to let them improve themselves otherwises just stop writing and think hard about the fact that you lost a potentional buyer of any game you made.

    I'm so sad. I think the entire industry is sad.

    Anyway, exactly like phil nolan, not willing to take crits and learn from them. There is more and more people like you lately, it's sadening cause there's so much to learn and so little time in our life.
  • kaptainkernals
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    kaptainkernals polycounter lvl 12
    TNO wrote: »
    Ifen if you work in the industry you should act human and friendly or you can loose your job really fast.(and tha tis for sure)

    They can´t see a harmless female breast but like to see human like creatures (or nearly perfect modelled humans) get killed in games? sounds funny? isn´t it?

    Firstly, they are unlikely to lose their job for being honest, secondly any employer would take their side over yours any day, purely based on your subject matter.

    Secondly, you're female breast is hardly harmless. You have a child like form with fully developed breasts, that is distasteful to say the least.
    TNO wrote: »
    In the written postings some persons sound also like they are frustrated young guys in the early puperty- too much hate and anger.
    Im 19 years old and I am not acting like them.
    I´m more Mature in compasion to their written comments because I try to help others with giving people tips and crits instead of making others angry at saying that their art suck and they are pedos. o0

    You accusing everyone of being angry and hateful, they are simply giving you their honest opinions and trying to convince you to change your subject matter some what.
    You're reaction to honest crits from industry professionals shows exactly how old you are.
    TNO wrote: »
    In Bioshock for example you are able to kill little girls so stop acting so shitty to me.
    just the option to kill them so called in the game "little sisters" is more than dubiously.

    Seriously? Those are evil little girls, have you played the game or you one of those people who just go by screenshots of the game? They look like little girls to a degree, their form, but they are evil, they sound evil and they act evil, secondly you're "killing" them is not graphic in nature.
    TNO wrote: »
    you work on enviromentals for some games am I right?
    If it is right I wont buy a game where you are involved because I don´t want to support anyone which is acting more than unfriendly to me.
    If it looks so creepy then put a link to a page where there is anything usefull to give the people a try to let them improve themselves otherwises just stop writing and think hard about the fact that you lost a potentional buyer of any game you made.

    The above is incredibly immature, and I'm sure beatkinano will not lose an ounce of sleep over you not buying his games.

    The issue with your content, your subject matter is slowly getting worse and worse. First you had your character, which was ambiguous to say the least in terms of subject. Alone it was only slightly child like in form.

    Then you added your scene, a child's room, now it's getting really bad subject wise.

    Then you added a bit of story boarding, from what I've seen it takes place mostly in that room, a messy room with clothing scattered around, with her being scared, or sleeping, or being alone...

    You see where this is going?

    My suggestion, you can't develop your concept as you go, it's obviously not working. Work on one element at a time.

    If you are going to have a character, establish exactly how you want that character to look. Have reference photo's drawings, poses, understand anatomy. Looking at your character, it's very blobby and poorly formed, and demonstrates poor knowledge in anatomy(this is what you need reference pictures for)

    Then work on just that character, work it till it's finished, don't jump around so much, you do a character, then you're doing props, then you're doing the scene, then the character again, concentrate on one thing.

    And finally just grow up, if you want crits, post, if you want to receive serious crits, take the crits into consideration and you might get somewhere.
    This bad attitude of yours is going to get you know where.

    If you thing these people are going to lose their jobs for telling you your character looks creepy and that you should change it. Then you are sorely wrong. You are the only one damaging your chances of getting a job. The fact that they say this shows they have standards, and they are trying to move you away from a taboo subject matter.

    Firstly you don't take criticism well, you come across as an arrogant ass, secondly, when it comes to you looking for a job, you will be remembered as the guy who created the pedo scene, that is not something you want. But as it's going now, thats how you will be remembered.
  • TNO
    @ BeatKitano
    I know that there is always a way to improve themself thats why i have written "total noob"
    decleares there are more skilled noobs in live and i am someone like an improved noob.

    I am willing to learn if people give me advices you dont give so stop writing I will ignore you from now on.
    just stop writing.

    yeah that was how it looks to me if people write that crap things it sounds like they are teenagers and you are one of the big ones who sounds like an teenager.
    I also can come to an point if I can but it helps no one .

    you are acting like an ass i am buidling one mesh after another if the one mesh isn´t affecting the other. cloth is afecting the other mesh you probalby won´t know it because you do environemtns and not clothes for figures.

    I don´t care if you are sad.
    I want to learn but you waste my life with saying "it sucks" or " you are pedo" and i dislike it and i am writing it i don´t care that you work in the industry as much as you want to have. If you are unfriendly i will say that. I can also get strait to a point without detour.
    I took the few crits i got and changed the meshes.

    you are trying to put me in a false light THAT is a sad thing.

    @ kaptainkernals
    you also trying to put me in a false light.

    I looked at gameplay trailers and on user generated movies in youtube. so have also seen both endings of the game.

    I really really hope he isn´t acting on his job like he does to me if he would he will loose it.

    I am not arrogant but I am not soemone which you can shit on. I say what I dislike and say what i like,
    for a reason i don´t know BeatKitano was and is still on of the persons which give no usefull help here.

    critism is in my eyes something where people give tips not saying that something sucks. or a mixture where people say that something sucks but there is a way to improve.

    my honest sentence; stop writing that stuff I am a friendly person , I might have no clue about proportions yet but I am willing to learn and if you could give me a try to improve I could do it.

    and in conclusion you have never posted anything to my works before only this thing because you think it is easy to convence me now.

