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Monster Hunter 3 tri



  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Out of curiosity - anyone here plays it over component cables ? They make the PS2 and GameCube look gorgeous, so it might be worth getting them for the Wii. I am actually quite surprised by the number of Wiis I have seen plugged to bigass HDTVs ... through RCA. Nonsense!

    Can't wait to try the game at a friends place or something. Dont feel like getting the console, but the art is quite amazing right ?
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    pior the console is also great! i'm so looking forward to this game!!

    and there are some really awesome other games there too. there are so many cool exclusive games that unfortunately came when core players had given up on wii.

    metroid other m by team ninja and nintendo

    sin and punishment and S&P 2
  • dregoloth
    too bad this isn't for ps3
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    MH3Tri Friend Code

    Perhaps yall were having multiplayer issues due to Hunter Rank? I don't know jack about the online portion (or the details of hunter rank) yet, as I'm only 2.3 hours into the single-player portion and I'm only on page 20 of the manual. But I thought I read somewhere that certain quests or locations might not be open to a player depending on their rank. Perhaps it is likened to trying to join a friend in Act 2 of Diablo II with a level 1 character? Whatever the problem may be, if it is THAT big, you can bet it will be resolved.

    As for the render quality, I'm playing on a 32" SD TV, and I think the game looks fantastic. I'm sure it would look much crisper and nicer on newer TV, but I can vouch for Pior's comment about the component cables....they make a significant difference. You get a much crisper/vibrant-colored picture, although jaggies (not the creature) will be a bit more apparent. But, the trade off is worth it, imo.

    I don't own a PS3 or an XBOX360, but based on what I've played so far of Tri, if a different MH game came out on either of those consoles, I'd likely consider buying one.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Im using component Pior, it looks ok i guess. The art is great, but the clarity sucks. It looks like I'm playing a psp or ds game blown up to my tv.

    the "e" and "o" font characters look identical. I wanted to name my character "Flowers" but I think it actually came out "Flewers" because i couldnt tell the difference... on my 55" tv.

    Cant remember my id stuff, but ill post it later. Started crafting and upgrading shit last night, this game is getting cool :) Doing quests and going out and killing things! yahhhh! I don't understand everything just yet, but ill get there. Went in briefly to the MP and tried soloing an Arena. Fail. hahah. This is going to be fun as shit with a few people!

    I have some other gameplay gripes that i'm getting used to:

    - give me a simple enemy targeting lock like Demon's Souls. W T F The 4 second sword, or mace swing to completely MISS the target sucks, especially when it happens 5 or 6 times in a row.

    - weapon swapping away from your chest in your hut

    - less loading times, ugh.

    - higher def. tech limitation, but this game would work so much better in higher def.
  • Justin Meisse
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    That is hilarious. ^
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    i can accept "l2p" and i'll still enjoy playing it... but i dunno. Is there actually a target lock though? that'd invalidate the rest of my post :)

    I think we confuse "hardcore" with "bad controls" a lot of times for the sake of defending something we think is cool. If that simple feature was added, just imagine how much larger its player base could be? My roommate tried playing it, and told me he said "fuck this game," after about an hour, calling it "fucking retarded," "bad," and "not fun." The controls shouldn't be "hardcore," the content and things you manipulate with controls should make it hardcore. The weapon upgrading, armor upgrading, how you approach combat, items you bring to defeat monsters, attack chains you use to deal damage, etc make it hardcore.

    Demon's Souls was not difficult once you learn the target lock, and moving in & out. That made it fun. The rest of the game's features were less forgiving than MH3, but it still the lack of that one feature could widen the appeal and audience. Having it optional like Demon's Souls allows the purists not to use it, and others to ease into the style.

