Not too bad. Just going to have to go back and scrounge more underwater. There are a couple other things that drop off of monsters that you can trade for resources, though they are also needed for weapon/armor crafting.
PSO is my all time favorite game and Tri is really scratching that itch. It lacks the ease of getting online with random folks, but the gameplay and 'feeling' I get from it reminds me very much of PSO.
That's cool. I enjoyed PSO as well. Once I get settled down in my new location I think I'll check this out. As Anux said, you guys do sound like you're having a lot of fun with it. :thumbup:
I finally got into it after i realized the fucking wiimote angle matters for attacks. I couldnt figure out what the shit i needed to do to shield stun. Once I moved to the classic controller...goddamnit this game is a problem. NEED TO STAB MORE WYVERNS AHHH
Im through Rathlos in single player, Diablos is mean Need more Multi though, was doing great on Ian the other day, and some chach-face ended the hunt via a subquest (sigh) for some reason.
Getting super powered though, but im still HR14! mooreee!!!
Hunter Rank
Basically your player level (points towards each rank are only gained through online quests). Though your stats do not increase, your access to more difficult quests, better drops and better gear increases. I don't think there is any hard limit to your HR rank, though. Every ~9 levels you are capped and have to complete an 'Urgent Quest' to progress to the next level and quest tier (must be unlocked by completing a certain number of quests).
So, I guess the max HR that has any effect on how complete your end game access is ~50.
I've been reminded this entire week why I also absolutely hate this game.
I swear, I think it keeps tabs of how many times you look at a particular piece of armor and intentionally holds out giving you the rare ingredient for it.
After 21 Rathian kills/captures I finally got my Rathian Plate to make her armor set. And to rub it in, the game gave my one buddy TWO plates. In his first Rathian run. And he hardly did any of the work! lolololol
Now I gotta farm for Lagiacrus horns to get the rest of his set. Then I can work towards grabbing the weaps.
I've been reminded this entire week why I also absolutely hate this game.
I swear, I think it keeps tabs of how many times you look at a particular piece of armor and intentionally holds out giving you the rare ingredient for it.
After 21 Rathian kills/captures I finally got my Rathian Plate to make her armor set. And to rub it in, the game gave my one buddy TWO plates. In his first Rathian run. And he hardly did any of the work! lolololol
Now I gotta farm for Lagiacrus horns to get the rest of his set. Then I can work towards grabbing the weaps.
I'm HR. 33 and have been forcing my friends to help me hunt baggis in the 2* quests for the Leader's Crest... the thing is that it's a pretty common drop, and after 8 tries I've only been able to get one, and everyone else gets the drop at least 80% of the runs. WTF Monster Hunter?
Anyone want to buy a practically never-used copy of the game? I played singleplayer for a couple hours and while it seems cool, I can tell i'll probably never play it. It's been sitting in the box since the day it came out. With other awesome games coming out soon, It's just going to sit and collect dust.
I've finally got the Great Jaggi hunt available to me, as well as the ** quest lines. (Yeah, I don't get too many opportunities to play). But I'm having a blast with the game nonetheless. Will take my toon online as soon as I take out the great jaggi on my own, (the first time). I assume that quest is available online as often as you if you want to repeat the quest, you can?
Any godly hunters want to help a poor soul kill lagi? I'm only hr 15 so you would have to take the quest and then I can join. I really want that symbol color change option! Also, lagi gear is sweet and I wouldn't mind having that too. I can't seem to beat the guy in single player...
it took me a while too nick, have you tried the lance? it turned into easy mode for me with the lance. Had to grind some and get a good enough one (barroth line), but from there it just took a while (30+min)
I'm a gunner so investing in melee would take some time to both learn the weapon and afford the mats to make a whole new armor set.
In the water I should have the greatest advantage with no Z worries like melee folks, but he gets me every time. So much easier to fight the guy on land.
I'll be on tonight, for a little bit. (gotta get up early for doctors appt)
Leather Armor and Bone Armor have good Lightning resistance, and don't have any real hard mats to come by. (Leather Armor can be bought outright, as well)
If you still wan't to work him over with your gun, you just gotta be prepared. It's going to take a long time to wear him down solo. Multiplayer should be cake as long as you know when he's got his eye on you, or when he's pissed off.
Farm up so you have a full backpack:
Potions, Mega Potions, Herbs, Blue Shrooms, Honey, Combo Books 1 & maybe 2
Sushifish also heals
Flash bombs, Shock Trap + mats to make another
L & S Bombs for when he's trapped
Farcaster (for emergency or restocking)
Might & Adamant Seeds (or if you have better)
Stormsender Seeds (if you can access the Tundra)
As for ammo, Pierce, Para and Flaming shot are your best bets. Sub shot will be handy for sure since you'll be submerged most of the time. Crag n Cluster is just too expensive to be worth while.
And just focus on his chest and head neck area. Will do the most damage to him, and you should be less concerned with cutting tails, breaking areas at this first encounter.