    @ PhattyEwok

    yeah after your posting i thought I was wrong have always read it in a wrong direction but the next postings from BeatKitano and kaptainkernals prooved that they try to kill my reputation on this forum by saying i am an pedo and I am arrogant and not willing to improve the meshes and that stuff. o0

    @ someone with admin or moderate status
    please close this thread
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I dont see how anyone thinks of this as peodaphilic, they are really stretching for a controversial opinion there. It looks no different to a childs doll. A twisted distorted mannequin doll.
  • lampekap
    TNO wrote: »
    @ BeatKitano

    you are acting like an ass i am buidling one mesh after another if the one mesh isn´t affecting the other. cloth is afecting the other mesh you probalby won´t know it because you do environemtns and not clothes for figures.

    >implying you're not an arrogant person
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Since you want this closed, you won't mind me saying that YOU put yourself in bad light by posting controversial content on these boards ? That WE are all expressing our opinion, and that some people find YOUR content offensive.

    If I really wanted to make you appear bad I would have posted this thread all around the net, but that's never been my intention to do harm. You did this to yourself there is now a great chance that this thread will be linked somewhere and passed around by other people.

    Anyway I never helped you say ? Try reading my posts, with the betty boop, angelina jolie and a few other minor things.... that may give you some idea, who knows...

    OH by the way, i'm a character artist, you're right I don't even understand the implications of modeling figures.:(
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Calabi wrote: »
    I dont see how anyone thinks of this as peodaphilic, they are really stretching for a controversial opinion there. It looks no different to a childs doll. A twisted distorted mannequin doll.

    I would agree if the environment wasn't a little girl room. I don't think he's a pedo anyway, it's just it's really edgy material, and that sends the wrong signal, again I was trying to help him in the beginning (before his despise phase), he took it to the next level.
  • TNO
    @ BeatKitano
    only the way people have written things is disturbing Im a beginner starter noob whatever I am learning im not an pro like you so please be gentle but truthfull with your coments.
    you could say it way more friendlier than you did.
    It is nice to hear that you are an caracter artist than please give me a link to a place where there is a figure which i could use as a reference.

    saying that it looks like angelina jolie confuses me.
    I try to read your coments in fact my motherlanguage is not english.

    EdIt; I am sorry if I made you angry but i was only trying to defeat myself (was probably a real wrong idea :-/)
  • kaptainkernals
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    kaptainkernals polycounter lvl 12
    TNO wrote: »

    and in conclusion you have never posted anything to my works before only this thing because you think it is easy to convence me now.

    And never shall i again post about your work. I should never have bothered writing anything. But i'm not going to delete my previous post, as it does have some valid points, so some are opinionated.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    ok wow... i wasn't trying to say this was some kind of child porn or anything. i just said it was creepy. because it creeped me out. that's my opinion, i'm entitled to it, and it's helpful for you to know because... well, i'm not the only one that it creeps out.

    if only one person was creeped out by it, then i could understand you maybe, MAYBE disregarding their comments. but when literally every person in the thread has said it... they can't all be wrong, and you're in need of a head-out-of-ass sergery if you think they are.

    people have even tried going through actual development process with you, saying you should go back to basics, focus on proportions, and then details. but they were ignored. people told you it was creepy, because it "looks" like child porn (i know it isn't, but it's how it LOOKS). they even told you WHY it looks like that, and they were ignored.

    stylised work is one thing, and it's great if you can pull it off. but you haven't here. so learn from the experience, and never ever make something like this again.
  • BlackulaDZ
    my two cents, TNO, people aren't saying your model is creepy to insult you, they are expressing their opinion, and one of the worst things you can do is ignore or disregard comments about your artwork because you don't like what they are saying.
    after some googling I turned this up, maybe it can be of use
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    TNO wrote: »
    EdIt; I am sorry if I made you angry but i was only trying to defeat myself (was probably a real wrong idea :-/)

    I know it's a typo and everything but damn, QFFT. Mission accomplished.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Posting in gold thread.

    on topic: Listen to everyone bothering to offer you detailed critique of your work, even if you disagree with it you are given a different angle of your work, which might help you create better work in the future.

    I can't say anything regarding your artwork as everything that can be said has been said again and again.

  • TNO
    @ BlackulaDZ
    I´m not so sure with some people but I wish that it is true that people don´t wan´t to insult me.
    the picture is ok but I took the loomis picture of the ideal proportions of a woman instead.

    you ever heared of bratz`? or My Scene?

    (only for comparsion ) Barbie

    My Scene



    now try to blame Matel and the MGA Entertainment.

    these dolls are on the market and people like them

    there is also winxx

    it is fasionable toy style since about 2006.

    they have differnet proportions of head and body in fasion dolls did you know that?

    My intention was just to imitate that.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    The thing is your model looks nothing like those dolls. I think you got too detailed too fast. your also adding details which dont need to be there, if your modeling a dressed figure of a kids toy you dont need breasts. When I model clothed figures i generally just detail the hands and head. the rest i just model roughly but proportionally correct to the ref. dont waste time on things that wont be seen.. unless you want them to be seen in which case you digging your own grave.
  • Justin Meisse
    Offline / Send Message
    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    TNO wrote: »

    In my opinion: revisit the first one on the left, all your changes have been to make her squat & thick.
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