    Swinging like a retard at creatures that move 20 units faster than you isn't fun. If you could auto lock and still have to be close enough to make contact is ok - its the shit where you look like you're lined up perfect and hit right beside them.
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    The game has problems, some legacy and otherwise, but it's really fun so far. I'm looking forward to playing with some of you, though I'll be using my xbox for chat. Nothing like having a machine run chat that's 3x as powerful as the one playing the game...
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    It is tough, no doubt. And I can totally see your point about auto-locking. I mean, it would truly bring in a wider audience, no doubt. But I did find that the more I played the demo (which I hated at first) I got better and better at the controls. I still can't defend them though, other than to say that because you have to target different monster parts, it would almost be necessary to cycle through targets if such a feature was added. And as quickly as these monsters move...it might be just as aggravating to toggle-lock to the creatures tail, only to have it fly off and turn around on you. At least this way, you get a shot at hitting something.

    Question for those using CCPro: Anyone using the control method where L-stick is movement and R-stick is camera? That's the one I'm using...but I find that no actions are bound to the L2 and R2 buttons. Can you manually bind actions to unbound buttons on the controller somehow?
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    pior wrote: »
    Out of curiosity - anyone here plays it over component cables ? RCA. Nonsense!

    My Japanese wii has something called D-sub - I guess it's a bit like SCART. A bit like dreamcast and VGA, but with no slowdown.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    L2 & R2 are swim up & down.

    as far as controls? Most monster hunter fans have been dealing with the PSP which has your movement on the analog stick & camera control on the D-Pad... mull that one over!

    moose: the l2p comment was in jest ;) everyone has trouble hitting the monsters in the beginning.

    I'm a bit worried that Monster Hunter on the console loses a big part of it's charm, being in a room with 3 friends taking down epic monsters.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    sounds like the game room needs a couple more TVs and Wiis installed then. -,-
  • psychoticprankster
    Ok I set up a Thread where we can all share our capcom codes and organize play sessions. http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=72203
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    hahah ya justin, didnt take it personally - its somethin i knew i was having to do :)

    I hit a point last night that flipped me into thinking the game is awesomeerer. Killed a big dino guy, started farming, and started figuring out how to build resources without farming, while upgrading my gears a lot! woo!

    Im getting better with the controls :)

    Will post my codes tonight, want to try some MP.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Name: Cruxe
    ID: 6t6kam

    I'm down for playing With anyone! Add me!
  • psychoticprankster
    ErichWK wrote: »
    Name: Cruxe
    ID: 6t6kam

    I'm down for playing With anyone! Add me!

    Id play with you apcept the UK and US servers are seperate :(
    there must be someone here from the UK that plays this game online..
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    I haven't taken my guy online yet. I just got my base camp on the up-and-up, and completed the shroom pick'n quest, (never found the ripened shrooms). Can you do all quests online or only the big monster takedowns?
  • papagersi
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    papagersi polycounter lvl 16
    oh.. I heared to my japanese friend that He got this game.
    I'll ask him!!
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Miles- If it's anything like any/all of the previous titles in the series, then there probably a couple high ranked monsters that you won't encounter offline. Likewise, there may be a specific monster that is only available offline (Monoblos vs Fatalis)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    apparently the Wii speak is flying off the shelves due to MH3. If I play with anyone we'll have to use XBox Live chat.

    Took down the Qurupeco yesterday, I had to farm Great Jaggi's and Rhenoplos' so I could make a nice fire resist armor.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    The game is really bugged when it comes to playing online.
    It's finicky about letting you connect. I've had a really low success rate connecting to other player's instances. Hopefully Capcom will have a fix in the future.
    A friend and I tried for hours yesterday trying to play online. No dice.

    I don't know if I like the underwater stuff yet.

    And it's kind of lame they took out the Bow & Arrow and Dual Swords. Hopefully they'll add it in a later patch

    The new Village mechanics are pretty neat. Sorta adds to the immersion that you're really on a small island village.

