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  • nilknarf815
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    nilknarf815 polycounter lvl 6
    vcool wrote: »
    Third time was ridiculous, the guy mined a bit and just flew over his base onto my area and quickly started turning it into a stationary base thing with the large cannon on top. I was lost for a few moments, and didn't have time to stop the progress with my SCVs. It finished and his base just killed all my SCVs but 1 or 2. I was in progress of building barracks when he transofrmed, so I tried to stop the progress with marines (I chose the two unit simultaneously thing since I didn't see it coming) but two marines at a time did JACK SHIT agains the base which killed each marine in one hit. I ran out of resources because I simply couldn't mine and just fucking ragequit.

    Oh yea thanks for the strat there vcool. I tried it out on a zerg player and it worked!!

  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    First game this morning and I got wooped! It was grim viewing. Sure the other dude was laughing his ass off at my inept skills. Is there any way to play a solo skirmish in the beta? Just some practise.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Flava-Fly wrote: »
    First game this morning and I got wooped! It was grim viewing. Sure the other dude was laughing his ass off at my inept skills. Is there any way to play a solo skirmish in the beta? Just some practise.

    As matter of fact there is. Create a game 1vs1 in the creating game screen, choose A.I from the menu which you will find at the top. When you click it, it should appear on the empty slot right under your log.

    I hope this helps.

    A.I of sc2 is very freakin easy...they dont even expand..nor they come and mess with your economy so its for absolute beginners.
  • piippo
    Flava-Fly wrote: »
    First game this morning and I got wooped! It was grim viewing. Sure the other dude was laughing his ass off at my inept skills. Is there any way to play a solo skirmish in the beta? Just some practise.

    Check few replays from youtube, that should give you an idea of the stuff you need to be doing in the beginning. Like blocking ramps as terran etc.
  • KhAoZ
    Flava-Fly wrote: »
    First game this morning and I got wooped! It was grim viewing. Sure the other dude was laughing his ass off at my inept skills. Is there any way to play a solo skirmish in the beta? Just some practise.

    You can click create game or join game in the bottom right corner of the screen. But I would strongly recommend just clicking "find match" because the system does match you against players of your own skill level. So if you want to improve, its definitely the best way by far. But I guess if you're just looking to whoop some people or win games to make yourself feel better :) then you could do the custom games (join/create game).
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    if you know friends or polycounters in the battle you can add them and I'm sure they'll do some practice matches and give you advice, also watch your own replays to see how you lost exactly.
  • vcool
    Haha, Frank, well, thank the guy who did it. I did see that tactic used in some pro match video on HD but it was somewhere in the middle of the game done to stop the protoss expansion.

    Also I don't think I have been using Find Match because I got owned way too easily. Or maybe it's just that I suck.

    I plan on watching the replays from the terrible 4 loss streak I had, now that I am inspired enough to play the game again.
  • vcool
    Sorry for the double post, but there's something weird that happened.

    My base got destroyed, but I had a battle cruiser and 8 marines in a medivac over at the enemy base wreaking havoc. The guy didn't have any defence whatsoever, so I was easily killing shit. But it said I lost.

    Why? I still had units. I shouldn't lose unless I have NOTHING or I quit the game.

    What the hell, I could of easily won this.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Your base was destroyed before you destroyed his. No building = lost.
  • vcool

    I thought units mattered too.

    Also, I should have simply lifted off my base IF I HAD THE BRAINS. I had a second one in the natural expansion, while he was busy with my first one I should have simply taken off the second one and he would never even know. In the meantime my BC would pwn him.

  • KhAoZ
    Yeah I just lost a game where I raped the guy but he was able to kill my buildings with warp rays before I killed his.... really fucking gay.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    yeah the goal of the game is to destory all of the enemies buildings, I've won by rushing past the enemy's army and just attacking his only base with lings/blings.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    I feel this should play after every match