Xeno - I love my crag shot no matter how expensive it is. The new barrel I bought rapid fires it so it offsets the cost greatly.
Anux - I don't have wiispeak. We've been using skype. But lots of times it's keyboard only for casual play. Looking forward to you joining up, always great to have another.
Anux- had it plugged in till I realized that chat is restricted unless your both friended. So have keyboard plugged in now. Use Skype now with my netbook (Xenobond), so if I'm on there it means I'm online, or at least playing.
Good god, i've plugged over 100 hours into the Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for the psp, usually while playing with a friend of mine. It's ridiculous, and we're not even to the upper tiers yet. Seriously..
Anux- had it plugged in till I realized that chat is restricted unless your both friended. So have keyboard plugged in now. Use Skype now with my netbook (Xenobond), so if I'm on there it means I'm online, or at least playing.
Aww I got wii speak. :< I'll just have to friend you guys, install skype and do some funky jig.
Our wireless is now active so Hazardous and I can play online now.
Good god, i've plugged over 100 hours into the Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for the psp
Im not sure whether to be proud of my 450 hours + of MHFU and my 300 + hours of MH 1 on the PS2 !!
Ohhhh i was there when Sony closed the online servers for Monster Hunter 1 Online.... *tear* We were fighting a Lao... I just needed a couple more Lao Plates to finish off my ultimate armour.... ahhh those where the days!!!
Anyhoo... Im miles behind, lucky to get 2 - 3 hours a night - while anux is at home playing ALLLLL DAY LONG!!!!!! I'll do my best to catch up.. GS user ALLLLLL the way for me
...wait till you try searching for a Rathalos Plate. 2% drop rate...really??
hahah yeah. Troy got a rathian plate on his second rathian. I was like WHAAATTT? Gotta be some kind of HAX!
I've made it to HR18. The only real monster that has really given me a run for my money is Barioth. He managed take a life from me when I did him the first time. He is really tough. I need to kill him at least 3 more times too to get enough tails and claws for my weapon
I recently found the "Recruiting" servers... those things are like 20000000x times better than the Open servers omg!!!
Damn that Los Plate... I've killed Rathlos about 200 times now, no plates need my damn sword upgraded and gloves! nooooooo I went from taking 45 minutes to kill him, to 15 though, so yay. Also had an [advanced] quest, which i later learned is the 4* urgent for a Los and & Ian kill. That was so much fun! I cant wait to get to the higher things Jhen Moran looks BONKERS. Gave up last night with Los plates and helped someone farm Peco about 12 times, fun!
hit HR20 last night by squeaking by with consolation points, from someone dying on a Diablos capture 3 times in a row
I'm going to try to be on a little earlier tonight, get some more of those 3*s down!
If you can... do the mini-uragaan quest. Just hammer his face. Just have your entire group take turns doing level 3 hammers on him. lol
It's the easiest and fastest way to get the loot for his complete set. And on top of that, the quest has a nearly guaranteed charm and rustshard loot.
You guys are so far ahead of me. Man. I can't sit down and play long enough to feel like im progressing even. That jerk ass angler fish thing is giving me guff in sp and mp feels really whack with pickup groups.
Sorry for the necro, but I need some advice on this game.
Long story short, I recently discovered the amazingness that is the Monster Hunter Franchise after I finally got round to playing MHFU on my PSP which has been sitting unplayed for a long time. I'm hooked, I have literally been playing it every second I get spare. Never has a game had me this addicted for as long as I can remember!
So now I found this Wii version and the idea of playing MH on a console is very appealing, but I don't own a Wii.
Basically what I'm asking is; is it worth buying a Wii for this game? There may be other games I'd like to check out on Wii too, but nothing has actually inspired me to buy a console like this.
So if anyone is still playing it, or played it enough to comment, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I own it for the Wii - if you're going to play it on the Wii, get a classic controller - because the regular wii remote system sucks. Classic controller is much better.
It's a great game, but is it worth buying a Wii for? No I'd say definitely not for that one game.
That's cool. I enjoyed PSO as well. Once I get settled down in my new location I think I'll check this out. As Anux said, you guys do sound like you're having a lot of fun with it.
I switched to a switch axe, those things are brutal!
made a new char am HR9! my info is:
name: Little
That explains why I couldn't find you online all weekend, haha
Made it to hr8 online over the weekend. Got to kill lagi so I can edit my armor color!
Also, thanks to xeno for babysitting my friend and I as we bumbled through our first few rath fights. We were completely terrible.
I'll be up and running as soon as my wii USA ac adapters get delivered.
Im through Rathlos in single player, Diablos is mean
Getting super powered though, but im still HR14!
will be fun to play with you guys
HR 27
Basically your player level (points towards each rank are only gained through online quests). Though your stats do not increase, your access to more difficult quests, better drops and better gear increases. I don't think there is any hard limit to your HR rank, though. Every ~9 levels you are capped and have to complete an 'Urgent Quest' to progress to the next level and quest tier (must be unlocked by completing a certain number of quests).