    Can anyone with the wii speak share their experiences with it? I'm debating picking it up.
    I've read a comment from someone that the trouble with the wii speak is that the output audio goes through your speakers, causing an echo effect.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    You need to fiddle with your router settings for the Wii, try giving it a static IP and assigning it to the DMZ. Or possibly use UPNP. I'm running on a WRT54GL with dd-wrt firmware.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Man, im having so much fun with this now. I switched from usning a Greatsword to just the sword and shield, its a million times more fun now! I went back and farmed the Great Jaggi with ease, and just fought the Qurupeco tonight. Went in wildly unprepared... and failed after weakening him to sleep, but was doin really well until then :) I look awesome in my sweet bear suit armor, i am Nick Cage.

    Feeling a lot more comfortable with the controls and subtle gameplay quirks now, have both my cats in the farm working overtime makin me shit, boat out fishin all the time, and my little Cha-Cha kicking ass!

    This game is so much fun :)

    Anyone want ot get together monday or tuesday night and start some online stuff? Im dying to try it, though i want to upgrade my SnS combo once more and flesh out the rest of my Rhino armor set first.

    I need to get a king's frill... yet the *2 hunt mission that gives it as a reward isnt giving it to me anymore :( must keep farming! This shit rules!
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Hey Moose. How do you get a Cha-Cha? Is that single player only? Or does it go unto the Online? Whats your ID and name! I'm a bowgunner and Rank 8.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    ErichWK: you eventually get the Cha-Cha after doing a few single player missions, he doesn't go online with you, he's basically there to draw aggro. In the previous games it was a Felyne (the cat dudes)

    Moose: yeah, it's all about finding your niche! I'm not sure if you know this but with the sword & shield you can use items without having to sheath your sword, just hold block and press your "use item" button. This is good for Qurupeco, when he starts doing his self-buffing call, hit him in the face with a sonic bomb! It will interrupt and daze him for a few seconds.

    I've been rocking the switch axe lately, I really enjoy the speed and maneuverability of axe mode.
  • THE 5
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    THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
    Can I actualy get out into the desert or into the swamp WITHOU accepting any quest? In Singleplayer I mean.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    THE 5 wrote: »
    Can I actualy get out into the desert or into the swamp WITHOU accepting any quest? In Singleplayer I mean.

    nope you gotta do quests. Look at single player quests as the time you can harvest herbs, mine, fish, etc... you don't want to waste everyone's time farming resources in multiplayer, that's prime huntin' time!
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Not really. You will unlock a set of gathering quests in those areas. They provide you with a ticket that you turn in when you want to leave.
  • THE 5
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    THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the fast replies guys, realy a shame you can't just go free hunt anywhere.
    So the only way to gather resurces via that "hunt report" is farming in the forest... wierd.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    Moose is converted WOOOOOOO!!! Once we move into our new place this weekend, im sure we will get some MH3 action happening soon after!
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Hahaha yeah, I'm totally hooked :)

    I think I love Sns because you can use items without sheathing, it feels more natural and fun to me. Going to give the switch axe a go too, see what that's all about, because the lance is stupid :)

    and ah! I'll have to time the sonicbombs better, kept trying to shield bash/combo daze while he did that instead of bombing him.

    Hehdueoxbfuekahdhfidjueosnxdkakxh addicted.
  • Xenobond
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Armor skills are only activated when you have 10 points or more for the skill. If you have less than 10, nothing happens.
    So for example, if you have Attack +10, you activate the Attack up (small) armor skill.
    Some skills go all the way up to +20, enabling better versions of the armor skill. In the case of Attack up, +15 gives you a medium boost, and +20 gives you a high boost.

    Does the game ever explain this?
    I only found out about how the skills worked when a buddy told me when I started playing the PSP version.

    Full sets are good because they come with armor skills. Down the road mixing and matching comes more into play if you want to achieve something specific.

    For gathering garbage early on, it's best to complete the Leather set with a Whim gem. You'll get Gather +1 and Blessed Whim I think it's called? Basically a skill where your net/pickaxe breaks less often. Gather +1 lets you gather from the same spot a couple more times before it disappears.