  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Rwolf wrote: »
    This poorly designed site didn't help my find my own replays... I heard it's in a "cache" folder but I don't know which files are the replays.
    Why didnt you just look at the post above the one mentioning the page. I laid it out for you clear as day there. Bah. Sometimes i think my posts are invisible. :(
  • ZacD
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    To successfully defend against a Void-ray rush, you must have a large group of smaller anti-air units. Void-rays are devastating against larger, massive units. The only real counter to them is large numbers. You CANNOT defeat Void-rays with an equal force. The nature of their attack will insure their victory in such circumstances. You want to go against them with a force of no less than twice as many as the Void-Rays you are assaulting. If your opponent has massed 18 Void-rays, assualt them with 36 Marines. (or even more, if you can)

    If you are Terran, go for marines. If you are Zerg, go hydralisks. (cheaper and longer range than mutalisks) If you are Protoss, you pretty much have to try to out Void-ray them. Stalkers are not very effective against Void-rays. If you focus-attack stalkers with a fleet of void rays, you can kill a substantial force of them much faster than using the auto-attack.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Just rocked two guys at once with a teammate knocked out early by a 10 pool rush. Gave him control and he scouted for me all game with an SCV, while I marauder and thor dropped all over the map.

    These are the moments I play for. :D
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    1v2 is so fun if you have a partner to harass/scout/micro.

    I stay in 2v2 games just to help micro.
  • KhAoZ
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    piippo wrote: »
    Check few replays from youtube, that should give you an idea of the stuff you need to be doing in the beginning. Like blocking ramps as terran etc.

    God damn.... In SC1, if you did that I would kill you.

    Build a pylon+cannon near the supply depot, then when a marine came by to shoot it, a Zealot would be ready to own them.

    They added height to the Fog of war a-la WC3, and now my cannons won't shoot up a hill.

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I had a player bunker rush me as zerg (he put one on the bottom of my ramp+reaper harass (jumping up and down to give the bunker sight) and use a rax to see up hill, it was crazy, then I got owned my tanks, a very weird build but he perfected it apparently.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    ZacD, for once if you want to prevent the reaper harrasment you need to get the ranged down your base (atleast5 units should do).

    That how you got enough time to follow up with rest of your strategy.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    1 spine crawler + queen is normally enough, if I'm going for speedlings I don't even need the spine. That game I just got out micro'd.
  • vcool
    So I finally had a game that I could say was good. I did damage, and managed to spawn like 20 photon cannons outside his base without him noticing. I still lost, but oh well, I know I tried and that is what counts.

    I had a chance of winning if I had spammed Phoenixes (I was toss, he was zerg) since I knew he was going to spam mutas and some other flying stuff. If I had like 50 phoenixes, and I could have if I didn't bother with the Stalkers that get killed in like 5 secs, I might have taken out his airforce which was his superiority. I managed to take out his base and most ground units with a bunch of Zealots and Immortals. Of course, his air units that were busy with a proxy base came soon after and quickly dispensed of my ground forces.

    I just realized I only made a Stargate in the last 5 - 10 minutes of the game lol. Massive fail on my side.

    In other news, so far I've been trying really hard as Terran but I am kinda liking the Protoss now. Still not confident about Zerg, I played vs PC to get a grip on it but it seems it's very speed based and I'm not at that level yet. I don't know any keyboard shortcuts yet, so my actions are pretty slow with mouse.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    This is my best tip: learn the hotkeys.


    dont ever! do not use the mouse to click on things that there is a shortcut for. If you dont know the shortcut do not click, just hover the mouse above the button and it will tell you what the shortcut key is, then do the shortcut on your keyboard.

    Its like learning a new modeling program and sure it will take you a few days before you got it all nailed down but its going to be worth it! I promise. :)
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Noooo.... I've been promoted back to 2v2 bronze... (so far my ladder has gone like this placement>bronze>silver?>bronze>bronze (worser/newer division)>copper>bronze

    Well at least I start bronze off with a extra 150 points and top of this division (was previous in copper @ 1 with 15XX points)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah, use hot keys. I still click on a few times, but you really need to know the hot keys for works and all the basic buildings, and most of the spells, queuing up actions is important too.
  • piippo
    They have changed the hotkeys few times, but usually for the better. I still get out micro'd, but that's just how it is :) I'm pretty good as terran, since they can counter practically everything with ease.

    Weirdest thing, I suck as Zerg. I have no real idea how to proceed with them. I'm rank 1 Bronze in some division, and I play random 2v2 - as random.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Zerg is hard/different, you have to get a queen quickly and always spam larva. I always fast expand, otherwise I feel too limited by larva.