So, I guess the max HR that has any effect on how complete your end game access is ~50.
I swear, I think it keeps tabs of how many times you look at a particular piece of armor and intentionally holds out giving you the rare ingredient for it.
After 21 Rathian kills/captures I finally got my Rathian Plate to make her armor set. And to rub it in, the game gave my one buddy TWO plates. In his first Rathian run. And he hardly did any of the work! lolololol
Now I gotta farm for Lagiacrus horns to get the rest of his set. Then I can work towards grabbing the weaps.
Who's down for huntin monsters Saturday evening? Let's get it on-line!
Did you guys do the organised hunt on saturday?
I'm HR. 33 and have been forcing my friends to help me hunt baggis in the 2* quests for the Leader's Crest... the thing is that it's a pretty common drop, and after 8 tries I've only been able to get one, and everyone else gets the drop at least 80% of the runs. WTF Monster Hunter?
name: Little
In the water I should have the greatest advantage with no Z worries like melee folks, but he gets me every time. So much easier to fight the guy on land.
Leather Armor and Bone Armor have good Lightning resistance, and don't have any real hard mats to come by. (Leather Armor can be bought outright, as well)
If you still wan't to work him over with your gun, you just gotta be prepared. It's going to take a long time to wear him down solo. Multiplayer should be cake as long as you know when he's got his eye on you, or when he's pissed off.
Farm up so you have a full backpack:
Potions, Mega Potions, Herbs, Blue Shrooms, Honey, Combo Books 1 & maybe 2
Sushifish also heals
Flash bombs, Shock Trap + mats to make another
L & S Bombs for when he's trapped
Farcaster (for emergency or restocking)
Might & Adamant Seeds (or if you have better)
Stormsender Seeds (if you can access the Tundra)
As for ammo, Pierce, Para and Flaming shot are your best bets. Sub shot will be handy for sure since you'll be submerged most of the time. Crag n Cluster is just too expensive to be worth while.
And just focus on his chest and head neck area. Will do the most damage to him, and you should be less concerned with cutting tails, breaking areas at this first encounter.
I wish playing a gunner wasn't so expensive.
Hahah moose has felt the power of the lance
I just beat the Royal Ludroth. Hopefully I can catch up to you moose and xeno by the weekend.
Anyone use wii speak online?
Anux - I don't have wiispeak. We've been using skype. But lots of times it's keyboard only for casual play. Looking forward to you joining up, always great to have another.
Aww I got wii speak. :< I'll just have to friend you guys, install skype and do some funky jig.
Our wireless is now active so Hazardous and I can play online now.
My characters name is Almalexi if that helps.
Im not sure whether to be proud of my 450 hours + of MHFU and my 300 + hours of MH 1 on the PS2 !!
Ohhhh i was there when Sony closed the online servers for Monster Hunter 1 Online.... *tear* We were fighting a Lao... I just needed a couple more Lao Plates to finish off my ultimate armour.... ahhh those where the days!!!
Anyhoo... Im miles behind, lucky to get 2 - 3 hours a night - while anux is at home playing ALLLLL DAY LONG!!!!!! I'll do my best to catch up.. GS user ALLLLLL the way for me
I'm in Europe, currently HR11, if anyone wants to play whenever my username on it is Bear.
Do want HR 31 :<
God damm they made her look soo much better! The texture and her new animations! Thats how a rathian should be! What a level up.
I managed to kill her too with that ludroth water spear.
This game is really good. Reminds me of MH1 but better
...wait till you try searching for a Rathalos Plate. 2% drop rate...really??
hahah yeah. Troy got a rathian plate on his second rathian. I was like WHAAATTT? Gotta be some kind of HAX!
I've made it to HR18. The only real monster that has really given me a run for my money is Barioth. He managed take a life from me when I did him the first time. He is really tough. I need to kill him at least 3 more times too to get enough tails and claws for my weapon
Damn that Los Plate... I've killed Rathlos about 200 times now, no plates
hit HR20 last night by squeaking by with consolation points, from someone dying on a Diablos capture 3 times in a row
I'm going to try to be on a little earlier tonight, get some more of those 3*s down!
It's the easiest and fastest way to get the loot for his complete set. And on top of that, the quest has a nearly guaranteed charm and rustshard loot.
Long story short, I recently discovered the amazingness that is the Monster Hunter Franchise after I finally got round to playing MHFU on my PSP which has been sitting unplayed for a long time. I'm hooked, I have literally been playing it every second I get spare. Never has a game had me this addicted for as long as I can remember!
So now I found this Wii version and the idea of playing MH on a console is very appealing, but I don't own a Wii.
Basically what I'm asking is; is it worth buying a Wii for this game? There may be other games I'd like to check out on Wii too, but nothing has actually inspired me to buy a console like this.
So if anyone is still playing it, or played it enough to comment, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
It's a great game, but is it worth buying a Wii for? No I'd say definitely not for that one game.