    And WTF, you can use items without putting away the SnS? LOL. Thanks for letting me in on that, game.

  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    Hahah Xenobond!! That's gold!
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    moose wrote: »
    because the lance is stupid :)

    Oh hell no you just didn't!
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    My goodness is this game good. Takes some getting used to but after that it's quite addictive and fun.

    ID: D1BGX2
    Name: Sesame (gunner at the moment)
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    finally did some online stuff! fun!!

    name: Little

    oh ya xbox live: moosebot
    for voice chat
  • psychoticprankster
    moose wrote: »
    finally did some online stuff! fun!!

    ID: E5Z7CT
    name: flewers

    (meant flowers... stupid e and o...)

    oh ya xbox live: moosebot
    for voice chat

    awwwwww man if the american and uk servers were linked id play with you.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    soul: finally figured out where they detail the set bonuses and explain it... its a bit hidden, but if you hold down the Z button while on the stats page, showing your attributes, there will be help bubbles you can point at with the wii thingie and it'll detail the min and max values. Not all of them go +10, +15, +20, some are only +10, others stop at 15.

    now that i figured this out, i just started min maxing... amggg more stuff to have fun with!

    I created a new char, since the male armor is much cooler looking than female... finally back up to nearly the same stuff, with less stash, but been playin a lot more smarter this time!
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    I've got all kinds of clutter in my stash, because I'm afraid to sell off anything I may need just yet. May sell off some starting weapons. I've only had time to complete the first 4 guild quests so far. I think I might be ready to go online once I've killed the great jaggi. I figure that's coming up after I finish off the errand quests.
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    Avoid selling stuff. I think new loot in the shops are triggered by what you have, not what you've found in the past. Could be wrong though.
  • psychoticprankster
    nitzmoff wrote: »
    Avoid selling stuff. I think new loot in the shops are triggered by what you have, not what you've found in the past. Could be wrong though.
    Yeash i tend to avoid selling stuff just incease myself.
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Played this around my brothers, thought it was just another wii-gimmick game, but I must say I actually quite enjoyed it.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    yeah, keep everything! You can eventually buy a book that'll give you more trunk space, im waiting for one that increases your personal bag :( I've made all the Jaggi armor, but im keeping all that crap around in case one day i want to sell some of it for a bajillion z.

    plus, there are weapons later that cost 44+ items to craft!
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    You guys really like this stuff huh? I'm tempted to try it out but I've never played a monster hunter game before. My wii wii needs some love though.

    Watched a video review...kinda reminds me of Phantasy Star Online for DC & GC.
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    MH is awesome if you like self inflicted frustration and pain. I mean, really awesome!

    As a casual MH player I racked up 200 hours in the last one easily, which is amazing as my attention span usually doesnt go beyond a few hours.

    It gets to be like crack! Gotta go and kill the fierc chicken things, makes a nice starter armour set, and make a nice big pointly lance! Hammers seem to be less effective than they used to be though. Shame.

    It's a good game!
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    THE 5 wrote: »
    Thanks for the fast replies guys, realy a shame you can't just go free hunt anywhere.
    So the only way to gather resurces via that "hunt report" is farming in the forest... wierd.

    FIshing woman -> fish loot -> resources

    It is lucrative.
  • nitzmoff
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    nitzmoff polycounter lvl 18
    Junkie_XL wrote: »
    You guys really like this stuff huh? I'm tempted to try it out but I've never played a monster hunter game before. My wii wii needs some love though.

    Watched a video review...kinda reminds me of Phantasy Star Online for DC & GC.

    PSO is my all time favorite game and Tri is really scratching that itch. It lacks the ease of getting online with random folks, but the gameplay and 'feeling' I get from it reminds me very much of PSO.
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    I sold a Large pearl and Broken shells for resources, Only to find out now that I may need them for some armor/weapons. :P
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