    Zerg seems to be the worst at "hard" countering, but I do use a wide variety of units and never have too trouble beating any combo. Blings + fungal growth + speed lings + hydras :D I have too many favorite units as zerg.

    In single player the "firebat" looks like a reskinned marauder.
  • vcool
    Hotkeys are generally the first things I learn when using some new program or game, but for some reason I am not doing it for SC. I am gonna play a game vs PC just to learn all the hotkeys.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    There's a few hot key layouts under the options.
  • KhAoZ
    ZacD wrote: »
    Zerg is hard/different, you have to get a queen quickly and always spam larva. I always fast expand, otherwise I feel too limited by larva.

    Zerg seems to be the worst at "hard" countering, but I do use a wide variety of units and never have too trouble beating any combo. Blings + fungal growth + speed lings + hydras :D I have too many favorite units as zerg.

    In single player the "firebat" looks like a reskinned marauder.

    How do you know? You haven't actually played Single player yet.... have you? lol
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    ZacD wrote: »
    Zerg seems to be the worst at "hard" countering, but I do use a wide variety of units and never have too trouble beating any combo. Blings + fungal growth + speed lings + hydras :D I have too many favorite units as zerg..

    Ground yes, but they're pretty solid in air control. Low health enemy mass -> muta. High health -> corruptor ->brood lord to counter ground. Pretty much in the bag as long as you don't get outmassed.
  • vcool


    Now I'm rank 93 in Copper league.

    The last one was great, but I think that the guy overexpanded. He had three bases and barely any forces, but he spammed those spinecrawlers (those things that hit you when you approach them, like the Tentacle from HL). His placement wasn't very smart either, I managed to get around the tentacles and take his second expansion out, and only then I tried to get rid of them. Anyway, then the game went quiet again, he kept on expanding and making air units but he had 0 ground defense. I made a second base, built three gateways and just SPAMMED zealots since I had like 3000 crystals, while also building immortals on the side. I made one photo turret to make hallucinations. Then I just stormed the front with a fairly puny force of like10 - 15 zealots 10 stalkers and 4 immortals. I also hallucinated a colossus, and had two oi rays charged up by smashing rocks. I annihilated his first base, lost about 1/4 of my force, went to the next. That force was enough to take the second one out as well, lol, so I went for the third with it, and decided to surround him with my shitton of zealots from second expansions and a clossus and few immortals. He saw only the first force, and tried to run, but as the overlords flew over my army of zealots he quit. I think he realised there' so way for him to win lol.

    Yeah, I'm pretty pumped, BUT I WON WOO.
  • marlfox8
    huhhhh..., cant win a single ranked game. i guess i suck at this lol:D
  • foreverendering
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    foreverendering polycounter lvl 12
    I finally started playing consistently this past month, and managed to improve from Bronze League to Gold League. Unfortunately, now that I made it to Gold I get beat down on the regular.

    Some of the guys I've been getting matched with now pick me apart with ease. Even though I can hang in the games for a while, my opponents just slowly get their worker counts up past mine and start massing more than me. Eventually I just get overpowered.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    add me zac-donald@hotmail.com so you don't get wiped off my friends list next time the ranks are reset.
  • KhAoZ
    I finally started playing consistently this past month, and managed to improve from Bronze League to Gold League. Unfortunately, now that I made it to Gold I get beat down on the regular.

    Some of the guys I've been getting matched with now pick me apart with ease. Even though I can hang in the games for a while, my opponents just slowly get their worker counts up past mine and start massing more than me. Eventually I just get overpowered.

    Making the right units and having a solid build order is a big part of the game as well. If your opponent hard counters all the units you made, you will always lose no matter how big of an economic advantage you have. Like if you have 28 zealots and your opponent has 12 roaches, he will always win, simply because roaches counter zealots very, very well. Its also good to remember that scouting is very important in StarCraft II, just as it was in StarCraft I and WarCraft III.

    I learned just by playing lots and lots of 1v1 games, asking well-established players for custom 1 v 1 games, and by watching replays and seeing what the top level players do.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Wow, this thread finally got to the second page. :D

    Oh wait...DAMN IT!! >.<
  • vcool
    On how a single DT ridin' dirty in a warp prism can save the game.


    Well, technically, there were two. But only one was dropped in the Terran's base.

    I was planning to chronoboost zealot rush. It worked wonderfully for the last two games I won. However, the other guy was marine rushing. He only made marines. But a LOT of them. If not for the DTs, I would be raging here, not posting gleefully.

    Anyway, this was a really close game for me. If anyone actually watches it, it'll be clear we were both pretty terrible players. I looked over the replay myself and I could point out three terrible and obvious mistakes I did:

    1) Lost control of the zealot rush triple - had I been watching that part of the game, I would camp in a corner and wait till my HP was regenerated. I could have won the game then. Instead I went ahead and tried to take base but ended up surrounded by marines and I couldn't kill a single one.

    2) I tried to attack the fuckton of marines with zealots on the ramp - bad move. Zealots are melee, they need to surround. I was just mauled down on the ramp.

    3) For some brief periods I lost control of the DT that was in my base - if I was watching it all the time I could probably save a building or two. You'll see that often, it just stood there while the marines were destroying shit.

    I thought this was pretty interesting, I was sure I lost until the DTs started to do damage. In fact you will probably see him saying gg thinking he won but look what happened.

    I am now rank 46 in copper. Pretty good considering I was 91 earlier today.
  • ZacD
  • KhAoZ
    vcool wrote: »
    On how a single DT ridin' dirty in a warp prism can save the game.


    Well, technically, there were two. But only one was dropped in the Terran's base.

    I was planning to chronoboost zealot rush. It worked wonderfully for the last two games I won. However, the other guy was marine rushing. He only made marines. But a LOT of them. If not for the DTs, I would be raging here, not posting gleefully.

    Anyway, this was a really close game for me. If anyone actually watches it, it'll be clear we were both pretty terrible players. I looked over the replay myself and I could point out three terrible and obvious mistakes I did:

    1) Lost control of the zealot rush triple - had I been watching that part of the game, I would camp in a corner and wait till my HP was regenerated. I could have won the game then. Instead I went ahead and tried to take base but ended up surrounded by marines and I couldn't kill a single one.

    2) I tried to attack the fuckton of marines with zealots on the ramp - bad move. Zealots are melee, they need to surround. I was just mauled down on the ramp.

    3) For some brief periods I lost control of the DT that was in my base - if I was watching it all the time I could probably save a building or two. You'll see that often, it just stood there while the marines were destroying shit.

    I thought this was pretty interesting, I was sure I lost until the DTs started to do damage. In fact you will probably see him saying gg thinking he won but look what happened.

    I am now rank 46 in copper. Pretty good considering I was 91 earlier today.

    Yeah if Dark Templar catch you off guard, they can really do a lot more damage to you than they could in SC1, they move really fast.... I think the move speed definitely neeeds to get nerfed because its pretty ridiculous when i have 12 hydras chasing a DT ON CREEP and they cant catch up!
  • glib
    When's this ladder reset coming? I've been placed way too high in 2v2 and now it's no fun to play anymore... I just lose every game and it's taking waaay too long to move down in the ranks. I'm in high gold and should be more of a low silver or high bronze.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    join... surrender, join... surrender, join... surrender?

    Shouldn't take that long to go down in rank.
  • glib
    ^ I feel like a douche for ducking out on my partner though.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    haha I did that join ....surrender over and over for all my placement matches in 1v1. Surprisingly the system learns quick and I was bumped from copper to bronze after like 6 games.
  • KhAoZ
    wow geoff, just wow.... LOL
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Has something been happening to the beta? I stopped playing for a week (working a lot of overtime). And when I started playing again this weekend, it was like the game was full of Koreans. Almost every match resulted in my utter defeat by clearly more experienced players. And I'm only in the Bronze league for 1v1, and Copper for 2v2. My brother and I played as a team last night, and it was even worse. Did the latest patch have some nerfs I'm not aware of?
  • vcool
    They got better in that week. :P
  • glib
    Hmm maybe I just had bad luck. Just absolutely demolished two guys in 2v2 and I was by far the top score in the after-match stats as well.

    It's so strange that I struggle in high copper in 1v1 and seem to be just a bit under par win/loss record near the top of gold in 2v2 though.
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